Bourjois La Laque 7 Lycheers

četrtek, oktober 15, 2015

Bourjois released their version of gel formula inspired nail polishes a while ago and in doing so joined the not so exclusive club of drugstore brands that did the same in the past couple of years. Their selection of shades is pretty basic and cute, but Lycheers grabbed my attention because I have nothing similar and I find it quite unique. I've had it for several months now, but kept putting off posting a review about it because to me it's an autumnal shade, so it'd be weird posting about it in august.

Lycheers is a medium dirty/retro rose-pink shade or a pinker version of the marsala shade. Actually the lid of Rouge Edition Velvet in 07 Nude-ist is almost exactly the same shade and the products make a pretty cute almost matchy-matchy combination. I loved the look of it in the bottle, but I'm still not sure about it on my nails. It's pretty, but I like other shades more on my nails.  It has this brownish tone to it on me that makes it look too grandma's dress from the 70's, but it's warming up to me a lot more since the temperatures dropped and we eased into autumn.

The formula is a gel inspired one, which means it's very pigmented and you can get away with one coat, but even on me one coat chips within a day, so I apply another and then it lasts the usual amount of time on me. The formula is ok, but after trying so many gel inspired formulas it takes a lot to truly impress me. Sometimes I feel it's already too thick, then sometimes I don't - I've never been fussy about nail polish formulas to be honest (expect some pastels *coughs* Essie's Fiji *coughs*). 

The packaging is interesting because of the wedge design. The brush is a classic one and I wish it were wider, but it works fine.

These cost 7.19 € in Műller, which is quite expensive for a drugstore nail polish, I waited for a discount to get it. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Wauu ful lep :D Super se ujema z Nude-ist :D Odtenek me spominja na nov Essence lak v odtenku 48 my love diary :)

    1. Ja, res je podoben Essencevemu, ga ravno zato nisem kupila :)

  2. Uau ker prečudovit lakec :) Res lep jesenski odtenek ;)

  3. Odtenek je lep, ampak če gre pri tebi tako hitro dol, potem bi pri meni v eni uri? :D Zame žal ne bo. MI je pa škoda, da ne nadgrajujejo odtenkov 1 seconde linije, ker je ena najboljših formul ever. Tisti čopič je zakon in laki tudi precej dolgo zdržijo :).

    1. En sloj se hitro odkruši, ampak ne povsod. Dva sloja se obnašata normalno, torej na meni zdržita en en teden+. Napisala sem tako samo zato, ker en sloj je že polno prekriven in ti ni treba nanesti drugega sloja za kaj popravljat, ampak jaz nanesem dva:)
      1 Seconde imam dva odtenka in se strinjam, formula je res super :)

  4. Meni je tale full lep. Pa Nude-ist isto. Na tebi, vprašanje kako bi na meni izpadla :)

  5. The color is gorgeous and it matches perfectly with your lipstick.

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. Not sure if Bourjois intended to make Nude-ist and Lycheers to match, but they certainly are very similar :)

  6. This shade is beautiful! :) I think I'll get it :)

    1. Also check Essence's 48 my love diary for a more affordable option :)

  7. Lak je prelep, divno ti stoji. :)

  8. Meni se zdi res krasen. Bi ga takoj kupila, če ne bi imela doma toliko drugih lakov. :)

  9. The coverage and everything is very nice, I am just not a fan of that color. xoxo

    Visit me:

    1. The formula is nice, but yes, the colour isn't for everyone :)

  10. Jaz sem zadnje čase čisto nora na take odtenke, pa dejansko niso najbolj moji odtenki.
    Drugače pa ja, ker si me na mojem blogu že vprašala, pa ti bom kar tukaj prej odgovorila: na prvo žogo z Essence My Love Diary izgledata ista. Sem ju poswatchala na nail wheelu in je razlika zelo minimalna. Bourjois ima močnejši pink podton, ampak mislim, da je razlika tako majhna, da je skorajda neopazna večini ljudi. Bom pozneje na Instagramu objavila fotko, upam, da mi je kakšna uspela. :D

    1. Jaz sem mislila, da je pa ravno obratno in je My Love Diary bolj roza. No fino, potem sva s skupnimi močmi našli dupe :D
      Ampak na tebi tile odtenki izgledajo veliko lepše kot na meni. Srečnica :)

  11. Haha sem se nasmejala pri komentarju o 70's grandma's dress :D Izgleda, da sem jaz že res čisto prava babica, ker so meni takšni odtenki najljubši :D

    1. Nisi še gradma :D Ti marsala odtenki me tako spominjajo na tisto tipično sprano rdečo-roza barvo starih stvari :)
