Wishlist: Catrice & Essence Autumn/Winter 2016

torek, avgust 02, 2016

1. CATRICE HD Liquid Coverage Foundation
010 Light Beige
I've actually already went exploring the Catrice stands which are already filled with new products, so I've swatched this foundation and the lightest shade looks ok enough (under shop lights), at least for summer. The coverage looked very decent too, I'd at least a medium and unlike other Catrice foundations it's more liquid. I'm tempted to give it a go and I'd like to sneak a sample first, but the testers are ridiculously small.
Review in German here.
About 7 €

2. ESSENCE get picture ready! brightening concealer 
10 ivory
Essence products will be available at the end of August, so I haven't had a chance to see them in person, but as a massive fan of Maybelline's the Eraser, this caught my eye immediately. The Eraser is so easy to use because of the sponge, so I hope this one is like it as well, since we don't have Maybelline's here, though I saw that the applicator isn't quite the same, as it has a big hole in the middle (Eraser doesn't). I've seen some swatches, but they aren't much use if the reviewers don't compare them to other products. They look light enough, but we'll see.
The primer also caught my attention, since I hear it's actually quite good and the lightest shade of the compact foundation is also said to be pale, but I need to see these things in person first.
Swatches here (in German).
About 3 €.

3. ESSENCE satin touch blush 
20 satin love
I haven't seen swatches of this yet, but the PR pictures portray it as a similar shade to my favourites (Milani's Romantic Rose, Catrice Nuts' About you,..), so I'm interested in it. I'm not the biggest fan of Essence blushes, but it might surprise me.
2.49 €

4. CATRICE Glam & Doll Super Black Liner
I'm a sucker for liquid eyeliners and this one looked like it has a very precise nib when I checked it out, so it might be interesting to try. I haven't heard much about the formula, though. 
Swatch here.
2.99 €

5. CATRICE  Longlasting Lip Pencil 
180 All-time Mauvie Star
This one looked like a nice mauve shade in the shop, similar to Essence's Satin Mauve, which I don't really like, but I hope this shade has less purple in it. Not sure if  I'll really get it, but it's a nice looking shade.
Swatch here.
2.29 €

6. CATRICE Prime And Fine Contouring Duo Stick 
01 Lighter Skin
I swatched this in the shop and was so pleasantly surprised with the shade of the contour side. It's actually taupe and a good shade of taupe. The highlighter didn't look that special, just a simple shiny champagne shade, but I like cream highlighters, so it might be nice too. I'll definitely get this.
Swatch here, but I think it's a bit cooler in real life.
4.69 €

7. ESSENCE mat mat mat longlasting lipgloss
To be fair, since I heard these aren't actually matte, I've lost my enthusiasm about these. Still, I'll check out the shades in shop and see what they're like. I liked the original Matte lip creams Essence had (though I've found a ton of better ones since) and I strongly disliked the second version (XXL one), I hear the new ones are actually the same as the second version, but we'll see. The shade range is quite boring and the only shade I'm interested is 03 girl of today.
Found you swatches here (review in German).
2.29 €

8. CATRICE Velvet Matt Lip Cream
These are again allegedly not really matte, but I hear they are at least similar to the original Essence matte formula, but I again have to say that my enthusiasm about these isn't all that high since I tested a couple on my hand. Shades are again more on the boring side and the only one that I might be interested in is 030 Hazel-Rose Royce. We have these here already, but no testers of all shades yet (I guess they forgot a few. Yay!). 
3.79 €

9.  CATRICE Matt 6hr Lip Artist 
020 Best Rosebuddies Forever
These on the other hand excited me far more when I tried them in the shop than any new lip products. The shade range is beautiful, I like most of the shades and the formula is nicely creamy, but it does have that creamy-matte finish. I'm tempted to try one, I'm just not sure I'll end up wearing it much since I love liquid lipsticks so much.
4.99 €

10. CATRICE Moon Rock Effect Nail polish 
01 Silky Way
I didn't notice these much on the press releases, but I loved the look of them in person. All have these interesting effects, mostly with some shimmer, but they're not full of heavy glitter, they just look like that. I like most of the shades, but Silky Way looks most interesting to me because it's quite an unusual shade for glitters. The only reason why I'm not so sure if I should buy these is because I dread the removal. 
3.29 €

11. ESSENCE secret stories nail polish
01 can you keep my secret & 04 we all have secrets
These instantly caught my eye, though they look like they belong to a collection and are a bit out of place in this update. Two shades are attracted me: the muted pink 01 and the classic Mateja colour 04, which is a pink-purple shade.
Swatches here and here.
1.79 €

By the way, I also checked CATRICE Prime And Fine Multitalent Fixing Spray (4,49 €) and I removed it from my wishlist because I find that the mist isn't fine enough. But I might change my mind if I read a good review about it.

