Essence Lip Liner 06 Satin Mauve

ponedeljek, marec 23, 2015

Oh, the 90's trend. It's remarkable what a teenage socialite with a lip job can do to start the whole lip craze in the beauty world, causing my subscription box to overflow with posts aspiring to recreate the look. Now, unlike 95 % of the beauty community, I am not a fan of the trend (nor of the teenager in question). At least of the purple toned natural lip colours such as this one. But that doesn't mean I don't like it on other people and for the sake of experiment as well as let call it "to blend in", I gave it a shot with possibly the cheapest choice out there - Satin Mauve lip liner. 

Satin Mauve is a medium mauve-taupe shade on me. It's a natural colour, almost like a very desaturated violet berry shade. If I use it lightly, it's close to my natural lip colour, but with a strong violet tone. This is the lip colour that when I put it on, I grunted when I looked in the mirror and thought, yeah this is not going to work. The purple-grey tone it has drains my face of colour and make me look too corpsy without ever being a pale nude shade. I've asked for a second and third opinion about this colour on me and they were very conflicting. I've heard the: "No. No, you can't wear this. This is just awful on you" and I also heard: "It's pretty. I like it. It's such a nice natural shade", which was followed by: "It's so much better than that harlot red you wear sometimes (for Slovene readers the word was "pocestniška". Some Slovene words just crack me up) *awkward cricket sound*. Lol. Yeah, we tend to be brutally honest in our family, but it works for us. 

This is of course the case of how it looks against my pale skin tone and I have no doubt that it looks far better on darker skin tones, but then again when I cousin tried it out on her warm NC20-25 complexion, she wasn't too thrilled about how it looks on its own either, but she has seen its potential as a base for other similar lip colours to give them that extra something. I actually like how this shade swatches on my hand, but for some reason it looks very different on the lips and just doesn't work for me (at least I think so). 

Though Essence lip liners are very popular mainly for being non-drying, I find their texture too soft and lipstick-like to be a good formula for a liner. The softness doesn't allow for actual precision, at least the sharp edges are hard to do, but as a lipstick alternative it works. And people are right, it doesn't dry out the lips, but it also smudges (like a creamy lipstick) and doesn't last long (one swipe and it's gone). This softness also means that the pencil needs to be sharpened very often, pretty much after every use, so if you plan to use it as an everyday shade, it won't last long.

So, I gave it a try, but my skin tone dislikes such cool toned purplish shades. I think that for me it just should have some red in it. I heard Nadja from Memento Mori say that the newest liner from Essence's Long Lasting range in Lovely Frappuccino, looks very similar on the lips to the über hyped Mac's Soar and like a good blogger she even did a comparison on the lips. I've tried it in the shop and though the packaging is very deceivingly plain brown, it is indeed a lot more red than Satin Mauve. I'm also tempted by the shade called  Yummy Berry after seeing these swatches on Breath of Colour blog (she has divine pictures, am I right?), I'm just not sure I'll like the texture.  

Essence lip liners cost 1.19 € in Müller.

What do you think about this shade on me? Yay or nay? Have a great day!

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  1. Iskreno? Ne, ni ravno tvoja barva :) Ti druge dosti bolj pašejo. Ampak za kakšno posebno priložnost pa sigurno bo. :)

    1. Maybe za kakšen ombre look? ;)

    2. Se strinjam :) Enostavno ni zame. Verjetno ga bom včasih kombinirala z npr. Nude-ist, da mu malo spremeni barvo :)

  2. Meni se pa zdi da ti paše - se ne strinjam z Anno. Mislim, da ti noro lepo poudari oči in mi je všeč. Zadnje čase samo še tak odtenek uporabljam šminke in lip linerja.

    1. Hvala, je lepo slišat tudi nasprotno mnenje :) Ta vijola ton res naredi moje oči bolj modre, ampak se mi zdi da ta sivkast pridih enostavno ne ustreza mojemu podtonu. Bi mi bila toplejša verzija odtenka bolj všeč :)

  3. Meni so ravno takšni vijola-sivi odtenki trenutno všeč. Nosi če te veseli, je pa res da so tvoji ''redni'' odtenki še čudovitejši na tebi :D

    1. Tebi zagotovo bolj paše kot meni, že zato ker si blond :) Ti si itak narejena za 90's trend :D Sama se res bolje počutim s kakšnim drugim odtenkom. Ga bom poslušala s čim kombinirat :)

  4. Meni se zdi da tebi prav vse paše, karkoli daš na ustnice ;)
    Ampak vseeno se strinjam s Saro PassingFancy o čudovitejših odtenkih :P

    1. Hvala :) Tudi sama mislim, da so kakšni drugi odtenki bolj zame :)

  5. When I first saw the shade, I immediately thought that it wouldn't work. It just seems to be too corpsy, as you said. But then I watched how it looks on you and now I have mixed feelings about it. It looks so... interesting and oldschool ;) No wonder you got different opinions :D

    1. It's definitely different and very old school :) I have nothing similar in my collection. When I first put it on, I was sure no one will like it and will agree with me, but the conflicting opinions surprised me. However, I just think that that greyness it has makes my skin tone look dull.

