Artdeco High Precision Liquid Liner

sobota, april 11, 2015

This is the most perplexing liner I've ever had. I write reviews in advance and I've had one version of this starting with: "I hate this." It has been such a struggle because for quite a while it didn't work at all and even now it doesn't work the way it should, or at least the way the tester in the shop indicated. Someone told me this is their favourite liner, so I'm thinking I might have got a faulty one because it's just not possible that the product in the shop performed so differently. 

The formula has a fatal flaw - it dries too fast. This means that though you are able to do a nice line within seconds after you open it, when you get to the flick, it's already too dry. Drying time also affects the ability to fix the line. If you go over the line again to fill in the gaps or make it more even, the liner just flakes off where the applicator touches it. This results in a patchy, uneven application and no chance to do a flick. The formula also dries too fast on the nib, so it prevents the formula to saturate the nib quickly enough because what's on the applicator dries in contact with air, which appears to create a barrier for a fresh pack of formula. The more I shake it, the less I think is actually on there. You can do a line when you open the lid and the formula is still fresh, however, the line must be perfect and done quickly. Now either I'm an idiot and I did something wrong from the start and that's why it's not working the way it should or maybe mine just faulty. But for this price I expect it to work flawlessly, so better than L'Oreal's, which is still functional enough after more than half a year. 

I tried everything, I even left it for a week so that maybe the nib would get saturated again and it did, but again I wasn't able to do a perfect line. By the way I store all my liners upside down. It looks fine on the swatch because it did the line when the formula was fresh and I drew with the base of the nib.

I'm not going to say that what I got on the pictures was the best application I ever got with this liner, but this is better than it averagely performed overall, especially from the start when it did nothing. Of course, I got a decent line a couple of times, but I had no intention doing the pictures a thousand times. As you can see it worked relatively decently on the first eye, but by the second it was already too dry to complete the line. And that's not how such an expensive liner should perform in the first month of use.

The shape of the nib is perfect and it's pretty much identical to the one from Kardashian Beauty (mine is completely frayed). In fact this liner is remarkably similar to that one is almost every respect, apart from the formula. This would be the perfect liner if the formula worked the way it should.

I heard people say that this liner is great. If any of you has tried this liner, could you please tell me if I'm doing something wrong. But even so, it's a liner. It shouldn't be rocket science for me to be able to use it. The tester in the shop was so promising, so I'm devastated that after paying 17 € my liner never worked properly and I was never able to do a nice crisp line with a flick. This eyeliner was way to expensive to perform so irregularly. I'll be even more angry if I got a faulty one, but I'm not going to repurchase it to find out. I could get five Essence eyeliners for that money and at least those would last me more than five months, or I could try that Stila one everyone is raving about. I don't want to discourage you if you want to try it because the formula in the shop seemed perfect, but I won't be trying my luck again. I've been burned twice just this year, once by L'Oreal's and now by this one, which essentially means that I threw away 27 €, which makes me very, very angry.

It was 16.99 € in Müller.

Edit 22. July 2015: I don't know what exactly happened, must be some sort of a miracle worthy of attention of the Vatican, but one day the liner just started working. And perfectly, might I add. The entire applicator was very saturated with product and I could do even the smallest fixes. Now the tip is already a bit dry, but it's still performing much better than when I first got it. Regardless, I resent its initial problems because when I buy a liner, I want it to work, especially if it's as expensive as this one. 

Have a great day!

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  1. That looks very very disappointing. :/ Meni se zdi, da že na prvem očesu ne da dovolj barve, vsaj ne za tako drag eyeliner.

    1. Ma koker se mu zazdi. Enkrat naredi lepo črno osnovno črto, drugič spet ne. Ne da se mi ubadat s takim linerjem, pa čakat da bo mogoče dosti barve priteklo v aplikator :/ Stran vržen denar.

  2. Pri nas bi res mogli uvest možnost vračanja izdelkov, tole je res bullshit za 17€.

    1. Točno to rabimo! Kaj vse bi lahko dobila za ta denar :/

    2. Sanja saj ga lahko vrneš. Mateja če bo kdaj isto, ga nesi nazaj. Ne vem kok časa nazaj si ga kupila, ampak par dni po nakupu ti morajo menjat če je izdelek suh..

    3. Sem enkrat že nesla nazaj tistega So Couture od L'Oreala. So mi dali novega in je bil isti. Nimam volje (niti osebnosti), da bi se s takimi stvarmi hotela ubadat.

  3. Se strinjam s Sanjo, sploh za tako ceno - porazno! :/ Jaz imam trenutno na wish-listi Tattoo liner od Kat Von D, ampak ne vem kako naj pridem do njega ^^

    1. Ravno zadnjič sem gledala svetovno primerjavo Kat Von D, Maybellinovega in Stilinega eyelinerja pri Beauty with Emily Fox in sem se še bolj zapičila v eyeliner od Stile :). Kat Von D se ni kaj dosti izkazal. Tukaj maš video:

    2. Hvala za link, me je kr presenetilo, da se je Kat Von D tako slabo odrezal :/ Za Stila eyeliner se pa strinjam, ga imam še skoraj eno leto in je še vedno super (ga pa ne uporabljam vsak dan).

    3. No kaj takega bi rabila :) Da zdrži najmanj pol leta, eno leto je pa idealno :)

  4. That's not how a 17€ liner should perform =/ I've swatched it in Müller but the way it swatched didn't make me wanna buy it. The only thing I liked it's that it's very black and did not smudge on my hand.

