Physicians Formula Argan Wear Ultra-Nourishing Argan Oil Bronzer

torek, oktober 06, 2015

It's been a very long time since I last got my hands on a new bronzer. When I found Estee Lauder's Bronze Goddess four years ago, I simply stopped experimenting with bronzers and it remains the only one I found that works with my pale neutral complexion. Physicians Formula has an extensive collection of bronzers, each more beautiful than the last one (have you seen the Paris and New York one? Divine), but this one from the Argan Wear Collection is one of the most stunning ones to look at. It's infused with argan oil, though I don't really know if that makes any difference and it has a very strong oriental scent that is actually its more definitive feature aside from the beautiful pattern.

The bronzer is made out of three shades, while the gold glitter line is just an overspray. First few brush strokes will be very gllitery, however, the gold overspray disappears quickly. The texture is very soft and buttery, consequently the pattern is disappearing fast under the brush. This part actually made me very sad, so I'm only using one side of the bronzer. Due to the soft texture is blends nicely even with my ancient brushes.

To my initial shock I discovered it swatches shimmery golden yellow. I must confess I was very concerned about this, but thankfully it actually does not look bad on me, in fact I kind of like it despite the golden sheen, the only snag is that I need to wear very warm toned makeup. But will it perform the same on someone with a medium or cool skin tone? That I doubt. They do sell a darker version of this bronzer (my shade is Light Bronzer), just not here unfortunately. On my cheeks it creates a warm, golden-tan glow, I think you can see from my picture that it's not at all as terrifying as the swatch and I applied a lot of it otherwise my camera wouldn't be able to pick it up. I think this might work as a subtle gold highlighter on warm, medium skin tones, but I can't say for sure as I haven't tried it on anyone else. 

The one thing that will hit you even before you open the packaging is the intense oriental scent. I think it's lovely, so does everyone I gave it to sniff, but I think that a lot of people won't like it either because they find it too strong or because oriental scents don't suit them. I can't smell it on the face, just in the packaging.

The packaging is similar as at Happy Booster Blush. It's plastic, so quite light, but bulky. That's because there is an extra compartment under the blush where you'll also find a small brush and a mirror. 

I got this bronzer as a part of my job on Click2Chic where it costs 17.90 € (objava v slovenščini tukaj) and they have another bronzer from this brand - Bronze Booster Glow, which is probably darker. I believe they also ship to Croatia. International readers can get it on iHerb.

Have a great day!

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  1. vau, embalaža je tak kjut <3 mogoče je malo preveč zlate barve, na tebi pa zgleda super ! <3

    1. Res, PH zna delat prekrasen mejkap :) Ja, je zelo zlat, vprašanje kako bi izgledal na drugih :) Hvala <3

  2. Nisem pričakovala, da bo tako rumen. Res izgleda bolj kot highlighter, ampak tebi odtenek paše :). Dizajn je pa itak čudovit :)

    1. Me je zelo šokiralo ko sem ga prvič swatchala, ampak ko sem ga dala na lica mi je bil pa presenetljivo všeč. Vseeno se mi zdi, da bi bil za druge, ki niso tako beli kot jaz mogoče bolj primeren drugi bronzer, ki ga imajo na C2C, vsaj kot pravi bronzer, tale bi bil pa morda lahko kot highlighter. Hvala :)

  3. Physician Formula always come up with drool worthy packaging! Loved the review and pictures. Also this bronzer is quite unique. I think it will be perfect for Asian skin tones that are already tanned and will benefit from such a bronzer to give the face some sheen.

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. Word! I'd have all of their stuff and I'd just display it all around the vanity <3 You're right, it might be nice for Asian skin tones, this does have a pretty glow to it :)

  4. Ne glede na to kako so mi všeč taki cute dizajni, jih hkrati tudi sovražim, ker jih potem nočem uporabljat :D
    A The Body Shop Honey Bronzer si ti že sprobala? Meni je tisti najljubši, kadar nimam nič barve, kar je pa itak večino leta :D

    1. Jaz še zdaj jokam, ker sem jih morala uničit :D Na Happy Boosterju se vsaj nič ne pozna če ga uporabljaš, drugje pa takoj.
      Nisem, ampak bi ga rada :)

  5. O waw, kako hud izgleda & odtenek je meni bolj neka mešanica med bronzerjem in osvetljevalcem ampak noro lepo izpade.

    1. Meni je všeč, je tak poseben odtenek, samo ne vem kako bi se to obneslo na temnejši koži kot je moja :)

  6. I remember seeing promos for this, so pretty x

    1. It truly is stunning. I love the look of the blush as well :)

  7. Čudovit dizajn res <3 dobro, da sem prebrala objavo in ga nisem naročila, ker zdaj menim, da se na moji koži sploh ne bi prav opazil. Tebi pa paše :)

    1. Mogoče bi ti bil pa Bronze Booster Glow bolj všeč :) Hvala :)

  8. Wow, what a little gem, it's sooooo pretty! I haven't had much luck with Physician's Formula powders so far though... they've always been very chalky and dry.

    1. It's gorgeous <3 I remember you saying that PF didn't impress you. The products I have all perform well as far as I'm concerned :)

  9. Kako lepa embalaža, dizajn, vse... I am in love! <3

  10. Jooooj, kako je lep! <3 Mislim, da bi ga vsaka imela že zaradi embalaže. :P
    Bi že bil skrajni čas, da malo podrobneje pregledam njihove izdelke, ker so vsi prava paša za oči.

    1. Jaz bi imela vse of PF samo zaradi embalaže :D Jih že primerno razkazujem po makeup mizi.
