Kérastase Specifique Bain Exfoliant Hydratant Anti-Dandruff Moisturising Shampoo
sreda, februar 04, 2015
Man, have I been let down by two high-end hair products in a span of a few months, and one of them is from my favourite hair brand, Kérastase, which I truly trust, so that's a bit painful (the other is Bumble and Bumble's Invisible Oil Primer). I must sound like a broken record by now, but I've been suffering from dandruff, flaky, dry and itchy scalp since I was 11 and nothing even helped for long, but I persist and try new treatments ever so often and Kérastase one is the latest. A lot of these treatments or shampoos, this one included, contain salicylic acid to remove the layer of dead skin on the scalp, however, this one also has beads in it to provide manual exfoliation. It's not a new idea as Fructis has a similar product in their line, but it is a nice step forward as the layer of dead skin on the scalp is very difficult to remove (pretty much impossible really, I've tried everything. Baking soda works best).
What I really like about this shampoo is the applicator and that's what differentiates it from the Fructis version. The precise nozzle allows for the shampoo with the beads to get right close to the scalp, so you get the maximum effect and the beads don't get "tangled" and lost into the rest of the length of the hair. But honestly that's about all I love about this shampoo. As much as the idea of beads is genius, they fail to properly do the job and most of the dandruff remains firmly stuck on my scalp (yes, it is as delightful as it sounds). The shampoo formula is creamy and foams very well, which is something I appreciate, however, I'm used to exceptional quality of Kérastase shampoos when it comes to leaving the hair nourished and tangle-free, but this leaves my hair a bit stripped, so it performs like an average, cheap drugstore shampoo. Actually, there are some drugstore shampoos that are way better (I'm currently using L'Oreal's Elvive and I love it). The beads wash off completely. Other ingredients include zinc pyrithione (it's fungistatic and bacteriostatic) and glycerol. You can find the rest of the ingredients here.
Since I already mentioned the Fructis version, I might as well do a quick comparison/review. These two are very similar in terms of texture, so both have a thick-ish creamy formula with small blue beads. Fructis version also foams well, but it's even less effective than Kérastase and very average in general. It's not bad and I did use up one bottle (this is the second one), but it's just standing there in the bathroom mostly unused because no one really likes it (also the beads dissolved already). As far as Fructis shampoos go, I really like their Oil Repair 3 one, but's not designed to treat dandruff, just dry hair. Ingredients of Fructis Anti-dandruff shampoo here.
Kérastase Specifique Bain Exfoliant Hydratant costs currently 18.36 € on Look Fantastic, while Fructis one is sold in Müllers for about 2-3 €. I like neither, but if you want to try if they'll work on you, they might be worth a go.
Have a great day!
Kérastase Specifique Bain Exfoliant Hydratant costs currently 18.36 € on Look Fantastic, while Fructis one is sold in Müllers for about 2-3 €. I like neither, but if you want to try if they'll work on you, they might be worth a go.
Have a great day!
V teoriji izgleda super, škoda ker ni še učinkovit :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes škoda :/ Se v praksi vedno znova izkaže, da se še najbolj splača kaj v lekarni kupit.
IzbrišiMene je tudi Kerastase maska malo razočarala - zelena linija. Sicer ne vem če so krivi moje lasje, ker so res v groznem stanju. In ne ni slaba, samo veliko večja pričakovanja sem očitno imela. Jaz imam tudi prhljaj, ki včasih mine, včasih ga je več. Sploh če si lase ne posušim s fenom, se ga kar hitro opazi. Bedasto vprašanje, ampak Head&Shoulders ti pa ne pomaga? Se mi zdi, da je on še najbolj močan in večini ljudem odgovarja.
