L.O.V. LOVinity Long Lasting Nail Lacquer 210 Alluring Amethyst

ponedeljek, september 26, 2016

Without shame I'll admit I wanted to try these because of the pretty packaging. It's very Marc Jacobs like, but regardless of the possible copying, you have to admit it's a refreshing sight among the mostly boring bottles in the drugstores. I actually love most of the shades in the range (Karin swatched most of them here), which granted isn't the most ground-breaking, but I see L.O.V. as a brand that focused on a bit more high-end looking basic products, while Essence is its fun sister that you turn to when you want to experiment. I picked a typical "me" colour called 210 Alluring Amethyst and if they had a mint one, I'd grab that one as well, but I'll definitely get some more autumnal colours, since they have a lovely grey shade too.

210 Alluring Amethyst is a deep red-purple shade, making it in the same colour family as Essie's Bahama Mama, however, it's actually more like Max Factor's 155 Burgundy Crush as it closer to burgundy, but it's a shade that tends to look either burgundy or purple depending on the light. On my nails it's a shade darker and more red on the nails than what I see in the bottle.

The formula is a standard one, so like a classic nail polish in a red shade, which all tend to be good. First coat can end up sheer on some parts, which is only visible under harsher lights, while two give you a good amount of coverage. The brush is the most perfect one I've ever found for my nails and one of the rare ones at which I don't mess up my cuticles. The brush is actually separated from the main round cap, just like Chanel's. A great majority of nail polishes last very long on my nails, but even I notice that this one is better than some others. I'm currently still not using top coats and bases, but even though I vigorously washed my hair, scratched away dirt, even the tips had only minimal wear. I imagine with a top coat it'll be amazing. It dries pretty quickly too even without a top coat.

I got mine Műller for 5.99 €, which is expensive for a nail polish and I do mind the price, but they are too good to pass up.

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  1. Vedno rada preberem tvoje objave o lakih, ker koliko vidim imaš rada podobne odtenke kot jaz :D
    Pri L.O.V. so bili laki za nohte praktično edini, ki so me pritegnili, ampak mi je težko dat 6€ za lak, glede na to da mi Essencovi držijo par dni, včasih celo skoraj teden z njihovim nadlakom in so pod 2€. Bom pa spremljala, če bodo imeli kdaj kakšne popuste :)

    1. Res so dragi in res so drugi cenejši tudi na mojih nohtih odlični :) Mi je pa čopič pri teh strašno všeč, ker sem mega štorasta in embalaža mi je tako lušna. Trenutno imam nekaj popusta tako, da mi ni bilo tako težko tega kupit :)

  2. You're right, the packaging does have a bit of a Marc Jacobs feel to it haha. I really love all of the shades. Great review. :)

    1. They definitely took some inspiration from MJ :) Thank you :)

  3. Mene vedno navdušujejo takšne barve, tako na ustnicah kot tudi na nohtih.
    In tako kot pravi Lana, tudi sama zato raje prebiram tvoje objave, pa vem da redko kdaj komentiram (lenuh)...haha :* <3

    1. Ta barva je meni top :) Ah, I don't mind :) Bi tudi sama komentirala povsod, ampak traja toliko časa, da mi uspe spisat en komentar, da pač obupam :D

  4. Čudovit odtenek! <3 Še posebej mi je všeč kombiniran s tvojimi zlatimi prstani :D. Taki odtenki so čisto jesenski. Mi je všeč embalaža, ampak mi je cena previsoka za to, da ne vem ali so kaj bolj obstojni kot kakšen Catrice ali Essence.

    1. Res je prelep :) Težko ti rečem, če so bolj obstojni kot drugi na šibkejših nohtih kot so moji. Sem pa brala večinoma dobre ocene :)

  5. The perfect wine shade! This is on my wish list.