  6. It doesn't look bad at all. Perhaps it takes some getting used to.

    1. Maybe :) It's really different to what I normally wear :)

  7. It kind of looks too womanly on you. I think peaches and pinks suit you much better, don't mind please, I only told you what I felt. Great review.

    1. I completely agree with you :) Pinks and peaches look a lot more fresh than this shade. I appreciate your honesty and thank you :)

  8. Razumem tvojo dilemo. Mislim, da smo te vsi navajeni v živih odtenkih, ki poživijo tvojo polt in dajejo kontrast tvojim hladnim lasem, med tem ko se ta odtenek preveč zlije z hladnimi podtoni in potem izgledaš res bolj hladna in sprana. Mogoče bi pa funkcioniral z bolj barvnim očesnim makeupom;). Sem se nasmejala s to posestniško rdečo. Moj oče vedno komentira ko me vidi z živo rdečo šminko...zanj to ni lepo. Ah..kaj pa on ve?! Očitno njega tudi asociira na kaj drugega:D.

    1. Exactly :D Ti popolnoma zastopiš stvar :) Jaz imam že sama toliko sive (npr. moji lasje odsevajo srebrno, ne zlato kot večini), da takšne barve poberejo še več življenja z mojega obraza. Z več barve na očeh bi lahko delovalo, samo si ne upam nosit :D

      Pri nas cenijo mejkap in nobenega ne moti ko nosim žive barve na ustnicah, ampak smo pa zelo iskreni pri feedbackih :D Lady Danger jim ni ravno všeč na meni, potem jo pa malo zanalašč nosim :D Blake je pa menda kul :).

  9. Meni so sicer takšni odtenki ful všeč, ampak imam občutek da na meni tudi izgledajo kot da sem na pol mrtva :P

    1. Jaz ko sem se prvič vidla v ogledalo od daleč sem se tudi vprašala če sem že par stoletij mrtva :D Od daleč se mi zdi, da izgleda še bolj hladen in siv odtenek na meni.

  10. Na meni tale sicer izgleda bolj vijoličasto, ampak tudi nisem pretirano navdušena nad njim. Mi je Lovely Frappuccino bolj všeč :)

    1. Na meni pa izpade veliko manj vijoličen kot Mauve Me, Tender od Catrice, čeprav na roki izgleda ravno obratno. Mogoče bom sprobala Lovely Frappuchino, čeprav mi je izgledal zelo temno v trgovini :)

  11. I have this lip liner and I really like its colour. I love mauve lipsticks. But I think it doesn't look good on you. Bright shades (pinks, corals, reds) suit you much more ;) Shame they don't work for me. I am vintage rose and berry kind of gal :)

    1. They really do :) My colouring definitely suits brighter shades on my lips, but at least I tried something different. I'd like to find a nice, everyday soft berry shade next :)

  12. Iskreno, zelo ti paše in vesela sem da te vidim kdaj tudi s takšnim odtenkom ;)

    1. Hvala :D So pa res deljena mnenja od tem odtenku :)

  13. Po mojem mnenju ti zelo paše :D Je fino mal spremembe v odtenkih vidt. Sem ga že dala na WL ker je res lepa barva. Drugače pa teli novi longlasting linerji od Essence so res top ;) Imam yummy berry in peach beauty, pa imam v planu kar vse odtenke nabavit :D Všeč mi je sploh to ker ne izpostavijo suhih predelov :D

    1. Hvala :D Definitivno je nekaj drugačnega :)
      Za te nove long lasting linerje me je tudi strah, da je embalaža tako slaba kot od Catrice. Tisti so se mi takoj zlomili :/ Ampak verjetno bom kašknega preizkusila :)

  14. I love these shades! I have a thing for grey-based lip colours, I don't know. I honestly like it on you, but then again, you can probably get away with A LOT. :)

    1. I was never comfortable with grey-based lip colours, this fact actually deterred me from buying Mac's Blankety once :) But thank you :D

  15. Evo, meni pa ni všeč. Jaz še vedno palim nate ko naš kakšen rdeč odtenek in si z belo poltjo kot Sneguljčica :D

  16. Amazing!!!!! Great stufff. I would like you to visit my blog if you looking for beauty product.

  17. I love mauve lipsticks from nyx, before this i used all colour of pink :). I think it looks good on you. Please, can you suggest me a good mascara up to 10 euros, I have short and straight lashes, with no volume Thanks.

    1. Nyx's mauve shades appear to be really popular :) Thank you :).

      If you don't have any problems with lashes keeping a curl than I can suggest Essence's Princess Lash mascara. It gives tons of length and volume. For one that would also hold a curl, I don't know any really good cheap one, but I liked Maybelline's Volum' Express The Colossal waterproof, which I used for a couple of years :)

  18. I like Catrice's lip liners better. That said, this particular color does look stunning on you.

    1. Catrice does much better liners, I agree. Thank you :)

  19. Tole pa je moj naslednji nakup! Noro hud odtenek =)

  20. Oh my goodness I just bought this shade out of the same reasons as you did (swatches like a nice mauvy rosewood on my hand), but it looks like a mess on my lips. It turns me into a goth with very bad taste. No this color won't work on me either...I'd try another one. Maybe the everyday berry shade you were looking for - this could me honey berry #15


    1. It's just too grey, isn't it? I find it so draining.
      I always forget to check Honey Berry one, I should write it down somewhere :).
