January Favourites
sobota, januar 31, 2015
You know that awesome moment, when you're reunited with one of your all-times favourites? I treated myself to a fresh/new Hypnôse for my birthday and it's just outstanding. It does everything I want a mascara to do. Most importantly for me, it really holds the curl all day and even after I remove it, my lashes are still curled. I just love that! It also gives a ton of length and since my lashes remain curled, when I open my eyes wide, I can feel the lashes touching my eyebrows. Great stuff.
Probably my favourite lip liner in terms of texture out of the ones I own. It's very close to a proper lipstick, but it's not too soft like Essence's lip liners, so it still manages to stay a decent amount of time on the lips, while being comfortable enough to be worn on its own. Cotton Candy is a beautiful, warm pink that is similar to MAC's Please Me, so it's a great every day colour, when you want something neutral, but not completely nude.
My absolute favourite nail polish at the moment both because of the colour and the formula. It's such a lovely nude, but one with rose-violet-taupe tones that keep it from looking to mannequin-hands-like and it just suit my skin tone so well. The formula is so smooth and surprising easy to apply for an opaque nude nail polish, but what impressed me more is how shiny is the finish. Plus that glossy finish lasted all week on me, which is very surprising for my nails.
BALEA My Golden Twenties & 50's Forever Pflegecremen
I adore these two and I keep them near me all the time. My preferred use for both of these is as hand cream because, though they are thicker in texture, they are not at all greasy and they absorb so fast. I even use them on my face occasionally, since I'm currently moisturiser-less and they work great. My Golden Twenties smells like lavender with a hint of honey to me (it's the more neutral smelling of the two), while 50's Forever smells like cherry soda/candy.
The scent of this is really lovely and it smells very authentic like pears, but it's the texture that has convinced me even more. It feels very expensive, with a pleasantly creamy formula that foams well. I've tried a few Yves Rocher's shower products and this is my favourite so far, but the packaging needs a pump.
a.k.a. L'ORÉAL Elvive Smooth Intense Anti-Frizz Shampoo
I declare that I have found my absolute favourite budget-friendly shampoo. It performs like a very high-end shampoo and believe me, I have tried tons. The only one that is better than L'Oreal's is Oleo-Relax by Kérastase (which is owned by L'Oreal) and even that one is just like Elvital on steroids, meaning that if you have very demanding hair like me, you'll notice the difference between the two, otherwise no. L'Oreal's has a similar effect, so it feels like some conditioner was added in it and the hair feels a bit silky when you're rinsing it off. It also doesn't leave my hair so squeaky clean that's it's dried out and it smells nice. I'm a huge fan of this.
This may just be one the best pre-wash treatments for super dry hair I've ever tried. It's a combination of soy oil, argan oil and shea butter oil, so it's super greasy and heavy, which is what makes it brilliant. My hair was very dried out, so I applied this very generously all over the hair and left it on overnight. It was completely transformed and it hasn't felt this nourished in a long time. It washes off completely and even when you're shampooing the hair, it feels in such good condition. The spray nozzle isn't the best one, but it's probably because the product is so thick that it doesn't spray evenly, however, I just spray it in my hands and apply it that way. I've used it just on my bottom third of the hair before every hair washing so far, but only left it for about a hour and it still performed very well. This will definitely become my first-aid product for dry hair.
Sometimes you only realize how much you like something once it's gone. I've been using this hair spray for over a year and I love it because it feels like nothing on the hair. There is no stickiness, wetness, stiffness and yet it holds so well. I only noticed they stopped selling this here, when my spray can was all but out, so I tried to replace it with another brand, which turned out to be a big mistake. I was lucky enough to find the last Hold Tight in Müller that is almost 100 km away from me and I'm so glad I did. They only thing that bothers me at this hair spray is the heavy Angel-like scent.
I know it doesn't look pretty. but that's how files look when you use them. It's been a while since I've used a polishing file and I forgot how nice they make your nails look. My nails look so healthy and shiny, so it looks like I've used a clear nail polish. The nail polish application is nicer as well and when I remove it, the nails underneath still look shiny.
Have a great day!
Nice picks again. I love that you always show us a variety of products from different price ranges.
OdgovoriIzbrišii love yours favourites. Especially Deborah nail polish - a wonderful color <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe other day I was at the drugstore with that L'Oreal shampoo in my hands trying to decide if take it or not, I didn't. Ok, I'm going now to buy it! haha thank you Mateja for your review ;) I also have to check that Deborah nail polish out! <3 :)
Last time I saw another version in practically the same packaging, called the Extraordinary Oil. I wonder if it's as good as this one :)
IzbrišiGreat picks! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love the Hypnose mascara, it's a great mascara!
Nikoleta, xoxo.
L'Oreal šampon - jaz se izogibam takim z olji, ker se mi zdi, da potem postane moje lasišče prehitro mastno. Res škoda...ker konice pa rabijo vlago nujno. Ta tretma od La Petite Marseilliais se prav tako sliši odlično. Kakšna je cena? Moje konice so trenutno res zelo suhe. Kar koli dam gor, so že na koncu dneva spet kot slama :/.
OdgovoriIzbrišiZa šampon z arganovim oljem je tale L'Orealov presenetljivo lahek. Nima tiste goste, kremne formule, ampak je bližje gelu :) Mislim, da bi se ga vseeno splačalo sprobat.
