Catrice LE Kaviar Gauche + a Giveaway

ponedeljek, oktober 10, 2016

Can a drugstore brand do high fashion? Catrice proved they can by doing the second collaboration with the Berlin's bridal couture designer duo Kaviar Gauche as their official makeup partner for the Paris Fashion Week. You might remember last year's gentle pastels collection that was available in the summer and I heard raves about their pearls highlighter, well this year they included some deeper shades as well.  A limited fashion edition combines floral, intricate details with elegant colours like rouge noir, rosé and nude and what I think stands out the most is the gold eyeliner/cream eyeshadow. Although full stands are constantly evading me and I haven't had a chance to at least see the lovely nude nail polishes, I got the palette to try and swatch for you.

Products in this collection include a highlighter C01 Clair De Lune (4.69 €), lip colours C01 Nude Sublime and C02 Fleur Du Soir (4.29 €), nail lacquer in C01 Nude Sublime, C02 Nuit Fleurie, 03 Fleur Du Soir and C04 Rose D’Or (3.29 €), an eye shadow palette C01 Iris Sauvage (5.29 €), a beauty bag  (5.29 €) and a cream eye shadow & liner C01 Force D'Or (4.29 €) .

While I can't deny the whole collection is remarkably beautiful, it's the eyeshadow palette that brings on full on glam. The packaging looks and feels high-end with a lovely velvet finish and gold details on the top. Inside is a very handy, big mirror and a selection of four autumnal, but everyday shades which are a mix of cool and warm tones.

Eyeshadows are soft, buttery and not at all chalky, however, pigmentation is more on the sheer side with one brush stroke. Bridal looks should be more about subtlety anyway and Burbery does the same thing, but all you have to do is use some sort of a base to get a maximum pay-off, be it a primer, cream eyeshadow or just concealer/foundation, basically something these have to stick to. Regular Catrice eyeshadows tend to a be more pigmented, but the quality is about the same and they blend nicely regardless of what's under them.

Top left shade - a smoky grey shade with a matte-satin finish. It's the least pigmented shade in the palette and my initial intentions to use it as an eyeliner failed, but it can be used to gradually darken the outer corners.

Top right shade - a rusty-brown muted shade with a matte-satin finish. It's got the best pigmentation in the palette and it's nicely buttery. It's one of those unique reddish shades that don't make you look like someone punched you, but it emphasizes both green and blue eyes. I would suggest using a lot of mascara and an eyeliner with this colour.

Bottom left shade - a very grey taupe shade with a matte finish. Pigmentation is not the best, but can be build up over a primer or just concealer and it's actually very much my type of shade, so I tend to use it on the lids with some eyeliner for a simple, defined look.

Bottom right shade - a satin pinky-beige shade. Just a simple highlighter, base and blending shade all in one.

Yeah, I'm not a makeup artist, but you get the gist. I used a primer under them and the eyeliner is L'Oreal's Superstar.

Eye shadow palette in C01 Iris Sauvage costs 5.29 € here, I suspect it's a few cents cheaper in Germany and considering this collection will be available everywhere in Slovenia with Catrice stands, it won't be much different in other countries.

“Kaviar Gauche” iz CATRICE je v drogerijah DM, drogerijah Mueller, drogeriji Ilirija, hipermarketu Spar Citycenter ter spletni trgovini Click2Chic na voljo od 21.09. naprej.

