Catrice Lumination LE Powder Blush C01 Flushed-Fiction
četrtek, avgust 13, 2015
Normally I don't pay much attention to limited editions, I'm just put off by the whole concept, but when I saw this blush, it landed in my shopping basket in a blink of an eye. It's been a bumpy road with this blush and I only had it for a week or so. The reason why I'm posting a review so quickly (well at least for what I'm used to) is that's it's a limited edition item. It was love at first sight, then a disappointment and then I started liking it again - I told you it was bumpy.
So I have this one colour of blushes that I love and buy dupes of them with that defiant "They're not the same, they're similar" stance that secretly even I don't believe. Oh, the lies we tell ourselves to make us feel better *she glances at her ever growing mint green nail polish collection*. Some of you might have noticed it yourself if you saw this blush in person that it is similar to I'm Nuts About You from the Illuminating Blush range and it's also in the same colour family as my beloved Rose Royce from the Defining Blush range. Flushed-Fixion is a warm natural shade or kind of a muted pink and is only a hint cooler than Nuts About You, while it's less intense as well as less warm than Rose Royce. This translates into a lovely fresh, but subtle flush on the cheeks. Unlike the other two before mentioned blushes, this one has, as the name of the collection implies, a glowy/luminous finish on the cheeks Just think of it as Catrice's version of Max Factor's Creme Puffs. Basically this shade is what I wanted and expected MF's Lavish Mauve to be. Of course, Catrice likes to think that Nuts About You is illuminating, well not on my cheeks it isn't. But no matter, they got there eventually, even if it is a limited edition.
So now to why things have been so bumpy. I obviously loved the colour straight away and shoved it into my shopping basket in 0.0002 seconds after seeing it, so I didn't check the pigmentation well. At home I discovered that the pigmentation is very poor and I needed several layers for the colour to show up. Naturally I was quite disappointed and even that illuminating effect was weaker than I expected. Thankfully, now that broke through the top layer, the pigmentation is much better. The interesting pattern is subsequently quickly disappearing, but I'm much happier with the blush than I was a week ago. The illuminating effect is nice as well, though you won't see it on my pictures because my poor Galaxy couldn't pick it up. It's more of a subtle to medium strength sheen, so some might be disappointed if they like super glowy cheeks, but for me it enough. As far as staying power goes, I don't think it's as good as Defining Blushes, but it's still nice, especially for drugstore blushes.
In the end it did end up to be all I wanted Lavish Mauve to be, so just a simple natural-pinky blush with an illuminating effect. I'm glad this landed in my shopping basket. I got mine in Müller for 4.29 € and I've seen this collection in many places. There is also a very interesting highlighter in this collection that I'm still pondering whether to get or not, while Taya reviewed a bright pink lipstick from called Pink MATTrix.
Did you get or do you plan to get anything from this collection?
Have a great day!
Beautiful! The blush is such a boldly pink color - it gives off a real glow. Would love to try this out!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWell, it a part of a limited edition, so if you can get this brand anywhere, you'll have to hurry :)
IzbrišiČudovit, ga bom že ulovila :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI have faith in you :D Ga boš že nekje našla. Če ne v Müllerju, potem pa v DM-u ali Tuš Drogeriji.
IzbrišiVau. <3 V trgovini me ni preveč prepričala, ampak na tebi tako prekrasno izgleda.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoj, jaz sem ga zagrabila pa isto sekundo, ko sem ga zagledala :D Takoj mi je bil všeč :) Hvala <3
IzbrišiSem si ogledovala osvetljevalec, ampak ga nisem vzela na koncu, Embalaža je bila ogromna, polno plastike, jaz pa premalo prostora :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni je bil osvetljevalec lepši kot oba tista nova, tako da sem ga že skoraj dala v košarico, ker imam samo enega v kamnu, pa še ta mi je bil podarjen :). Ampak sem se zadržala, ker sem hotela najprej videti kako se bo obnesel ta, ki je v Contour kit. Prostora imam pa še dovolj :D
IzbrišiWonderful blog! This is very informative site. I am totally pleased by your excellent work. Many thanks for sharing.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoj ti paše <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiČe bi se morala odločit za enega (I'm Nuts About You, Rose Royce ali Flushed-Fixion), katerega mi priporočaš z vidika nanosa, obstojnosti...?