IzbrišiOlje je bilo nekje med 5-6€ v Leclercu, drugje ga pa še nisem videla, vsaj v NM ga ni :) Sem imela iste probleme kot ti preden sem si naredila overnight kuro s tem oljem. Super je pomagalo, čeprav se mi po kakšnih 3-4 dneh še vedno izsušijo lasje, ampak je to velik napredek.
Tale Lee Staford sprejček je res super! Trenutno namesto njega uporabljam en Got 2b sprej in je zaenkrat kar ok nadomestilo =)
Vem, katerega imaš (ti sledim :)) . Sem celo istega kupila in me je prav tisti tako razočaral, da sem se potrudila še zadnjega od LS najti :)
IzbrišiPri Yves Rocher-ju se da posebej kupit pumpice za te stekleničke z losjoni, tuš geli ipd., za razlicne volumne steklenick, stanejo pa 1,30 € mislim da. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSem slišala nekje to, ampak jih v živo še nisem videla :). Mi sicer YR zelo daleč, čeprav grem dosti pogosto v LJ. Bi bilo pa zelo praktično imet kakšno, ker odprtina je zelo velika.
IzbrišiMislim, da si bom glede na to koliko jo hvališ res morala enkrat privoščit tole maskaro :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi jo priporočam, ampak vodoodporno verzijo :) Zelo dolgo nazaj sem imela navadno, pa se ne spomnim, da bi me tako navdušila, čeprav je bilo verjetno to zato ker so mi trepalnice takoj "padle dol".
IzbrišiI would like to try L'ORÉAL Elvital Glatt-Intense Pflege-Shampoo but in my country is not available, please send it to Montenegro ;). I try to use Redken anti snap on clean hair after two days after washing, it gives so moisture on ends, so please try :)). The Kérastase Nutritive Masquintense Épais - Thick and Kerastase ciment leave in are great. Thanks for recommendation. It's a ten, how do you like it and from which seller you order it if it is cheaper from some sites? Probably I will try http://us.davines.com/hair-building-pak/d/1024 instead of Joico :).
OdgovoriIzbrišiHave you checked if you have the Extraordinary Oil version? I plan to try it next and I hope it's similar :). Otherwise check Boots international if they have it. Our shelf in Müller is currently empty and I'm freaking out a bit fearing it won't be in stock for a while.
IzbrišiI've only used It's a 10 twice and I like it so far, but I used it together with that Kérastase mask, which is awesome by itself, so I don't know if It's a 10 was a part of why my hair looked so fantastic as well. I just checked eBay, hence I have no idea if it's cheaper on other sites (I don't even know of any site that would ship here). I ordered it from this seller: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/121345138579?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
Boots doesnt deliver to Montenegro, and that shampoo probably will never be here :(. I have bought for creating volume http://www.hqhair.com/vogetti-the-wonder-brush/10548922.html and it is great. Do you know what is the similar colour to Bahama mama (it is too expensive for me)?
OdgovoriIzbrišiI heard good things about their shampoos in general, so maybe try one that's supposed to be for dry hair (one is yellow, the other white) or or Fibrology is liked by many :)
IzbrišiI've never teased my hair, I'm too afraid of the damage, but I almost bought one of these as well :)
The only two nails polishes that I own, which are similar, but not dupes are Essence Be Berry Now (lighter) and Max Factor's Burgundy Crush (more burgundy). I'm not sure if you have DM, but S-He has a similar colour, I think :)
See, I'm very frugal when it comes to mascara, as I've been burned many times before. After owning Chanel's, Dior's and Lancome's mascara, I realised that for MY lashes, the price seriously doesn't achieve anything more than a cheap Essence mascara. I don't even bother cashing out more than €5 on a mascara. :D Good thing for my wallet! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJust yesterday I was thinking how I should seriously consider replacing my Ebelin file, as I've had it for such a long time, all the "different" parts now have the same, smooth texture from weekly use. It's a great thing!
I actually agree with you, there are brilliant regular formula mascaras in the drugstore ranks and if your lashes are naturally curled or at least hold the curl well, there really is no need to buy an expensive mascara. For one, I really like the effect of Lash Princess and I <3 Extremes, both gives an insane amount of volume and length. However, I have never found a good drugstore waterproof mascara and it seems only high-end brands make mascaras that actually do the job of keeping my lashes curled all day. My lashes are naturally long and thick enough for my taste, but since my eyes are hooded and my lashes completely straight, without that lift it looks like I have no lashes when looking straight on. Since my lashes are one of the rare things that I like about me, I'm prepared to pay a bit more to emphasize them as much as I can :) That said, I save money on other beauty products, most of them really, you may have noticed that I'm more of a drugstore gal :).
IzbrišiI love the effect of Ebeline's file as well and it's great that it's so affordable :)
Mateja najprej naj te pohvalim za res krasen in kvaliteten blog:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPo opisih so tvoji lasje zelo podobni mojim, zato me zanima me če še vedno kupuješ Glatt-Intense šampon za suhe lase in kje? (sem bila v Mullerju 2 tedna nazaj in mi je prodajalka rekla da gre iz prodaje in sedaj imajo nadomestek ki pa je sestavinsko čisto drugi, danes pa sem ga tudi v dm neuspešno iskala)
lp :)
Hvala Eva :)
IzbrišiTudi jaz ga že nekaj časa iščem, a potem gre res iz prodaje *has a heart attack*? Kupila sem ga v Müllerju par mesecev nazaj. Vem, da ga še imajo na Boots International, če ti kaj pomaga, ampak tam je itak ubijalska poštnina. Mogoče so pa ti novi Extraordinaire Oil vsaj podobni. Sem se že namenila kakšnega preizkusit :)