New in #16

nedelja, junij 22, 2014

MAX FACTOR Facefinity All Day Primer SPF20
I've heard several bloggers say good things about it, so I grabbed myself a bottle in Müller. It's a face primer with SPF 20 that promises to prolong the wear of make up. So far I like it a lot, it really does what it promises and it also keeps oil at bay, but I'll do a review once I properly test it.
By the way, I find it works great as an eyeshadow primer as well.
12.99 €, Müller.

BOURJOIS Rouge Edition Velvet 
02 Frambourjoise and 05 Olé Flamingo
I bought two more shades after being seriously impressed by the formula of Velvets. These two have a much better formula to work with than 08 Grand Cru and again have that perfect velvety matte finish. Frambourjoise is a beautiful rose-pink and Olé Flamingo a super bright hot pink. There will be a review with swatches.
12.99 €, Müller/DM.

MANHATTAN Eyemazing Liner
My L'Oréal Super Liner Perfect Slim eyeliner is on its last legs and I was planning on repurchasing it, but then I saw Paddy mentioning Eyemazing in one of her reviews as her preferred choice for a liner. While I love L'Oreal's version, since it's not sold in Slovenia and Manhattan is more accessible to me as well as cheaper, I didn't hesitate in tracking it down. It has a very similar design with the thin felt tip that allows a lot of precision. I've only used it once and while it's a nice cheaper alternative, it's not as good as L'Oreal's. I'll do a quick comparison of the two soon.
5.99 €, DM.

Imitation of Lancôme La Vie Est Belle
This is a spectacular scent! It smells like an expensive box of pralines with a fruity filling (black currant and pear), but not completely gourmand because of the floral notes (iris, orange blossom, jasmine) and patchouli. The combination of the latter with the sweet notes reminds me of a much sweeter version of Paco Rabanne's Black XS. It's a strong scent with a fantastic staying power and one of my favourites at the moment. If you like sweet scents (like these), give the original a sniff when you see it.
Notes and reviews of the original on Fragrantica.
5 € for 15 ml in Refan.

Christina Aguilera eau de Parfum and Shower Gel
Though it's been out for years and many people adore it, I never paid much attention to this scent. I was very pleasantly surprised when one of my friends gifted me a set with a small 15 ml bottle and a shower gel as a thank you for helping her. I honestly did not expect to like it as much as I do. It's brilliant! I would describe it as a very expensive smelling soap, an oriental-floral scent and in general very feminine and warm. It sort of reminds me of a warmer vanilla version of Chanel N°5 as I find it has the same soapiness in it with jasmine standing out. The shower gel is fabulous as well and it has the same scent, so it makes a regular shower a more glamorous experience.
Notes and reviews on Fragrantica.

GARNIER Hautklar Fruit Energy Peeling-Gel
a.k.a.Pure Active Fruit Energy Daily Energising Gel Scrub 
I bought it as a more quick-to-use cleanser to include in my morning routine, since Balance Me needs to be removed with a washcloth. My skin hates gels because they dry it out and patches appear, so this is my first gel cleanser in a really long time.  The formula feels pleasant due to a more thick texture and the exfoliating beads in it are very gentle, while the pomegranate scent is lovely and refreshing. I haven't been using it for long and I want to thoroughly test it before I write a review, but so far I'm sad to report that despite being pleased with it from the start, I have noticed my skin getting drier. 
5.19 €, Műller.

DAS GESUNDE PLUS Panthenol Schutz- und Pflegesalbe
Panthenol protective ointment 
This is just a run of the mill panthenol treatment for cuts, dry patches and other problematic areas. It has the same super thick texture as Bepanthenol and Avene's Cicalfate, except that I think this version isn't antibacterial. The tube is much bigger than the two and it's much cheaper. I plan to use it regularly on my legs because I have a lot of damage there and I want to speed up healing. It should also be good to use on old spots.
2.29 €, DM.

