Wishlist #18

četrtek, maj 14, 2015

1. STILA Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner
Intense Black
I've had a streak of bad luck with felt tip eyeliners this year, though I'm currently finally very happy with that Born Pretty "panda liner", but even before I got that one, I've had this Stila one on my wishlist for quite a while. I've heard so many good things about it and also Nadja recommended that I should try it, so I really wish to give it a go. Also Emily from Beauty with Emily Fox says that it supposedly lasts about a year which sounds amazing. It's quite expensive, but with my discount code that I've been saving, the price should be more reasonable.
Feel Unique, 17.81 €.

2. L'OCCITANE Pivoine Flora eau de parfum
I am head over heels in love with the scent of the Pivoine Sublime moisturiser, seriously the application is so enjoyable and I quickly put this fragrance on my wishlist, even though I'm not even sure that it's the exact same scent. I'm not a fan of floral scents, but the moisturiser smells so amazing, just like fresh flowers. There are both the eau de parfum and eau de toillete available, either of which I wouldn't mind owning, however, the price is quite steep, so I don't see that happening very soon (maybe for my birthday).
L'Occitane, 49.80 € (50 ml).

3. MAKEUP REVOLUTION  Salvation Velvet Matte Lip Lacquer 
I never got the hype around MAC's Rebel lipstick because it just looked too purple and dark for my taste, but I suddenly changed my mind and started investigating this very autumnal shade now in the spring. I'm a fan of that warm purple-rose colour like Essie's nail polish in Bahama Mama and the likes, so I'd love to have such a shade for the lips as well. This shade by Makeup Revolution looks like what I'm looking for, though I must say that their lip gloss packaging is terrible, but I'm willing to overlook that for this colour. 
Ličila.si, 4.95 €; Makeup Revolution, £3.00.

4. WET N'WILD Mega Last Matte Lipstick
Sugar Plum Fairy
This is another one of the Rebel-like shades and for me it will be an either or situation, meaning I'll get either Sugar Plum Fairy or MR's Rebel, whichever is cheaper and more accessible. This is a super popular shade and I've heard so many good things about it, but I never gave it a closer look. I've actually seen these in Croatian DM's and I didn't pick one which I regret now.
I am worried though that this colour will look completely purple on me.
Destination Pretty, 3.95 €; DM Hrvatska, 23 kn (list of DM's in Croatia that sell Wet n' Wild).

5. L'OREAL Mattifying Infallible Foundation
10 Porcelain
Almost every British blogger raves or at least talks favourably about this foundation and I need to try it. I'm concerned about the lightest shade (as always), but I swatched the shade Porcelain from the "regular" Infallible foundations and it looked very promising (but the price was the off putting factor that made me not buy it). It's supposedly a medium-high coverage foundation with a nice, non cakey matte finish. This will be mine. 
Boots International, £6.99; Feel Unique, €12.32.

In the USA these are called Demeter fragrances and I've had my eye on them for a couple of years now, since I started exploring Fragrantica. They have an impressive collection of interesting scents, ranging from one note fragrances like Peach, Green Tea and Lime to some very unique scents like Baby's Head, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Storm and even Pizza - their creativity appears to have no limits. Boots got them a few months ago, for some reason under a different name and I so want to try at least one, even though I now they most likely have a very weak staying power. I have my heart set on Sunshine because I love that word and I presume it smells fresh and warm as well as citrusy.

7. & 8. BALEA Luxury Red Love Line
Pampering shower gel & pampering bath
I recently found the bath salt from this line, which intrigued me from the first time I saw it on their Instagram, since it says it smells like peach and coconut. You know I can't walk past peach scented products. I was so excited about the bath salt that I quickly opened it up to see how it smells and the wonderful aroma stayed in my nostrils quite a while. The scent of this is to die for! I mostly smell peach and a tiny bit of coconut, but in a super sexy way. It's similar to their discontinued Nectarine shower gel, but kind of darker and warmer. I love it! I hope we get the rest of the line here in Slovenia.
There is also a gold version that smells like vanilla and patchouli.
DM, the bath salt costs 0.79 €.

9. BALEA Rasiergel Pink Grapefruit
This is the latest edition of Balea's amazing shave gels and I'll be sure to try this one once it reaches our DM's. Pink Grapefruit scented product  usually have such an uplifting fresh, but sweet scent, so I have high hopes for this. 
DM,  1.99 € (presumably)

I also want to thank you for reaching 1000 followers on Bloglovin' today (unless someone unsubscribes in the next couple of days, then this will just sound stupid). Thank you for reading my little rambles, for every comment and save/like on social media. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Have a great day!

