AliExpress & eBay Bargains #2

sobota, januar 14, 2017

This is my third such post, though the first one concentrated only on eBay deals, but I have since almost completely switched to AliExpress simply because they have better prices and I prefer the organisation of the website. You can organise the products by number of orders and they have actual reviews of buyers, some also include pictures, so you have a better idea what you're buying. I have to say I haven't had a massive miss yet and I found some great products, in fact I'm loving it more and more. You can find the other two posts here and here

Octopus Flexible Tripod for Smartphones and Small Cameras (under 500 g)
This is so ridiculously cheap I had a hard time believing it's any good, but most reviews said it's very decent and they were right. I got the version with two attachments, one is a smartphone holder and one a go camera adapter, the latter I don't need, but the smartphone holder works well and holds it in place tight. The original attachment is a simple plastic screw with a base that swivels and you lock it in place with grip, which again can hold tight. The legs are very flexible and have rubberised tips, the flexibility is so great I can wrap it around a window door handle, while the ad pictures showed it being wrapped around branches and poles. Pretty clever if you ask me. It holds the smartphone with no problems and is very stable, but with a heavier camera (mine has 357 g) I need to be more careful how I position the legs, otherwise it can tip over. Good buy.

Vintage Cover Orient/Medieval/Fairytale inspired Notebook
So you know how I'm cheap right, but I happen to like pretty things? Well, I really love how PaperBlanks look, I'm just not they type of person to pay 20-30 € for a notebook, so I thought of AliExpress and lo and behold, there was a good looking dupe. Ideally it would be blue, but they only have purple, red, green and yellow amber. It is so good, seriously, it looks so expensive. I love the pattern, it's of course not a relief, though when you touch it has some small dots that make it feel a bit textured. The pages are good quality, made for thick paper and the pattern is better than in PaperBlanks. I bought the first one for 5 €, but it never arrived (it was refunded), so I had to shell out 11 € at the other seller, but it arrived in 10 days from China in Christmas time (impressive) and it was really well packed.

Mini Notebooks
I was in a serious need for stationery and AliExpress has a ton of really cheap notebooks that are also super cute. The Superman, galaxy and bunny notebooks are thin booklets with not many pages, but they are great for slipping into pockets and purses. They have several versions for all, the superheros both from Marvel and DC, I chose Superman myself because it's my favourite, while the night sky and bunny ones were random picks. The memo pad was also chosen at random and was so hoping for a moustache one, but just my luck that I get the one without. But I actually really like the notepad because it's very handy and small. These exist in a lot of patterns, not just men style versions.

Sticky Notes
These turned out even cuter than I thought and the glue is actually better than on cheap sticky notes we have in Tedi here, but like most notes it doesn't hold terribly long. The drop ones are available in four versions, while the other ones exist in Moongs (sheep) and Panda version. The latter are slightly bigger than the drop ones, but equally good, though the glue is less sticky. I ordered more of drop ones.

10 Pcs Colour Gel Pens with Pastels and Patterns 
I wanted these for at least a couple of years and I now feel stupid for not just buying them before because they are so cheap and good. Obviously these aren't Pilot or some other fancy brand, so it's not the most amazing quality, but they are still great. You get 10 different colours, each is stated on the cap, so you know what you're grabbing, though it's a very obvious system - green is green, pink is pink /though one is violet), the one with the red hearts is red and so on. When they are new they need to be held at almost 90° angle otherwise the ink doesn't run smoothly, but the more you use them the more the tip get saturated with ink. These only fail at very fast writing occasionally, but otherwise they are lovely and I use them all the time. These come in different versions including a galaxy print.

Foil Pineapple Printing Washi Tape 
I saw this first on someone's Instagram, but I had no idea it was from AliExpress because frankly it looked way too good. This looks expensive in person and yes, I know it's a roll of sticky tape, but such tapes run for 5 € here in Slovenia which there's no way I'm paying. Like a majority of washis it doesn't hold amazingly well, these are more meant for decoration, but interestingly my washis from eBay and AliExpress are better quality than those I bought in local shops (I mean DM). On the first picture I saw this, the base colour looked navy blue (one of my faves) and I was a bit bummed it's actually almost black in real life, but it still looks so good. 

Big Oval Makeup Brush 
Omg I adore this brush! I've become a big fan of oval brushes and I wanted to share my discovery with my friends, so I ordered a few cheap ones for Christmas, but I ended up keeping one for myself. These are so incredibly soft, but also not too dense, so they feel absolutely amazing to the touch and they blend foundation so fast and so seamlessly - I'm in love. The rose gold handles don't look perfect and I don't suppose they'll stay intact for long, but at least the rubber grip is super handy. I really recommend these, they're only 3 bucks, but man they are so good. The only complaint I heard is that it's hard to reach the inner corners of the eyes well, so some may need something else to blend for that area, but I have no problems like that. 