GARNIER Deodorant Neo Fresh Blossom
I am disappointed with this deodorant. I don't sweat much, but this just does not work on me. A not so funny anecdote: I wore this to my graduation ceremony held in a stuffy hall on a hot day and I could just feel a drop of sweat roll down which never happened to me with any other deodorant. Good thing that I was wearing black! Fresh Blossom version smells like you'd expect, florally fresh. I like the applicator and the fast-absorbing cream formula that doesn't leave traces, but what does that help if it's rubbish. Rexona Clear Pure is miles better despite white marks. 
3.49 €, DM.

NIVEA Anti-Perspirant Stress Protect
I bought a travel size to try in DM after being disappointed by Garnier's Neo. I actually like it for a spray deodorant, though I usually go for roll-ons. It's almost instantly dry to the touch after application and the scent is very freshly clean. It's definitely more effective than Neo.
1.49 € for 50 ml, 2.99€ for 150 ml, DM.

SUN DANCE Transparentes Sonnenspray mit Tropicduft SPF 30 LE
Transparent spray sunscreen with a tropical scent SPF 30
It was the tropical scent that got me. As the name suggests it's a transparent sunscreen with the texture similar to a dry oil, so it gives that shine to the skin, but also doesn't sink in completely. The application is a breeze and it's a great sunscreen if you don't have anyone to do your back. It smells like papaya and oranges, so sourly-juicy sweet or for anyone that's familiar, it smells really close to Mango Mambo shower gel (or last year's Brazil Mango). 
4.49 €, DM.

BALEA Trend it up Lovely Berries Dry Shampoo
Limited Edition. It's temporarily replacing their original formula.
This is so white! It's one of those dry shampoos that leaves a lot of fine powder in the hair which you can feel when you run your fingers through it, however, this also means that it absorbs oils well and gives tons of texture/volume. It smells like strawberry sweets and the scent lasts decently on the hair. It's nice, but only if you're blond or you have light hair especially if your hair gets very oily and you need to spray a lot of dry shampoo. I use it only to refresh the hair, so I spray small amounts and from very far away to avoid it looking too white. Do not spray this close because it's very, very hard to blend in and it leaves a matte, grayish cast.  
2.49 €, DM.

ESSENCE Studio Nail 4in1 Profi File
I buy these all the time. It's just regular nail file with four different textures that vary in roughness. It does its job and it does it well.
1.59 €, Müller.

*GREEN LINE Micellar Cleansing Water
Micelarna čistilna vodica
Another micellar water is joining the drugstore ranks with Green Line launching their version. Green Line is a Slovene brand, so I'm not sure how accessible it is apart from here and probably in the Balkans. I've only used it once and so far I like it. It works great, but it's heavily fragranced (I like that, though). There will be a review once I properly test it.
I was sent this before its official release, so I don't know the price yet.

NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Dry Oil
Collector's Edition
A repurchase of course. If you're a regular on this blog then you know how much I adore this oil and I've been using it every day as a face moisturiser for the past three years. I'm so happy that I got such a good price for it and I adore the limited edition packaging. I still have my old bottle, so this is going to the back of the shelf until I use that one up.
24€, Feel Unique (it's still on offer).

Actually this is only part one of my New in. I still have a couple of packages coming and I didn't feel like waiting any more, besides it's a too long post already. The second part should be posted soon and it will feature my Boots purchases.

Have a great day!

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  1. Meni tale Christina Aguilera parfum zelo fajn diši <3 Taki seksi vonj mi je :)
    Drugač pa bi ful rada tale Garnier Fruit Energy piling sprobala, ker ful fajn diši :3 Ampak imam res še preveč izdelkov za obraz, tako da komaj čakam, da jih porabim :P

    1. Garnierjev gel piling se mi zdi dober za mastno/kombinirano kožo, tako da mislim, da bi tebi ustrezal in sama tekstura mi je všeč, edino kar meni pač suši kožo :)

  2. imam tale suh šampon in je super. sem pa sprobala tudi tale garnier neo deodorant in si ga moram spet kupiti ker je res top izdelek. :3 prav tako super parfum tale christina aguilera. :D same super stvari si kupila in nekaj od teh stvari je tudi na moji wl :))