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  1. Čestitke, če si kdo zasluži toliko in še mnogo mnogo več spremljevalcev, si to ti. <3
    Kako izgleda lepo ta novi gel za britje od Balee, čeprav nisem prepričana, če bi mi lepo dišal. Z MR mat lip lacquerji si ne upam več tvegati, ker me formula ni prepričala. L'Occitane toaletna voda mi pa diši prekrasno, jaz sem si jo kupila v mini setu. :) Sem morala vzeti ta set, ker tako hvalite Potoniko in sem res zadovoljna. :)

    1. Hvala <3
      Sem se takoj spomnila tvoje objave od MR Lacquerjih, ampak nekako upam, da ker je temnejša barva, bo boljše kvalitete. Vsaj običajno je tako. Samo embalaža je pa obupna. Meni je vsa razpadla :/
      Ta mini set si tudi res želim imet, predvsem zaradi tega mini parfuma :)

  2. Jaz grem jutri na nego L'Occitane in če mi bo ta parfum všeč, bo zagotovo moj, ampak v tistem setu z mini kremo, gelom za tuširanjem, losjonom,... :P
    Tale L'oreal puder se sliši super, me zanima, če je odtenek res tak super za nas bledokožce.
    Uuu, pa ta linija od Balea se sliši fantastično - I love coconut & peaches. :3 Bo treba iti povonjat + še vedno nisem pregledala njihovih novih poletnih gelov za tuširanje iz omejene izdaje. Še dobro da imam te njihove kuponček za 50% off na Bourjois Velvete in Essie, da se čimprej spravim do Dma. :P

    Pa čestitke za 1000 sledilcev. <3 Se spomnim, da sem nazadnje videla št. 999. xD

    1. Jaz se pa sploh nisem naročila na to nego. Vem, da sem weird in bo še ena izgubljena priložnost, ampak ni mi prijetno hodit na take stvari. Set si pa tudi jaz želim :)
      Me zanima, če bo ta puder na voljo tudi pri nas, čeprav resno dvomim, da bodo imeli tudi najsvetlejši odtenek.
      Od te Balea linije sem v našem DM-u našla samo kopalno sol, ampak upam, da bo kmalu prišlo še ostalo, imam največ upanja za tuš gel :)

      Hvala <3

  3. I have one of Stila's makeup brushes and it works wonderfully - maybe I will try their eyeliner pen and see how well it works.

    Best wishes,

    1. I've never even seen Stila's brushes and now I'm intrigued :)

  4. I just ordered the L'oreal foundation and can't wait to get it, hopefully it's as good as everyone says it is. The Stila liquid eyeliner is awesome, it's waterproof and stays put all day. I have the black and couple of other shades but I'm looking in to getting one of the fun bright shades for spring.

    1. I'd love to read your review when you get it :) You have such a great blog and your Instagram pictures are so lovely :) I should really give that Stila eyeliner a try :)

  5. matt L'oreal puder je tudi na vrhu moje wishliste ! In tudi L'occitanov parfum je bil na moji wishlisti, ampak ker redko porabim cel parfum sem rajše potovalni set s tistim mini parfumčkom kupla :)

    1. Res sem toliko pozitivnih stvari slišala o tem pudru, da me tako mika :) Tisti mini parfum in mini krema sta pa ridicuously adorable :) In torbica mi je všeč.

  6. I'm a bit iffy about spending ~20€ on an eyeliner if I can't try it first, but it has great reviews. Looking forward to see what you think about it if/when you get it!
    I think Rebel is totally worth the hype, it's very pretty and it leaves a hot pink stain that lasts forever on me.

    1. Me too, especially after the Artdeco disaster :/ But, I have a 20% off code for Feel Unique, so this is on the top of my list to buy from there :)
      Rebel sound lovely, I should really get my hands on it, but it's out of stock everywhere I looked.

  7. Odgovori
    1. Tako rada vsake toliko časa malo pregledam njihovo spletno stran za novosti :) Mi lažje padejo v oči, kot v trgovini.

