Product of the Week #8 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Product of the Week #8

sobota, april 13, 2013

This tropical LE by Balea finally reached our DM shops. I'm a sucker for tropical scents and have been patiently waiting for this LE to arrive from the moment I saw the picture of it on their facebook page (I borrowed the second picture from there). I decided to get two shower gels for now, one is Hawaii Pineapple and the second Brazil Mango. The third Fiji Passionfruit, which I was most excited about because I adore passion fruit scents, isn't sold in my nearest DM (Did anyone see it anywhere else in Slovenia?). There are also three body lotions, a deodorant Brazil Mango (also wasn't in our shop) and a body spray in the same scent.

Hawaii Pineapple smells like straight up Pina Colada from the bottle, but smells more like fresh pineapple in the shower. The gel is coloured green - very pretty. The body lotion has the same scent, but I didn't get it because I have enough body moisturisers to get through. 
Brazil Mango smells like candy, I'll be very specific - the white Haribo gummy bear in the gold packaging (my favourite colour, I always eat those first. It's pineapple flavour). The gel is bright yellow.

This might be the best Balea's LE ever. The packagings are gorgeous, they bring a bit of Summer into the bathroom. If you love tropical scents and lucky enough to live in a country with DM's, give it a go. These shower gels cost 0.85€.

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  1. Te sem zadnjič gledala v DMu pa jih nisem vzela. No, mogoče si bom zdaj spet premislila :D

    Deja Zu

  2. uuuu,jedva čekam da ih probam i da dođu kod nas!

  3. Uuuu, Hawaii Pineapple! To pa moram it iskat :). Hvala za info :)!


  4. Meni so Baliini geli za tuširanje odlični, bom šla preverit in bom verjetno tudi kakega vzela (če ne vse 3). :P

  5. Uu super tut js sm nora na tropske vonje :))

  6. Joj to pa tako diši. Si je treba še malo za zimo pustit da me bo spominjalo na poletje :)
