My Makeup Collection and Organisation Tips

petek, maj 20, 2016

A couple of months ago I made a post for the other blog I write at about makeup organisation tips and it was really well received. Since it was in Slovene and all of the makeup on the pictures was only that which is sold in their online shop, I wanted to create a version with my actual makeup vanity and all the products I own. I've actually done one of such posts a very long time ago, before I had this vanity and just for the kicks you can see it here. My vanity is partly bought and partly homemade based on my ideas, since I have some very handy people around who made my drawings, plans and calculations into a reality. The desk is custom build from Ikea with the Alex drawer unit, a Linnmon table top (120 cm x 60 cm) and Adils legs. The mirror is recycled from an old vanity, the shelves are all custom made and set based on my design and calculations, including the glass ones, only the metal brackets are again from Ikea (Ekby Bjärnum).

This is just how my makeup is currently set on my vanity. While the drawer's organising structure never changes, the vanity does all the time. Pretty new products are always displayed on the glass shelves and the boxes/baskets are all actually empty because I used them to store new products for New ins and for individual posts like I spoke in my blogging routine. The flowers aren't always there, it depends on the season, so what's in the garden (today it's lilies-of-the-valley) or if I found a nice cheap bouquet in either Interspar, Hoffer (Aldi) or Lidl (I  often buy discounted flowers because I feel sorry for those that get thrown away when no one buys them). I have my only big Yankee Candle there in my favourite scent Soft Blanket and the prettiest box of tissues from a Müller brand called Duchesse.

On top are the things that are prettiest or I use most often. The metallic brushes from eBay are stored in one of those glasses you get when you buy frozen chocolate desserts in Spar or Hoffer. I now have another glass for Zoeva brushes next to it and that one is from a cheap DM candle (it's on one of the pictures below). The clear drawer unit is from Jysk, which I got pretty recently and I put inside my prettiest and favourite cheek products (Milani Romantic Rose blush, Max Factor Lavish Mauve blush, Bourjois Java powder and Physicians Formula Happy Booster blush. That spotty thing is a Born Pretty bottom lash mascara), on top I have two of my prettiest fragrances - Oriflame Volare and Paco Rabanne Olympea. Next to the drawers is a lipstick organizer that I got from Müller and it has Mac lipsticks, a Kiko one, a Lancôme one and a Shiseido one. The main organizer I use is also from Műller and it contains products I use most at the moment.

This is the current content of my glass shelves, though most of the things have been the same for quite a while. I display things that are prettiest here. You see these in the background of my full-face pics. The owl and pink cat lip balms are both from H&M, the panda eyeliner is from Born Pretty and Tony Moly bunny lip balms are from eBay. The tea cup is from a Chinesse shop in my local town.

I keep the rest of my brushes on the bottom shelve, along with mascaras, eyeliners and lip liners. The wicker baskets are both from Jysk, the round glass vase is from Tedi, the square glass vase is from Lesnina as is the mint green sand that's inside (Tedi has a nice selection as well). The other two cups are candle stands and both are from the Christmas selection in Rutar. On the top all the boxes are from Tedi and the metal peach cookie box is from Kik. All but one box/baskets are currently empty, since I actually don't have that much stuff and they represent a temporary storage option. Only the silver/pink box has something inside and it's a place where I store Yankee Candle Tarts and other candles (such as my favourite peach one from Eurospin).

I use custom plastic cutlery organizers that I got many years ago in Bauhaus. These are the longest they had, but the fill only 4/5 of the drawer, so there is empty space in the back. In the first section are concealers, some Ginvera BB cream samples, UD Setting spray and an Essence powder. In the second are larger blushes, highlighters, my only bronzer (Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess) and makeup sponges. In the third section are the majority of blushes and on their right my eyeshadow palettes.

The main organizer units here are empty plastic clear boxes from Ferrero Rocher. I have two different sizes, the largest holds individual eyeshadows (L'Oreal Infallibles, Mac's, Catrice's,…), while the rest contain various things. Three are dedicated to lip products, one to Catrice eyeshadow palettes and cream eyeshadows and the ones in the back it for eye makeup. The Freedom palette didn't fit anywhere else, so it's here and under it are fake eyelashes. Again the back part of the drawer is pretty much empty.

I'm only showing you the makeup part of the drawer, but you can see a part of the jewellery organizer that takes up much of the drawer. These are all the foundations I own (on the vanity is currently only a Dior BB cream which I'm using) and my primers. Links to reviews of all is under About and in Directory.

Here I store my hair curlers, empty phone boxes that I use for my photo setup, a couple of empty bags and in the back are hair rollers in that beige bag, which actually quite big, so there is plently of space in these Alex drawers.
There is another drawer, but it's not makeup/beauty related.

The rest of the non-makeup bits and my C2C stuff are stored separately, so not in the vanity, but in other drawers. The top of that cabinet is ever changing, currently I have the white wicker basket from Jysk where are products I use most (like Revlon's Ultra HD lipstick in Rose) and things that I need to review (right now it's nothing new, but I put Zoeva brushes, so you can see how they are stored). Next to it is my Snow White cup that I just had to have and it came with candy (score!),  inside are my three bunny pens from AliExpress and just for this picture I put my fragrances here, so you can see them, but there's currently a mirror instead.

