New in #19

sreda, julij 23, 2014

03 Fair
I finally had the chance to repurchase one of my favourite ever concealers. I have missed it so much, nothing I bought since compares, only the much more expensive NARS has properly wowed me since. I have several rave reviews about it on my blog, but a quick sum up: it's my HG concealer for under the eyes because it looks like skin, blends seamlessly and covers enough.
DM, 9.95€ 

ESSENCE XXXL Longlasting Lipgloss Matt Effect 
15 Coral Mousse
This shade was on my wishlist forever, but, of course, it wasn't sold in Slovenia (it is now I think, though mine's from Austria). Stay Matt lip creams were my favourite matte formula ever, but they have discontinued the original ones and are now offering a reformulated version (they didn't even manage to leave them alone for one year since their first release *shakes head in disappointment*). The new ones smell like coffee and I hate coffee, also the formula is not as good any more and it doesn't last as long, though the fault of this can be attributed to the lightness of the shade. Coral Mousse is a nude peachy-pink, it's actually very different when swatched and it's a nice every day shade if you like nudes, but a tad boring to me. I'll do a review.
Müller, 2.25 € 

L'OREAL Super Liner Perfect Slim
Another repurchase, but this time of one of my favourite eyeliners. I tried to get along with the Manhattan's version, however, it has started to dry out in less than a month which I find so disappointing, hence why I have promptly picked up another L'Oreal's one. I still have to do a review for this (and Manhattan's), but in short: it's incredibly easy to use, it's super black, lasts well on the lids and it's super precise. I adore it.
Müller, 7.99€ 

MAYBELLINE Lasting Drama Black Shock 36h Liner
This a new release and from what I can tell, very similar to the new Benefit Push up liner which has very mixed reviews, but I was curious about how this one performs. Basically, it's a gel liner in a pen form, so you twist up the bottom and the product comes out of the rubber nib. I've used a few times and you have to apply it on the back of the hand first to avoid weird blobs. I managed to a do a thin as well as a thick line and the shape of the applicator does allow to create a nice flick. However, this is not a liner for beginners. It is intensely black and it managed to last all day on me and that is including the flick which is usually the first thing that wipes off. By the way, it is very difficult to remove at the end of the day and needs an oil remover. I'll do a review.

THE BODY SHOP Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil
I really stocked up on cleansers recently. Silky Cleansing Oil has some great reviews and I was eager to try it because it was on my wishlist right from it's release. It's a light oil that emulsifies when water is added and has a very gentle scent (not of camomile, mind you). I have tried it a few times so far, once on a full face of makeup with waterproof mascara and it removed about 98% of makeup, only a touch of eyeliner that was hiding between the lashes remained.  I'll do a review after a longer use. 
13 € 

THE BODY SHOP Vineyard Peach Cream Body Scrub
Yes, I picked up another Vineyard Peach product, it is after all my favourite scent. I was so hoping to get the body mist, but to my shock and bitter disappointment they were sold out in Celovec/Klagenfurt. I wanted it so badly, however, I partly consoled myself with the scrub. To me this is more of a gentle scrub, although I think most might consider it just perfect. It's super creamy and smells the same as the body butter. I'll do a review of it.

The super nice shopping assistant at TBS also gave me a ton of samples to try. I adore samples, we hardly get any in Slovenia.

Shea Body Butter
The texture of this is to die for good. Thick, yet creamy, super easy to apply and intensely nourishing. I think I had this version before and I loved it (or perhaps it was Almond?) The scent is the same as L'Occitane's Shea butter line, kind of a nutty, but clean scent if that makes sense? I hope it does.

Satsuma Body Sorbet
As the name suggests it feels like a sorbet, so it's a light gel-lotion type of product that is excellent for warmer months. I imagine it should be really refreshing if kept in the fridge to apply on a hot day. The satsuma scent is amazing, I've had it before in the body butter version and it is a strong sour-sweet juicy scent.

Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Butter
This has such a soothing, parfumey floral scent and it's very familiar to me, I think it's similar to L'Occitane's Cherry Blossom body milk, but less intense. The texture is similar to the shea one only less thick, so again awesome.

Jasmine Body Lotion
This one is very, very runny and I've never been fond of such body moisturisers, but that's a personal preference. The scent is a very creamy floral one, though I wouldn't describe it as jasmine one.  At least it's not similar to other jasmine stuff I've tried.

