Trend It Up Powder Blush 050

sreda, januar 11, 2017

This is my current blush of choice that I wear pretty much every day because it's another in my collection of very easy to wear colours, but unlike my other such blushes, this one also has a glow that my currently dry skin needs. I saw this blush on Petra's blog and fell in love with it immediately, even before she posted swatches and I was determined I need it. My predictions that I will love it were correct. 

Texture: It's one of those harder blushes and there is zero of any flaky powderiness when you swirl your brush in it, but the pigmentation is good and it's has a very silky texture - it really is such great quality for a blush on a budget. I've tried a lot more expensive blushes that didn't apply as nicely as this one. It has such a lovely satin glow on the cheeks that isn't too much (don't expect a highlighter glow), it just perks up the skin and doesn't look obviously shimmery. This is what I was expecting from Catrice's illuminating blushes, but none of the shades I have delivered. 

Colour: 050 is exactly my type of shade. It's one of those natural muted pink shades that's in the same colour family as I'm Nut's About you and Romantic Rose by Milani (which are dupes for each other, btw). While it is similar, it's not a dupe for either of the two since Trend it up 050 is pinker, more mauve and it also has a golden sheen. Rose Royce is a lot more warm pink and most bright of the four shades I compared. 

Staying Power: This doesn't last as long as I would hope on the cheeks. I get a few hours like with most blushes and in this respect Catrice's and Milani's blushes are better, but today I applied it maybe three-four hours ago and it's holding strong.

Packaging: This actually has a really good packaging for the price, in fact it feels like something that costs a lot more. It's still plastic, but it just feels well-made and is sturdy. 

Price and availability: These are sold in DMs for 3.49 €.

I'm really happy with it. I adore the colour because it's so easy to wear and works with any makeup plus the glow is nice. My only slight complaint is that the staying power could be better, but in general a majority of blushes don't last well on my cheek, notable exceptions are Catrice's, Milani's and theBalm's blushes. If you're looking for something on a budget in this colour family, this one is lovely. I just grab it in the morning and brings some life to my face without turning me into a porcelain doll, plus it goes with anything.

Have a great day!

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  1. I really wish this was sold in Serbia, it looks lovely!
    Btw, I think you should try Golden Rose liquid lipsticks, the shade 5 really reminds me of you.

    1. I hope you get Trend it Up soon :)
      I have so many dark, burgundy shades, I really shouldn't :P

    2. I was wearing Golden rose liquid lipstick 03 today and it is the best liquid lipstick I have ever tried. I recommend that shade. It is great. Much better than Nyx Cannes and Pupa for me.

    3. Honestly, I don't like any of the original shades or I'd have too many similar shades in my collection and that's why I never got any of them. 03 would definitely look too cool on me and I never look good in cool mauves. But some of the new shades look promising :)

  2. It's just the blush I'm hunting right know because my favourite youtube girl already uses this and she is as pale and blonde as me so I'm looking forward to using this!! Unfortunately, it was sold out forever (I guess, this youtuber has reached every girl in Germany with her optinion that this blush was a must-have, so I couldn't get it for a long time..) but a friend of mine bought it for me and now I see that you are loving it, what a coincidence! Can't wait to try mine!!

    1. I can easily see why it's so popular :) It's a gorgeous shade also for a blonde :)

  3. Jeseni je bil moja stalnica :). Zdaj sem spet presedlala na peaches, ker zadnje čase skoz nosim Zoevino paleto. Mi je pa res ta odtenek všeč in se strinjam z vsem kar si povedala. Samo na meni dobro zdrži, ampak na sploh nimam nekega problema z obstojnostjo rdečil.
    Zelo lepo ti paše :).

    1. Odtenek mi je krasen in tudi obstojnost oprostim, ampak je danes isto ostal samo puder in highlighter, blusha pa nekaj ur ni več. Imam pač tako zoprno kožo da večina blushev kar izgine. Hvala :)

  4. Že nekaj časa iščem nov blush pa me v trgovini noben ne prepriča. Vsi štirje blushi, ki si jih omenila so mi lepi. Definitivno pa bom prečekirala tega od trend it up, na tebi zgleda res čudovit odtenek! :)

    1. Vse štiri ti toplo priporočam, ima pa Catrica zdaj drugačen vzorec, če boš iskala. Trend it Up je krasen odtenek za vsak dan in sama kvaliteta je res dobra za to ceno. Hvala :)

  5. Res je lep odtenek, moram še malo pogledati :)

    1. Jaz ga zihr ne bi sama nikoli našla brez da bi ga videla na blogih :)

  6. Lovely! It's definitely a shade I could see myself wearing.

    1. It's a shade that would fit just about everyone with a light to medium skin tone :)

  7. Tale je res lep, samo jaz se res poskusam drzati nazaj in cim manj kupovati. Samo tale me res mika. Ze od Petrine IG fotke :)

    1. No, saj ga ne rabiš nujno :) Pri meni je pač naneslo da ga res vsak dan nosim, ampak če že imaš podobne odtenke, nima smisla kupovat več :) Je pa vsaj poceni in kvaliteta je res dobra.
