New in: Asian Beauty Part 1 - Makeup & Skincare

sreda, maj 10, 2017

CLIO Waterproof Brush Liner
Kill Black
I got this after both Petra and Nadja raved about it, plus I loved the shape of the applicator since experience has taught me, these types are the best. Like at Artdeco I'm having problems with this having a dry tip. I can draw the main line and it's inky black, but it suddenly just dries up. It's like it comes in contact with something that coats the tip and prevents the product from coming out, but I've tried it on completely clean skin the first time and even from the start I wasn't happy. Maybe the problem is my skin, I don't know. I then have to draw a bit on the back of my hand to revive it and it's fine. The formula is lovely, black and long-lasting, but I'm really not a fan of it just drying so often. I've been using it for almost three months now and I just expected more. After two months of using it every day and hoping it'll finally start working normally, I just bought a Maybelline one, which works normally on me.
You get a cleansing oil with it which is a bit thin for my liking, but works fine in removing the liner.
eBay, $10.06 (ordered from seller picknsale, arrived in 20 days to Slovenia)

I've already done a review about this one with all the comparison swatches and before/after pictures. It's my very first cushion foundation and I fell in love with the concept, despite knowing that the amount of product I'll be able to squeeze out of the sponge will be much, much smaller than buying a regular foundation. This one is a limited edition version, but it's still available in some places. It's got a light to medium coverage if you layer it, which is very easy with this one and it has a very dewy finish, so if you have oily or combination-oily skin, you should skip this one. The shade is lovely for me, a nice pale one with a pink undertone. Of course I got it for the packaging, which is so adorable and the pokeball sponge applicator is such a cute touch. The latter is best thing because it just works so well and with any foundation. As I said it's super shiny and staying power leaves something to be desired, nonetheless, I'm happy I got it and I'd like to find some other cushion foundation, maybe with a more matte-satin finish and in a similar shade (my research led me to Innisfree Long-Wear Cushion and Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion). 

I ordered this first from eBay in January for my birthday, but the parcel got lost and after two months I ordered it again, but this time from TesterKorea (9.22 €), which I again had to wait for a month to arrive (35 days). In the strangest turn of events, the first parcel arrived after three months (97 days, shop BringBringShop which is the same thing as RoseRoseShop. All three parcels I ordered from them took super long to arrive. I understand one, but three ordered weeks apart can't be a sign of a good practice), so I now have two and I decided to give one away. Giveaway is at the end of the post (Slovene residents only. Sorry shipping to other countries is too expensive)

THE FACE SHOP Trendy Nails Disney Princess Edition
Snow White and Cinderella
I just had to get these, Snow White without a question, but I got Cinderella for the actual colour. Don't think these two colour are available any more, but you might still find them on eBay. The quality really isn't that good, so you're not missing much. But there are plenty more TFS Disney products

Cinderella is a pastel blue shade and I love it, but the formula is beyond annoying. It's the "good", old classic pastel that never looks even, is thick and needs at least three coats. Basically the application is a nightmare.

Snow White is a snow effect shade and it contains different silver shimmers plus some white flakes. It's lovely and easy to apply, but an absolute horror to remove, like all glitters. It's on my nails in the next part of New in where I'm holding COSRX patches.
eBay, $4.90. Seller was cgs6309, who still has some shades and the parcel arrived in 14 days.


Before I start on skin care, my skin type is combination-dry and not at all sensitive. I get from visibly dry skin if I don't care for it, to slightly oily T-zone in warmer months. Spots are rare, but again if I don't care for it, I'll have a couple of small ones and I know that at least mineral oil clogs my skin. I've already reviewed several products in my empties with opinions based on samples.

SKINFOOD Black Sugar Mask Wash off
This one of the most popular Korean skin care products and the one I heard most about, so it was on my wishlist which I posted a few months ago (and actually got most of the things to try). I originally wanted the honey version, which I still might get, but recommendations were about this one. It's a sugar scrub, which should be all wrong for the face, but no amount of AHA's has made my skin smooth around the nose and on my chin, so went in with the big guns. As expected this is a very harsh scrub, like sugar scrubs for the body, but this also functions as a mask that you leave on the skin for 10 minutes. The scent is strange when you use it, like lemon candy mixed with something artificial - I don't mind it much and most people love it. My skin felt incredibly smooth after use, actually I don't think it's ever been so smooth. While it looked better in the morning, that incredible smoothness wasn't there anymore, but this is still the most effective scrub I've found and the sides of my nose and chin look much better.
Jolse, 8.60 $. It took 39 days to arrive.

