Essie Fiji

sreda, september 02, 2015

Similarly to Mint Candy Apple, Fiji has a special status in the beauty community. I have to admit, I never got the hype. I mean it's an off-white pink, so what? But so many people adore it and highly recommend this shade. Actually, I didn't buy this myself, but my cousin got it and found that this colour doesn't suit her complexion, so she asked me if I want it and put it on my blog. Isn't she nice?

Fiji is a very pale milky pink with a creamy finish. That's it, a nude-pink nail polish. I still don't get what all the fuss is about to be honest. It's pretty, but rave worthy? Nah, not really. Apparently this looks great with a tan, but I wouldn't know that since I am very pale.  

The formula is a pastel from hell. There I said it. It's like Mint Candy Apple and Fiji are these evil pretty cousins that make you spend applying nail polish way longer than you planned to. It's a thick formula that is also runny, so when you go to apply it on the nails, it messes up everything around. At least three coats are needed for a decent even finish. The brush is lovely and fits my nails perfectly, but what does that help when the formula is behaving like a little disobedient child.

Ok, I might be thoroughly spoiled by gel formulas, but it's 2015 people. Essie you need to let go of these old school classic pastel formulas. Even Catrice, which is less than a third of the price has better behaving pastels. When I was swatching this for a review, I applied three pastels in a row and this one was a nightmare compared to Catrice's CC nail polish.

So tell me, any one of you a die hard fan of this shade? Do you also find the formula hard to work with?

Essies cost 9.90 € in DM.

Have a great day!

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  1. Essie Fiji is my ultimate favorite nail color! I love it so much!

    1. I'm sure the formula is worth putting up with if you love the shade:)

  2. I love your reviews, Mateja because you're always so honest.
    I haven't tried Fiji, but I don't really wear nudes on my nails.

    1. Thank you :) I love a good nude nail polish, but this one doesn't look anything special on my nails.

  3. A pastel from hell ^.^ You really made me laugh with this article. Love it!

    The hype started in 2012 where the first version of this colour came up, a off white with the slightest amount of pink in it. The versions from 2014 and 2015 were getting more and more pink, so now it's just a pale rosy nail polish with a formula from hell XD I got three versions of it and am quite a fan of the first one, colour wise since it is so unique in my collection. But I hate the finish as you do and never use it.. sigh -.-

    1. It's one of the most annoying formulas I had the "pleasure" to work with :D But just like Mint Candy Apple if you love the shade, you're willing to put a bit more effort into application.

      I saw different versions of these on some blog. I don't get why they're changing the colour, but not the actual formula.

    2. There was some weird response from essie regarding the change of colour. They said, this shade tends to get paler within the years and that customers where angry about this. So now, they add a little more colour to every new version of Fiji to prevent this.. I don't get all the fuss about this. Everyone knows that the shades of very light colours are fading in sunlight, this is why every nailpolish-junkie stores them in a cool and dark place.
      Regarding the formula, essie is able to produce nice ones - I love my Urban Jungle, it is far better than any of my Fiji versions formula-wise :)

  4. Nah, take barve me nekako ne prepričajo... Potem pa dodaš še formulo zraven. Hell no ;) Imam raje živahne odtenke na nohtih ;)
    Xoxo, Nyx

    1. Jaz imam zelo raznolik okus, ampak pravijo, da jim je najlepše če nosim rdeče lake :)

  5. There are many nail polishes in the exact same price. I don't own Essie nail polishes, and I don't feel the need to spend a lot of money, when all these cheap brands have started to make things really high quality :) And if I bought Essie and hated the formula, I would have been so mad! :D Great review though :)

    1. I buy Essie's only when I have 50 % off :). But you're right, for example Catrice made an excellent collection of nude shades in the last update and it actually doesn't even matter which brand or formula I use on my nails, they all last the same :)

  6. Fiji je že nekaj časa na moji WL :) Zdaj še posebej, ko prihaja jesen ... Takrat večinoma izbiram nežne, nude odtenke. Pa še Essie je seveda. Imaš pa tudi lepo zbirko :) Moja je za nekaj časa obstala, ampak se ji bo prej kot slej pridružil Fiji.

    1. Meni se zdi pa Fiji bolj poletni/pomladni odtenek :) Hvala, moja zbirka se samo veča, ampak me trenutno noben več ne zanima :)

  7. Meni je od Essijevih lakcev v teh nežnih pink/nude odtenkih najbolj všeč Ballet Slippers, na drugem mestu pa je Madmoiselle. Fijia nisem kupila že zaradi tega, ker je veliko punc govorilo, da se težko nanaša in sem se raje odločila za prej omenjena odtenka, ki sta zakon in se res lepo nanašata. (Tamara)

    1. Meni sta se ta oba odtenka vedno zdela preveč prosojna sodeč po swatchih, zato ju nisem nikoli vzela. Imam rada polno prekrivne nude lake, kjer ni potrebnih več kot dve plasti :) Samo formula Fijija je pa katastrofa :D

  8. Meni se pa sploh ni zdela zahtevna formula, dokler seveda nisem kar nekaj laka porabila in je postal gostejši, takrat se je začel težje nanašati. I guess I'm strange. Jaz sicer obožujem ta lak, ker je poleg MO Cerise edini pink lak, ki mi je všeč. :D

    1. Sem brala tvojo objavo preden sem objavila svojo :D Meni je tako tečna formula. Barva pa na meni ni nič posebnega, na tebi mi je pa všeč :)

  9. Se strinjam s Tayo. V začetku z nanosom sploh ni težav, kasneje pa gre malce več časa. Mi je pa odtenek top :)

    1. Mislim, da je moj nov, pa je vseeno težka formula za nanašat. Ampak jaz imam tako malo potrpljenja z laki :D

  10. I love this! I wanna try the Candy Apple :)

    1. Mint Candy Apple is gorgeous, but there are many dupes with a better formula. Kiko's Jade Green is a bit greener, but the formula is the best out of mint green shades I've tried :)

  11. Joj, ko si ga omenila skupaj z MCA sem ga odpisala za vekomaj. MCA mi je skorajda uprl mint odtenke, groza. :D Mi pa k sreči Fiji sploh ni všeč, just not my type of colour.

    1. Mint Candy Apple ti vzame par let življenja. Jaz sem šla takoj dupe iskat. Do zdaj mi je daleč najboljši od Kika Jade Green, sledi mu pa Depend 245 :)

  12. Meni prekrasno izgleda na nohtih, ampak ga ravno zaradi formule ne nosim velikokrat. Sem preveč razvajena s Spin the bottle :)

    1. Spin the Bottle ima popolno formulo za tak odtenek :)

  13. I love this blog and all the combination and shades. Thanks for sharing here with us.

  14. Se strinjam z vsem napisanim..formula je grozna, barva OK (ampak nic posebnega) in ne razumem navdusenja okoli tega laka ;)

    1. Očitno imajo drugi veliko več potrpljenja s slabimi formulami kot midve :)
