L'Oreal Infallible 24H Matte Foundation 10 Porcelain
ponedeljek, avgust 10, 2015
If you're a frequent reader of beauty blogs, I'm sure the hype about this foundation did not escape your attention. I've heard so many raves about this new matte version of the Infallible foundation and though I had my doubts about it simply because it sounded too good to be true, in a typical beauty blogger fashion, I desperately wanted to try it. So does it live up to the hype? Oh, yes. I think it does.
Texture: The consistency is somewhere between liquid and thick and it reminds me a bit of Catrice's Nude Illusion, but it's a bit lighter compared to that one and also feels drier to the touch meaning it has a high content of silicones. It's one of those foundations that dries fast once applied, so you don't have a lot of time for blending it in and that's why I apply this foundation in sections to avoid any unblended patches of foundation.
Coverage: I'd say it's medium, though I've heard many people say it's almost full coverage and I have a feeling that some might say it looks like light-medium coverage based on my close-up pictures. I actually apply thin coats of any foundation, hence why my freckles still show through on the pictures. Because it's a matte foundation, I prefer to apply less, as foundations tend to look cakey very fast on my skin (I seriously have no idea how Youtube/Instagram girls get off with such thick coats of foundation and contour. It all looks so fake on me). Its best feature in my opinion is how well it hides pores. This looks amazing over pores. I've never tried anything like it, not even a primer. Almost every foundation started to emphasize my pores for some reason, but this kind of just camouflages it by filling them in, instead of just sinking into them. It's so amazing to see how the pores look so diminished with this foundation, I'm a huge fan. I have noticed though that with a brush I don't get such a flawless result when it comes to pores, so my preferred method of application is with fingers - well, at least when it comes to the areas around the nose. It doesn't cover under eye circles well and the blemishes will still peak though despite applying several layers on them, so an additional layer of concealer is needed.
Finish: This is a matte finish foundation and as I said it sets fast, however, it's not completely draining matte. I'm not sure if it looks like this only on my slightly oilier summer skin, but there is definitely that natural radiance I have showing though. It manages to keep my skin matte for a very long time, but if it's a very hot day, then I use a bit of powder on my forehead. It doesn't crease under the eyes, probably due to a high silicone content, same goes for any lines, though it doesn't disguise them like pores. This will look weird over patches, just to warn you. I have to be careful especially in the area around the eyebrows and close to the scalp. If your skin is dry or dehydrated, I don't think this is a foundation for you.
Shade (10 Porcelain): I got the lightest one in the range and it's s closest to Bourjois Healthy Mix 51, only it's pink toned. L'Oreal has a tendency to make their pink toned foundation look a bit orange and I get that same impression when I swatch this on the back of my hand and it's also not the best match for my skin, but it doesn't look terribly fake I think, especially compared to N1 from their True Match range. It could be lighter, but at least I now have a decent face self-tanner, so I'll be able to use it in the winter as well.
Staying power: I've said a few times than I never check my foundation during the day because I just don't care enough, but I did notice that this foundation lasts averagely. It lasts maybe up to 8 hours on me, as by then it's definitely mostly wiped off on my nose, but the skin is mostly still matte. But it does fade nicely, without caking up or looking patchy.
Scent: It has a faint scent that I barely notice, but it's sort of a classic makeup scent.
Packaging: It's a simple tube with a precise nozzle applicator. The black parts of the packaging can get dirty from foundation fast, especially the cap as it's slightly rubberised.
Price and availability: This doesn't appear like it will reach our drugstores anytime soon, even so I highly doubt that 10 Porcelain will be sold here (because as we all know pale women don't live in Slovenia *rolls eyes*), but I got mine on Salma for 10.90 €. I'm not sure in which countries it's sold apart from UK, but check your drugstores. US version comes in a bit different, flatter packaging. I have seen just the primer from this line in our drugstores.