ELIZAVECCA Milky Piggy Hell Pore Clean Up Mask
When it comes to pore strips, 99% of them don't work on me and they also don't tend to fit me well, so I end up with bubbles where nothing is removed. I've never been a believer in peel-off masks, but I heard some good things about this one and I was interested if Korean beauty brands are better in that department than ours. It applies like a thin clay mask which starts to drying very slowly into a plastic-like coat (it takes about 20 minutes, but I leave it a few minutes longer) and then you just pull it off like a normal peel-off mask. I really wanted to see significant results, but I find it's way too gentle. It didn't manage to pull much from my pores and it didn't hurt, only on the middle of the cheeks (I've only applied this where the blackheads are). I've used it a few times and each time I end up with an almost clear strip of product, so this wasn't the best investment. I've recently found we have Bioré strips in Slovenia, which of course I already bought and tried, so I can just say to you to get those, as so far those are the best I found.
eBay, $10.79. Seller nowzenith, took 17 days to arrive.

CORSX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid
I had a sample of this before purchasing, though I couldn't tell much from one sample, just that the texture seems fine and my skin started behaving a bit better in the next week, but I basically bought this based on faith that I'll work for me just as for many others. A lot of skin care buffs are swearing by this product, apparently it's one of the best blackhead products. It contains BHA meaning it clears out the pores and helps with spots too, but it's relatively weak, so I feel no tingling or anything. It's a very light liquid that feels more like a toner and it only leaves a slightly sticky layer behind. I didn't get an actually reduction of blackheads as I hoped, but my skin has been behaving much better when I use it. For a time my skin was completely clear, my forehead was completely smooth as were most of other areas, but when I stopped using it for a while, to test other products, I saw just how much this helps. I'm very impressed. Only one minus - I can only use it every three days because it is drying.
eBay, $17.85. Seller iamlove-shop (Jolse on eBay), took 17 days.

SECRET KEY Starting Treatment Essence (Rose Edition)
I'm becoming a fan of essences because they agree with my skin, so this is my third one I'm trying, first being the fantastic COSRX Galactomyces and the second their Snail Mucin. I bought these 30 ml samples first, since my plan was to properly test products before I commit to anything. Secret Key is a choice for those who are on a budget (or trying to keep the costs of parcels under 22€) and though it's not nearly as famous as SK-II or Missha's Time Revolution, I've heard some great feedback. The texture is similar to COSRX Galactomyces, so a thicker toner and it has no scent (thankfully. I was afraid it's going to reek of that granny rose scent). Mine is the Rose edition, which I'm not sure it's permanent, but I hear some prefer this one to their original. I'm testing it together with Skinfood Black Sugar Serum (will be in the next part on new in), one on each side of the face, so I can see the difference. In this case there isn't any, except this feels lighter. My skin looks nice with this - it's got a nice healthy glow and no dryness, but pores look only slightly better, so not as good as Galactomyces. Likeable, but CORSX appears to be better for me, as is Su:m37 Secret Essence. I still have a lot of it and you use little at a time, so I'll report back in an empties or a skin care related post because I have a feeling it might surprise me with longer use.
eBay, $6.02 (RoseRoseShop, took 48 days to arrive. 2 x 30 ml)

TONYMOLY Pokemon Pore Foam Cleanser Isanghessi (Bulbasaur) - exactly the same as every creamy face wash by Korean brands I've tried - indulgently creamy and washes off completely with water, but it leaves a squeaky clean feeling and burns like a thousand suns when it gets in the eyes. This version has a pleasant green tea scent. It exists in several Pokemon versions: Pikachu (moisturising), Fairi/Charmander (brightening) and Kkobugi/Squirtle (hydrating). Full price is about 10$ from various sellers.

