Essence Eyeliner Pen Waterproof

ponedeljek, marec 02, 2015

I'm a huge fan of these felt tip eyeliners because they are so easy to use, there is no need for washing any brushes and they are more precise than any other liners I've tried. Basically, these just work for me and my eye shape. Before purchasing this Essence one, I had been very disappointed by L'Oreal's So Couture liner (worst liner ever) and this one was meant merely as a quick replacement or an-in-between-good-liners liner and that's really all it was. It's good and I would still repurchase it if I were in a similar situation, but it's not a favourite (Kardashian Beauty's one and L'Oreal's Super Slim are still firmly at the top of my favourites).

While exploring the selection of felt tip liners in my country (ok, I just checked DM to be honest. I was in a hurry), this one was the only one with a decent shape of the nib. The applicator is one of the smaller ones and a bit smaller than L'Oreal Super Slim's, however, the slightly rounded design isn't ideal for drawing super thin lines, but it can create a nice even line, it just takes a bit more effort and the line quickly ends up too thick if you're not careful. 

The formula perplexes me. It's nicely black and pigmented, so really no different from L'Oreal's for example and that's fantastic for the price. However, this is supposed to a be waterproof formula and I've seen some heavy smudging a couple of times, but then on other occasions, when I rubbed over the line with a finger, it stayed put. It doesn't completely survive in moist conditions like crying and it definitely disappears from the inner as well as outer corners (flicks). I've had some seriously hilarious panda eyes and then other times it just sort of crumbled off in contact with water. But otherwise it lasts surprisingly well on the lids. Today I applied it at 10 A.M. and now at almost 9 P.M. and it's still going strong with the exceptions of inner corners, but basically it looks as black as when I applied it. 

I took this picture of the applied eyeliner exactly one month after purchasing it and the tip was already so dry that I couldn't complete the flicks. There was enough colour in the base to do the main line, but the flick ended up smudgy. I know I shouldn't expect a lot from a 3 € liner, but one month is not impressive at all, though it's still useful. 

Overall I'm happy with it for the price, but it's not as good as some more expensive ones, mostly because of the shape of the nib (though definitely a billion times better than L'Oreal's Couture). It's a very decent liner that pleasantly surprised me, especially because one of their old versions was horrible and it almost completely put me off their liners. If you're on a budget or you just want to try this form of liners, this is a nice one. It costs 2.79€ in DM.

Have a great day!

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  1. Ne morem verjeti, da je tale res črn. Ponavadi so taki Essencovi linerji bolj sivi in ne dajo ravno dosti barve od sebe.

    1. Njihov prejšnji je bil obupen, tale je pa presenetljivo dober :) Res lepa črna :)

  2. Res dobro izgleda, ga bom verjetno kupila za tiste redke dni, ko jih dejansko nosim. Imam trenutno njihov liquid eyeliner ampak mi ni kaj preveč všeč, ker ej preveč gibljiv in težko naredim lepo črto :D

    1. Meni tudi njihov liquid eyeliner ni bil všeč, ker se nisem znašla z aplikatorjem :/ Tile so meni idealni :)

  3. Too bad we don't have Golden Rose here :/

  4. Jaz sem samo enkrat kupila tak podoben liner od Essence in praktično nisem iz njega dobila nič barve in ne izdelka. Smola?! Ne vem, ampak je bilo čudno. Od takrat naprej ne tvegam več.:) Ampak očitno so se popravili, ker ta izgleda kar dobro. Je pa res, da se ne bi smel tako hitro posušiti, vsaj dva, tri mesece bi moral zdržat:/.

    1. Mislim, da vem katerega, ker sem imela enakega. Sploh ni imel nobene pigmentacije in se je takoj zbrisal. Awful stuff :/ Tale je pa res prijetno presenečenje, čeprav suši se pa res prehitro, vsaj konica :)

  5. Jaz mam istega, samo ne vodoodporne verzije in mi je tut super, moj se ni posušil ... En nasvet samo - jaz sem po nekaj časa pogruntala, da je liner v bistvu dvostranski in ga lahko ven potegneš in obrneš (if u know what i mean). Tak da probaj to, mogoče na drugi strani ni suh :) Meni je pri prejšnjem to uspelo in sem ga lahko malo dlje časa uporabljala :) Drugače je pa ta liner moja stalnica, ga najrajši uporabljam :) Je pa res, da nisem zahtevna, meni je glavno, da je dobro črn in da lahko na izi naredim ravno linijo :D

    1. Pri nas sploh nisem našla navadne verzije, je bil samo tale :) A potem je na drugi strani tudi špičasta konica? Bom preizkusila ko bo že čisto pri koncu :)

  6. My god, you have such an incredibly beautiful skin, even if you look very closely!

    To the eyeliner: I just have this one from Manhattan and hate it a little bit. After reading your reviews, I wanted to buy the other (good) one from L'oréal, but then stumbled upon this little weird looking liner from p2 (I dont think you know this brand?) for less than 4 € and it is amazing! Even I am able to draw a flick with this little, curved tip.. ha, no more need for too flexible tip liners or liquid liners with too thick brushes..:)

    1. Oh, thank you :) I just quickly slapped some Maybelline the Eraser concealer under the eyes and that was it. I'm using these two new skin care items that I was sent and I'm currently very happy with my skin :)

      I had the one from Manhattan (Eyemazing) and it's not as black as the others, plus it dries out fast, so I wasn't a fan either. We have p2 only in one online shop and their selection is so limited. I always wanted to see a p2 stand in person, but I doubt that will happen anytime soon. That liner sounds great :)

  7. Nisem prepričana, če je poslalo moj prejšnji komentar, zato še 1x :D - Ali si kdaj preizkusila Kiko eyeliner (flumaster, ne čopič)? Meni je fantastičen, še boljši kot Deeply felt- manj tekoč in bolj obstojen. L'orealov je pa katastrofalen, jaz sem ga po prvi uporabi vrgla v smeti, še vedno sem slabe volje :D

    1. Nisem. Sploh še nisem bila v Kiko trgovini. Nekaj cincam če bi naročila iz njihove spletne strani, ampak bi tako rada videla stvari v živo :) Bom dala liner na wishlisto :) So Couture je tudi mene zelo razjezil, ker sem praktično vrgla 10 € stran :/

  8. Ok so the Loreal super liner is on my list now! It looks great.. also Essence eyeliners are great as well

    Annie |

  9. Oh kako pa lepo narisana črta..prekrasno*

  10. What a great post this is ;) You are looking amazing. Keep shining...
    Regards - Haut Cosmetics

  11. Seems like a nice pen eyeliner. Essence products are a hit or a miss. Btw your eyes are very pretty. Come, visit my blog hun:)

    1. I agree, Essence are quite a hit or miss brand to me, but I was pleasantly surprised by this eyeliner. Thank you:)

  12. For a budget eyeliner it sounds quite alright.

  13. I'm not a huge fan of felt tip liners... I just can't draw an even line :( Elastic brushes work much better for me :)

  14. i am in loving it, you are just awesome in your work Lost and found