Anything on your wishlist? Have a great day!

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  1. Ravno zdaj pripravljam Essence wishlisto :D Jaz sem upala, da bodo lipglossi dejansko mat, ampak na žalost niso :/
    Catrice Moon Rock laki so čudoviti <3 sem jih zadnjič gledala v Müllerju pa se nisem mogla odločit katerega bi vzela, ker so mi vsi všeč :D

    1. O super, jo bom z veseljem prebrala :D Res škoda, da toliko znamk dela mat šminke, ki niso mat. Saj me še ne bi tako motilo, če ne bi imele tako ime, da sem potem razočarana, ko odkrijem, da se sploh ne posušijo. Oboje bom preverila v trgovini, pa potem videla, če si jih res želim :)

      Ja, ti Moon Rock so videt zelo lušni :) Pa res lep izbor odtenkov imajo, tako zanimiv :)

  2. Sem pričakova, da bodo Essence matt lipglossi dejansko matte, čeprav ne vem zakaj imajo lipgloss tudi v imenu :s Grem zdej preveriti nekaj objav s swatchi in ocenami, ki si jih linkala, ker v živo kolekcije še nisem zasledila in nimam skoraj ničesar na wl zaenkrat.

    1. Iskreno sem kar malo pričakovala od Essence, da kar se tiče mat tekočih šmink ne bo v resnici nič novega. Pa res čudno, da je v imenu lipgloss in mat v imenu :/ Nemke so se res potrudile s swatchi :). Sem jim zelo hvaležna, edino če bi katera pisala v angleščini bi bilo še bolj kul. V živo sem do zdaj videla Catrice in vse swatchala, ampak nisem še nič vzela, ker nisem hotela kaj kupovat na prvo žogo :)

  3. same lepe stvarce si nabrala! Zdaj pa me vleče, da bi šla takoj v Milerja pa nabrala :D hh. Sem pa te Catrice matt šminkice tudi sama probala v trgovini in je obstojnost kar precej slaba :(

    1. Mi je ta update kar všeč in to pri obeh znamkah, kar je redko :) Meni se je uspelo zadržat pred stojalom od Catrice, da nisem kaj kupila. Bom spet uporabila bolj premišljen pristop do novih stvari tako kot spomladi, ker se je dobro obneslo :)
      Katere mat šminke - tekoče ali te jumbo svinčniku? Za tekoče itak sumim, da niso dobro obstojne, ker se ne posušijo na ustnicah.

  4. Every time I visit your blog I get the urge to go shopping for cosmetics. You're toxic, love!

    1. I'm sorry :D Hopefully, you don't spend to much because of me :)

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for linking m Blogposts :) I like the fixingspray of essence more than the one from Catrice :)

    Best regards,

    1. You're welcome :) Your swatches are so helpful and I admire all the work you did :) Thanks so the rec, I'll check it out :)

  6. Žal še nisem imela šanse videti novosti v živo, zadnjič ko sme bila v Mullerju, je prodajalka šele začela nalagati. Tale podlaga me res zanima, pa še ravno sem v iskanju nove. Contour stick bo šel sigurno z mano. Laki pa mi nekako sploh ne potegnejo to pot.
    Te lahko še vprašam s čim urejaš slike za WL? Sem imela v planu tudi za Essence novosti WL naredit, pa ne vem kako se lotit :D

    1. Meni se je celo uspelo parkrat v prejšnjem mesecu zvečt do Müllerja in sem imela ravno to srečo, da so že bile nove stvari :D Puder mi je zanimiv predvsem ker na tak način ga še nisem imela, čeprav bi morda raje vzela Deborah Radiance Creator, ker že vem, da mi odtenek ustreza :) Contour Stick bo pa zagotovo moj, me je najbolj navdušil od novih stvari.

      Photoshop, ampak lahko uporabljaš tudi npr. Inkscape ali Paint.net, važno je samo, da ima slika prosojno ozadje pa jih lahko zlagaš kakor želiš.

  7. The Matt Lip Creams are a huge disappointment for me. These feel as slick, if not more, than the Essence XXL matte ones :/
    I'm wearing the HD foundation for the first time today and I don't know what to make of it yet xD From what I can tell though, doesn't seem that suited for oily skinned gals like me.

    1. Really, they are that bad? I guess I'll avoid them. Why even include matte in the name, right?

      Oh, sorry you're not that enthusiastic about the foundation. Maybe it'll grow on you :). My skin isn't that oily ever, it's a bit more shiny in the summer, but it's never too bad. I'd really like a sample of the foundation first.