TONYMOLY Prestige Jeju Snail Essence - This one has a gel-like consistency and a "Kamagel" scent, meaning it has a camomile-alcoholic-medicinal scent. I did a half and half, using Tonymoly on one side of the face and Su:M 37 Secret Essence on the others. On both sides the initial effects were the same and they were awesome. The skin looked healthier, brighter, smoother and the skin was much softer. However on day four, spots appeared just on the side where I used this, which was so strange to see because it really was such an obvious division which one clogging my pores. Ingredients
Jolse, $55.23

SU:M 37 Secret Essence - this one is much lighter than Tonymoly and has a toner like consistency. As I said I did a half and half, using Tonymoly on one side of the face and Su:M 37 Secret Essence on the other. This one worked better with my skin on a longer trial basis. The skin looked healthier, brighter, smoother and the skin was much softer, but also completely clear compared to the other side. It has chemical scent, but nothing special. I loved it, but it's seriously so expensive. Ingredients
Jolse, $74.78

There's more beauty bits coming in the next posts. I split it into three because it was just too much and even I got bored reading it all at once.

GIVEAWAY (Slovenia only)

Kot sem napisala zgoraj pri Pikachu pudru, sem zaradi počasne pošte dobila duplikate Tonymoly Pokemon Cushion pudra, zraven pa še Tonymoly Panda's Dream Sleeping Pack in ju bom zato pač podarila. Najraje bi videla, da bi paket dobil nekdo, ki si te stvari res želi in je moj redni bralec, zato ne bom dala v pogoje, da se deli naprej, ker lovce na giveawaye je pa zadnja stvar, ki si jo želim na tem blogu. Edini pogoj je da mi napišete od kje ste, da vem, da ste iz Slovenije (ni treba mi zdaj točno ulico pisati, samo približno, npr. najbližje mesto). Giveaway bo trajal do 21. maja. Sodelujete lahko tisti s prebivališčem v Sloveniji. Če še niste polnoletni, vprašajte starše za dovoljenje. Sledita še dve New in objavi kjer bo isti obrazec, zato ne rabite hiteti s prijavo, sploh, če vas zanimajo ocene ostalih izdelkov, ki so del nagrade. Tudi komentirate lahko pod katerokoli izmed treh objav.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you tried any Asian cosmetics or skin care? Do you have any recommendations? Have a great day!

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  1. Ta post sem res dolgo čakala, in sem vsakič redno spremljala na insta storyih prve vtise.:D Me pa ful mika Azijska kozmetika, ampak se mi zdi da je ne poznam še dovolj in zaenkrat mam na wishlisti sam njihove BB kreme. Za Pikachu podlago mislim da bi mi super ustrezala ker mi je vedno boljši dewy finish.

    1. Malo dlje je vzelo kot pričakovano, ker sem morala nenormalno dolgo čakat na nekatere pakete, ampak evo, končno je tukaj :) BB kreme sem raziskovala že pred leti, pa en čistilni gel sem že imela včasih, ampak zdaj sem se pa res vrgla v raziskovanje, ker se je moja koža spremenila. Me pa vedno bolj navdušuje vsa ta kozmetika :)
      Potem bi bila Pikachu cushion čisto zate, ker ta je pa res super dewy :)

  2. Super se mi zdi, ko gledam slovenske blogerke, ki se zacenjajo navdusevati nad kbeauty!! Jaz sem zaenkrat sprobala Iope cushion, ki mi je super (mat verzijo) trenutno pa testiram od etude house ac clean up cushion. Se je pa meni enako zgodilo z bringbringshop, cushion sem narocila zacetek februarja, po dveh mescih zahtevala refund (niso mi odgovorili, je posegel ebay vmes) no zdej sem jo pa po treh mesecih dobila.
    Of cosrx sem sprobala ze res veliko stvari ampak snail essence in bha ter aha so mi najljubse. Bha uporabljam ze skoraj eno leto in je razlika res opazna. Razmisljam pa da bi mogoce probala se kako western verzijo, ker so baje mocnejse.
    Kar se sheet masks tice ti pa priporocam da sprobas Lovemore (barley & milk in p whitening) ali pa Jajyun (malo drazje), ker meni so super.
    Tele tony moly cushione sem ze gledala in jo imela v kosarci ampak je potem nisem vzela bi jo ap z veseljem probala!! Super giveaway!

    1. Vidim, da sem pod unknown tako da masakatarina na instagramu! :)

    2. Jaz sem kar malo pozna proti ostalim :D Za Iope sem slišala pohvale, ampak kar vidim, da je nad 22 € postanem živčna zaradi carine. Etude House ima že bolj sprejemljivo in jo imam zato na wishlisti, ampak drugo verzijo.

