Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lipcolor Devotion

sreda, september 28, 2016

Every time I hear the news about a new matte liquid lipstick I get excited, especially if it's from a brand that easily accessible in Slovenia. However, my initial excitement completely died down when I heard Revlon pulled a fast one and didn't actually make a matte product, but a simple liquid lipstick. So off my wishlist they went. However, when I was offered to try one, I thought why not, so I picked one of the lighter colours called Devotion because I was scared of the potential mess. When I first applied it on the lips, I was surprised at how much I liked it and I'm a mat girl through and through, but to be fair I think what truly won me over at first was the gorgeous scent, since I'm such a sucker for these things.

Texture: It's a very creamy, cushion-y formula, but not in a way that's it'll be like a mousse, still it's very comfortable to apply. I said before in my New in that it's like someone melted their Ultra HD lipsticks, which are so far the most comfortable formula I've found (but stick to light shades), but these liquid versions have a lot more pigment as you'll see on the swatches bellow. The finish is creamy-glossy at application, but like at glosses, it becomes less shiny with time and I included a picture of it actually becoming matte after a couple of hours of wear, so it does happen and you can always just blot it for an instant matte effect. I never felt any tightness on the lips as it dries and it's a nice, comfortable formula to wear. It doesn't bleed and actually sticks well in one place, but it transfers a lot on glasses and cutlery, also be careful not to apply this before changing clothes.

Colour: Devotion is one of the three lightest shades and it's a medium warm pinky hue with some peachy, but muted tones, and it's a shade that's in the same colour family as Milani's Darling. It's a nice, simple wearable shade, but it's not a nude (at least on me) and those who aren't used to wearing a bit more colour, might want to pick their nude shade instead.

Staying Power: Much to my surprise it actually last very well on the lips. It doesn't go all weird patchy, but fades quite every, it doesn't dry up and look cracked on the lips, instead it becomes a soft stain. It also survives eating and drinking surprisingly well. I've been checking it in the mirror how it holds up during the day and it can survive very long, almost to the end of the day. I had a similar experience at Rimmel's Apocalips, which also exceeded my expectation. 

Scent: Just like their original Ultra HD lipstick, these have a strong candy scent of Planica ice cream (trio of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry), though I heard some people describing the scent as that of mango - to me mango scents are completely different.

Packaging: These come in a matte plastic tube and they can stand upright in case you're wondering. The applicator is such a pleasure to use and it's flat, but curved on one side, so it fits the contours of the lips nicely, while the thinner part is good for precision.

Price and availability: Mine is from Click2Chic where it costs 12.25 €. It's available in drugstores as well. 

I don't know how this happened because I was mentally prepared to not truly love this, but I'm impressed. I just assumed when I heard these aren't matte, that they will behave like Essences XXL ones, but these are nothing like those. They might not be matte, but they have everything that the real matte liquid lipstick do (pigmentation and staying power), but without the potential dryness. I still love the look of proper matte more and since I'm a frequent accidental lip toucher, so I feel safer with theBalm's and other brand's versions, but I these drew me in with the fantastic scent and staying power. Devotion will get a spot right next to Ultra HD lipstick in Rose, which is my lip balm substitute and to me both represent the comfy slippers equivalent among lipsticks. The price, however, is a bit much for my taste.

Have a great day!

*PR product.

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  1. Skoda, da ni res mat, je pa zelo lep odtenek. Mi je pa na swarchih najbolj vsec Milani ;)

    1. Pride do mat, ampak po polžje, kar si pa večina ljudi, ki kupi izdelek na katerem piše mat, ravno ne želi. Milanijeva šminka je odlična kar se tiče kvalitete :)

  2. Pa zakaj bi nek izdelek poimenovali mat, če pa to ni? Saj tega ne delajo pri npr. avtih, ali pač? Kakorkoli, odtenek mi je zelo všeč in tudi drugače mi deluje kot soliden izdelek.

