Essence Longlasting Lipliners 02 Sweetheart, 06 A Girl's Dream, 07 Plum Cake and 10 Berry on my Mind

petek, april 22, 2016

Admittedly I was never a big fan of Essence lip products. To me staying power is one the most important characteristics and Essence kinda just can't quite manage to take that step forward and create a proper longlasting product, no matter how many they name that way. Strangely, their sister brand Catrice doesn't seem to have such problems, but as much as unimpressed I'm with Essence lip products, their Longlasting lipliners are some of my favourite lip pencils. I've had 03 Yummy Berry and 05 Lovely Frappuccino in my collection for about a year now and I've finally added some more colours. I got shades 02 Sweetheart, 06 A Girl's Dream, 07 Plum Cake and 10 Berry on my Mind. The latter is the newest shade added in the latest line update.

Texture: Although these are still creamy, the texture is less soft than at their "original" regular lipliners (they changed the formula last year and based on my experience with one shade, the change is substantial) which is a good thing because it means a higher level of precision, but because these can't be sharpened, once they are blunt, the edges aren't super sharp any more. The formula is closer to a lipstick than a lip liner, they apply nicely without dragging and aren't drying, though they aren't moisturising either.

02 Sweetheart

Sweetheart is a medium Barbie pink. I haven't got a single shade like it in my collection. Everything I have is either peachier or more muted than this, so I can't compare it to anything, but it's super cute on the lips.

06 A Girl's Dream

A Girl's Dream is a muted warm red. It's a nice shade to combine with Golden Rose Velvet Matte lipstick 12 and all other similar shades. This is my favourite to wear on its own.

07 Plum Cake

Plum Cake is a medium greyish mauve-violet shade. While I knew there is a 99% chance this will look bad on my skin tone, I actually didn't think it'd be this tragic. I strongly suspected this shade will look cooler and greyer on me than on majority of others, but this is corpse grey on me. I really don't think it suits me and Lovely Frappuccino is my ultimate 90's style shade instead. Check here how different Plum Cake looks on my fellow blogger Taya.

10 Berry on my Mind

10 Berry on my mind is a medium muted plum shade. It's a lot lighter on the lips than the packaging might indicate. I thought it'll be a nice deep burgundy budget lip liner based on the press release pictures, but it's way to light to combine it with proper vampy shades. 

Staying power is decent. It's nothing special, but these outlast all other Essence lip products. It doesn't really survive eating that well, but drinking doesn't wipe it off completely.

Price and availability: These are super cheap at 1.59 € per piece. I got mine in Müller. They are a great way to test if a certain type of colour suits you and I hope Essence continues to add new shades.

Have a great day!

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  1. Sweethear in Berry On My Mind sta mi najljubša odtenka. Sweetheart je en meni ljubših roza odtenkov, res mi je všeč :). Plum Cake pa ne bi vzela...nimam rada takih očitno sivih podtonov. Je zanimivo kako različno izgleda na tebi in Tatjani. :) Se mi zdi, da pri tebi ven povleče vse hladne tone v laseh in očeh. A Girl's Dream mi izgleda lepeše na tebi kot na meni. :)

    1. Sweetheart sem prav zaradi tebe kupila :) Plum Cake je grozen na meni, čisto siv, je pa tak odtenek ki izgleda čisto drugače na različnih tenih kože. Ko sem gledala swatche na netu na nekaterih izgleda kot na meni, na drugih pa čisto drugače, še bolj toplo kot na Tatjani. A Girl's Dream je mini odkritje zame, mi je res lep :)

  2. PLUM CAKE <3 My fav. Meni so ti liplinerji res odlični in so pri meni v vsakdanji uporabi. Prav vsi ti odlično pristajajo, xx

    1. Hvala <3 Joj, meni pa Plum Cake res ni všeč. Preveč je siv na meni in mi potegne vso barvo z obraza. Zanimivo se mi isto zgodi pri svinčniku Satin Mauve, ki je tudi ogromno ljudem všeč.

  3. Ne morem verjet, da je takšna razlika pri Plum Cake, na Tatjani izgleda super, na tebi pa res povleče zelo na sivkasto :/
    Odtenek sweetheart mi je najbolj všeč in upam, da ga dobim danes v Mullerju :)

    1. Res je velika razlika. Ampak sem opazila, da ga vsaj moj fotoaparat zelo napačno slika, je tudi na mojih slikah izgledal toplejši, tako da jih sem šla popravljat (gledam se v ogledalo in istočasno popravljam barvo, da je odtenek na sliki čim bolj točen kot je videti v živo), mogoče je tudi njena kamera ga slikala kot toplejšega ali pa res tako različno izgleda na toplejši, malo temnejši polti :) Tako sivega odtenka še nisem imela, še Satin Mauve (od Essence) je malo toplejši.

      Sweetheart je res lušen odtenek :) Čudno, da nimam še nič podobnega :)

    2. Dobila sem Sweetheart in je res lušen odtenek, čeprav si nisem mislila, da bo na meni izpadel bolj vpadljivo kot je na tebi :)

    3. Ponavadi je tako, da bolj kot je svetla koža, bolj živ ali pa temnejši je odtenek :) Verjamem, da je vseeno še vedno lep :)

  4. Im a big fan of these. I might own nearly every colour :)

    1. These really are so lovely :) I hope they make more shades of these because I already got all the colours that interested me :)

  5. You should try the "new" satin mauve lipliner from Essence, it's different from the old one (too lilac and greyish for me), now it's a perfect natural MLBB shade, and the formula is better too.

    P.S. I love your blog, you're the best beauty blogger <3

    1. I didn't know it was that different now :) I should check it out because I hated the original version.

      Thank you so much <3

  6. A girl's dream je meni eden najljubših, če ne najljubši odtenek liplinerjev :) Morem pa kupiti še Sweetheart in Berry on my mind, ker sta res krasna <3

    1. Res je čudovit, sem ga danes nosila :) In Sweetheart mi je lušen :)

  7. I have only Plum Cake in my collection and I must say i am impressed by its formula and texture. I would love to try all shades especially Lovely Frappuccino. Thanks for sharing and I love wearing plum cake as I find it a perfect cool mauve-y shade.

    1. Definitely try Lovely Frappuccino, I think it's gorgeous :) But if you like Plum Cake that one might be a bit too warm or brown for you :)

  8. I can't decide which shade I like the most. All of them look gorgeous.

    1. I'm not a fan of Plum Cake, but I love the other two :)

  9. O wow kako drugače na tebi odtenki izpadejo :O Jaz sem ravno danes dobila še 01, edini odtenek ki mi je še manjkal, tako da tudi prihaja objava v roku 14ih dni :) Je pa Plum Cake moj najljubši, jeseni sem porabila 2 cela, zdaj sem na 3 :$

    1. Svetlejši in taki mauve odtenki ponavadi izgledajo drugače na svetli koži kot malo temnejši :) Mi Lovely Frappuccino bolje ustreza :)
