Forever Repurchased #3

četrtek, avgust 28, 2014

I'm fickle with my conditioner choices, I admit, but it's because my hair is so dry and thick, also pretty much never soft because of the coarse texture that rare conditioners, especially from the drugstore, get my seal of approval and Aussie's 3 Minute Miracle is at the very top of the "best of drugstore" list. It has a similar effect as much more expensive products, it nourishes my hair well and even manages to make it somewhat silky. The bubble gum scent it has is addictive and I've purchased several other product from their line just for the smell, though those, unlike this one, fell short of leaving me with a lasting impression.

I can be very loyal to a product I like, but rare gained my loyalty so long ago. I've been repurchasing this shower oil since before iPhone and Windows Vista made their first appearance and during this time I think I've never been without a bottle of it. This is my luxurious, pampering product that I use on special occasions. As the name suggests, it's an oil, which then transforms into this thick, rich foam with an almost a lotion texture that is intensely moisturising. I never need to use a moisturiser afterwards, though the accompanying oil as well as the cream from the same line prolong the staying power of the gorgeous scent. It is the scent that is exquisite as well, I can't really describe it otherwise as luxuriously sweet, but I haven't met a person that would dislike it yet. By the way, I buy eco-refills.

Another product that I've been loyal to since my teens and I've repurchased numerous times. When I first started properly researching what I'm putting on my face, Neutrogena's mask was all the rage and came heavily recommended by average consumers. I remember when I first used it, I was astonished at how healthy a 10-minute session made my skin look. It's just a simple clay mask with salicylic acid, but one that is not drying and comes in a huge tube for a pretty decent price. It can also be used as a cleanser, but I'm not too fond of using it that way.
How long have I been raving about this foundation? Sometime since I started blogging I believe. It's a wonderful foundation that genuinely looks like skin, feels weightless and is immediately dry to the touch (meaning it sets fast). The finish is has is a dewy, healthy one and the foundation offers light to medium coverage, which is just the right amount for my taste. The only problem is the shade range with prevailing strong yellow undertones (I'm neutral, so I mix it with a pink toned foundation), but all in all the formula is pretty fab. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Mislim, da bosta Aussie in Bourjois serum tudi na moji listi vedno ponovljenih nakupov. Edino pakiranje Bourjois podlage mi ni preveč všeč. Nič več ne gre ven, pa se mi dejansko zdi, da je še kar nekaj izdelka noter. Ga pa seveda ponovno kupim za zimo, ko mi najsvetlejši odtenek najbolj ustreza. :)

    1. Ja, meni se tudi zdi, da malo ostane notri ko je pri koncu, ampak vseeno ni tako trapasta embalaža kot je bila pri stari verziji Healthy Mix-a, ko se je pumpica zataknila in ni šlo nič ven pa čeprav je bil puder še poln.

    2. To pa je tudi res, pri starem še imam dosti pudra, pa tudi ne gre več ven. Mi ga je kar težko vreči stran.

    3. Oh, ja tisto je bil pa res polom od embalaže :/ Prav živce sem zgubila, ko sem morala pritisnit na pumpico miljonkrat, da je spet začela delat.

  2. Haha, no jaz sem tista, ki ji tale shower oil ni všeč :P sta pa tudi na moji listi HMS in Neutrogena!

    1. Well, you're the first I know of :P No saj za vsakega pa že ne more bit :)

  3. I have that shower oil too and I agree, it's so worth repurchasing!

  4. Neutrogenina maska je res super :) Healthy Mix Serum pa vse tako hvalite, sama si ga pa nikakor ne upam preizkusiti ker mi do sedaj še nobena podlaga od Bourjois ne odgovarja :/

    1. Če imaš kakšen manjši lonček, si ga iztisni malo v drogeriji, da ga vsaj preizkusiš. Se ga splača vsaj sprobat :)

  5. Meni HMS in Neutrogenina maska nista všeč, ostale dve stvari imam pa že nagledane :)

  6. zdaj, ko sem spet videla tvoj HG l'occitane-ov almond shower oil, sem se spomnila, da si imela nedavno na eni izmed WL jenipapo shower oil, ki naj bi dišal po mangu.. well.. let me tell you something - doesn't smell like mango AT ALL. :D nasploh ni zaznati sadnih not, po tuširanju se bolj zazna cvetličen vonj, ki na koži ne ostane prav dolgo.. med tuširanjem pa - vsiljiv, močen vonj, upala bi trditi, da me spomne celo na motorno olje, skratka nekaj je zelo narobe in "gnilo" s tem shower oilom. :) evo, mogoče sem ti potešila vzgib po obžalovanju, če ga slučajno nisi potem dobila v roke. :D mleko za telo jenipapo je sicer malo bolj ok, da ne bom samo kritizirala.
    skratka, naslednjič sprobam še almond shower oil, ker konsistenca shower oil-a je super, samo tokrat očitno vonj ni bil my cup of tea.

    1. Really :O Nisem ga sploh še kupila, vedno pozabim. I guess da ga zdaj ne bom :)

  7. What camera do you use ??? And how much is it

    Love you xx

    1. I use my smartphone - Samsung Galaxy S2 :). I don't know how much it costs now, I presume it's already quite cheap. You can read about how I take photos here:

  8. Sem imela kar dolgo Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation, pa je nekako premastna podlaga za mojo kožo. No je vsaj bila...ker zadnje čase imam nekako bolj suho kožo kot prej. Mogoče veš kaj je razlika z Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum verzijo? Sem enkrat brala, pa nekako pozabila vmes, se mi pa zdi, da je serum manj prekriven od podlage. Neutrogena masko imam jaz tudi vedno v kopalnici. :)

    1. Sem imela oba in mi je Serum veliko bolj všeč. Res je, da je manj prekriven, ampak je lažji in nima tistega mokrega, lepljivega občutka kot pri navadnem HM :).

  9. Brez 3 Minute Miracle in Bourjois Healthy Mix Seruma itak ne morem živeti, z L'Occitanovim oljem za tuširanje sem bila tudi nekaj časa obsedena dokler se nisem naveličala vonja, edino maske (še) nisem sprobala. :D
