Birthday Randomness and a Kind of a New in. Again.

četrtek, januar 28, 2016

I never like to say much in such posts, again the emphasis is more on the pictures. I'm sharing my makeup choices for today, so my celebratory makeup that includes my favourites at the moment and I'll show you what I got myself for my birthday. You can find last years such post here - actually there aren't that many recurring products because I found so many new favourites this year. 

My favourite primer. I like that it doesn't feel like a mask of silicone on the skin, yet still manages to prolong makeup for a long time.

My princess foundation. It looks a bit obvious on the skin, which is not my preference, but covers so well and that's what I want at the moment. Besides, it's the best super pale foundation I have currently.

Still in love with this concealer. It's so natural looking on the skin and so easy to blend.

Still my favourite powder and the only one aside from E.l.f.'s that doesn't make me look too powdery. This one also adds a natural looking glow to the skin.

I've been primer-less for years and now I finally have one again. I'm a fan of this one. It doesn't feel as siliconey and takes time to dry, but that also means that if I apply an eyeshadow over it quickly, it makes it quite intense. You need the tiniest amount for the lid, like a pin head sized dot.

Just a bit under the eyeshadows to intensity them and add some more staying power. These are outstanding cream eyeshadows.

TOO FACED Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette
This just arrived yesterday. I don't quite know what possessed me to spend so much for a palette, but after trying it today, I'm seriously impressed by the quality. The colours are stunning and so pigmented. Superb stuff. It's my first time playing with it and I focused on the left side of the palette today. By the way, mine doesn't smell of anything.

STILA Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner 
Intense Black
All the months of whining how I don't have a decent eyeliner and saying how much I'd like to try this one, I finally added it in my cart. I gave it a try and it soo liquid and needs time to dry, but it's very black and lasts forever, also it's seriously rub-proof. 

Did you know Essence decided to discontinue these? They always manage to disappoint me in the deepest possible way. Anyway, this is in my waterline as always. 

My Hypnose dried up, but no matter, I'm currently digging this combo for huge lashes that stay curled all day. I start by curling my lashes, then with a light coat of Maybelline's mascara because it defines so well, after than I curl it again and finish by overdoing it with Essence's mascara for a huge lash effect. That Essence mascara is pure gold, I tell you.

What's a birthday without a glow visible from space, am I right? It's quite gold, but I can pull it off easily and I found myself wearing this very often, almost daily. 

My new favourite blush in a shade that goes with anything. I love this one so much.

Essence "fake meteorites" highlighter is here just for decoration as it doesn't actually do much and it limited edition.

My new favourite bright shade discovered last year and my dream colour, I've been searching for something like it for years and I remember being so exhilarated when I found it. It's a warm purple-pink-red which is my second favourite colour after mint green and it has a retro matte finish. I still only have a sample of this shade.

I actually included this one here because it's pretty and I'm wearing D for Danger. It was a toss-up between Nude-ist which I would wear more likely, but this one looks so good in pictures. I'm a cliché of a blogger.

Last year's choice was Bahama Mama, but this year this one wins the spot. It's another product that is kind of my dream shade and trust me that holo effect would make any person feel better. 

Not a picture from today, I didn't feel like taking one, I take so many almost everyday, but I'm wearing a very similar makeup with D for Danger on my lips. Any my lashes actually look curled, I swear. You'll see Chocolate Bar palette in action, when I'll do the review, I promise. The dress I'm wearing it the one in the nail polish pic, just a simple lacy, pink skater dress.

Birthday treats

I have not been modest this year and I deserved it. All these things will be in a proper New In post when I have a chance to really try them out. First from Beauty Bay as I already mentioned them above I got TOO FACED Chocolate Bar palette and STILA Stay All Day waterproof eyeliner. As a gift with purchase I got BEAUTY BLENDER Premier Blendercleanser Solid.

From Boots International I got SLEEK Matte Me Lip Gloss in Birthday Suit, BOURJOIS Rouge Edition Velvets in 09 Happy Nude Year and 14 Plum Plum Girl, NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Cannes and as a gift BOURJOIS ColorBoost Lip Crayon in 06 Plum Russian. I also got a mini SANCTUARY Foaming Creamy Bath Soak. So far I'm a fan of Plum Plum Girl as it's like Mac's D for Danger and Rebel had a baby.