BALEA Dusche & Creme mit Maracujaduft
Shower gel Passion Fruit
I was expecting to see this in our DMs and I don't know what they are waiting for, so I picked it up in Austria instead. It's another nice, simple shower gel by Balea and it has a very fresh version of a passion fruit scent. 
DM, 0.85€ 

ESSENCE Eye Blender Brush
Again another product I wanted to try, but it wasn't sold here. I bought two affordable blending brushes to compare, Essence's and Ebelline's version. Eye Blender Brush is soft and has different sizes of bristles, so it's more of a duo fibre sort of brush, but for eyes. I wish it was a bit denser, however, it still does the job, though it takes a bit longer than at Ebelline's. It's a nice brush for the price.
Müller, 1.45 € 

EBELINE Blender Pinsel 
Blending brush 
I really like this one. It's dense, yet soft, works wonderfully in the crease and apart from blending, it can also be used to apply the colour on the lid. Why the hell is this not sold here?! I'd love to have a few back ups. I can do almost an entire eye makeup with this brush, however, I have determined that it performs best with high quality eyeshadows. It's about the same size as MAC's 217 and similarly flatter on one side, but it's softer and synthetic, so I just want to point out that I'm not in any way calling them dupes. I recommend it.
DM, 2.95 € 

Sexy Healthy Hair Tri-Wheat Leave-In Conditioner
I actually just ordered it and this is a pic of my old bottle because Beauty Bay has been processing the order since Saturday. I hope everything is fine and it'll arrive shorty. 
This leave-in is a must for me. I haven't used up current bottle, but the mere though of being without it was just too upsetting for me, so I repurchased it before that happens. I believe this is the product that most transformed my hair in the past year. It keeps my hair hydrated longer, helps tame the frizz and has in general made my hair more healthy. Love it.
Beauty Bay, 11.70 €

I just want to inform Slovene and Croatian girls as well as other locals that there is MAC available in Celovec/Klagenfurt - Douglas, City Arkaden shopping centre. In the same centre you also have DM and Müller with a much larger selection of stuff than here, The Body Shop (the super nice sales assistant speaks Croatian and understands Slovene), Bipa, Yves Rocher and Mariounaud. Definitely worth visiting.

Have a great day!

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  1. Ah jaz bi tud od Maybellline tale anti-age concealer, pa obojne eyelinerje <3

  2. Jaz sem imela oba blending brusha na WL, od Essenca in Ebelin, in bila tako razočarana, ker niso v prodaji pri nas. Drugače pa super nakup, jaz tudi mojega nagovarjam za kak skok do Gradca. :)

    1. Res nerazumljivo zakaj se to pri nas ne dobi, čeprav menda naj bi od essence celo bil zdaj odkar so večja stojala.

  3. Se veselim ocene tega Super Linerj-ja od Loreala. Imam neko drugo verzijo in mi ni preveč všeč. Če je ta v obliki pisala, bi mi verjetno bil bolj všeč:). Tole Body Shop Cleansing olje imam že dolgo na wish listi kot tudi Healthy Sexy Hair Conditioner. Ob prvi priložnosti moram izkoristiti:) Drugače pa res žalostno, da moramo po ogromno izdelkov v tujino, jaz tudi hočem v kratkem v Avstrijo, ker pri nas itak več kot polovice izdelkov ni mogoče dobiti.

    1. Tale super liner je res super, sem imela včasih tudi takšnega kot imaš ti, samo da je v črni embalaži, pa mi je ta boljši :)
      Avstrija je kot Indija koromandija za nas slovenske ubožice, ki ne dobimo polovico tega kar je res na voljo. Sploh kar se tiče L'Oreala in Maybelline pa še bi lahko naštevala, da The Body Shop sploh ne omenjam. Hvala bogu za slovenske spletne trgovine, ki imajo malo več izbire za tiste, ki nimajo tako srečo, da bi imeli paypal, čeprav cene in poštnina so pa še previsoke za moje pojme.

    2. Cene poštnin v Sloveniji so absolutno previsoke. Jaz bi večkrat naročila tu, ampak cene enostavno ne konkurirajo s tujimi trgovinami. Slovenska država pa itak dela na tem, da onemogoča posel in zaslužek vsem v Sloveniji, tako da se niti preveč ne čudim bizarnim poštnim cenikom in politik nekaterih trgovin.:)

      In ja super za liner, potem je zagotovo na moji wish listi, ko tega porabim:)

  4. Uuu hvala za tip (Avstrijski center)! Tudi sama sem nabavila tale Essence čopič pred nekaj časa in je kar soliden. Se že veselim ocen (in upam da najdem Bodyshop na ebayju) ;)

    1. Ni za kaj :) Po mojih starih informacijah se je samo v Gradcu dobilo MAC, tako da sem bila kar presenečena da je tudi v Celovcu zdaj, kar je pa super, ker mi je 50 km bližje kot Gradec :)