  8. You had me at smells like peach and coconut <3 Bo treba malo obiskovat Dm-e :)

    1. Če so ti breskovi vonji všeč, poglej še med tisto DM-ovo princeskino otroško linijo za 2v1 šampon in balzam :) Krasno diši :)

  9. Čestitam za 1000 sledilcev! :)
    Jaz sem prejšnji teden dobila tester Lorealovega pudra v odtenku Porcelain (+ Nars All Day Luminous ^^) in je res super, sploh za mastno kožo. Upam da ga na Feel Unique kmalu dobijo na zalogo v tem odtenku, ker sem ga potem pozabila kupiti :(

    1. Hvala :D
      O, super jealous :) Nekam bor izbor odtenkov imajo na Feel Unique. Glede na popularnost bi bilo pametno, da bi začeli prodajt vse odtenke in upam, da jih bodo :)

  10. Čestitke Mateja! To pa je res mejnik:) Zaslužiš si vsak subscription!;)

    Stila je tudi na moji wish listi. Tudi jaz sem nekako dobila na radar ta L'Orealov puder in me seveda tudi zanima v čem je čar. Saj verjetno spet k nam ne pride:/.

    1. Hvala <3

      Jaz pa mislim, da bo ta puder tudi pri nas, ker je že originalni Infaillible :) Samo bo zihr samo par odtenkov in noben zame.

  11. Najprej iskrene čestitke, res si zaslužiš še mnogo več ''sledilcev'' :)
    Je pa tale L'orealov puder tudi na moji WL, upam da jih kmalu dobimo. Pa ta potonika vonj je mene tudi čisto prevzel včeraj na razvajanju čeprav sem ponavadi proti cvetličnim vonjem. Imam pa ta Wet'n'wild odtenek in mi je krasen samo mi formula ni ravno najljubša (lip-liner je pri meni obvezen, nanos se ''vleče'' po ustnicah, pa še zelo mi izsuši ustnice) tako, da jo raje nosim nad balzamom za ustnice.

    1. Hvala <3 Ti tudi :)
      Tako me živcira ko zaostajamo z novimi stvarmi tukaj. Še vedno čakam tiste Maybelline Color Drama svinčnike, ki so nam bili obljubljeni že lani :/
      Pričakujem bolj suho mat formulo od Sugar Plum Fairy, ampak moje ustnice dokaj dobro prenesejo mat odtenke :)

  12. I own Rebel Salvation Velvet lip lacquer and I must say it's more purple than it appeared in the swatches I found in the Internet, very different from MAC's Rebel in my opinion. I was a bit disappointed at the beginning, however, I started to like it after a while :)

    I have read and watched quite many tests of this Infallible foundation and everyone said it's not good, some described it even as terrible. I'm not following too many British bloggers, but it's funny that the opinions are so much different ;) Actually, my friend got it for tests and she wasn't enthusiastic about the product :(

    1. I'm worried most such shades might be very purple on me, including MR's Rebel, but I'd at least like to give it a try. I'm not that concerned with it being an actual dupe for Mac's Rebel, perhaps I'd even prefer it if it were a warmer shade :)

      Was this for the new formula? I've heard only positive reviews from girls with a wide range of skin types, so I would love to try it. I did try the old/original one and I found it a bit heavy.

  13. I have heard only good things about the L'OREAL Mattifying Infallible Foundation and am wanting to try it myself. Only trouble with trying new foundation is once it's on, even if I don't like it I have to go out in public wearing it because starting over is too much work! hah

    Hopefully it is as amazing as all the hype around it!

    1. I know exactly what you mean. I was trying out that Rimmel Lasting Finish Nude foundation on a quiet Saturday and then I had to go some place public only to discover later that the foundation turned awful on my skin. I even had people commenting how bad it looks :/
      I have high hopes for this one. I've heard so many raves about it :)

  14. Čestitke za 1000 sledilcev in hvala za Destination Pretty omembo. :) Sugar Plum Fairy je res lep odtenek in pretty much identinčen MAC Rebel, če si slučajno kdaj poswatchala to šminko.

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Hvala :) In ni za kaj :) Macovo Rebel nisem še nikoli swatchala, sem pa vse odtenke Wet n'wild, ki jih imajo na Hrvaškem :)

  15. You should try that foundation! I'm also interesting in buying it, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

    1. I am so tempted to order it right away :) . The reviews make it sound so good :)

  16. Čestitam, če si res kdo zasluži si to ti <3

    P.S parfum imam tudi jaz nagledan, ma ne vem če ga bom vzela ta mesec...a Baleini izdelki 7&8 bodo/so pri nas?

    1. Hvala <3

      Ne vem za te Balea izdelke. Sol je že pri nas, drugih stvari pa še nisem videla. Gel za britje bo skoraj zagotovo pri nas, ker so bili do zdaj vsi, za gel za tuširanje imam tudi velike upe, edino kopel me skrbi, da ne bo pri nas. V Nemčiji in Avstriji so pa že na voljo :)

  17. Oooo čestitke za 1000-ko!! :)) xx
