Wishlist #15
torek, november 25, 2014
1. L'OREAL Collection Exclusive Lipsticks Pure Reds
in Laetitia and Blake
This is on the very top of my wishlist, especially the Laetitia shade, which is a gorgeous deep burgundy colour, while Blake is a glamorous cherry red. I swatched both and compared them with some other shades in this Instagram photo. I think the finish of both of these is almost matte or creamy-matte, which is just up my alley. I need these in my life.
Drugstores, around 13 €.
2. MAYBELLINE Color Drama Lipstick
in Berry Much and Red Essential
Everyone talks about how these are a nice drugstore alternative to the NARS' Velvet Pencils, so naturally I'm intrigued. I sneakily already ordered Berry Much since Boots has a 3 for 2 offer at the moment (a little tip for you), but I'm still waiting for package. If happen to like these, I'm also interested in the shade called Red Essential, which is supposedly very similar to NARS' Cruella.
Boots International, £4.99.
3. NARS Sheer Glow Foundation
in Siberia
You may have seen in my latest New in that I purchased a new Rimmel foundation that fits me so well in terms of shade, but the formula is so hard to work with. Since I'm so fed up with crappy, very light foundations that I put up with purely for the shade, I think it's finally time that I take the plunge and get the highly praised Sheer Glow in the lightest shade called Siberia. It's going to be painful to fork out so much money for a foundation, but I feel like I have no other choice, since almost every drugstore brand refuses to make a really light shade (why am I being punished for being naturally pale?).
HqHair, 39 €.
4. ESSENCE Colour & Go
in 167 Candy Love and 175 Be Berry Now!
After being blown away by the quality of Colour & Go line, I asked you in that review, which shades you like. Katja from Viva La Vida recommended Candy Love, which based on her swatch looks amazing - I love full coverage nude shades. The other, Be Berry Now, I found by checking the swatches of all the nail polishes and it's the colour I'm so into at the moment, a purple-red shade a.k.a. berry (I've got a whole Pinterest board dedicated to it). Both should end up in my shopping basket very soon.
Drugstores, 1.67 €.
5. ESSIE Nail Polish
in Bahama Mama
I've heard so many people say that Bahama Mama is their favourite autumnal shade and it's a shade that has intrigued me for a while now. It looks like a beautiful deep berry shade, again a colour I'm really into at the moment. I'm kind of hoping for a discount soon in DM. Swatch here (tell me it looks like this?).
DM, 9.99 €.
6. DEBORAH MILANO Smalto Gel Effect
in 01
Yes, another nail polish. I don't think I ever wanted so many new nail polishes. I saw this on Zlatana's blog and it immediately went on my wishlist. It reminds me of Essie's Spin the Bottle, so it's again an opaque nude shade that looks very classy on the nails.
Drugstores, about 5 €.
7. BOURJOIS Lévres Contour Edition
in T02 Cotton Candy
I've recently spoken about Catrice's lip liners and my thirst for more liners hasn't been quite quenched yet. I swatched this in the shop and it's a very cute pinky-natural shade. I also tried the shade T01, but my cousin and I established that shades like that don't suit me, nonetheless it's a beautiful colour for the 90's trend.
Drugstores, about 6 € or Feel Unique,7.14 €.
8. CLARINS Instant Eye Make Up Remover
I still have a generous sample of this and it's so good. I use waterproof mascara practically daily and my current rubbish drugstore removers aren't doing their job. This removes mascara and eye liner with ease, it doesn't make my vision foggy, isn't super greasy and it smells so lovely. But the price is just extortion, though as I said in my original review, I find I use a lot less of it than at cheaper removers.
Müller, about 20 €.
9. CHARLES WORTHINGTON Volume & Bounce Texturising Spray
I heard this is a dupe for Oribe Texturising Spray, though I must admit I'm reluctant to believe that. But even if it's just a similar enough product, I'm intrigued by it, since I like using such products right after I've curled my hair as I find it makes them look better. I actually already ordered it (remember 3 for 2?), I'm just waiting for it to arrive.
Boots International, £6.99.
10. EMMA HARDIE 4 Piece Starter Kit
I saw this offer thanks to Almu from Feel Bella and I didn't even hesitate to place an order, especially since it was an additional 10 % off (I'm basically just sharing this offer with you before it's too late). It contains Amazing Face Natural Lift and Sculpt Moringa Cleansing Balm (50 ml), Amazing Face Age Support Cream (15ml), Amazing Face Dual Action Professional Cleansing Cloth and a wash bag. I'm not going to say it's a generous offer because I don't' find it is, however, I wanted to try the Cleansing Balm for so long, but under no circumstances am I ready to fork out almost 50 € for a pot, especially since I might end up with a full size product that I may not even end up liking. I'm looking forward to trying this.
