Wet n Wild Proline Felt Tip Eyeliner Fine

četrtek, november 24, 2016

I've heard about this eyeliner form Emily and how good it is, but since Wet n Wild is an US brand, I didn't know if I'll have a chance to try it, but luckily I did.  Don't let the size fool you because this contains the same amount of product as Stila's liner, though granted it only contains a half of Milani's, but at such a price, I'm not terribly bothered. I adored this from the start. It was super pigmented, matte and long lasting, but I don't know if I did something wrong, which is possible, but it just started to rebel against me.

I've seen this type of felt tip before in Essence's waterproof version, but somehow this one feels more comfortable to use. That one was quite stiff, but this one is already less harsh on the eyes. The nib is classic, medium sized and slightly rounded at the sides, which I find ok for drawing the main line, but I feel it lacks a bit of precision for drawing flicks.

As I said from the start I loved this. Formula is very black and matte, so an excellent combination in my eyes. It glided on the eyes with ease, there were no gaps andthe tip was saturated, however, I already couldn't do both eyes completely in one go, as just at the last tip of the flick, it became already to dry.

Now I don't know if maybe an eyeshadow ruined it, which is very plausible, but only the base on the applicator is working well, while the tip is too dry. This happened maybe on second or third week.

Staying power is good, though by the end of the day the wings are gone and the line can get a bit smudgy, but with a WnW primer, it lasts all day, it even survives tears, just don't rub the eyes.

This is a smaller eyeliner than the rest, but that doesn't affect how you hold it. It's actually a plus for those who wear glasses, since we all know how easy it is to hit the mirror with a brush or eyeliner. 

I got mine from Click2Chic for 4.49 €.

This could be an amazing affordable liner and maybe it is, but mine didn't work the way I expected too, at least once the first two weeks passed. It's very likely I ruined it by applying it over an eyeshadow, though honestly that really shouldn't be an excuse, but I find it odd that I had such a different experience than others. I'd still recommend you try it if you're looking for something affordable, since I feel my review is sticking out like a sore thumb and as you can see it worked perfectly on my picture.

Have a great day!

*PR product.

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  1. Vem kako je z eyelinerjem ko imaš očala. Si me spomnila na čase, ko še nisem imela leč in sem morala čisto do ogledala, da sem kaj videla haha :P Meni je Essence tisti Pen eyeliner super, drži dolgo, ampak sem tudi ugotovila, da če ga uporabim preko senčke hitro neha delat :)

    1. Jaz se pa vedno namažem prej kot dam leče gor, ker sem že uničila par parov z maskaro :) Je pa res tečno kot večno rukaš v ogledalo :D
      Mislim, da sem tega uničila s kremnim senčilom in WnW primerjem :/ Ampak Superstar deluje pa perfect po mnogih mesecih.

  2. Aw, too bad your success with this one was kind of short lived...

    1. Yeah... I really loved it from the start. It was for sure one the best performing eyeliners for the price :)

  3. You're not wrong, I don't think it has a long shelf life. I got a week's use out of mine, flipped the tip and it lasted a couple more days :(

    1. Really? It worked that short too? I heard it supposedly lasts long, so I expected a lot from it.

  4. Čisto sem se odvadila od teh felt tips. Zdaj mi je brush enostavno ljubši. Sem pa pomotoma dobila Clio verzijo felt tipa in ni slaba. Sicer tudi cena ni tako poceni kot ta, pa še vseeno je dokaj dobra. Meni je vedno všeč kako lepo ti uspe wing. Jaz moje delam vedno tanke, da mi ne bi zaprli oči, zato mi je na tebi še toliko bolj všeč, da je debel :D.

    1. Jaz jih pa še vedno ves čas uporabljam :) Clio imam še vedno na seznamu enkrat za sprobat, edino mi je zoprno, ker se ga ne da bolj enostavno dobit.

      Ah veš da so moje flick bolj trial and error :D. Izgledajo ok z zaprtimi očmi, z odprtimi jih je pa že težko videt ker jih guba skrije, tako da sploh ni važno koliko so debele. Ampak hvala <3