So the final verdict on this foundation? I'm impressed. Do I like it more than my long time favourite Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum? I'm not sure that I do because that one looks like nothing on my skin and this one has that tell-tale matte finish, nor do I think like it more than Nars' Sheer Glow, but it's definitely in my top 5 and it's my favourite summer foundation for sure. I love how it looks over pores and I even like the matte finish, even though it doesn't make it the most natural looking foundation, but it's definitely very handy in the summer heat. The shade is its weak point, L'Oreal just has to learn how to make neutral light foundations. It's a foundation that to me appears like it has a high content of silicones and since it "fills in" the pores so well, I make sure I really get everything off at the end of the day, so I don't end up with blocked pores, but so far it hasn't caused me any skin problems at all. If you have oily, combination or normal skin, this is definitely a foundation to try, however, people with dry skin and any dry patches, might not like this foundation so much. I'm still a bit concerned how this will perform on me in colder months, but for now I'm fan.
Have a great day!
O wow, kakšna razlika! Meni se tudi zelo vidijo pore in definitivno gre tol na moj wishlist!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSem zelo zadovoljna s tem pudrom :) Se ga splača preizkusit :)
IzbrišiSem čisto pozabila prebrati, da si svojega dobila na salmi in sem bila prav hudo razočarana, ko ga nisem ugledala v Mullerju. Je na moji WL. ;)
IzbrišiDosti vode bo še preteklo, preden bo to pri nas v Müllerjih. Kakšnega upanja da bodo imeli najsvetlejši odtenek pa nimam.
IzbrišiSe popolnoma strinjam z vsem kar si napisala. Meni je všeč mat finiš z zame bolj lahko do srednje prekrivnostjo :D Dobra kombinacija za poletje, ampak odtenki so pa res katastrofalni. L'Oreal nikoli nisem kupovala ravno zaradi teh pink oranžnih podtonov. Catrice se mi zdi ekstremno uspešen pri ustvarjanju res nevtralnih odtenkov, ne vem kaj je tako težkega temu L'Orealu. Odkar si omenila, da ti dobro skrije pore se vsak dan gledam, če opazim razliko in mogoče je res malo, ampak moje pore se čez dan tako zelo razširijo sploh zdaj poleti, da efekt hitro izgine. Včasih mi je celo preveč mat finiš, ker moram met spodaj še vedno dobro vlažilno kremo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNa tebi res izgleda super in zdaj mi je žal da nisem kupila tega odtenka. No saj bi itak bil preveč roza zame. Tega tudi mešam z Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation, ker Bourjoisjev je pa res zelo rumen :).
L'Oreal ima res neke trapaste odtenke. Že tako se pri nas dobijo samo temni, potem pa še s temi podtoni nekaj grešijo. Ne vem zakaj je tako težko najti nevtralne odtenke, Catrice res izstopa.
IzbrišiMeni na srečo ta efekt prekrivanja por ne izgine čez dan, sploh se mi ta puder ne usede grdo v pore čez čas in se res zadovoljna z njim. Kombinacija z MF All Day Primer mi je super. Se pa strinjam glede vlažilne kreme, gre puder potem lepše gor :)
Zate bi bil tale zihr preroza, bi ga morala tudi mešat.
Men prav super deluje! Da ne omenim, kok mas hude trepalnice!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKaksen tip koze pa imas? Sama imam mesan...
Hvala :) Imam tudi jaz mešan tip sploh zdaj poleti. Nimam nikoli zelo mastne, ampak se malo svetim čez dan v T-zoni. V hladnejšim mesecih je pa bolj normalni tip.
IzbrišiI really like the Nude Illusion foundation and its texture, so I might give this a try. I think it is sold at dm here, so maybe it'll come to Slovenia, too. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf you like Nude Illusion, you'll probably like this. They have a similar "radiant matte" finish. Let's hope they finally start selling it here, but our importers are so slow and we don't get at least a half of the stuff that's available elsewhere :/
IzbrišiSe strinjam z napisanim. :) Tudi odtenek 11 Vanilla je zelo rozast in zato z njim uporabljam Bourjois puder v prahu, ki ima bolj rumen podton,da se nekako nevtralizira. Na moji mastni koži se presenetljivo dobro obnese, še vedno imam pa zdaj poleti po kakšnih 5-ih urah dewy videz (not my favourite).
OdgovoriIzbrišiTorej imata oba najsvetlejša odtenka roza podton - bravo L'Oreal :S Moja koža na srečo ni nikoli pretirano mastna, tako da mi tale puder dobro matira in zdrži, ampak v vročini pa tudi jaz uporabim kakšen puder v prahu.