  5. Malo sem ti pa favš za TBS Cleansing oil. Pa za Ebelin čopič sem si mislila, da ga morem jutri kupiti v DMu, dokler nisem prebrala, da ga seveda ni pri nas :D
    Si morem zapomnit za tale šoping center, čeprav sem zdaj do oktobra tako na spending banu :D

    1. Sem se prav nate spomnila v trgovini ko sem ga kupovala :). Ravno zato sem izbrala Celovec, ker si mi povedala da je TBS v Seiersbergu zaprt (v center se mi pa ne da), itak pa sem bila namenjena v Ikeo ker prenavljam. Mi postal Celovec zelo všeč, ima vse isto kot Gradec, ampak je bližji in bolj "slovenski".

  6. I agree, Silky Red is absolutely amazing :) I have the old version and it's possible that they kept the formula of the shades that are the same as before, but Coral mousse is completely new.

  7. Uuu tale Ebelin čopič pa izgleda super! Že nekaj časa iščem tega od Essence, no ko se spomnim pogledam če ga imajo, pa ga nikjer nisem videla in še dobro, ker sploh ne izgleda tak fajn! :) x

    1. Ta essence čopič je na voljo samo tam kjer so tista trimetrska stojala, ki so zdaj po novem tudi pri nas :) Je pa Ebelinov čopič res boljši tako da je škoda, da ga ni pri nas. Me zanima kakšen trapast izgovor imajo spet pri našem DM-u.

  8. Se že veselim ocene L'Orealovega linerja, ker mi zmanjuje mojega najljubšega Art Deco High Precision Linerja in iščem nekaj kar bi ga lahko nadomestilo za malo manjšo ceno :)

  9. I've heard great things about that chamomile cleanser from TBS! And I've tried the L'Oreal liners so I can vouch for them, they're really awesome :-)

  10. I've been looking for a cheap blending brush, I need to check the essence one out!

    Krissy |

  11. ufff tale čopič od essence pa moram nujno imet. :D krasno zgleda. top post kot vedno. xoxo, F&C

    1. Poglej tam kjer so ta večja Essence stojala. Hvala :)

  12. Super, da je Maybellinov concealer dobavljiv tudi pri nas ;) saj to je tisti, ki ga večina youtube guruj uporablja?

  13. Super izdelki ;) ful me mika ta Maybelline korektor..

  14. Ooo, čopiči zgledajo super! Upam, da se kmalu pri nas dobijo, sicer pa itak planiram v naslednjih tednih skočit v Celovec, če se nam uspe uskladiti. Pa ja, testerji od TBS, zelo pohvalo, pri nas ti nič ne dajo. Predvčerajšnjim sem kupila parfum v Mullerju in rabila posebej prosit, če lahko ob nakupu vsaj kak tester dobim. Ne vem, a si morajo med sabo potalat ali imajo res kakšne direktive, da samo nad 100+€ smejo dajat testerje. Kakorkoli že, super haul post, lepe stvari si nabavila, se že veselim ocen! Pa o tem Maybelline korekterju čisto preveč dobrega berem, skrajni čas, da si ga kupim, ravno mi zmanjkuje AD korektorja, upam samo, da bo zdržal do obiska Avstrije. In Sexy Healthy Hair je že na WL, naslednjič ko nakupujem na Beauty Bayu gre v košarico.

    1. Čopiče se ti plača vzet, če ti bo uspelo do Celovca in Maybellinov korektor :)
      Ja, pri nas res samo L'Occitane daje testerje, v Avstriji pa skoraj na vsakem koraku. Sem tudi jaz že na to naletela v Müllerju, da je morala prodajalka vodjo vprašat če mi lahko da tester, ampak enkrat drugič mi je pa kar takoj dala tisto kar sem ji rekla. Starejšim ženskam pa takoj dajo same od sebe opažam.

    2. O ja, eni moji kolegici jih kar v roke rinejo, če gre z mamo, ki je pač urejena gospa nad 40 leti in ja, si kupi tudi kakšnega Chanela. Takrat ne vejo, kateri predal bi prej odprle za testerje. Mene to kar jezi, se pa zmeraj hecava, če ji je kateri parfum bolj všeč, da bo rabila mami poklicat, da pride v Mullerja, ji bodo gotovo dali tri testerje, da jih bo imela za nekaj časa. :D

    3. Yup, identična izkušnja če grem z mami, pa sem ponavadi bolj "zrihtana" od nje. V Avstriji ti pa takoj dajo testerje, že vejo kako se dela :)
