TheBalm Frat Boy Shadow/Blush

petek, januar 15, 2016

Frat Boy is on the top of most reviewed/highly rated theBalm products on Makeup Alley and its apparently THE universal blush that is flattering on so many skin tones. Well, it's a peachy-pink blush and we already know how popular such shades are, in fact it's almost by default. I've reviewed a couple of their cheeks products (Hot Mama and Mary-Lou Manizer) and I have to say they are some of the best quality such products I've tried, but for such I price you kind of expect that already. 

Frat Boy is a matte peachy-pink, but it's peachier than for example Nars's Deep Throat and Orgasm, but less coral than Coralista. It looks more of a muted version of the shade in the pan, but it's bright when it's swatched. What impressed me is how smooth it feels when you swatch it. I don't think I have any other blush with such a texture, but on the cheeks it behaves like any other (high-end) blush. It's quite a pigmented blush and it shows up well on my cheeks, in fact I need to use it in moderation, so I don't overdo it. It has quite a brightening, cute effect, that peachiness really lifts up the face.

It applies smoothly, even with a rubbish old brush and blends nicely, but what more impressive is the staying power. The first time I wore it, I had two different blushes on each cheek, a Kiko bouncy blush and this one. While Kiko's disappeared during the day, Frat Boy was still going strong at the end of the day. 

The packaging is cardboard, which is kind of a standard for theBalm's cheek products (except highlighters) and it even had a mirror, though this one is already too small. It has the retro image of an actual frat boy, a quarterback. Some people like these (mostly older women, I noticed, so a gift idea maybe), some hate them, I've never been a massive fan of retro things, but it doesn't bother me.

It costs 20.99 € in Müller.

Frat Boy is a product that clearly deserves all the praise it gets. The shade is universally loved and should fit so many skin tones, plus it's very pigmented and the texture is so smooth. If you're not a fan of intense glow that the Hot Mama gives, this will be more to your taste, but I'm currently loving that one a bit more.

Have a great day! 

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  1. Hvala za review Mateja, si edina slovenska beauty bloggerka, ki jo berem :) A si si mogoče že ogledala kozmetično ponudbo, ki jo je lansiral h&m? Jaz sem jo danes na hitro ošvrknila v Cityparku v Ljubljani in me zanima tvoje mnenje.

    1. Hvala <3 Sem šla že parkrat gledat, pa me ni čisto nič pritegnilo. Predrago mi je, sem šla potem raje pred H&M na stojnico od Golden Rose. Blushi so menda odlični, ampak se sem stala pred njimi me ni nobena barva pritegnila. Ampak ocene sem brala pa večinoma samo dobre sploh za navadna senčila, kremna senčila in matte tekoče šminke :) Mogoče bom kdaj pa poskusila kakšno stvar.

  2. I got Cabana Boy and I love it :) I was first afraid it'll look too glowy, but it's great :)

    1. I've checked it out in the shop, but it looked way too intense for me :) But it is precisely the type of colour I don't have yet :)

  3. I'm in love <3 It's so pretty. Res lepo odtenek. Na meni bi zihr bil bolj peachy kot pink, which is a good thing :). Ful ti paše. Taki odtenki res poživijo obraz. Zato ne bom nikoli razumela zakaj eni prisegajo na tipične hladne barbi pink blushe.

    1. Bil bil čisto zate, ja :) Je kot nekakšna mešanica med Narsovim Deep Throat in Coralisto, tako da izgleda bolj peachy kot pink.
      Redko nosim hladne odtenke, ampak so mi tudi kjut :)

  4. Love this! It's such a cute color. Would love to give it a try. Plus the packaging is great!

    1. The quality is great, so it's worth trying out, it's only the price that's a bit steep :)

  5. wow I love that colour on you! so pretty

  6. The shade is so gorgeous. I like how it comes on your cheeks.

    1. The classics are always the most beautiful ones :)

  7. Love it! If the quality is on point, you forget about the price :)

    Visit me-->

    1. Quality of theBalms powder products is definitely very impressive. I'm a drugstore girl, but if they had the Nude'Dude palette in stock when I was last there, I would take it in a heartbeat :)

  8. Zelo lep :) Jaz sem si ravno včeraj ogledovala njihovo ponudbo v Mullerju in me je presenetilo da nimajo Meet Matt(e) Hughes tekočih šmink :/

    1. Sem si slikala celo stojalo :D Že dvakrat sem bila tam, pa nimajo na zalogi Nude'Dude :/ Res bi jo imela, ampak se videla da jo imajo na Salmi in trenutno tudi vse Meet Matte(e) Hughes. Sem pa že večkrat vprašala za njih in za Luminizer Sisters paletko, pa je vedno isti odgovor, da jih še ni tukaj.

  9. Love this! I still really want to try TheBalm blushes, but I've never been able to justify the price as I mostly just wear neutrals. But now you say that it is worth your buck, I might :) I kinda like the packaging. It is not sleek, but is it definitely recognizable in your stash! But then again, I've always been one for the retro style.

    1. I think if you ever want to treat yourself, any theBalm powder product is a way to go. I'm very impressed by the quality, the prices not so much, but even I would consider splurging and I buy almost exclusively drugstore products. The retro packaging is not to my taste, at least in most cases, but I can overlook it for the quality :)

  10. Definitivno eden najboljših nakupov lanskega leta :D Vsak dan bi ga lahko nosila :)

    1. Sem ga hotela imet ravno zaradi tebe :) Glede na to, da nama je Nuts About you tako všeč, ti še najbolj zaupam glede blush choices :)