      Ta RoseRoseShop/BringBringShop niso čisto normalni. Tudi meni so si vzeli čas, da so odgovorili, ampak nek avtomatiziran odgovor, ko že vem, da bodo spet težili naj še malo čakam in podobne fore, a minilo je 60 dni. Zelo jim zamerim, da so poslali šele po enem mesecu, v bistvu šele ko sem jih vprašala, zakaj paketa še ni. Bedno mi je pa to, da imajo ravno oni vse in po sprejemljivih cenah :/ Če vzameš tracking številko pa pri njih samo denar stran vržeš.

      COSRX BHA mi je res kul, pa imela sem tester Whitehead liquid, ki je tudi super, ampak najbolj všeč mi je pa Galactomyces Essence in jo nameravam kupit, če mi ne bo kaj drugega bolj všeč od testerjev.

      Lovemore in Jayjun dajem na seznam za sprobat, hvala :)

  3. Z veseljem prebiram vse tvoje objave in sploh te o azijski kozmetiki, saj zadnje čase tudi sama uporabljam čedalje več azijskih oziroma korejskih izdelkov. Sem z užitkom prebrala tvoje mnenje pri vseh, saj ves čas raziskujem, kateri izdelki so vredni nakupa. Trenutno jih uporabljam kar nekaj, sheet maske so obvezne ves čas ;) eden bolj zabavnih produktov mi je Tony Moly Panda's Dream Eye Patch, ker ob uporabi res zgledaš kot panda (se je nemogoče upret vsem tem kjut embalažam in produktom). Na wish listi imam biore sončno kremo, prav tako pa bi rada preizkusila še kakšno esenco. Zelo bi se veselila preizkusiti tudi oba izdelka iz nagradne igre.

    Se veselim vseh prihodnjih zapisov z novimi azijskimi pridobitvami :)


    1. Me veseli, da ti je bila objava všeč :) Bo še več tega v naslednjih dneh.

      O, te Tonymoly Panda patches imam tudi na wishlisti, ker sem slišala, da menda celo delujejo :) Mene so pa Etude House Smile Line Patches zelo pozitivno presenetili, imam pa na vrhu wishliste Secret Key Pink Racoony Patches, ker so freaking adorable :D

      Biore sem si zelo želela preizkusit, ampak slišim, da so menjali formulo pred kratkim in da ni več to kaj je bila, torej ni več tako lahka. Zato iščem alternative in največ pohval slišim na račun Misshine roza in Etude Sunprise zelene (bom v naslednji objavi imela še sončno kremo in bolj točna imela za te z wishliste). Od essenc me pa za zdaj najbolj navdušuje Galactomyces.

    2. So fine, na mojih ultra temnih podočnjakih čudeža ne naredijo, kožo pa zelo lepo navlažijo :) teh drugih za gubice pa nisem še nič gledala, sem jih prvič opazila pri tebi na instagramu.

      Jaz imam od Etude House Sunprise rumeno in je kar vredu, ampak bi vseeno rada še kaj preizkusila in našla nekaj boljšega za mojo kožo.

      Pa še za konec, ko govoriš tudi o pilingu. Jaz imam Tony Moly Floria brightening peeling gel in mi je všeč. Je neke vrste encimski piling in nima teh mikro delcev, ampak res očisti kožo. Kar odstrani mrtve celice in jih prav čutiš. Jaz imam po uporabi res gladko kožo :)

    3. Podočnjakov nimam tako temnih, tako da bi mi bilo že samo vlaženje v redu :)

      Ravno to z rumenim pokrovčkom sem gledala danes, pa me je zanimalo, če je v redu. Potem ostajam pri mojih dozdajšnjih izbirah :)

      Ja, sem imela par testerjev za Florio - prav freaky mi je bilo videt kako deluje, ker nisem točno še vedela kaj je to. Meni se je mrtva koža čisto odsvaljkala dol. Ampak še zdaj nisem zihr, če mi ga imela.

  4. I really should use all the samples I get from my orders. Yesterday I ordered my first Cosrx product, their birch sap lotion.

    1. COSRX has some great stuff, but I haven't heard much about birch lotion - though I'm just exploring the brand myself :)
      I love the generous samples you get with orders. I found so many great products through them :) I wish western brands followed their example.

  5. Mene azijska kozmetika zanima ker slisim dosti pohval, sploh nega ker kar se makeupa tice sem kot mastnokozka bolj fanica matt efekta ne toliko glowy videza. Mi je pa netodno narocati ker ae mi zdi da nikoli ne bi redno narocevala ce bi mi bilo kaj res vsec. Rabim tako rutino da lahko dokupim v nasih drogerijah, zal pa ni prav velike ponudbe nasploh.