IzbrišiI would like to try it and I will, but now I just have too many foundations opened ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's a great foundation, but you of course don't need to try it right away :)
IzbrišiSem prav čakala na to objavo, čeprav sem že takrat vedela da jo bom najbrž morala probat :) Bom definitivno naročila, čeprav šele proti jeseni, ker poleti težko prenesem karkoli na obrazu :) P.S. Ne vem kaj delaš s svojo kožo, ampak keep doing it ker na vseh slikah- tudi tistih brez foundation izgledaš res fresh in radiant :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTale je lahek na obrazu, tako da me sploh ne moti tudi v vročini, pa sem tudi tak človek, da ne maram poleti dosti na obrazu :). Mislim, da je to zato, ker se takoj posuši na koži in ni tistega lepljivega občutka. Če ponavadi jeseni in pozimi ne dobiš lusk, potem ti bo tale puder ustrezal.
IzbrišiPa hvala <3 Dejansko sem postala ekstra super lena kar se tiče nege obraza in uporabljam samo nekaj za čiščenje (L'Occitane olje ali pa tisti Garnierjev piling, če nimam vodoodporne maskare) in pa seveda vsak dan Nuxe olje. Mislim, da je ravno slednje najbolj zaslužno za stanje moje kože :)
Ko je Manny Mua v svoji objavi na youtubu izmed milijon tekočih podlag, ki jih predvidevam da ima omenil v postu tudi tega od Loreal, ga je res opisal debest, kar imela bi ga, kljub temu, da imam suho kožo in bi pred tem potrebovala goro vlažilne kreme in primerja:), tolk me je fasciniral s tem ko ga je uvrstil med vse tiste hude firme, ki dvomim, da se bodo kdaj znašle pri meni. Sama še vedno iščem najboljši odtenek pudra, ko grem iskat me te luči v drogerijah tolk medejo:), ampak ja vsako leto je bolše:), se pa moram dejansko še enkrat pozanimat o podtonu kože ker vem da mi ga je nekdo povedal in sem totalno pozabla:) Drgače mi je pa ta Rimmel puder zanimiv, ampak ne upam naročit po spletu, ker bi itak falila odtenek:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLink do objave na youtubu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aYEHFjzg3U
Vprašanje kako bi izgledal na suhi koži. Ni čisto nič vlažilen, tako da bi lahko izgledal zelo nenaravno. Mogoče bi šlo s kakšnim oljem spodaj, tako kot delam z Estee Lauder Maximum Cover :).
IzbrišiLuči v trgovinah so pa itak obupne, ampak DM-ove pa zmagajo - kupiš eno stvar, pa je čisto druge barve zunaj. Zato jaz vedno nosim seboj mini lončke za puder, ker ne mislim kupovat na slepo.
Glede podtona pa gledaš žile na zapestju. Če so modre imaš roza oz. hladen podton, če so bolj zelene, imaš rumen oz. topel podton, medtem ko moje so modrozelene torej imam nevtralen podton. Če se ti zdi, da ti ustrezajo bolj tople barve in zlat nakit, imaš topel podton, če pa hladne in srebro, potem pa roza/hladen podton. Jaz ti priporočam, da preizkusiš na robu čeljusti kakšen Bourjoisov puder, ker ti so zelo rumeni in pa npr. Diorjevo BB kremo 01, ki je roza. Tista podlaga, ki se ti bo zdela, da izgleda boljše je verjetno v tvojem podtonu :)
It looks like a very good natural looking foundation. I have to try this as it's so much hyped! Great review!
OdgovoriIzbrišiChaste & Beautiful
It's worth trying out :)
IzbrišiI always like reading interesting content and your blog surpasses my expectations every time.really very relevant writing performance.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOooh I love how it makes your pores look so much less visible, nice! That is always my main concern.
OdgovoriIzbrišiFoundations used to never emphasize my pores, but lately this has been a huge problem for me, especially with Rimmel foundations. This foundation performs so well when it comes to making pores less noticeable, I'm very impressed :)
Izbrišihm meni se zdi, da bi se to poleti "topilo" z mojega mastnega obraza (sploh nosu) :D mi pa top zgleda odtenek, ker je res čist svetel ! ...mogoče si vseeno kupim za pozimi :3
OdgovoriIzbrišisem si ga drugače že skor kupla, pa se mi zdi, da v Avstriji niso imeli tega čist svetlega odtenka :)
Veš da nekako sumim, da se ti ne bi. Ta puder se pomoje dobro obnese na mastni koži, ker se hitro posuši in ima ta silikonast finiš, da je že kot nekakšen primer. Odtenek je po svetlosti primerljiv s Healthy Mix 51, kar je še kar svetlo :)
IzbrišiTo pa je razlika! :) Tudi sama imam rajši mat finiš, vendar pa kot gledam bi še ta odtenek bil pretemen zame :/ Sem pa gledala Rimmel-ov swatch, mi deluje dovolj svetel za moj obraz, tako da bom pokukala v kakšno drogerijo, da preverim.