Feel Unique, 27.30 €.
Just look at how adorable are these! There are obviously duping Lush stuff, but trying to stay at a more reasonable price range, which I appreciate a lot, especially considering Lush's prices in Slovenia are just not normal (as if I'm going to pay 6 € for something that fizzes out in 5 minutes, though I admit these aren't the cheapest either, they are lot more reasonably priced). I think these look even cuter, especially the snow man bath bomb (Chilly Willy, smells like cinnamon), the cupcake bath (Milk & Honey), the ice cream sundae bath bomb (Cherry Bathe Well, smells like cherries, cookies, coconut and white chocolate), the heart shaped massage bar (Summer Honey) and that Honey Bee looking dupe (Goodnight Honey). They have some great looking gifts as well.
Click2Chic, starting at 2.93 €, Official site (UK) with a list of retailers.
Have a great day!
jaz si raje ne delam tolk wishlist, ker potem itak vse pokupim haha :D
OdgovoriIzbrišidrugač pa te Maybelline Colorama šminke v svinčniku sem vidla v Avstriji, pa sem jih pozabila swatchat, ker itak mam že ogromno takšnih zadev...mogoče si kakšno kdaj omislim :)
BOMB Cosmetics bi pa takoj sprobala, sploh če bi imela bano..drugač nekatere Lusheve stvari lahko razdeliš na pol ali celo četrtine in so za dolgo..tako je verjetno z nekaterimi izdelki za bane :)
Ti Colorama so tudi že v Srbiji, očitno samo še pri nas niso. Upam, da kmalu pridemo na vrsto :)
IzbrišiVem, da lahko razdeliš na pol te Lusheve stvari, ampak moja bana je huge (seriously, večja v dolžino kot jaz) tako, da je treba čim več zmetat v vodo, da je kaj efekta :)
Super wishlist. <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz bi tudi L'orealovih Pure Reds šminkici. :)
Za lak Bahama Mama pa ti ne bo žal, če ga boš vzela. Midvi z mamo sva ga že porabili, tako nama je všeč. :)
Aaa, pa nisem vedela, da ma Click2chic Bomb Cosmetics. :O Super! Jih zadnje čase nonstop videvam po angleških blogih in se slinim nad njihovim izdelki, ampak sem mislila, da tega mi pač nimamo (kot veliko drugih stvari). :D Bom mogla prečekirati.
Bahama Mama si že toliko časa ogledujem, pa samo cincam če naj ga vzamem. Evo za Miklavža ga bom :)
IzbrišiSaj za Bomb Cosmetics sem tudi jaz šele pred kratkim izvedela. Fino, da to imamo pri nas, so kjut stvari :)
Mateja, hvala za omembo in svaka čast da si najdla swatch na instagramu! :D Carica!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoj tele cupcakes za v banjo si tudi jaz želim haha, božično vzdušje v kopalnici :) !
Ni zakaj :) Saj ni bilo tako težko najti :)
IzbrišiJaz bi tako nekaj s cimetom za v banjo. Sem ravno kupila tri božične čokolade s cimetom in cimetove zvezdice, I think I may have a slight obsession :)
Bahama Mama ti bo pomoje ful všeč, samo na meni izgleda malce temnejše kot pa na tisti fotki. Imam pa love-hate relationship s tem texturising sprejem. Bi da kar dosti volumna, na kodre izgleda fenomenalno in jih drži na mestu, samo mi jih pa izsuši in jih naredi trde. Sem brala nekje, da se kao zna to naredit če ga preblizu uporabiš, ampak mi še ni uspelo dobit drugačnega rezultata :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSem imela pa tale Emma Hardie set nagledan, in sem ga ravno naročila, ker imam slab dan :P
Če je temnejši je še bolj kul :)
IzbrišiVidim, da bo treba eksperimentirat s tem CW Texturising Spray-em. Sem ga vzela bolj za hec, da ga sprobam in če mi ne bo všeč bom še enkrat kupila od VO5, ki mi je super :)
No fino, potem bova obe imeli Emma Hardie Balm v kratkem :)
A Bomb cosmetics je ta zadeva, ki jo tudi v Mullerju zdaj prodajajo? Nikoli se nisem spomnila pogledat znamke, ko sem šla mimo teh bombic :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiVeš, da ne vem, pa sem točno to razmišljala, ko jih sem prvič videla na C2C? Vem, da so neke bombice na Čopovi (v NM jih ni), ampak znamke pa tudi jaz nisem pogledala. So mi pa zelo lepo dišale in sem se komaj zadrževala, da jih nisem en kup vzela :)
IzbrišiJa saj to, meni so skoraj vse dišale, kar se redko zgodi :D
IzbrišiMeni tudi :) Pa lažje se da v Müllerju vohat te kopeli kot v Lushu, kjer dejansko ne veš kako določena stvar diši dokler nisi doma.