Small Shoulder Bag with a Chain
I think no one would believe me if I said it cost 11 € (actually no one did when I showed it in person) because this bag looks seriously well-made and actually these are sold for much more, it depends on the seller, so be vary of that because prices go up to 80$. It's a hard bag that's why I bought it and it completely survived its travel from China (you get a balloon inside). Though it's small, it easily fits a phone, actually several phones that can lie on the floor of the bag (it's Samsung S5 on the picture), but bigger wallets won't fit through the opening. I use the bag for storing my mirrorless camera Olympus and it's a perfect fit, You see, Olympus sells a very pretty bag for storing their mirrorless cameras, but I just started laughing when I saw their ridiculous 80 € price tag - like I'm stupid enough to spend that much on a bag. So I bought a similar one online and to protect the camera more, added the foam that comes in Colourpop packages. Works just fine and anyway, it's not like I travel a lot. It's got a bit of that classic new cheap hand bag smell for a day, but nothing terrible. The chain looks great as well, but none of these chains are comfortable. I needed some tries to figure out the opening mechanism (the right knob slips to the right), but it holds great. It also has a good zipper for extra security. I'm 1.6 m and it sits at my hip when worn across the shoulder, on my taller cousin it already looked a bit strange and strange to wear across the shoulders. Really recommend this if you're looking for an expensive looking bag on the budget and it comes in many colours.

Chiffon Off Shoulder Maxi Dress with a Side Slit
I just love Ancient Greek/Rome style dresses and I had this one pinned in many versions, one from Asos for 70 € I think, so once I decided to check if AliExpress has something similar and I found the exact same dress. It's just like in the pictures, only the material isn't quite as flowy. It's one of those that crinkles a lot, but that's what I expected. It's got two layers, a sheer and an opaque one, so it's not at all see through and the colour is spot on too, a nice muted navy. It's not stretchy, but it has a zipper and it also it padded on the top. The description and reviewers said to go two sizes up, but S is a bit loose on my XXS/EU32/UK2-4/US0-2 frame, however, length is perfect for my petite size.  I'd say it's an EU34/XS and fits heights 155-165cm. Apart from the shoddy lining on the bottom, which isn't even that visible on a dark material, it's a beautiful dress that maybe could pass for special occasions if you're not surrounded by snotty people, but the cleavage is very revealing and the material can look very wrinkled. It looks to me like it needs to be washed by hand. I have pictures of me wearing it, but the cleavage is too big for me to post it here.

Violet Sheer Scarf
I realised I have absolutely nothing in this colour and actually it's almost impossible to get in shops at the moment unless you're five and it's not like I love this colour, but why not have some variety in the wardrobe, right? I bought scarfs before on eBay and they tend to be very good, so this is no exception. It's soft, there was no strange scent and it looks well made. The colour is accurate based on the pictures. 

Perfume Bottle Pendant and Necklace
I was concerned this will look terrible because all the picture reviews on AliExpress were bad quality, but it looks cute and it has a vintage feel to it. It's quite heavy and the back has a hollow hearts design, which is like a separate pendant, meaning you get two necklaces in one. I can so see this being sold for 9.99 € in Europe by sellers who love ripping people off.

Gold Bar Dainty Necklace
This is the type of necklace I'd love to have the real deal of, but for now this dollar one will have to suffice. It's completely my style and the type I wear all the time. It's a dainty necklace with a long, tube type of pendant which moves on the chain. The closing mechanism works fine and you get enough for additional length to customise where it falls around your neck. I expect this to turn dark soon, but I can't complain for the price. 

Minnie Mouse Ears Headband
I showed you one of these in my last eBay Bargains, but that one was a gift for someone and because I loved it so much, I needed to get one for myself as well. I picked the one with a light pink bow, but rose pink one exists as well. It's a one size fits all type of headband and it's soft, so quite comfortable. The backside of the bow on this one is white unlike at the one I bought last time and its made from a foam material (but covered with satin).

More stuff I got that wasn't for me:

 Have a great day!

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  1. O, tole za fotkič je res super :)

    Naročeno, za takšno smešno ceno spet...

    1. Res tako prav pride :) Nisem ravno verjela, da se tako dobro ovije, ampak drži super tudi na kakšni kljuki :)

  2. loving all the stationary bits :)

    1. There's a lot of cute things on AliExpress, especially the sticky notes :)

  3. Stojalo za fotoaparat sem enkrat pri nas kupila po smešni ceni, ampak nekako tega nikoli ne uporabljam. Bi bolj rabila veliki tripod. Pa na koncu itak najraje kar v roke vzamem. :)
    Zdaj si me spomnila, da še nisem naročila teh ovalnih čopičev. Res moram, ker me zanima kakšni so.
    Sticky notes so adorable. Že ko si mi poslala losijon z njim se mi je zdelo tako cute. <3
    Glede torbic se strinjam. Se mi zdi, da sem jaz na Aliexpressu kupila a la Celine smile torbico in sem jo nosila res dolgo. Najlboljša kvaliteta...pravo usnje, mehko in vrzdržljivo. Žal za polovico torbic v naših trgovinah tega ne morem trditi. Vse so neke plastične, trde in cheap. Je pa res včasih težko najti dobrega sellerja z dobro kvaliteto. Včasih naletiš tudi tam na kakšne poceni ponaredke.
    Odlična objava in vsekakor še kakšno objavo. Da bi so bom lahko polnila wishlisto :).