OdgovoriIzbrišiČe ti je Healthy Mix 51 pretemen, potem ti bo tudi ta. Trenutno mi je še ostalo nekaj umetne zagorelosti, tako da mi še ustreza, ampak brez samoporjavitvene bo tudi meni pretemen. Ga bom verjetno kar malo mešala z Rimmelovim ali pa Narsovim Siberia :).
IzbrišiAja, pa pri se ne dobi Rimmel. Na Hrvaškem je menda (ampak ga še nisem nikjer videla, pa sem iskala skoraj povsod po Zagrebu) in pa ostalih sosednjih državah. Slišim, da se težko dobi 010 Porcelain, razen na spletu.
O carsko, res izgleda super. Sem ga že gledala, ampak me ni prepričal...
OdgovoriIzbrišiA res? Zakaj te pa ni prepričal? Ti je preveč mat?
IzbrišiI have tagged you in the tag! You're it! Blogger interview. You can read it here: https://beautybyrawan.wordpress.com/2015/08/09/tag-youre-it-blogger-interview/
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi Rawan, you told me this a few days ago :) Again, thank you for the tag :)I actually did something very similar a while ago: http://matejasbeautyblog.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-secrets-of-blogging-tag.html
IzbrišiIzgleda super! Bo treba sprobat :D xo
OdgovoriIzbrišiVisit me: http://naturallymarcela.blogspot.com/2015/07/photos-only-3.html
Edino škoda, da se še ne dobi v naših drogerijah :)
IzbrišiBeautiful! Your skin is a lot like mine - will have to try this product out to see if I get similar results. Thanks for sharing!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWell, if you ever tried Catrice's Nude Illusion and liked it, this is definitely a foundation to try :)
IzbrišiZdej ga morem pa še enkrat "sprobat" in pregledat še kakšno oceno...tole bi znalo bit zame za zimo :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiOd tujih blogerk me je najbolj prepričala ocena od Alix (I Covet Thee), od naših blogerk pa vem, da ga imata Petra (Adjusting Beauty) in Nadja (Memento Mori). Če imaš bolj mastno kožo pozimi, potem ti bo tole všeč :)
IzbrišiI noticed that you use Rimmel Light Porcelain, which is one of the only shades that suits my skin... This looks darker on your arm, is there much difference when you wear it on your face? A lot of foundations look orange on me!
Well spotted, dear :) The thing is that I currently use a self-tanning toner on my face, so the shade of L'Oreal's foundations suits me, while the inner part of my forearm, where I take my pictures is very pale (too lazy to self tan again honestly :D). In the winter when I'm basically holed up inside most of the time and I'm at my palest, my best matches are Rimmel's Light Porcelain and NARS's Siberia, while Bourjois' Healthy Mix 51, which is most similar to this L'Oreal's shade is a bit too dark for me, so I tend to blend it well into my neck if I decide to wear it. So if you currently wear Light Porcelain, this foundation will be too dark for you, potentially even orange due to that pink undertone.
IzbrišiZdaj mi je pa žal, da ga nisem kupila v Avstriji, čeprav koliko sem na hitro pogledala so imeli samo neke temne odtenke. Se bom verjetno slej kot prej vdala in ga naročila, samo za odtenek se morem še odločit :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiŽe zaradi teksture se ga splača vzet, ampak odtenki so bolj švoh. Oba najsvetlejša, Porcelain in Vanilla, sta roza, kar pa pri L'Orealu pomeni, da sta lahko na določenih tenih malo oranžna. Porcelain je primerljiv s HMS 51, ampak glede na sliko, ki mi jo je poslala Nadja (Memento Mori) je Vanilla temnejši od Bourjoisove CC 31, torej dejansko manjka en odtenek vmes.