Freedom Makeup Jewels and Riches Collection Pro 32 Eye Palette

ponedeljek, oktober 05, 2015

These cheap palettes absolutely flooded the market in the past couple of years. Even I have a few, but none that truly wowed me and neither did this one, but it is my favourite out of those. Initially I though I'll just swatch it and wear it a few times for testing sake, but it proved to be very versatile and I ended up wearing quite a lot. I'm a neutral girl at heart and it'll take some ungodly power to separate me from my Urban Decay's Naked Basics (wrote this before I got my hands on theBalm Nude'tude. I should really post my reviews faster), but this one has some cute shimmery neutral shades that I've really been enjoying wearing.

The palette contains 32 eyeshadows ranging from matte to shimmery and from neutrals to a bit bolder colours, but none are super bright, which is a good thing because I have no idea what to do with those. I won't go into details about every eyeshadow, but there are some classic base shades, one decent transitional matte taupe (Reward), shimmery browns, taupes, copper (Fortune) and bronze (Riches) shade, there are some purples, blues, an emerald green and a pink that's a bit out of place. There are also three identical black shades (Precious, Funds and Rare), just because I guess (too much spaces to fill, eh Freedom Makeup?).

The quality varies from eyeshadow to eyeshadow as is standard for these palettes. Mattes aren't the best, but also not bad. There are two blues, Plenty and Aquamarine, that look so similar, but the quality is miles apart. A similar thing happens at purples (Gemstone and Chalcedony). Those cute neutral shimmery shades are all good quality, some are really buttery and pigmented, especially one coppery one (Fortune).  

These do crease on my lids without a primer, but only several hours after application, the staying power is pretty good, way better than expected and with a good primer you can squeeze almost a day out of these (on normal lids). 

The packaging is the same as at Makeup Revolution, a classic sturdy black palette with a very handy big mirror.

For the price this is a pretty decent palette and I've been using it quite a lot, which I didn't expect to. It will certainly come handy when I'll want to wear something coppery or rosy because I don't have such shades from before and I enjoy wearing them. It's a nice palette for beginners or for those who would like to expand their shade range, but don't want to spend much. However if you're an eyeshadow snob like me (forgive me, you know I've been doing this for years) then you'll probably quickly forget it and go back to more high-end stuff.

I got mine from Lič, where is costs a very reasonable 10.95 €. International readers can get it on official Freedom Makeup site.

Have a great day!

*PR product

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  1. Jaz sem isto dobila :) Sem tudi najprej zagledala tiste 3 enake odtenke :/ Mi je pa drugače vredu, rečmo da je mojih barv :)

    1. Dosti je barv, ki so mi zelo všeč, pa vseeno še kakšno pogrešam kljub taki količini :) Ni slaba za ta denar :)

  2. Jaz sem kot vrana na vse kar se sveti. Ko vidim neko paleto, jaz bi jo imela, pa čeprav imam že 10 istih odtenkov. So pa take poceni palete super, če delaš makeup na kom drugem, saj dobiš res variacijo odtenkov :). Mateja jaz zdaj pričakujem kakšne barvne makeup looke od tebe ;)

    1. Boš še čakala :D Zdaj sem prišla celo do faze ko sem že dvakrat nosila burgundy smoky eye - unheard of zame, ampak mi je bil zelo všeč. Sem si zamislila slikat več mejkapov za review theBalm paletke, pa meni izgleda čisto v redu v živo, na sliki je pa kar nekaj, pol barve se zgubi, izgleda nezblendano - to imaš če slikaš s telefonom :/ Zaradi temnih las mi takoj velik kontrast naredi.
      Ja, te paletke so res praktične, ko delaš na mejkap na drugih, ampak mene vedno prosijo za Naked, pa naj jih še tako prepričujem :D

    2. Sad face! :P Mogoče je od svetlobe odvisno. Če nimaš naravne potem vedno precej spere barve. Jaz opažam, da mi je najlepše za makeup slikat dopoldne. Ampak to je spet odvisno na kateri strani imaš sobo. Je pa res, da meni tudi makeup s telefonom ne zgleda ravno odlično. Pa nimaš nobenega kompaktnega fotoaparata?

    3. Imam naravno svetlobo in slikam dopoldne :). Lučke imam samo za izdelke slikat. Pač moj telefon zelo lepo slika šminke in ostalo, ampak senčil pa ne zmore. Moj Nikon je pa starejši od bloga in ne moreš z njim čisto nič naredit :D

  3. Te MR paletke so mi pa vedno ljubše, ampak meni "rjava čokoladka" še vedno zmaga.

    1. Joj, čokoladna. Očitno je njena usoda bit večno na moji wishlisti :D Edina taka paletka, ki bi jo sploh imela, dam vse druge nazaj :D

  4. Točno taki odtenki, ki so meni všeč :D

  5. Uh všeč so mi barve, samo da bi kar odstranila vse modre:):) moja bela čokoladica je še vedno meni zelo ljuba ali pa mat senčke pri Iconic pro 1, barv se nekak kar malo bojim:)

    1. Jaz bi tudi dala žive barve stran :) Damn, kaj me dražite s to čokoladno paletko no :D Jaz sem tok hecna, imam stvari za 10 € leta na wishlisti :D Če bi bila za kupit v drogeriji bi jo verjetno že imela.

  6. Oh, this palette looks so similar to MUR ones and the shades are super pretty. I loved your swatches.

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. It's made by MR and MUA. I still don't get why they felt like they needed to create another brand that has identical products. Thank you :)
