Essence Melted Chrome Eyeshadow

petek, oktober 19, 2018

Both Essence and Catrice launched a line of cream-to-powder eyeshadow hybrids that boast with an intense metallic finish and strong pigmentation. I heard raves about Essence's version, most notably from Adjusting Beauty who's already posted her review of these. I think since L'Oreal's Infallible eyeshadows we didn't have anything similar in our drugstores, though these are even creamier than L'Oreal's so they are something completely new to me.

Texture: These are very creamy powder eyeshadows and when you swatch them with fingers the surface dents under pressure, so it looks kind of like play-doh, but it's not quite as soft. They swatch strongly metallic and pigmented, though on the eyes, at least mine, they don't manage to look as intense without a creamy eyeshadow under it. These are very shimmery and glitter particles tend to end up everywhere, but I mean that during application, while it doesn't tend to fall off once it's on the eyes. I can't pick these up with a brush, the formula is just too creamy, so I apply them with fingers. I blend with a fluffy brush and it works great, but these can be blended with fingers too.

01 Zink About it

Zink About is a shade that's similar to Satin Taupe and the likes. It is a mauve-taupe, though this one looks more reddish in the pan than most such shades, but it still ends up looking more purplish-brown-grey on the eyes. 

02 Ironic

This looks gorgeous swatched, a great beige-gold shade, but on my lids it looks too washed-our gold. It's more of a topper for me than a proper eyeshadow shade I'd wear on its own.

Staying Power: I have normal lids and almost nothing creases on me, but this formula is so creamy, it starts to crease quite fast. It's still on my lids for a long time, but creased if I don't use a base. 

Price and availability: I got mine in Müller, price is 3.39 €

As nice as these are and I'm glad Essence finally offered something like this in our drugstores, I'm not as in love with these as apparently most. The texture is addictive and they are fun to play with, but I'd prefer if the shimmer was finer in these as now it ends up everywhere. I will use these as a topper over a cream eyeshadow for a glamorous look. 

Have a nice day!

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  1. Imam sama tudi oba ta dva odtenka. Sta definitivno najbolj nosljiva :). Moja pa nista tako zelo kremasta. Je možno da so razlike v proizvodnji? Ker meni se rada senčila nabirajo v gubice, ampak od teh pa nobena ne (sicer s primerjem). So kar bleščičasta, kar je meni všeč. Za moj okus bi želela še več bleščic in mogoče manj kovinske baze :D. In seveda še večji nabor odtenkov. Prsti so zagotovo najboljše orodje za nanos, enako kot pri Colourpop Super Shock senčilih.

    Hvala za omembo <3

    1. Druge barve so meni nezanimive, mi je kar škoda, da je izbor tako majhen. Od Catrice je bolj kremna formula kot ta, ampak mi obe začneta lezti v gubo, morda tudi zaradi velike količine šimra. S kremnim senčilom spodaj se to seveda ne dogaja. Nisem tako navdušena nad temi, kot sem si želela, mi je pa koncept takih senčil všeč.

      Ni za kaj :)

  2. I love the shade mauve browntown. The micro shimmer it has makes the shade look even more stunning.

    1. I wear Mauve Browntown most out of these three. Catrice formula is less shimmery, so I don't get glitter everywhere when I'm applying it :)

  3. Tele mi pa prav kričijo Deceeeembeeeer :P Sem tudi sama do zdaj brala samo pozitivne ocene in mi res izgledajo krasno, preizkusila pa nisem še nobene, imam pa zagotovo v planu! ;)

    1. So zagotovo bolj za posebne priložnosti :) Meni so ta senčila res bolj kot nek bleščičast topper za nad kremno senčilo, ki vsaj naredi bolj intenzivno barvo :)

  4. Oh I LOVE ironic from esssence! I dont know if you remember these, but catrice once got cream eyeshadows back in 2013 that were very similar and my favorite shade out of these was called: Lord of the blings! A georgous metallic champagne shade with so much reflection to it to make one blind *.* I think that these new ones from essence are like dupes or just a relaunch in different formula.. And I prefer to apply them just to the mobile lid with a dense brush or a fingertip, then the colour payoff is great!! Like you mentioned it: for a very glamourous look :)

    1. Yes, I remember them :) They looked so good, but I never bought any, which I always regretted. These new ones do look like they have a similar metallic finish, but the formula is softer. I also like to stay away from the crease with these otherwise it looks ridiculously shiny, they need to be combined with something matte.

  5. i ja sam htela ovo probati ali cim sam stavila prst na senku sa bi probala onakao da se slomila pa nisam ni htela probati. Cudna tekstura. Meni je najbolja bila metal shock,kremasta senka onakoja lici kao lipgloss ali nije:) pokusavala sam da ti pisem komentar i za carrice senku sto si sad pisala ali nema da pisemo... ja nisam je kupila ker citala sam da joj treba prajmer...pozdrav iz Grcke!

  6. a sto se stix tiče ja sam kupila, i zadovoljna sam👍

    1. Catrice i Essence su skoro kao plastelin ali meni se to sviđa :). Super što si zadovoljna sa Stix :)

  7. jel catrice velvet lipstick dobar i dugotrajan ili osuši usne???

    1. kako nisi zar nisu te tvoje slike


    1. Pitala si za Catrice, ne Bourjois :). Postojijo i Catrice Velvet lipstick koje nisam isprobala. A Bourjois su top. Ne izsušujeju i traje na usnama. Imaš sve u recenzijama :)

    2. 😱u pravu si,izvini molim te, a ja sam mislila da nisi htela da mi kažeš! Šteta nisam iskoristila popust u crn petak da kupim za 50%manje...nisam imala vremena da odlučim koju nijansu želim! Probaću! Hvala ti! 💖🍫

  9. Draga Mateja, kupila sam melted chrome senk a posle sam otkrila da piše da treba da kristimo bazu. a jel ti koristiš a jesi li kad probala bez baze? hvala

    1. ja nikada ne koristim baze sa senkama.

    2. hvala ti. izgleda da nije tako dobra kao ona prerhodna, metal shock. nije tako intense:)

  10. meni je sasvim ok i bez bazu, a i volim da je koristim i u kombinaciji sa senkom u obliku olovka od cattice-a. ☺ Srecan prvi Maj!🇬🇷

    1. Hvala :) Ja sad koristim L.O.V. senku koja mi je bolja nego Essence.