    1. It sure shouldn't :/ The tester I tried performed so well. It was opaque, black, fluid and it lasted ages on my hands. The liner I got is nothing like it. And I checked the name of the product on the tester twice.

  5. That's disappointing! :( I love the Essence ones and when mine dries out, I already have a Catrice one waiting for me ;)

    This post was a great 'Heads Up'! Thanks :)

    Xoxo Jessy

    1. Essence's Waterproof one is very good for the price, but I haven't tried the Catrice one :)

    2. Yes the waterproof version is great! :) i've been using it for about 8 months now and it's still going strong. I haven't tried any of the catrice eyeliners either. I bought it because i was afraid the essence One would dry out too quickly. :)

    3. It lasted that long for you? Wau :) Mine is probably about two months old and I feel it's already too dry, at least for doing the flicks because you need to draw them with the tip. Perhaps I stored it wrong. I was actually told that Catrice's isn't that good, so I avoided buying it and I just grabbed the Essence one :)

    4. Yeah! If You're surprised it has lasted this long, imagine me!! Xp Hahaha everyday now I always thing "is it's today that it won't produce a black line" hahaha

      I also learnt this trick that whenever your eyeliner dries out, you can keep it and use it to apply your gel eyeliner instead of using a brush!! :)

      Oh really? Whenever I start using the Catrice one, I'll write my thoughts on it on my blog. Fingers crossed though :)

    5. That really is impressive :)
      I've heard of that trick, but I still prefer brushes :)

  6. Jaz bi bila tudi jezna za to ceno. Res izgleda grozen, kar je škoda, ker konica je pa res perfektna. :)

    1. Meni je to ogromno stran vrženega denarja :/ Izgleda pa res perfektno, ampak formula je nikakšna.

  7. Ah too bad it didn't work for you. I can understand how you must be feeling after parting with a lot of money and in return getting nothing but a faulty pen eyeliner. You should check out the Revlon liquid pen eyeliner, I've read good reviews regarding it.

    1. I really expected it to be good, Artdeco is supposed to be one of the better brands. I'll check if we have that Revlon one here :)

  8. Im really tented to send you a liner from p2 as a gift from Germany just because. I'd really be interested in your opinion about this cheap dip liner. For me, it works best since I'm such a jerk doing the flick and it costs only 3 € ^.^

    1. Oh, that's so nice of you, but you don't have to :D I was actually offered to try this adorable liner and it's supposed to be on its way (I hope it arrives safely. I had one too many packages lost in the past months). I remember you mentioning that liner before :) It's too bad we don't have P2 in our DM's. But some bits are sold here online :)

  9. Such a let down since the tip looks so precise and perfect! Definitely wouldn't want to gamble that much money either for something that may or may not work right :x

    1. The tip looks perfect and if the formula were right, then it'd be one of the best liners out there. I agree, it's a gamble :/

  10. damn kak slabo ... zato redko kupim kakšen eyeliner v obliki "pisala" :S

    1. Meni so pa ti "flomastri" zelo v redu, ampak tale je pa razočaranje :/

  11. Se strinjam s Simono, zato tudi jaz ne kupujem teh eyelinerjev v obliki pisala ker: a) preveč točijo ALI b) ne dajo nič od sebe. Sploh pa če je to čez senčilo, potem je ponavadi katastrofa pri meni.

    1. Jaz sem pa samo s temi res znajdem :) Z gel eyelinerji je preveč dela in tekoči imajo ponavadi čudne aplikatorje, sploh tiste dolge čopiče, ki jih ne znam uporabljat.

  12. Maybe you got a dud? :-( It doesn't look very good, bummer... But I agree with you, even if the application is the issue, eyeliners should be EASY to work with.

    1. It is possible. Though, these come packed in a box, so I doubt anyone tampered with it :/

  13. Ah ja, prekletstvo ArtDecoja. Prisežem, da je ta znamka ali 100% hit ali pa tak miss, da ne moreš biti čisto prepričana, da se govori o isti znamki. Res smola za eyeliner, sploh zaradi cene. Moje izkušnje z ADjem so tako mešane, da zmeraj najprej preverim izdelek, nazadnje sem tako skorajda kupila precej drag primer za obraz, pa sem prebrala toliko slabih ocen, da sem si premislila. Za EL bi bila pa najbrž tako jezna, da bi pisala dobavitelju. Ne more se taka znamka blamirat z eyelinerjem, miljonkrat slabšim od Essenca za dva evra, resno.

    1. Ko sem v Muellerju skoraj vedno čisto pozabim na Artdeco. Včasih sem gledala senčila in jih celo imam nekaj, ampak o tej znamki se tako malo govori, da ne vem ali je to zaradi slabe kvalitete, višjih cen ali kaj drugega. Sem šla brat ocene za ta eyeliner, pa jih ni bilo veliko, so pa bile pozitivne.
      Joj, jaz se tako ne maram s takimi stvarmi ubadat. Nočem se nobenemu zamerit ali pa zbujat pozornosti. Ampak me je pa ta eyeliner res razjezil, tako kot tisti L'Orealov :/

  14. it is really a horrible, horrible liner... smudging everywhere, you feel as if you had put on some glue on your eyes.. it is not worth a dime!!!
