New in: Kiko Purchases

sreda, marec 25, 2015

Long Lasting Stick
38 Golden Taupe
There is quite a hype surrounding these stick eyeshadows, especially since they have been dubbed as the dupe for By Terry Ombre Blackstars. I completely get the hype and these definitely deserve it. The texture is amazingly creamy, in fact, it reminds me of Maybelline's Color Tattoos, but in stick form. The stick just glides on the eyes without any tugging, the shade is very pigmented and it blends out so well. The shade I got is a neutral-warm taupe shade, which is in the same colour family as Satin Taupe, but what surprised me is the amount of shimmer in it. The shimmer is quite big and gold-green, so to me it looks a bit out of place, especially when the eyeshadows is blended, but I still love the shade (swatches are towards the end of the post). Staying power is amazing and once it sets it doesn't budge. On my normal lids it goes strong for over a half a day and it doesn't crease. I've been wearing this loads and I'd love to have a few more shades.
6.90 €

Velvet Touch Creamy Stick Blush 
07 Natural Rose
I expected this shade to look a bit different, in particular something like Catrice's Nuts About you, so a natural brownish-rose shade, but Natural Rose is in fact quite pink on me, which is still fine. It's buttery and transfers well on the cheeks in an even swipe, however, I find it's not as easy to blend it evenly on the cheeks with fingers. It's nothing major, but since you're swiping it directly on the skin and blending later, it moves the foundation around, so it can give a bit of a patchy effect, especially when it's fading. I find that it works a lot better if I use a stippling brush to blend. Staying power is quite a strange thing at this blush. If I use fingers it fades a bit patchy and fast, while if I use a brush it stays put a lot better and fades evenly. The finish is natural, so not dewy nor matte.
7.90 €

Velvet Mat Lipstick
612 Strawberry Pink
Kiko has so many lipstick shades and I swear I checked the entire internet for as many swatches as I could possibly find to choose the one for me (I really need to see them in person once). I wanted something completely different from what I already own and Strawberry Pink was literally the last minute choice before I ordered. I definitely don't have anything like it in my collection, but in essence it's just a very classic and almost vintage rose-nude-brown-ish shade. I presume this would be a my-lips-but-better shade on a lot of people, but on me it already gives a bit more colour while still being a natural shade. I wish it were a bit pinker, but you'll see in a full review how it looks on me and judge for yourself. The formula is very creamy upon application, so it's the type of lipstick that glides nicely on the lips leaving behind a classic creamy finish. It does get more matte with wear, but by that time a lot of the colour has worn off, so as far as I'm concerned this doesn't differ from a regular creamy finish lipstick. Just as Sara (Passing Fancy) I noticed  that sometimes it does get a bit uncomfortable on the lips after a few hours. My lips are almost never dry, but this leaves me with a tight feeling on my lips, even though the lips don't look dry. The packaging of this is seriously cool though. 
6.90 €

Smart Lip Pencil
709 Magenta
This is so my colour. It's a deep, bright magenta colour or a deep hot pink with a bit of red. You'd think it's similar to Relentlessly Red, but it is in fact darker and a lot less coral. It's one of those shades that just works with my colouring. The formula of the pencil is very soft and it doesn't tug on the lips, so it's actually similar to Bourjois' pencils, but less waxy. If you love Essence pencils, you'll love these as well. The staying power is a bit disappointing as due to softness it's smudges easily and doesn't survive eating or drinking, which a lot pencil do, but the colour is seriously gorgeous.  
2.50 €

Nail Lacquer
345 Jade Green
I had to get the mint green nail polish, I can't go against my nature. Jade Green is a greener version of Mint Candy Apple, but with a much better performing formula. My Mint Candy Apple is very old and the formula of it is pretty much a nightmare, so Jade Green applies like a dream compared to that one, but it still has those classic faults of the pastel formula, however, all is rectified with two coats.
3.90 €

You may already know that I ordered with two other Slovene bloggers, Petra from Adjusting Beauty and Sandra from Keep Calm and Wear Lipstick, so here is our entire order. Both Sandra and Petra ordered shade 06 of the Long Lasting Stick eyeshadows, so they'll have reviews of that shade as well. 