    1. Suh šampon lepo diši kar je meni najbolj pomembno glede na to da nimam mastnih las. Je pa zelo bel in se precej pozna na mojih temnih laseh, tako da moram bit zelo previdna pri uporabi :)

  3. Mislim, da je zadnji čas da se spravim do Müllerja in DM-a, sploh nisem vedela, da imamo ta Max Factor primer pri nas, pa zadnje čase berem samo dobre stvari o njem.
    Tale Garnier deodorant je tudi mojo kolegico čisto razočaral in me je skoraj odvlekla stran od polic, ko sem ga nameravala kupit :D

    1. Zraven pudra v isti embalaži je in ga je lahko spregledat. Saj se mi zdi da so bili tile primerji šele pred kratkim postavljeni tam :)
      Glede deodoranta me pa ne čudi. Mi je pa kar škoda ker izgleda zanimiv dizajn :)

  4. Jaz sem si tudi ta teden kupila Balein suh šampon, morm čimprej dodobra sprobat.
    Nuxe olje sem gledala v lekarni v Italiji ko so imeli promocijo, navadno in bleščičasto za 50 € pa se nisem odločla, zdej mi je kar malo žal....

    1. Kot blondinki ti bo verjetno ustrezal :)
      Saj na Feel Unique je še akcija in na kakšni Salmi obstaja možnost da je cenejši :)

    2. Ja, meni je vseeno, itak se mi ne pozna. Mi je pa ful boljši od navadnega, lepše diši...mislim, da si bom naredila kar mini zalogico in si vzela ene 3 za v naprej.
      So mi pa tej suhi šamponi super, meni tudi za 2, kdaj celo za 3 dni podaljšajo...kar je res veliko, glede na to da imam dolge lase in se mi jih neda tako pogosto umivat.

    3. Ja, diši lepo. Meni so itak vsi cukrasti vonji všeč :)
      Jaz imam suh šampon samo zato da lasje lepše dišijo in za volumen, ker mastni niso nikoli. Lase si pa umijem takrat ko so že presuhi :)

  5. Mene pa prav zanima tale miceralna vodica. Ker zdaj uporabljam Lorealovo. Lahko narediš tudi kakšno primerjavo, če si že uporabljala kakšno miceralno vodo (:

    1. Imela sem že L'Orealovo, Biodermo in trenutno imam še Garnierjevo. Green Linenova je identično učinkovita kot L'Orelova in Garnierjeva, od Bioderme pa tudi ni daleč. Razlika je le v vonju (tiste tri ga praktično nimajo, GL ima pa vonj po rožni vodi iz pomarančevih cvetov) in v tem da je GL malo bolj podobna toniku kot vodi. Na splošno mi je do zdaj zelo všeč in dobro odstrani makeup :)

  6. No, vsaj nisem edina, ki jo je Garnier deodorant razočaral. Po njem se se huje potila kot brez njega. Meni pa Green Line micelarne še nisem uspela preizkusiti, ker mi je uspelo zboleti ta vikend in se nisem nič ličila. Sem pa zelo radovedna, sploh sedaj, ko si jo ti tako pohvalila. :)

    1. Ups, sem se malo zatipkala. Jaz pa Green Line micelarne še nisem uspela preizkusiti, sem hotela napisati. :P

    2. Ja, tale Garnierjev deo je popolno razočaranje :/

      Res ni slaba tale micelarna:) Po učinkovitosti je enaka kot Garnierjeva, ki jo imam trenutno, edino kar se mi zdi da bi lahko odvrnilo stranke je embalaža s pokrovčkom na navoj. Sem jo pa sprobala na full-face makeup-u z eyelinerjem, Macovo senčko in enkrat z vodoodporno maskaro, enkrat pa z navadno :)

