90's Fall Inspired Lip Colours: Rosy-Browns & Mauves

sreda, oktober 12, 2016

Not saying that 90's trend is all about matte lip colours, but they are certainly prevailing and Birthday Suit definitely gets you that perfect "instagram matte" finish. It's a shade that changes with time as it oxidises, also you should bear in mind that like most of the shades on this list, it looks different on each individual, so don't rely just on my swatches and google for more, but on me it's a brownish medium nude shade with some rosy and mauve tones, which make it more modern looking. It's one of the earliest matte liquid lipsticks meaning the formula has some room for improvement, though to me it's fine, but it can feel tight and drying. The texture at application is very oily and the clumsy, big applicator doesn't make it easy to apply it nicely, but after about 2-3 minutes, it sets to a matte finish. 

This is my favourite formula of matte liquid lipsticks and Committed is one of my all-time favourite shades too. The formula is very pigmented, dries in a few minutes to a perfect matte finish, but it's not uncomfortable, it's incredibly long-lasting, doesn't transfer or smudge and fades nicely. Committed is a difficult colour to describe, theBalm says it's a pinky nude, but it's so much more than that on me, as it definitely has a bit of peachiness to it, so it's a bit like throwing pink and peach plus a bit of mauve in a blender, but keeping the shades very muted.

L.A. GIRL Matte Flat Finish Pigment Gloss
Dreamy is a shade that is between Committed and Birthday Suit with the main difference being that it's the peachiest. Some people love the formula, some hate, I find it's ok, but most matte lip products work for me. If your lips are often dry, this won't be for you, but if you're like me, these are just fine.

My favourite shade ever, though technically, it's not a typical 90's shade and it's already more vibrant than the rest and it can look quite bright on some people. It's a muted warm rosy shade that has enough pinky tones to lift the complexion, but still looks natural enough on the lips. The formula of this shade is so far the best I found among Velvet's, the rest are more mousse-y and less pigmented, however, it takes longer to set to a nice matte finish, yet it lasts pretty well one the lips. 

 Velvet Rosewood is one of the darkest such shades I own and it's muted warm rosy, slightly brownish shade with a proper mate finish, so it's more like the warm equivalent of the mauve shade they have in their selection (that one looks completely purple on me). It's darker than Nude-ist or Golden Rose Velvet 12, but lighter than theBalm's Charming. 

The darkest shade on this list and on me it's more of a grunge type of colour. It's similar to Velvet Rosewood, but a bit less warm and a shade darker. As I said at Committed the formula of these is amazing - properly matte, long-lasting and very pigmented. These also smell like After Eight, so like mint and chocolate, plus they tingle slightly at application for that plumping effect. Similar shades include Colorpop Bubble and Milani Beloved.

This is hailed as one of the best dupes for Mac's Velvet Teddy, which was along with Mac's Soar, the quintessential shade of the 90's modern revival. When I'm pale this is quite a nude-brown shade on me, but on more medium skin tone it looks amazing because it gets a tiny bit more pinky-mauvey. People say the formula of these is dry, but it feels fine to me and I apply it without tugging or dragging, but they older they get, the drier they are.

A rosy-brown nude shade with a semi-matte finish in a nice formula that doesn't feel drying, is opaque and lasts decently on the lips. The older these get, they start drying up, but when they're new the formula is nice.

NYX's version of matte lipstick are again one of the earliest and therefore not the best (though still good). The formula is oily with a lot less pigmentation than newer such product, but these also take a lot longer to set to a matte finish and are much more comfortable for those with dry lips. Cannes is hailed the "the" 90's lip colour in their selection and it's a medium peachy-rosy-brown shade that will probably look more rosy on medium skin tones, but it's a nice neutral shade with a twist on me.

Along with Nude-ist, Birthday Suit and recently Committed, this is one of my most worn shades. It's one of those shades that just goes with everything and is a no-brainer choice. It's a muted warm rose shade with some peachiness that looks so polished and modern, and I actually got this shade because I heard it's similar to Mac's Mehr, which is another popular shade in the 90's revival. The formula of it is a lovely matte one and the price is so affordable.

This is a shade that looks so right in the shop, while on the lips, it's a bit of a let-down. It swatches lovely, a nice pinky-mauve shade, but on my lips it's different and it's actually almost the exact shade of my lips, but cooler and greyish. It still fits into the trend, but it depends on your skin tone how it'll look. The texture is waxy, not truly matte and not particularly long-lasting

Something completely different in this selection, but on the right skin tone, this looks like the quintessential 90's shade. On me it's a medium cool greyish purple shade, while on warmer, darker skin tones it's warmer and that rosy tone becomes a lot more pronounced. Formula is the same as at Bare it All, so thick, but applies ok.

Everyone and their mother own Satin Mauve by now. It's cheap as chips and a great way to try the 90's trend. On me it looks wrong, as the grey tones in it are just too strong, but on darker skin tones, it looks a lot warmer and a proper mauve shade. They recently changed the formula and I hear the shade too, but the price is still the same.

A similar shade to Satin Mauve, but more muted. In combination with a warm skin tone, it'll look perfect, actually like Lovely Frappuccino looks on me, while on my skin tone it's a disaster. It's another very cheap way of discovering such shades and if you're new to these shades and you have Essence where you live, I really suggest you start with either this shade, Satin Mauve or Lovely Frappuccino.