    1. Popolnoma se strinjam glede poimenovanja. S tem so si samo nakopali jezo nekaterih kupcev, ker so pričakovali mat izdelek. Čisto nič trga ne bi izgubili, če bi jih poimenovali npr. satin ali velvet liquid lipstick, tudi kakšna izpeljanka na temo udobja bi bila veliko bolj primerna.
      Izdelek je res dober, ampak ime je pa žal mimo :)

  3. Waaw, zelo lep odtenek, takšen punčkast, hihi. Škoda res, da ni čisto mat :/ To lažno oglaševanje in napisi mi pri teh novejših izdelkih sploh ni všeč - čisto zavajanje. xx

    1. Včasih se mi zdi punčkast, drugič je malo manj živ, ampak je za z njim po svetu hodit :D

      Ni okej, da se tako neprimerno poimenuje izdelke. Na črni listi prestopnikov so kolikor slišim tudi Catrice in Maybelline. Mi imamo resno srečo, da so testesji v trgovinah in lahko dokaj hitro vidiš kdo pretirava, ampak če bi bila v ZDA in kupila stvar ker piše da je mat, pa bi se izkazalo da ni, bi bila precej jezna.

  4. This is an awesome colour! It suits you very well. I have one of the range too, but I cant't find it at the moment so I don't know if it is the same.

    1. Thank you :) It's pretty nice :) It's very likely you have the same shade, since there aren't many in this range and this is the only medium pink one :)

  5. Amazing review. I really like the color. :)

  6. Odlične so, res udobne in zelo obstojne. :)
    Škoda edino, da se takoj ne posušijo v mat. Mi je pa všeč, da tudi po prehranjevanju in pitju, šminka še vedno ostane na ustnicah, vendar postane bolj sprana, oziroma mat, ne pojavi pa se tisti nadležen rob na sredini ustnic. Jaz imam v zbirki trenutno odtenka Obsession (še ga nisem preizkusila) in Seduction - slednji je nude rjave barve in ga mam na ustnicah presenetljivo lahko skoraj ves dan brez da bi ga polovica manjkala in bi mogla nanos ponoviti. :D Res wau in kljub ceni ter zavajanju glede mat efekta, bi rada imela še kakšen odtenek..someday, če bo kakšno znižanje. :D

    1. Meni je škoda, da so napisali, da so mat, ker potem so popolnoma drugačna pričakovanja, kot pri bila pri običajnih kremnih šminkah. Kvaliteta je res na nivoju, ni pa tisto kar so opisali. Na meni tudi bledi presenetljivo lepo, brez neenakomernosti ali poudarjanja suhih predelov. Meni se dopade še odtenek Addiction, ampak samo če bo velik popust :D

  7. Slišijo se super. Sploh formula se bere sanjsko :D. Ampak cena je pa res pretirana. Zdaj sem sicer videla, da bodo Revlon izdelki v Müllerju znižani, hja če bi imeli Revlon pri nas. Se mi zdi, da je nabor odtenkov tudi precej majhen. Meni najljubši je itak Seduction, pa se mi zdi, da imam že veliko podobnih odtenkov.
    Devotion ti res lepo paše. Taki malo umazani roza odtenki ti izredno pašejo k barvi ok :).

    1. Sumim, da bodo tebi bodo skoraj zihr zelo všeč :) Müller ima kar dostikrat -20% na vse izdelke, samo danes nisem videla, ker so neki majstri prenavljali okrog tistega stojala. Res še zdaj ne morem do sape, da nimate Revlona tam. Izbor odtenkov je res majhen in je predvsem zelo klasičen - nude, svetlejša roza, rdeča, plus par temnih odtenkov. Manjka jih več enostavno nosljivih barv:)
      Hvala :)

  8. Ful je leeeppp odtenek in zelo lepo ti pristoji. Mene tudi zmoti to poimenovanje mat potem pa to ni, ali pa se mogoče res nikoli ne posuši na ustnicah.

  9. Love the color, it's definitely the kind of shade I'd go for myself.

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