  8. Tudi jaz še nisem nič zasledila teh novosti jih pa bom preverila, sicer pa dvomim, da pri nas v kakem Dm-u ali Mullerju so že. Zadnje čase sem sem z mislimi čist pri drugih rečeh in še dobro, da sem pri tebi in pri Lani videla vajina seznama želja, če ne tako ne bi vedela kaj se dogaja:). Tile secret lakci so mi tako lepi, za jesen si absolutno kupim kakega, pa tale brightening concealer od essence bom definitivno preverila, če se bo pri komu dobro obnesel. Sedaj imam od Becce in me prav rešuje, ker v fazi kateri sem se mi zdi, da sem pod okami cela zabuhla, temna, nikakva:). Samo, da je od Becce res čist roza, super nevtralizira, osvetli pa tako, da se mi že kar preveč zdi:)in cena je kar visoka. Krasni izdelki, všeč so mi in hvala ker si jih delila z nami;)**

    1. Če so v NM v Müllerju, potem so tudi pri vas. Mi smo vedno med zadnjimi. Letos so precej pohiteli z novostimi, jih nisem pričakovala do konca avgusta. Nekako dvomim, da bo od Essence primerljiv z Becco :D Collection si nabavi od pocenskih za res temne podočnjake, jaz svoje skrivam za očali :D Me veseli, da ti je izbor všeč :)

  9. Jaz sem Catrice novosti že pregledala v trgovini. Smo jih končno dobili. :)
    Vzela sem ta HD puder in je najsveteljši res bolj za poletje. Vsaj za nas res blede, bo po mojem pretemen za zimo. Zaenkrat ga še nisem preizkusila. Vzela sem še tisto comb maskaro, ki sem jo preizkusila samo enkrat in mi je kar všeč. Lepo definira, čeprav dva nanosa dajeta pa že kar volumen. Mat tekoče šminke me niso nikakor prepričale s formulo. So mi tiste v obliki svinčnika, kot tebi, veliko boljše. Ampak ni nobenega odtenka, ki bi si ga res želela. Contour stik pa se je meni zdel malo preveč rjav. Mogoče sem zamešala testerje. Imam Maybelline, ki se mi zdi ravno prav sivkast :). Ti Essence laki pa res izgledajo kot da ne spadajo v reden asortiman. Čisto druga vizualna podoba. Odtenki so mi drugače všečni :).

    1. Sem videla, da si že kupovala novosti na Instagramu :) Zveni kot, da je ta maskara veliko boljša od tiste Rimmelove verzije, ki sem jo imela jaz. Medium contour stick je pretopel/rjav, amapak Light se mi je zdel pa v trgovini zelo dober in je videti sivkast-taupe.
      Ti laki so res out of place, ampak so mi lepši odtenki kot v redni liniji :)

  10. Catrice Velvet Mat Lip Cream res res niso ok...žalostno. So mi pa njihove mat šminke v svinčniku krasne :D Pa zelo se veselim še ostalih Essence mat šmink.Preizkusila sem 2 in 8 (DM preview). 2 je top top, odtenek me je spomnil nate, formula je krasna in dejansko mat in nimam občutka, da šminke čez 15min nebo več, kot običajno..dejansko je tudi obstojna. 8 je grozen in patchy ampak sem na nemškem blogu zasledila, da so vsi razen 8 vredu.

    Sem pa videla, da imaš na naslednji WL še Sleek Shabby Chic, pa bom kar tu napisala...na meni potegne malo na hladno vijolično (no res malo), pa nimam tako svetle polti trenutno. Sem želela delit, ker večkrat napišeš, da tega ne maraš in če bo morda pomagalo :)

    1. Se mi je zdelo, da od Catrice ne bodo ravno najboljše. Nekaj sem jih na hitro swatchala, pa me niso navdušile. Te v svinčniku mi pa izgledajo odlične, se mi zdijo kar podobne Revlonovim Matte svinčnikom :)

      Essence šminke mi izgledajo zanimive in imajo lepe odtenke, ampak vsakič ko kupim kakšno šminko od Essence potem to obžalujem. Sploh jih noben potem noče, ker nič ne zdržijo. Ampak, če praviš, da so te boljše, potem se pa že morda splača kakšen odtenek vzet :)

      Oh no, res? To pa ne zveni kul zame, na meni je vse takoj vijolično. Hvala, da si povedala <3 Za tisti drug odtenek Bittersweet me je strah, da bi bil pa preveč koralen. Smotano je to, da ne moremo videt Sleek v živo, čeprav sem zdaj videla, da imajo menda stojala v nemških DM-ih ali Müllerjih.