IzbrišiSporočam, da je v Mullerju tisto res bomb cosmetics :-)
IzbrišiMe je tudi Živa že informirala in da imajo menda samo manjše bombice :) Je pa fino vedet, da greš lahko to prešnjofat in pofirbcat v LJ :)
IzbrišiSpomenula sam te u mom postu.
Hvala <3 Super, da ti je všeč :)
IzbrišiI'm glad I could help :) wow I didn't know about Bomb Cosmetics! Those bath bombs look amazing!
OdgovoriIzbrišix <3
Now, I just have to wait for the parcel :)
IzbrišiThey really do, don't they? I'd love to try a few and I'm hardly a bath person :)
Bahama Mama pa izgleda na meni ravno svetlejša kot na sliki :D Je pa dokaj dupe-able, tako da ni ravno moja najljubša. Bomb Cosmetics so tudi v Alenki (tam kjer so copati medvedki) če boš hotela kdaj v živo prevohati.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHa, ti praviš, da je svetlejši, Sanja da je temnejši - očitno bom morala res sama sprobat, ampak kakorkoli je res lep odtenek.
IzbrišiHvala za info, bi jih res rada videla v živo, ampak vidim, da je to samo v LJ in v Celju. Bo treba enkrat na izlet :)
Čisto si me navdušila s temi L'Oreal šminkami, tista slika na Instagramu je bila krasna! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiKar se pa Bomb tiče, pa potrjujem, da so super izdelki - v Müllerju imajo samo tiste ta majhne ... Meni je najbolj nora masažna ploščica, so pa kopeli tudi krasne. Ma, vse bi imela! :D
Joj, kok bi imela obe šminki, ampak se tako nazaj držim, ker so 13 €. Upam, da jih dobim za Miklavža od koga :) Sem pa hotela vsaj Blake naročit iz Boots ker je tam kar cenejša, pa je bila out of stock :/
IzbrišiSe mi je zdelo, da dosti stvari tam nisem videla. Spomnim se tistih cupcake bombic, drugih pa ne. Krasne stvari mi izgledajo :)
Bahama Mama je super, res lepa barva. Se pa tudi jaz odločam za nakup Nars Sheer Glow, samo pravi odtenek moram še najti. Zadnjič sem jih sprobavala pa sem skrčla izbor na dva, ampak zaradi svetlobe nisem bila sigurna kateri je pravi, tako da grem v soboto še enkrat na probo, haha.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNimam sploh nikjer možnosti testirat Sheer Glow (tisti, ki je včasih prodajal vzorce na ebayu ga ni več), ampak sodeč po swatchih, bi mi trenutno najbolj Siberia ustrezal. Če ne bi ga imela pa vsaj za mešat/svetlit druge pudre, ki jih imam :)
IzbrišiI'm definitely interested in trying that Bourjois lip liner. And awww, Bomb Cosmetics really has the cutest products, how fun!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThese new Bourjois lip liner feel much smoother than the old ones - and improvement I support :)
IzbrišiThey sure are cute :)
Vse na tvoji wishlisti je na moji wishlisti hehehe :) :P Ko bi le smela (če bi si lahko) si vse to prvoščit :P Polona, UniqaPoly
OdgovoriIzbrišiS to wishlisto fajn namigujem Miklavžu :P
IzbrišiJaz sem se prav pred kratkim, po tem, ko sem videla tvojo sliko prikazujoč primerjavo L'Orealovih šmink, po enem dobro opravljenem delu nagradila z Laetitio in se mi zdi, da je odtenek še lepši kot sem si iz slike predstavljala, da bo, ker vsaj na meni tako lepo poveže in poudari izjemno svetlo polt in izjemno temne lase, da je učinek tako dovršen kot bi se ličila pet ur namesto pet minut. :D :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasen odtenek je :) Vsaj v naših drogerijah težko najdeš tako lepo temno rdečo brez rjavih tonov. Res si jo želim imet :)