Essence All About Nude and All About Bronze Palettes

sreda, januar 13, 2016

I'm probably not the only one who is not as trusting of Essence eyeshadows and to be fair they haven't given us much reason to inspire trust so far. However, I've been hearing some chatter about these palettes, first from Ana Ina from Bijou Beauty and later from Vesna (Chunky Cheeks) and then Petra (Adjusting Beauty), so I gave these a swatch in the shop and was very pleasantly surprised by the pigmentation and quality of these. I picked up two, both very neutral, wearable palettes, All About Bronze and All About Nude.

Texture: In the shop these appeared to be very soft and pigmented, basically a massive step up from what Essence usually does, however, when I tried doing makeup with these at home, I wasn't as enthusiastic any more. These are another set of eyeshadows that need to be built up and I'm the type of person who doesn't like to spend long on my eyeshadow look trying to get the intensity up. Of course, not all the shades all like that, it's mostly the All About Nudes that fails to impress, but the bronze shades in All About Bronze are nice. In general the latter does perform better which is not as surprising considering it's made out of shimmer shades. They blend ok and aren't patchy like some Catrice matte shades can be (referring to the Chocolate Nudes palette). I noticed these perform better if I apply them with fingers, at least when it comes to building up the colour.

All About Nudes

All About Nudes is the most classic neutral palette consisting of vanilla, brown and taupe shades in various intensities, finishes (mostly matte or satin mattes plus two shimmers) and a mix of warm and cool tones. The medium shades (the four in the centre) are not my favourite as they aren't as intense as in the pan, but the darkest one in the top row performs well, while the shimmery taupe is nice, but still not as good quality as bronze shades in All About Bronze. There is a choice of a classic vanilla base and the shimmery vanilla highlighter which has quite a nice glow to it. This is the type of palette I would consider being almost perfect since it's a great mix of mattes and shimmers, but I wish some shades were more intense. In terms of colours isn't not that different from Catrice's Absolute Matte palette except that one performs a lot better.

All About Bronze 

All About Bronze is a much warmer palette than the Nudes and also completely made out of shimmery shades. The quality is a bit better, but here the darkest shades aren't as intense on the eyes as I would wish, so all ends up a bit too monochrome. Also missing is a matte base shade as both lightest ones are quite shimmery. The two golden bronze shades (bottom row) are almost too warm-orange-y for my skin tone, but these would look fantastic on skin darker than mine. I prefer the medium brown shades in the top row as the main lid colours, both are nice quality. It's easier to built these up, but still it looks a bit too washed out if I don't use a cream eyeshadow under it. I used the darkest shade in the Nudes palette to deepen the outer corners on my picture bellow because the two in this palette weren't cutting it. 

Staying power: I can't say I've noticed anything special about staying power or how these wear. They're pretty average on my normal lids. Creasing usually happens late in the day for me as at most eyeshadows and even that isn't tragic or at least I'm never bothered by it. 

Price and availability: I got both of these in Müller for 4.39 € per palette. 

I had the strangest deja vu with these. I have one of their eyeshadows from the Metal Glam Eyeshadow line called 18 Choco-Chic which swatches so pigmented, but I cannot get the same intensity on the eyes. These are better, but still not what I expected based on swatching it in the shop. These are nice palettes for simple neutral eyeshadow looks, but you won't get the same pigment as in more expensive palettes. When I decide to use them, I always pair them up with a cream eyeshadow as a base, so I get the intensity and staying power I expect from any eyeshadow. I would pick these up if I were a teenager or on a very tight budget, All About Bronze especially is a nice addition with its warm medium shades, but the reality is that I will still pick up my theBalm palette more often.  

Have a great day!

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  1. Nude imam jaz tudi in zgornje rjave odtenek zelo zlorabljam. Predvsem so mi všeč da so precej topli, kar je čisto po mojem okusu :). Je pa res, da npr. svetleča taupe je res slabše pigmentirana. Bronze bi takoj imela že samo zaradi zlatega in copper odtenka <3 Pa tako poceni so, da se potem še težje odločim če jih res rabim ali ne :D

    Naredila si tako lepe swatche. Vse pohvale. To so samo pod umetno svetlobo ali naravno tudi?