  7. super nakup (spet mam nekaj na WL). :D
    jaz mam tudi Ole Flamingo odtenek Velveta in me je res navdušil s formulo in barvo, tak da sem potem kupila še drug odtenek, ki pa mi ni tako všeč..
    Oh, Refan 34<3 moj prvi Refanov parfumček in že vidim, da ga bom skos kupovala. :) diši res krasno in sem prav vesela, da sem odkrila cenejšo alternativo za La vie est Belle. Čeprav bi veliko raje imela tistega (zaradi stekleničke, ki jih pri parfumih obožujem), ampak tega moja denarnica pač ne dopušča. :) si morda kdaj bolj podrobno 'testirala' vonj Refanovega in originala? pa če mi morda še priporočaš kakšnega Refanovega, ki tudi bolj sladko diši? :) sem videla enkrat, da kar veliko kupuješ njihove parfume. :))
    Nuxe olje, to mam tudi že nekaj časa na WL..škoda, da nimam kartice, drugače bi ga verjetno kar naročla zdaj. :P
    U, tak da praviš, da je GL micelarna fajn? :) jaz jo tudi moram čimprej preizkusit (ko dokončam Garnierjevo), sem jo tudi dobila od podjetja za testirat. :)

    1. Podrobno sem stestirala dva: Paco Rabane Black XS katerega sem imela original in pa Hugo Boss Nuit pour Femme, katerega sem šla stestirat v Müller tako da sem imela Refanovega na eni roki in original na drugi. Meni se zdijo identični, edini ki se mi zdi malo manj močen je Miss Dior Cherie, kar pa ni nujno slaba stvar. Edino kar opažam je da se razvodenijo po kakšnih treh letih, ampak večina ljudi jih v tem času porabi.
      Od sladkih vonjev imam še Miss Dior Cherie in Bruno Banani Magic Woman, Chanelov Coco Mademoiselle je tudi kar sladek, ampak že bolj fancy vonj :) Porabila sem pa že Hugo Boss Deep Red in Lolita Lempicka, ki sta tudi sladka, morda bi se splačalo pogledat še Lady Million.

      Na kakšni Salmi se splača pogledat za Nuxe olje in pa v Leposani v Lecklerku, še posebej če imaš njihovo kartico :)

      Meni je GL micelarna v redu. Absolutno konkurira ostalim, edino kar bi morda zmotilo kupce je da je odišavljena in pa embalaža z pokrovčkom na navoj :).

  8. Beautiful products!
    I've had that C. Aguillera parfum, but I didn't really like it!

  9. Super nakup! Tale LE flaška od Nuxe olja je božanska... sem jo gledala, ampak moram najprej porabit kar imam. :)

  10. Oh Refanovi parfumi - si me spomnila, da jih že kar nekaj časa nisem šla kupit in sploh nisem vedela, da imajo La vie est Belle sedaj tudi v ponudbi. Originala se mi ne splača kupit, ker sladke vonje uporabljam bolj redko, takrat ko mi zapašejo in ga ne bi porabila celo večnost, ampak tole bo odlična in poceni alternativa.
    Nuxe olja kar ne morem nehat gledat, vse kar je v povezavi s Parizom me premami :)
    Pa včeraj sem v DMu nahitro pogledala za to Das gesunde plus kremco pa je nisem našla :/ Stoji tam kjer vsi Das gesunde plus izdelki (prehranska dopolnila) ali kje posebej? :D I'm sooooo blind!

    1. La Vie Est Belle sploh še ni tako dolgo v ponudbi :)

      Das gesunde plus krema je tam kjer imajo obliže in vate, je pa v škatli :)

  11. I have Frambourjoise and I so love it! The color really pops and the finish is flawless. I really like the look of that new Huile Prodigieuse by the way. I'm a huge fan of the original.

    1. I adore Frambourjoise, it's so underrated in the makeup community :)

  12. Max Factorjev primer izgleda zanimivo, pa tale krema iz DMa - jo moram kupit, ker mi je zmanjkalo Bepanthena. :) Se pa pridružujem k slabim mnenjem o Garierjevem deodorantu - res je neuporaben. :/

    1. MF Primer mi je z vsako uporabo bolj všeč :)
      Garnierjev deo mi pa res ni jasen, že kar nekaj ljudi mi je reklo da je zanič:/