    1. Potem ti bila morda všeč peach sake linija od Skinfood, ker sem prebrala veliko pohval s strani mastnokožk, sploh za serum :) Drugače te pa čisto razumem kako je lahko zoprno naročevat preko spleta. Sem izgubljala živce s temi paketi kot še nikdar do zdaj, sploh ker iz Koreje po mojih prejšnjih izkušnjah pride pošta v roku 2 tednov, 3 maksimalno. Pri nas so cenejši izdelki za nego kože preveč osnovni in če hočeš kaj več, je pa takoj drago. Pri korejski kozmetiki enostavno dobiš več za svoj denar, zato me ta vleče k njej :).

  6. Zaradi enega izmed tvojih prejšnjih postov sem na jolse naročila COSRX BHA liquid in galactomyces. No, seveda sem vmes prebrala še druge ocene, ampak tebi najbolj zaupam. Škoda, da imam sicer drugačno kožo in lase od tebe, tako da mi oecene šamponov ne pridejo prav :)
    Šment, da z jolse traja mesec in pol, da pride, in ne dva do tri tedne, kot pravijo oni, saj mi je medtem že zmanjkalo seruma in mi zvečer res nekaj manjka pod Nuxe oljem.

    1. Upam, da ti bodo všeč :) Ko sem naročila od Jolse, ampak preko eBaya, je normalno prišlo v malo več kot dveh tednih. Ampak v drugo sem se pa načakala, pa še carinili so mi, pa čeprav je bilo pod 22 €. Upam, da boš imela ti več sreče.

      Potem predvidevam, da imaš bolj mastno kožo in lase? Za mastne lase res nimam pojma kaj je v redu :D

  7. Super objava! Zadnje čase se res bolj zanimam za azijske znamke, ker imajo tolko zanimivih izdelkov :)

    1. Hvala :) Našla sem kar nekaj odličnih izdelkov :)

  8. Sem ravno testirala BHA blackhead (tester) in sem zadnje čase dobile raznorazne mozolje. Sicer vedno bolj tam kjer ji nanašam, ampak tudi drugje po koži - ker sem uporabljala še whitehead tekočino. Ali ta odlično deluje, ker mi vso umazanijo spravi na plan, ali pa mojo kožo nekaj moti. Zdaj sem že zmedena, ker ne vem, če je kaj drugega.

    Pepelka odtenek mi je čudovit <3

    Jaz pa ne maram preveč teh fizičnih scrubov za obraz. Oz samo tiste, ki niso preveč grobi. Verjetno za to, ker niso najbolj primerni za občutljivo kožo. Sem pa videla,d a je ta Skinfood scrub res izredno popularen.

    Zdaj pa komaj čakam oceno Panda sleeping packa. Sem si naročila kremo in me res zanima, če ti je všeč tudi nočna :).

    1. Pri meni ni bilo nobenega čiščenja, tako, da je možno, da ti enostavno ne paše. Bi morala dlje testirat, za zihr.

      Skinfood piling ni šans da daš na občutljivo kožo. Je zelo grob, ampak vsaj nekaj naredi v primerjavi z drugimi, zato pa je tako popularen.

      Oh, zdaj sem pa jealous, ker si že naročila kremo :D Bom objavila jutri, ker sem šele včeraj dobila tisti Banila serum, drugače je objava že pripravljena. Ni mi tako všeč kot white cream. Sicer je kul, ampak white krema mi naredi tako lepo kožo :)

  9. Zanimivi izdelki. Sama sem ravno prejela (prej kot v mesecu dni) MIZON Snail Repair Eye Cream, sicer pa sem absolutna ljubiteljica Missha BB crem, ki zadovoljuje različne potrebe: visok SPF, dobra prekrivnost, a hkrati zdrav, enakomeren ten. Za cushion različico se še ogrevam.

    1. Za Mizon slišim pohvale predvsem na snail recovery gel, drugo sem pa bolj površno raziskovala. Misshino Signature BB kremo sem pa eno že porabila. Sicer sem jo imela že leta nazaj, ampak njihov odtenek #13 je praktično popoln za mojo kožo. Mi je prav škoda, da nimajo cushions v tem odtenku. Ampak me je motilo pri tej BB, da se nikdar ne posuši na koži in je stalno malo sticky (pudrov v prahu pa ne maram preveč).