(for residents of Slovenia only)

V moj nabiralnik pa ni priletela le ena paletka, ampak so pri naših krasnih zastopnikih mislili tudi na vas. Zato imam na voljo tri paletke, ki bodo razveselile tri izžrebance. Vse kar morate narediti je izpolniti Rafflecopter obrazec. Pogoji so napisani v obrazcu, nagradna igra pa se zaključi čez en teden 17.10.2016. Vso srečo!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Vsi odtenki so mi zelo všeč. Sem jo gledala prejšnji teden v DM-u pa je nisem vzela. Mi je bilo kasneje žal in sem jo šla danes še enkrat iskat, sicer v Müller, pa jih niso več imeli :/ Aja, pa čudovit makeup look <3

    1. Upam, da jo vsaj pri meni dobiš :) Sama še nisem našla polnega stojala, pa mi laki izgledajo zelo lušni.
      Hvala <3

  2. Čudovita paletka, prav v mojih barvah :)

    1. Dobra kombinacija vsakodnevnih odtenkov je, ampak ima tisto nekaj posebnega zaradi te rdečkaste senčke, kar jo naredi malo drugačno :)

  3. Jaz sem nora na to rjavo-rdečo senčko, ker je perfect za k vampy ustnicam. :) Se mi pa zdi siva najmajn pigmentirana.
    j. ♡

    1. Krasna je za jesenski mejkap :) Obe sivi sta malo bolj švoh, ampak s primerjem se da kaj narediti iz njih :)

  4. Čudovite senčke :) Sama imam iz te edicije samo ta temen lak in jee TOP :)

    1. Fouš :D Laki so mi res lepi v tej kolekciji, sploh ker mi je žal da sem lanske zamudila.

  5. Uauuu, super, rabim ravno tako paletko! Hvala za tole, držim pesti za vse ;)

  6. Wau embalaža je res čudovita! Komaj čakam da vidim izdelke v živo in jih swatcham :)

    1. Embalaža je prekrasna, res izgleda čisto high-end :)

  7. What a gorgeous palette! I really like the colors. Great review as always. :)

    1. Thank you :) I think it's a nice selection of neutrals with a twist :)

  8. Ta kolekcija je absolutely stunning <3 Žal je nisem sama nikjer zasledila :/

    1. Meni je tudi ne uspe nikjer najti cele. Moram it pogledat v bolj zakotne DM-e, če jo že/še imajo :)

  9. Hudo so pigmentirane, ni kej :)

    Jo imam tudi jaz, zadovoljna!

    1. Meni pigmentacija ni nič posebenga, ampak itak uporabljam spodaj primer pa je :)

  10. Prav zaradi te druge senčke izstopa iz povprečja :) Res lep odtenek za modre in zelene oči :)

  11. Wow, paletka je še lepša kot na promo slikicah

    1. To pa res :) Na promo slikah se sploh ni videlo, da je iz žameta :)

  12. The colours of the eyeshadows look beautiful! I really like how you take your pictures :)

  13. Krasna kolekcija, sploh usklajenost barv in pigmentacija senčk!

  14. Zelo všeč mi je pogmentacija paletke in pa odtenki saj bi se z njo dalo ustvariti krasen jesenski make up :D in pa super objava kot vedno :)

    1. Odtenki so res jesenski, vsaj ta rdečkast, ki pa se lepo kombinira z ostalimi nevtralnimi barvami. Hvala :)

  15. Oh wow, I am very impressed by those eyeshadow swatches :-O Good luck to everyone who's entering the giveaway.

    1. They really swatched lovely, but on the eyes they need a base.

  16. To paleto sem si želela samo zaradi embalaže in rdečo rjavega odtenka :D. Kar ni bilo dovolj, da bi jo dejansko kupila. Embalaža je res čudovita. Odtneki pa niso ravno moji - preveč hladni zame. Čeprav bi jo jaz tudi imela samo za gledanje :). Se mi pa zdi nabor odtenkov tak res chic, high end. Tebi itak vsi odtenki pašejo :).

    1. Embalaža je top :) Odtenki so pa res preveč hladni za tvoj okus razen ta rdečkasta. Je pa lepa kombinacija senčil.

      Hvala :)

  17. V zivo se mi ni zdela nic posebnega,a po tvojih swatchih je res krasna <3 za giveaway :) Hvala Drzim pesti. :)

    1. Ta rdečkasta senčka zelo preseneča :) Vso srečo :)