One of the best shades on my skin tone and if you have a problem shades looking too violet/cool, give this one a try. It looks very warm brown on most people I've seen, but on me it's more cool toned and mauve-y, yet not at all draining like Essence's Satin Mauve lip liner. I just love this on my lips - it makes them look more defined and perfected, plus I like the formula of these as well. By the way, I hear this is similar to Soar by Mac.

An alleged dupe for Mac's Whirl, Rock n Rose was popular way before the trend started and it holds an impressive rating on Makeup Alley. I was a bit taken aback when I saw it in person - it's very brown, though it's more of a taupe brown, but it has some hints of rosy tones.The texture is a bit like Essence's Longlasting lipliners, so a great balance between being soft enough for it to transfer easily, but not too fragile, so it would break constantly.

And that's my collection of these type of shades. Some look awful on my porcelain skin and some look good, but I got these shades because someone raved about them, so they will work on different skin tones. Gejba from Parokeets swatched quite a few more of such shades in her matte liquid lipsticks comparison if you need more reccommendations. I have my eye on Pupa's 12, Stila's Patina, Jordana Rose Macron, Milani's Amore in Precious and Adorable.

Have a great day!

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  1. Odgovori
    1. Obsessed with it at the moment :) It just works so well with heavier fabrics and darker clothes for the autumn :)

  2. Najljubša objava celega leta! :D Še posebno sta mi na tebi všeč Velvet rosewood in Lovely frappuccino :D Na meni zgledata žalostno rjavo :/ Jordana Rose Macaroon pa je moja najljubša, ti zato itak priporočam :P Sem pa nekje zasledila, da bi naj bil Milani Precious dupe.

    1. Me veseli, da ti je tako všeč <3 Sem jo pripravljala miljon let. Mogoče bi ti Charming bolje ustrezal, ker nima ravno rjave notri tako kot Rosewood. Lovely Frappuccino pa res na večini izgleda rjavo, ampak na meni pa Plum Cake izgleda obupno.

      Rose Macaron si res želim sprobat, pa Precious itak, čeprav je podoben. Samo kar vem, da jih bom še kakšno leto gledala preden res kaj naročim :D

  3. Super objava in izbor izdelkov :) Zadnjič sem kupila kompletek 6 mini the Balm tekočih šmink in mi je Commited tudi precej všeč (tebi zelo lepo pristoji), drugih pa še nisem preizkusila.

    1. To veš, da sem ti zdaj Jealous za mini TheBalm-e :D Committed mi je naljubši, čeprav zdajle imam Charming ves čas nekje pri sebi :)

  4. Essence "lovely frappuccino" is such a pretty shade! Love it. :)

    1. And so cheap :) The only problem is that it tends to look very different on warmer and darker skintones.

  5. To je pa čisto tvoj nabor odtenkov :). Super objava z vsemi swatchi in primerjavami. Very helpful :).

    Satin Mauve je tudi v moji redni jesenski rotaciji :). Res tak lep univerzalen jesenski odtenek. Zdaj sem zaradi tvojih swatchev na wish listo dodala še NYX Cannes. Na nekaterih izgleda preveč roza, na tebi pa sploh ne. Predvidevam, da bi lahko na moji polti potegnil na malo bolj peachy :D.

    1. Zadnjih nekaj let res večinoma nosim take odtenke :) Hvala :)

      Satin Mauve še zdaj ne maram :D Tako fugly siv je na meni, čeprav Plum Cake je še hujši. Zavidam vam, ki vam pristaja. Cannes je na meni precej peachy, tudi ko ga swatcham na roki ni kaj dosti roza, tako da velika možnost, da bi bil na tebi tudi bolj breskov :)

  6. I have birthday suit, bourjois in shade don't pink it and Cannes & love them all. Gorgeous shades.


    1. Great choices :) Out of these I wear Birthday Suit the most :)

  7. Odlična objava! Res sem z veseljem analizirala vse odtenke hehe. Imava par skupnih, predvsem mi je zanimivo kako na tebi zgledajo bolj roza dokler pri meni vse nijanse pridejo take rjavkaste. Tako, da še zmeraj iščem svoj popolni nude roza odtenek. Pa nekak upam da bo to theBalmov. :)

    1. Hvala <3 Taki odtenki res tako različno izgledajo na posameznikih. Se mi zdi da na meni vsi odtenki izpadejo malo bolj živo ali pa bolj sivo, odvisno od podtonov.

      Committed bi mogoče lahko bil pravi zate, sem pa ko sem iskala swatche videla, da se zelo razlikuje na različnih tenih in na enih izgleda čisto peachy.

  8. Super objava! Swatchi so zelo helpful, malo manj sicer za mojo denarnico, ker imam zdaj na wishlisti nekaj odtenkov več :D.

  9. Gosh, I love aaaall your picks, such lovely shades.

  10. These colors are sooo pretty! I'm al about these kind of shades, definitely will check some of these out Xx

    | www.noirettediary.com |

  11. Gorgeous colours omg! Definitely adding them to my wish list x

