Jordana Sweet Cream Matte Liquid Lip Colour 06 Cherry Cobler

ponedeljek, maj 23, 2016

There is little I like to try more than a new matte liquid lipstick and Jordana's are some of the most recent releases. I think they have been launched this spring and they come in 12 shades and in 8 sweet flavours. I have one of the brightest shades, but there are some nude shades that I have my eye on, since this one managed to impress me. I believe Jordana and Milani are sister brands like Catrice and Essence, so the formulas are understandably similar, but not the same.

Texture and finish: They call it a whipped cream texture in the official description and while they are a cream, I'm not that eager to call it whipped. The latter is more Bourjois' domain, but Jordana are actually much more like Milani's. The formula is a liquid cream texture, a bit heavier than most such products, but by no means actually heavy on the lips. Like Milani's it sets in under a minute to a perfect matte finish and after that is doesn't transfer one bit. It does feel like a layer, just like Milani's, so for some it will feel drying, but it's fine to me. The main difference with Milani's is that these are a bit sheerer, however, it's still completely opaque by using a bit more product. At this shade, that sheerness actually makes it looks like a different colour, since the first thin coat is a proper hot pink shade and the thicker the coat, the more red and warm it looks.

Colour: This one is very deceiving because it looks a simple warm red in the tube, but on the lips it's a bright hot warm red that demands attention. As I said before, the thinner the application the more pink it is and vice versa, though I would apply a very thick coat because there is a chance it'll start to flake. I swatched it next to my other similar shades and you can see how much pinker those look in the tube.

Staying power: Staying power is impressive, but a lot of such fuchsia shades tend to last very long and stain, so it would be nice to see how nude shades survive, since they are usually the weak link in the lipstick ranges. I have a picture of how it looked after six hours and a couple of (greasy) meals, and though one patch feel off and it became uneven, it wasn't that bad. Actually at the end of the day I had serious difficulties getting it off and I had to resort to an oil-based remover.

Scent: It has a vanilla-plastic scent and it's only noticeable at application. 

Packaging: The packaging is a simple plastic one that perhaps looks cheap, but doesn't behave like that and doesn't leak. The applicator is cut sideways or curvy for an easier application.

Price and availability: Mine is from Click2Chic where it costs 5.00 €. They have four shades, aside from this one also: Mixed Berry Souffle, Raspberry Tart and Strawberry Cheesecake.

The quality for the price is really good and if you liked Milani's version, you'll like these are well, just bear in mind that they are very matte and form a layer on the lips, so those with dry lips don't say I didn't warn you. This wasn't a shade I picked up myself and though it's very pretty, it's very bright, which means I probably won't wear it that often, so I would love to pick up a lighter shade or two like Creme Brulee, Rose Macaron or a deeper Tiramisu for every day, but I also like Raspberry Tart and Strawberry Cheesecake.

Have a great day!

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  1. Oh I love this shade on you, I am glad it stays on the lips for long cause I order few of these and I cannot wait to receive them! Beautiful and intense colour :)

    Yiota x

    1. Thank you <3 Staying power is very impressive, but I'm really interested if light shades perform as well too :)

  2. Plastic vanilla scent, yum! LOL :D
    Drugače se pa suuuper bere. :D Bi to bil bolj odtenek zame, kot pa kakšen nude. Nude ne zaupam več, večina jih nekako izgine, se odsvaljka po uri, uri in pol. Bljak!

    1. Če rabiš nekaj, da ostane cel dan, je tale pravi odtenek :). Me zanima kako se obnašajo nude odtenki pri tej formuli, čeprav kar se teh mat formul tiče, z izjemo Nyx-ovih, še nisem bila razočarana. Sleekov Birthday Suit se do zdaj najbolj obnese :)

  3. Všeč mi je kako žametna izgleda šminka na ustnicah :) xx Maja

  4. These don't even sound half bad! Although the scent sounds a bit off-putting, I might look past that :P I didn't even know Jordana had these. I might pick some up, they sound amazing!

    1. I think they're pretty good :) I'm very happy with all Jordana lip products so far. The scent really isn't an issue, vanilla is still very much a dominant note.

  5. Izgleda res čisto drugače na ustnicah kot v embalaži. Meni so taki odtenki najbolj všeč na tebi. Takoj te poživijo <3 :) Ti me boš še prepričala v nakup kakšnih Milani ali Jordana izdelkov. Mi je škoda, da jih ne prodajajo v fizičnih trgovinah, ker bi jih raje videla v živo. :)

    1. Yup, čisto drugi odtenek je :) Sem ga takoj slikala, ko sem ga dobila in sem hotela primerjat z rdečimi odtenki kateri so mi zdeli najbolj podobni temu kako izgleda v embalaži, potem pa surprise - stvar je roza :) Hvala <3 Jordana in Milani mi imata odlične stvari, sploh za ustnice :). Je kar škoda, da nimamo obeh znamk nekje v živo za videt, če bi se prodajale v drogerijah bi verjetno že vse pokupila, ampak to kar imam, poskušam s čim več odtenki primerjat in dobro poslikat :) Tebi bi bil zihr zelo všeč Milanijev blush Blossomtime Rose, ker ima pravi zlat glow, pa še peachy-pink je :).

    2. O ja jaz bi tudi verjetno kar spraznila kakšno polico. Ker to so itak ameriške drugstore znamke. Ne vem...mogoče pa kaj bo. Zdaj Maybelline, Rimmel..še ene 10 let pa bo :D.

    3. Pri nas ni še čisto nič novega od Maybelline, niti Rimmla. Večno pozabljena Dolenjska - klasika :/. Nekako upam, da bo mogoče kdaj v prihodnjih letih Nyx prišel k nam, ko že vidim da je povsod po Evropi, tudi v nemških DM (se mi zdi).