Sandra got the shade 614 Dark Berry from the Velvet Matte lipstick range, so check out her post if you want to see swatches and first impressions. She writes in Slovene, so if you're an international reader I can sum up for you by saying it's a darker shade on the lips than it appears in the tube and as far as texture is concerned she has the same findings as me (by the way, yes the pictures in that post were taken by me if the same background confuses you. Apart from the swatches, those are hers).

I know I'll get questions about the order, so I might just write about it now. I ordered on Kiko's international site, which ships to certain countries (check here which). They offer Paypal as a payment option. The shipping is expensive if you order under 50 €. It's 8.90 € to Slovenia and it varies from country to country, so it definitely pays to order in bulk because in that case the shipping to Slovenia is only 2€. It took a week for the order to arrive, which is average for shipping inside EU. It was all well packed, nothing got broken and all items I ordered arrived in one box. Overall a good shopping experience, but the shipping costs under 50 € need to be addressed. 

Oh and another thing. Since I posted the order on Instagram I've had a flood of messages asking me if they can join my next order - will I sound too mean if I ask you kindly to stop asking me that? I have no plans of ordering in the near future and I ordered with the other two bloggers because I know them for quite a while, so I know I can truly trust them. It's a huge responsibility for me to organize everything, please be aware of that. I used to do this regularly, but things got messed up once, so I stopped. 
Same goes for potential Boots orders. I hope I don't sound too rude, the last thing I want to do is offend anyone.

Have a great day!

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  1. I love Kiko! Such a good price for really good quality. The blush shade looks gorgeous! Reminds me of my NARS Douceur a bit :) I was surprised to hear that the quality of the Kiko polish is better than Essie! For a quarter of the price! Love that you give a little review with each product.

    1. I love how many different products as well as shades Kiko offers :) You don't find such a diversity at many more affordable brands.
      Actually as far as Essie nail polishes are concerned, pretty much all of them are great quality, but Mint Candy Apple is that typical "old school" pastel formula. It really is the dud in their collection, but so pretty on the nails.
      I'm glad you like my style of writing :)

  2. You bought so many beautyfull things. Looking forward to reviews :)
    I have Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow in number 05 and I love it. Next time I get to KIKO store I will definitely buy more shades. And lipstick and blush and ..... ;)

    1. I hear 05 is super popular, but I was afraid to take it because it could look too warm or red on my pale complexion. I would have to see it in person before buying it :) I wish the nearest Kiko shop weren't so far away from me :/

  3. They have recently opened a store in my city and I did some shopping, too :) Among others, I picked up the velvet mat lipstick in #607, it's pretty nice :)

    1. Oh, you lucky girl :) I was also checking out Passion Red, I love a good red lippie :)

  4. Lak in senčilo sta mi zelo všeč:)) Na sploh so ta senčila res super. Pri meni tudi ostane enako cel dan, samo opažam, da rada dam na veke ogromno senčila in potem se mi že pri nanosu malo nabere v gubo. Nato tako ostane do konc dneva:). Očitno sem se prav odločila glede šmink, ker sta obe komentirali, da lahko izsušijo ustnice.

    Razumem, da se lahko taka naročila hitro slabo končajo za organizatorja, tako da hvala za zaupanje;).

    1. Senčilo me je res pozitivno presenetilo, nisem pričakovala tako dobre formule v stiku :) Edino šimra je preveč, but I'll survive :D Šminka mi sicer ne izsuši ustnic vsakič, ampak ja, mislim da zate res ne bi bila, ker vem da ti bolj ustrezajo zelo kremne, vlažilne formule.