My fragrances aren't actually stored on this, I keep most them away from the sunlight in my book case, some are on the vanity, but just so you can see them, I put them on this rotating cake plate that I occasionally use to take pictures and I think it's from Müller. Reviews if all are on the blog, just check under Directory for links.

The nail polishes have their own smaller drawer and so they don't move when I open it, I put them again in the largest Fererro Rocher plastic box. The nail polish removers are on the side.

Hair care and skin care items are on their own shelves, the hair products are in the back and the skin care is in its own heart shaped mint green polka dot box that I got for my birthday.

The shelf under it is my C2C shelve. I store all of their products here, including thing I had before or bought since, so I keep them separate from the rest of my things because it's easier to work that way, since everything is in the same place (exceptions are the pretty things on the vanity, so the Physicians Formula cheek products and Milani's Darling lipstick, as well as Revlon's Colorstay foundation & concealerRevlon's Ultra HD lipstick in Rose and Jordana Modern Matte lipstick 01 Matte Bare, which I'm currently really into). On the left are hair care and skin care products, the violet box contains nail polishes are the other two boxes have makeup. I'm trying to keep these things pretty as long as I can - for picture reasons, of course.

One of the deep drawers is home to my hair styling products and a couple of body butters. Here are all of my hair oils, texturizing sprays and heat protectants. Again they are in a Fererro Rocher box, so they don't move when I open the drawer

I have other bits in the bathroom, but this is all of it. I keep everything very organized and put things back in their place immediately, so it looks this tidy pretty much all the time.

As I said, the products on the glass shelves change all the time, but I had this mint green cocktail of nail polishes in a martini glass for a really long time there, so I wanted to include it here.

Although it's in Slovene, you might be interested in my post on the C2C blog about makeup organisation. Some things are the same, but you might find some more ideas.

I hope you enjoyed this and have a great day!

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  1. Takšne objave tako rada berem! :) Zelo lepo urejeno zbirko imaš, sploh tale kozarec z lakci - awesome! :D (Natalija)

    1. Hvala <3 Lani poleti sem imela na poličkah za okras dva martini kozarca, enega mint in enega koralnega, vmes pa še školjke :)

  2. Mislim, da že tretjič gledam to objavo, ker mi je tako všeč celotna organizacija :P In sem si mislila, da zdaj pa morem komentirat. Sem že videla objavo na C2C in sem upala, da boš še celotno zbirko pokaza. :) Si mi dala inspiracijo, da bolje uredim svojo zbirko, čeprav imam bolj malo prostora za to :) Res, super objava, super imaš urejeno, tudi barvno mi je vse všeč :D

    1. Hvala <3<3 Sem načrtovala že kar nekaj časa, pravzaprav odkar imam to mizo, ampak so bile vedno druge objave za delat :) Včasih sem tudi jaz imela bolj malo prostora, potem sem pa celo spalnico preuredila, vsak košček sobe preračunala kaj bo šlo not in sem res zadovoljna :) Pa še drago ni bilo, ker je mešanica Ikee in doma narejenega.

  3. Imas kaksne nasvete, kako pridobiti obcinstvo na novem blogu?

    1. Ha, zdaj si me pa dobila :D Nikoli nisem aktivno iskala novih bralcev, jaz imam raje, da me sami najdejo, ker jih moj blog res zanima. Ne vem, ponavadi so klasični načini razne nagradne igre, ampak tako dobiš bralce, ki te sploh ne berejo, so tam le za številko. Na začetku praktično nikomur ne grejo številke hitro gor, sama sem imela prvo leto okrog 100 bralcev, šele zadnjih par let je številka večja. Več objav imaš, lažje te bralci najdejo, zato čim bolj redno piši in če se le da ne tako, da potem izgineš za par mesecev, ker se ti ne da in nimaš volje. Potrudi se pri slikah, naj bodo jasne in ne pretemne, ne zanemarjaj swatchev in čeprav je težko, so razne full-face slike zaželjene s strani bralcev, da vidijo kako izdelki delujejo. Tema (template) naj bo enostavna, da ne odvrne bralcev s prenasičenostjo. Mogoče ti bo tale objava pomagala:

      Predlagam ti, da si pogledaš najbolj priljubljene bloge, kaj pišejo, kako izgledajo, kako pogosto objavljajo,... da dobiš neko osnovno orientacijo, kaj pritegne bralce. Od objav ti lahko povem, da so najbolj priljubljene take, ki imajo več izdelkov (New in, Empties, Favourites,...), razni vodiči in pa o izdelkih, ki so trenutno aktualni :)

    2. Najlepsa hvala! Danes sem objavila svoj prvi post, prilagam link, ce te slucajno zanima!
      Uspesno bloganje se naprej :)

    3. Ni za kaj :) Tudi tebi želim uspešno bloganje :) Ti lahko samo še svetujem, da imaš slike povsod enake širine (razen če so predolge). Večje slike so bolj priljubljene ;)

  4. Ful maš lepo razstavljeno. Te steklene police so mi najbolj zanimive. Vem, da to pri meni ne bi šlo. Bi bilo polno praha, jaz pa jezna vsak dan, ko bi želela kaj pofotkat :D. Jaz imam večino v predalih (čeprav mi zdaj že teh zmanjkuje). Zunaj imam samo nekaj parfumov, šminke in tisto kar rabim vsak dan, ali testiram. Ti imaš pa prav lepo barvito. Res paša za oči :). Koktajl iz lakov je pa najlepši dodatek. Moram sama tudi enkrat sprobat za kakšno objavo ;).