    1. Meni pa zelo prav pride to stojalo, sploh ker imam zdaj aplikacijo za oddaljen sprožilec, drugače je kakšne stvari nemogoče slikat. Bi pa tudi jaz rabila večjega.

      Res ti priporočam te čopiče. Meni so odlični :)

      Jaz zelo redko kupim torbice in gledam predvsem na to da bo uporabna ne pa toliko da je lepa in pri nas je zelo slaba izbira. Ko se mi je moja raztrgala, sem miljon let iskala eno dobro. Na AliExpress mi je zelo všeč, da lahko zložim izdelke po številu naročil, potem pa še pregledam vse ocene/slike in se odločim če je vredno naročit. Do zdaj ni bilo še nič zanič :)

      Bojo še objave. Sem že naročala za rojstni dan :)

  4. Jaz imam podobno objavo v mislih že več kot eno leto, ampak še niti nisem prišla do tega, da bi si sploh naredila seznam, kaj bi želela vključiti :P
    Sem pa tudi jaz začela bolj kupovat na Aliexpressu, ker je bolj pregledno pa večinoma so še slike kupcev :D Teh sticky notesov imam že toliko, da res ne smem zdaj več naročat. Sem pa že dala čopič na WL, ko si ga omenila že v eni prejšnji objavi :D

    1. Jaz sem vse sproti delala, ker itak dajem objave takoj še na AliExpress, tako da mi ni bilo tak problem naredit objave :) Upam, da kdaj objaviš, ker rada berem take poste :)

      AliExpress je veliko bolj poln informacij ko kupuješ, ker na eBayu je že težko izvedet kaj od kupcev, sploh ker so feedbacki tako kratki. Čopič ti pa toplo priporočam :)

  5. Še nikoli nisem naročala na Aliexpress, me je pa tvoj post prepričal da si moram odpreti račun. Blokcev in samolepilnih lističev nimam nikoli dovoj in vedno najdem kaj zanimivega na Ebayju, ampak so mi te, ki si jih objavila iz aliexpress, še bolj všeč. :)
    Zadnjič sem na ebayu naročila ovalne čopiče in če ne bodo ok, bom potem kupila iz tvojega linka.
    Še takšnih objav :)

    1. Tudi jaz sem se dolgo otepala odpret račun na AliEpress, ker nekako nisem imela zaupanja v stran, potem sem pa morala za nekoga komplet žarnic s tam naročit in sem ugotovila, da je v bistvu veliko boljši in cenejši za take stvari, sploh pa za pisalniške. Ampak kar se tiče raznih stvari za avto in kozmetike je pa eBay še vedno boljši.

      Mislim, da so čopiči na obeh straneh enaki, te ki jih imam jaz sem videla pri ogromno prodajalcih, tako da sem se ozirala na ceno. So mi pa res super :)

      Bodo 100 %:)

  6. Hehehehe, those ladels... :-) Love the notebook, so pretty! And all the stationary is super cute.

    1. They are a cute gift :) I'm loving the notebook, I did not expect it to look this good :)

  7. Te kulije sem pred parimi dnevi dodala v košarico pa nisem bila ziher, zdaj si me prepričala :) Mogoče bom morala dodat še ta ovalni čopič - sem za prvo probo kupila enega iz Primarka in mi je všeč, samo je malo premajhen in premalo mehek :)

    1. Ravno sem z njimi pisala :) Čisto dobri so, ampak občasno jih malo zmanjka, ni pa nič kritičnega :)

      Ovalni čopič ti pa zelo priporočam. Imam še druge in ta je daleč najmehkejši, je pa tudi večji in mi zato bolj ustreza (mislim da je 5x4 cm).

  8. This posts of you are one of my favorite. Bought the Nessie laddle mere seconds after reading this and because I'm also blogging - the tripod.

    1. I'm so glad you like it :) I actually ordered a smartphone ring light for blogging, it arrived today and it looks like it will be quite handy :)

  9. Sem si kar lepo WL ustvarila na podlagi te objave, izgleda da bom imela en poceni zapravljiv dan v bližnji prihodnosti ;)

    1. Res je krasno ko zapraviš vse skupaj 20 € za 15 dobrih stvari :)

  10. Perfect things i buy similar pen from Ali but I pay almost the same price for 2 pens :O.

  11. Ooo tale stationery na Ebayu ... Vse bi imela!