    1. Srednji štirje me niso navdušili v Nude paletki. Mogoče sem preveč razvajena od UD-jevih Basicov, ampak te so mi prešibko pigmentirane. Bronast in bakren odtenek sta dobra v tej paletki, bronast je celo najboljši od vseh :)

      Hvala :) Kombinacija dnevne svetlobe in lučk je. Ponavadi slikam swatche zunaj, ampak zdaj je premrzlo, pa itak sem ugotovila, da so tako še bolj točni, samo v pravo smer se moram obrnit :D

  2. Sicer teh dveh res nisem niti približno pogledala v drogeriji, ker me nekako niso pritegnile, imam preveč naravnih odtenkov, sem pa na eventu dobila od njih rose paletko in je vse do decembra bila nedotakjena, ker sem jo res hotela dat naprej, potem pa sem vseen probala in sem bla prav pozitivno presenečena, da je tako pigmentirana, kr nekak nisem mogla verjet, da je essenc dodal notri nek magic stuff in da je res ok zadeva in bi jo prav priporočala, če bi kdo iskal kako poceni drogerijsko zadevo. Ti pa kot vedno prelepa:)*

    1. Jaz Essence senčila po defaultu spregledam. No, saj pravzaprav večino stvari, če ne slišim od njih na blogih oz. vidim dobre swatche. Rose sem nameravala vzet, če bi mi bile tidve kul, ampak je očitno ne bom. Preveč sem razvajena od theBalm in UD :D
      Hvala <3

    2. Jst te čist razumem, ko enkrat uporabljaš kvaliteto, je vsa ta drogerijska reč skoraj neomembe vredna, ampak ja pri nas je trg tak, da je na voljo kar je, in si sama tudi želim prestopit to mejo in se nehat pretvarjat,da je nekaj res fino pigmentirano, če v resnici niti ni tako ekstra posebno. Potem ugotoviš, da je to drag šport:) in začneš šparat:). Mene najbolj moti to, da ko s prsti podrgnešpo senčki je res ful obetavna in oh in sploh, potem pa vzameš čopič in ugotoviš, da vsega tega pompa ne preneseš na veke,tudi če imaš res fajn čopič, pa še kar filozofiraš kako fajna je pa ni:). No letos, če bo le šlo bi nehala tako filozofirat sama sebi:)

    3. Ni ravno pravilo, da je dražja kozmetika boljša. Senčila od Chanela in Burberry so menda kar šibko pigmentirana, ampak zanalašč, da dobiš bolj nežen videz, tudi Macova senčila, ki jih imam kar nekaj, niso noben presežek kar se tiče pigmetacije. Ampak senčila od theBalm in UD, so pa meni izjemna :). Pa od Catrice so zelo dobra, od L'Oreala Ombre Pure pa še boljša. Essence pa večno dela zelo podpovprečne izdelke v kamnu in jih večinoma sploh ne gledam. Imajo pa odlične maskare. Je pa tudi tako kot ti praviš, zelo pomembno da imaš tudi čopiče dobre, ker to tudi zelo vpliva na to koliko barve boš dobil na veke :)

  3. This all sounds and looks really good for a product in this price range, nice. The colors are very wearable and flattering, they look good on you.

    1. It think certain Catrice's palette are better any only a euro more expensive, but the bronze one is nice and the selection of shades is great for every day wear :)

  4. I just decided to buy this Nude palte but they didn't have it in the store. I will definitivly buy it. Just tell which one do you like more. Bronze or Nude?

    I am following you, so check my blog and follow me back. ;)

    1. Bronze is better in terms of quality. If you'd like something similar to the Nude one, try Catrice Absolute Matte palette, it's only a euro more than these and has great quality eyeshadows :)

  5. Bronze paletko imam tudi jaz in so za ceno res ok. Če pa daš spodaj še primer ali pa malce vode/fixing spraya, pa res dobiš perfekcijo! :D
    Visit me-->

    1. S primerjem se že preizkusila, pa ni bilo neke velike razlike v pigmentiranost, z vodo si pa nikoli ne upam, ker se bojim, da bo to uničilo senčila. Potem se s temi očitno da to naredit :)