      Veš, da vama zelo zaupam, drugače ne bi odločila za skupno naročilo :) Ma zadnje čase mi pošta izgublja pakete kot za stavo in me je kar strah pošiljat drugim :/

  5. Joj te senčke so res zakon, pa tudi te šminke so meni kul :) Mi je pa zelo všeč odtenek blush-a :D

    1. Senčke so res zelo dobre, se ne bi branila še kakšnega odtenka :) Sem imela občutek, da bo tebi blush všeč :D

  6. Same krasne stvari, tale mint lakec imam tudi sama in mi je super odtenek, tak rahlo umazano mint, ampak prvi od mint lakov ki mi zdrži malo dlje. Meni je tudi Essie prava mora, sploh ne vem če ga še imam, verjetno sem ga oddala naprej.
    Js sicer kupujem Kiko v outletu pa fulkrat naletim na znižane stvari, zdej sm prav prečekirala stran in sem videla, da nimajo tako znižanih kot v trgovini.
    Glede naročil pa sama nikoli ne naročam, sem enkrat na mesec ali dva kar v njihovi trgovini in če boš kaj rabila z veseljem vzamem. samo ne obešam na veliki zvon, ker sem enkrat na forum napisala in sm mela ene 12 zasebnih če bi to pa to nakupila...

    1. Mint Candy Apple je res ena izmed najtežjih formul za lepo nanašat, vsaj moj, ki je že star. Jade Green mi je zelo všeč, sem vedno hotela malo bolj zeleno verzijo MCA :)

      Me smo naročile takrat ko je bila koda za 20% popust na celoten nakup, tako da se je zelo izplačalo :)
      Hvala za ponudbo :D Sem ti kar fouš, da lahko tako pogosto hodiš v Kiko. Sama sem bom tudi enkrat morala zapeljat v Trst in si napast oči na premnogih odtenkih šmink :D

  7. Lip pencil je prečudovit <3 Šminke so mi pa tako top. Kaj bi dala, da bi imeli pri nas Kiko... Vse kar sem do zdaj imela, me je navdušilo. Pa po internetu naročit mi ni isto kot v živo videt ;)
    xoxo, Nyx

    1. Oh ja, svinčnik je prekrasen :) Imam občutek, da če bi bil Kiko pri nas, bi bil izjemno popularen :) Ne vem zakaj se nočejo razširit tudi na naš trg.

  8. še nikoli ni sem sprobala Kiko izdelkov..morda pa enkrat :) se sliši zelo obetavno...long lasting stick zgleda zelo lepo :)

    1. Tale senčila v stiku se definitivno splača sprobat :) Pa lake tudi :)

  9. Kiko je zakon! Tudi sama sem nedavno imela Kiko Haul in sem z njim dobesedno obsedena =D škoda, da ga ni pri nas :(

  10. Oh I have heard great things about this brand Kiko. Wonderful things you've bought especially that lipstick is beautiful.

    1. Kiko appears to be universally praised :) You'll be able to see that lipstick in action soon :)

  11. ooo sami super izdelkii :D sama si že zelo dolgo želim preizkusiti kiko izdelke in v april grem v Italijo in moram hitro skočiti še v njihovo trgovino :D še posebej želim kupiti long lasting eyeshadow sticks :D

    1. Long Lasting Sticks in laki se mi zdijo do zdaj najbolj vredni nakupa :) Ti kar zavidam, da boš imela priložnost videti vse v živo :)

  12. The blush looks like such a pretty colour. I haven't tried anything from Kiko before but I definitely want to xo

    1. The blush gives quite an adorable flush to the cheeks, but one that still looks natural :) Kiko is definitely worth exploring, especially their stick eyeshadows and nail polishes :)

  13. Strawberry Pink and Natural Rose look lovely!

  14. Uuuu, super nakup :)

    Lepo si se pocrkljala :D

  15. I've heard a lot about that Golden Taupe eyeshadow, but somehow I always forget to pick it up when I'm in a Kiko store! I like that lipstick color as well

    1. Golden Taupe and Golden Brown seem to be super popular :) 38 is a lovely neutral, though the shimmer makes it also a nice evening shade.

  16. Waaau, kak lep odtenek laka. *.* Pa zelo sta mi všeč barva blusha in svinčnika za ustnice.
    Senčila v stiku pa so res odlična! <3 Bi takoj imela še nekaj drugih odtenkov. :P
    Za šminko pa mi je zelo žal, da formula ni preveč ok, ker izgledajo zelo lepo, sploh zaradi embalaže.

    Pa hvala za povezavi do mojega bloga in zaupanje. <3

    1. Lak je res prekrasen :D Senčilo v stiku bo mojih monthy favourites, ker ga stalno uporabljam :) Šminka ima pa prav mega embalažo :)

      Ni za kaj :D