Hvala <3 Najboljši po kvaliteti je definitivno Rose Royce :). Je odlično pigmentiran, lepo se nanaša in še najbolj je obstojen. Oba I'm Nuts About You in Flushed-Fixion sta malo svetlejša in umirjena, oba sta mi seveda zelo všeč, sta pa malo manj obstojna kot blushi iz Defining linije.
IzbrišiTakšni odtenki ti res krasno pašejo :D Tvoja ocena pa dovršena kot vedno :D Sama sem bila nad to kolekcijo navdušena, vendar so ob prihodu v trgovino ostala le še senčila in osvetljevalec. Osvetljevalec sem v sekundi pograbila :P cena senčil pa se mi je zdela malce previsoka za Catrice :/ I'm Nuts About You pa se res zdi podoben Flushed-Fixion, zato bom verjetno prenehala z iskanjem, saj bo I'm Nuts Abot You, ki ga že imam, v kombinaciji z malo novega osvetljevalca verjetno izgledal popolnoma enako :) Sama sem nad osvetljevalcem popolnoma navdušena, saj je nežno roza-peachy barve, kar se mi zdi redko za osvetljevalec nižjega cenovnega razreda. Do zdaj sem zasledila večinoma take v zlatih in šampanjec odtenkih. Pigmentacija se mi zdi ravno pravšnja, na ličkih pusti zelo lep sijaj, zdi se mi primeren za vsak dan, ne le za posebne priložnosti :) Embalaža morda res zavzame malce več prostora, vendar se mi zdi malce drugačna in izdelek deluje dražje-tudi zaradi marmornega izgleda samega osvetljevalca. Edina slabost, če že, je mogoče kar močen vonj po glini, vendar gre le za baked izdelek. Ups, malce sem se razpisala :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiZvesta bralka Ivana
Hvala <3 Jaz sem imela mislim, da prvič po letih srečo, da sem prišla zjutraj pred popolnoma na novo postavljeno stojalo :D Sploh nisem razmišljala, sem samo vzela. Senčil in šmink pa sploh nisem podrobneje pogledala.
IzbrišiItak - ne rabiš se trudit tega povsod iskat, če imaš I'm Nuts About You. Malo highlighterja čez bo ustvarilo praktično isti efekt.
Mika me ta highlighter. Zveni res super. :) Ampak saj verjetno imam še dosti časa se odločit, če ga hočem, ker sem našla en ekstra zakotni DM, ker sem našla še praktično celo Nauti Girl kolekcijo, poleg dosti drugih :D
Nič ni narobe, da si se razpisala :) Tvoja mini ocena, bo marsikomu prišla prav :)
Krasen je! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi jaz obožujem I'm Nuts about you, tako da mogoče kupim še tega - če še ga kje najdem. :D
Pa zelo, zelo ti paše, kar žariš - v dobrem smislu seveda. <3 Katero šminko imaš to na ustnicah? Ful mi je všeč! :)))
Sem poskušala čim prej objavit, samo ta stojala se tako hitro spraznejo. Morda ga pa še kje najdeš :)
IzbrišiHvala <3 Na ustnicah je Bourjoisov svinčnik Cotton Candy, ampak sem ga zblendala, da se čez vidi moja naravna barva :) Če se prav spomnim, ga imaš tudi ti, a ne?
Res čudovit blush, zelo zanimiv odtenek :) Ponavadi sama tudi ne posvečam prevelike pozornosti omejenim izdajam ampak letos me je pri Essence privlačila Fun Fair s prečudovitimi lakci. Iz te kolekcije pa nimam ničesar, čeprav je zanimiva :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiIz Fun Fair si že tedne ogledujem tisti marelični blush, pa ga nikoli ne postavim zares v košarico. Mogoče bom kdaj naletela na njega ko bo znižan med ostanki kolekcij v kakšnem zakotnem DM-u :D
IzbrišiIt's a really pretty blush, I love how Catrice makes is so affordable without looking cheap.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTheir stuff really looks classy :) Except for mascaras :)
IzbrišiThis blush looks beautiful and you are looking very pretty and glowy:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiChaste & Beautiful
Oja, res je krasen. Upam, da ga še kje najdem, čeprav ga ravno ne rabim :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrav nate sem se spomnila, ko sem pisala o tem blushu :) Ko sva že obe tako obsedeni z Nuts About You :D