Boots also finally added SOAP & GLORY on their website and the had a 3 for 2. I got Greatest Scrub Of All, Smoothie Star Breakfast Scrub, Mist You Madly Body Spray, Hand Maid Antibacterial Hand Cleansing Gel and Mini Scrub Em And Leave Em Body Buff. 

I went to L'OCCITANE after a really long time and picked up Shea Cleansing Oil and Melting Honey Exfoliating Sugars. I've been using them for a couple of day and I'm seriously impressed. This is so far my favourite cleansing oil and my favourite ever scrub. The latter smells absolutely divine, like honey and I think orchids (it's the same floral note as in their discontinued Vanilla fragrance).

I picked up a few YANKEE CANDLE tarts: Soft Blanket, Vanilla Cupcake (which is outstanding, smells like vanilla pudding), Clean Cotton (smells like fabric softener) and Pink Sands (a tropical fruity scent). Choices for today were Soft Blanket and later Vanilla Cupcake.

Have a great day!

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  1. this site is very nice. I will come back again later. thanks for your info.
    I have same site-

  2. Vse najboljše, Mateja, še ogromno lepih in kvalitetnih objav ter vsega, kar si sama želiš. <3

  3. Uf, izbira izdelkov za ustnice v tej objavi je top! :)
    Mene tudi izjemno mika Soap and Glory (sem ravnokar ponesreči natipkala Soup and Glory -what a cool name :P), ampak se bom še malo zadržala da kaj prišparam :D

    Še enkrat vse najboljše, veliko vsega kar si najbolj želiš! <3

    1. Večina novih odtenkov je čisto "Ana style" :D Ti kar šparaj, Soap & Glory ne bo šel nikamor. Mi imajo pa odlične pilinge :)

      Hvala <3

  4. Vse najboljše Mateja!:) Čim več artističnega navdiha in še več čudovitih (beri - da bomo spet vse kupile kaj boš pohvalila) objav v prihodnjem letu. <3 :D

    Čudovite stvari si si kupila. Komaj čakam na oceno palete in Stila eyelinerja. Jaz zdaj preizkušam pando iz BPS in eno japonsko in ne vem če bom še kdaj kupila eyeliner pri nas, ker so the bomb :D. In thumbs up za L'Occitane olje. Meni je super, ampka ga probam "šparat" :D.

    1. Hvala <3 Lahko že zdaj vidiš, da bo objav še veliko :D

      Za paletko sem res zadovoljna, da sem jo kar naročila. Barve so mi fantastične in kvaliteta vsaj teh senčil, ki jih nosim danes je odlična. Stila eyeliner odlično zdrži kolikor vidim danes, mi pa v drugih aspektih za zdaj še ni nič toliko boljši od tistega Panda eyelinerja, da bi bil vreden dat skoraj 20 €. Ampak lahko da bo pa zdržal celo leto.
      L'Occitanovo olje pa odlično, samo upam, da mi ne bo mašil pore :)

  5. Love all the products!! And your photos. I really like them! xo

    Visit me:

  6. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous! You got such lovely Birthday gifts, hope you had a good day! x

    Darling Jordan

  7. Vse najboljše Mateja, upam, da si imela super dan in da se ti v tem letu uresniči vse kar si boš zadala :) <3

    P.S. Vse s fotke od Soap & Glory in ene nad to se lahko premakne k meni domov :D

    1. Hvala <3 Well, I got cake, pizza and booze. I'm fine :D

  8. I got the Too Faced palette for my birthday a few weeks ago and im in love! The shades are perfect. I also have the Milani blush its so girly and pretty! I hope you had a lovely day x
    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave

    1. I agree, the shades are so perfect :) Better than in UD Naked. Love the Milani blush :)
      Thank you :)

  9. Hehe, princess foundation... :-) I'm still so sad that I never managed to make that formula work for me... I've heard good things about that TheBalm primer, so maybe I'll give it a go some time.

    1. TheBalm primer has quite a high rating on Makeup Alley and I get why :)

  10. Great selection of products, I always enjoy your colourful and bright photos! Soap & Glory is such a great company, I wish Boots delivered to my country, fortunately I have friends travelling to UK so I give them my list once a while to supply me with all these nice things we don't have here! :)
    Yiota x

    1. Thank you :) They finally started shipping Soap & Glory to Slovenia only weeks ago and I jumped at a chance. Loving their Flake Away body scrub, Scrub Em and Leave Em scrub, Hand Maid Anti Bacterial gel and the Greatest Scrub of All :)