    1. Hvala <3 Ah, te steklene poličke se tako hitro obriše ker so majhne, da ni tak problem :) Pa še prah se bolj nabira le na zgornji :) Bi rada videla objavo tudi tvoje kolekcije :) Me vedno firbec matra kako imajo drugi urejeno, da dobim še kakšno inspiracijo.

    2. Lani januarja sem napisala objavo, ki si mi jo ti tudi komentirala - My makeup storage. Je še vedno pretty much the same :). Zmanjkuje mi samo prostora :D. Moje je vse več ali manj v predalih, it's definitely not as pretty looking as yours ;)

    3. Joj, čisto sem pozabila :o Spomnim se, da sem ti nekaj komentirala na to temo, ampak objave se pa ne spomnim. Čudno ker tvoje objave se pa vedno spomnim. I'm getting old :D

  5. Kako lepo sobo imaš, jasno mi je da ti je mint roza kombinacija všeč, da pa imaš tudi sobo v teh dveh odtenkih... Druga stvar, ki sem jo opazila je tvoja čudovita oblekica pa kako lepo imaš vse pospravljeno in urejeno, čudovita objava. Se moram tudi jaz lotiti malo preurejanja.

    P.S. Te popolnoma razumem glede rožic, meni se tudi tiste najbolj slabotne smilijo in bi jih najraje vse pokupila ;)

    1. Hvala <3 Ni težko videt katere barve so mi najbolj všeč :D Se mi že vsi smejejo ker večinoma kupujem samo mint zelene stvari. Obleka je pa iz New Yorkerja.

      Meni je res tako škoda vseh teh rož, pa itak so potem -50%, tisti evro ali dva pa že dam za uboge rožice, ker so še čisto lepe :)

  6. hello Mateja, what camera did you use to take the pictures? I think your phone camera is gorgeous... I see you're using a phone camera by the mirror in that pictures :))

    1. Hi, I'm using Samsung Galaxy S5 for all my blog pictures :) The phone case is from eBay :) I have a whole series of posts dedicated to blog photography on a budget if you're interested. It's here:

  7. Preudovit kotiček imaš! Tudi jaz si želim kaj takšnega, ko bo le možno. So mi pa všeč tudi tvoje barve mint in roza kombinacija - i love it! 😍 Pa tudi super imaš vse organizirano. Si res inspiracija mnogim :) xx

    1. Najlepša hvala <3 Upam, da bo kmalu možnost, da tudi ti uresničiš svoje ideje :)

  8. Hello Mateja,
    The organisation is so neat. I have much less cosmetics and it's all over the place.

    1. Thank you :) I get nervous when thing aren't in their place :D

  9. Joj kak maš vse lepo urejeno <3 Jaz se trudim izkoristit mojo malo sobico, ampak je težko izdelke spravljat na tak pretty način :)
    Prav luštno je videt kako se tvoj stil vidi preko makeupa, designa sobe in oblačil :D

    Super objava! <3

    1. Hvala <3 Saj tudi pri meni ni kaj dosti prostora, ampak sem vse preračunala, da sem maksimalno izkoristila prostor :)

      Edino kar manjka je moja obsedenost z galaxy printom in temno vijola-rdečo barvo :D Mentolno zelena je pa itak moj lajf :D

  10. Super lepo imaš in urejeno. Jaz imam tudi rada svoj kotiček,če se le da imam rada,da so stvari urejene,na svojem mestu,da točno Vem kje je kaj. Moram pa dost makeupa skrivat pred tamalima, sploh tistega boljšega, ker je šlo že kar nekaj stvari v maloro, ker sta tikala kar ne bi smela:). Vedno sem si želela imet tak svoj kotiček, da se v miru naličim, ustvarjam, moj je v primerjavi s tvojim: velikooooo bele, trenutno z kakšnim srebrnim, mint dodatkom :) in eden redkih, ki je vedno pospravljen:)

    1. Hvala <3 Jaz imam tudi rada, da je vse na svojem mestu, večinoma kar takoj dam tisto stvar, ki sem jo vzela nazaj kamor paše. To te pa popolnoma razumem, da ne moreš imet najljubše stvari gor, ker vem kako razigrani so otroci :) Tvoj kotiček sem pa videla in mi je krasen <3

  11. You have the 120cm table. Do you think I could fit two alex drawers under? Or would it be to small?

    1. You probably mean on each side - yes, two drawer units is possible (one is 36 cm), but you're left with very little space for a chair, only 48 cm.