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelene linije sploh nisem nikoli gledala, ampak škoda, da ti tako draga maska ni všeč :/ Na Makeup Alley ima tudi zelo povprečen rating in jaz tistim ocenam kar zaupam :)
IzbrišiJaz imam ves čas ta prhljaj in kar sloj tega na lasišču, ki se ga ne da nikakor odstranit (Phytopolleine je včasih zelo pomagal, pa se ga je očitno moje lasišče preveč navadilo). Head & Shoulders meni čisto nič ne pomaga :( Je bil pa prvi tak šampon, ki sem ga preizkusila in sem mu dala par priložnosti še kasneje. Mojemu bratu pa zelo odgovarja :)
Both shampoos contain dimeticone ( a silicone ), I think that's the reason why they aren't effective in removing dandruff. You shouldn't use shampoos with silicone if you have dandruff problem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI've used shampoos without silicones and they didn't work either plus my hair was a mess. I know there is this general recommendation to got at least sulphate free, but based on my experience I disagree as far as my hair and scalp is concerned. But to each their own :)
IzbrišiKoliko šamponov sm že sprobala proti prhlaju, edino kar je pomagalo je bil Vichy ampak jee bil takrat z amoje pojme drag kot žafran :/ Tole zgleda v teoriji zanimivo, bi od Fructisa kupila, že samo zaradi kuglic :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiSva potem na istem. Vichy je bil prvi, ki sem ga sprobala in je praktično tudi edini, ki je zares deloval. Ampak samo prva flaška, druga pa sploh ne.
IzbrišiFructis je zanimiv, pa vseeno navadna soda bikarbona bolj spravi stran to plast prhljaja. Ampak pa ne učinkuje proti prhljaju. To so seveda samo moje izkušnje :)
I have the same problem and nothing works, I tried almost everything. Recently I got Davines natural tech purifying shampoo and I seem to be having less dandruff, it's not completely gone but situation is getting better, however this shampoo does leave my hair a bit dry :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI've never heard of this brand. Sounds like it's worth a try. I kind of gave up on ever completely eliminating my dandruff, but it would be nice to at least reduce the problem :)
IzbrišiI understand you completely, my hair is just like yours, dry and course and with dandruff, it really requires a lot of time and effort to maintain it. I also gave up on my battle with dandruff, now I just try to keep it under control. Davines is Italian brand, in Serbia we can get it in hair salons. You can check it here http://www.davines.com/en/products/view/nt-purifying-shampoo and also if you ever want to try something new, this is one of the best treatments for hair http://www.davines.com/en/products/view/nt-nourishing-hair-building-pak :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm not sure if we have this brand in our salons, I'd have to check. You're actually the second person to recommend me this Nourishing Hair Building Pak :) Must be good then :)
IzbrišiOoooooh my goodness, am I happy to find a girl with the same scalp and hair problems as I have! I got seborrheic dermatitis in high school and have been looking for an adequate shampoo ever since! Even the ones who work only seem to work for a few months, and then it's back to the itchiness and redness. :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe itchiness it the most annoying part and so hard to make it go away ./. I use Alpencin Forte when I remember and it's the only thing I've found so far that at least relieves that problem. I've used so many different shampoos, from pharmacy ones to natural ones and some helped for a while and others did nothing. I liked Phyto best, but it didn't cure my scalp completely. I have a sample of their newest treatment Phytosquam Intense and I'll be giving it a go in the next few days. I hope it works...
IzbrišiFajn vedeti, hvala za review! Jaz mislim, da bom morala kar s sodo bikarbono poskusiti, zadnje čase se praskam do krvi. Imaš kje na blogu tudi opis te kure, narediš masko? Če ne, se priporočam za post. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNe delam čisto nič posebnega s sodo bikarbono, samo zmešam je kakšno žlico s šamponom. Lahko tudi brez šampona in dodaš samo vodo, da dobiš eno tako pasto s katero lahko že delaš in si s tem umiješ lase. S šamponom je seveda lažje :) Nič je ne puščam gor ali kaj podobnega, ampak samo sperem. Zame je to bolj kot piling lasišča :)
IzbrišiAha, ok, super, bom poskusila, hvala!