September Favourites

petek, september 30, 2016

My skin's been shinier than usual in the past month and that Catrice HD foundation isn't actually matte on my skin, so instead of using powder, I've been using this primer on my T-Zone and a bit under the eyes because it smooths out the skin and the foundation glides on easier. I like how simple and quick it is too use, you don't even need a lot, so the layer of product on the skin ends up being very light, but it does mattify without looking ugly powdery or dry. I've had this since last year and when my skin was drier, this really emphasized dry patches, but at the moment when my skin is oilier, it's great.

Normally, I don't bother with primers on my eyes, but I got this one a couple of weeks ago and I just kept wearing it everyday. I find it's more hard-core than theBalm's, also not as easy to use, but it's more tacky, so I have a feeling that more eyeshadow sticks on it. Like I said my skin is oilier at the moment, but with this my eyeshadow looks absolutely perfect at the end of the day, like I just applied and blended it. The only thing that I might start disliking at this primer is that it makes eyeshadows harder to blend where it sticks on the primer and it makes the eyeliner less easy to apply.

I'm surprised at myself at how much I like this, though completely truthfully, it's the scent that really won my heart. I just love scented stuff, I can't help it. But the product itself exceeded my expectations. As soon as I heard these aren't matte, I got this image in my mind that they are the same lousy formula than Essence's XXL matte liquid lipsticks, but they are more like Rimmel's Apocalips, just more comfy to wear. These have the benefits of a proper matte lipsticks, meaning excellent pigmentation and great staying power, they just aren't matte (at least for the first few hours), but they are very comfortable on the lips. I have a medium warm pinky shade called Devotion.

I want to make it clear this is here mostly for the shade. I haven't seen many of these old gold greeny-patina type of shades in a cream format and believe me if I would, I'd own them all, but I just adore this colour. The formula isn't the best, as it's a bit more challenging to apply this evenly on the lids, but it can be done, though without a primer, it gets crease-y (Essence's are far better). The colour makes it worth it for me. I'm wearing it on my eyes in this post.

Even though I got this because it looked pretty and I mean that in terms of the packaging, as well as the shade, I was very pleasantly surprised with how well it performs - the application is a dream, the colour is gorgeous, it lasts well on the nails and it dries quickly enough. This had been on my nails pretty much since I got it several weeks ago. I just bought a grey shade from this brand because I loved the formula of 210 so much. 

Oh, Olympea I adore you wholeheartedly. It's actually got a very complex character as I feel it changes scent on me a lot. Sometimes I get that Monte hazelnut chocolate note, on other occasions jasmine and another variation is some gorgeous high-end note, which might be cashmere or wood. All versions are fantastic and it just makes my day when I spray this. I got it into my head that I want the set when I use this one up because the box has an ancient Greece inspired design and I'm just a huge sucker for these things.

On to the second love for this month and probably for a long time. It very rare that I love something at first spray, usually I need time to warm up to the fragrance, but this was one of those exceptions that I barely restrained myself from not grabbing a bottle the moment I tried it. I'm a massive fan of anything (properly) peachy and this has such a lovely peach note, but's it's very far away from being a teenage scent. To me it's quite a sophisticated scent, but it's not a loud fragrance in any way. Once the peachy note is gone, what's left is this interesting mix of white flowers and cocoa.

I've praised this in one of my older new in's and now that my bottle has barely a use left, I know that I can't be without this if I ever want my scalp to feel normal at least for a few days. I'm still stuck with this stupid dandruff, it's a never ending battle, but this completely purifies my scalp, it exfoliates it and completely removes all signs of dandruff, but without drying out my skin. Based on official description this bottle should only last you a couple of applications, but I stretched it far more.

The other hero in my dandruff fighting duo. So far it's the most effective shampoo I found and in combination with Matrix my scalp gets a bit of rest for a few days. It smells like burned rubber and it's not moisturizing, but you get used to it. It's definitely something I need to repurchase and I've actually seen different version of this on Boots International that I had no idea they existed, but they have a version for dry hair and one with conditioner already added in.

It's no secret that I use this all the time and I mention it quite a lot, but all these everyday heroes rarely get a mention in my monthly favourites, even though they should. I've been trying some other things in the past month and when I do, I don't use this, so I don't have anything influencing the results, which is vital at reviewing. But once I started using it again, I yet again realized how amazing this is for my hair. It just makes it so manageable and nourished, but not sticky or weighed down. Since I started using it every hair dresser praised the health of my hair and I always tell them it's all because of this. We're a perfect fit.

Another of my old favourites, I just really wanted to share the combo of products that made my hair feel so amazing and perfectly sleek when I blow-dried it (conditioner I used was Label.m Honey & Oat, which is empty now). This is the perfect heat protectant plus leave-in conditioner for dry hair, because it adds that extra bit of nourishment and just makes the hair look and feel great. It's expensive, but I think it's worth the investment.

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  1. Tako rada berem monthly favourites, da sem jih že mislila začet pisat, ampak vem da mi sedaj ko bo šola verjetno ne bo šlo. :/ Bom pa probala vsaj sezonske naredit :D
    Embalaža od Lipcolor od Revlona mi je tako grozno všeč :D Sedaj si me spet spomnila na Sexy Healthy Hair, ga že gledam na Salmi, bi ga naročila, ampak mi je škoda za poštnino dat :D

    1. Me veseli, da jih rada bereš :) Če ti kaj pomaga, jaz imam tak sistem, da si sproti pišem kaj mi je všeč, slikam kakšen teden ali malo manj prej in je objava napisala že prej. Samo sistem rabiš, pa je za vse čas :)

      Ta poštnina na Salmi je tako tečna. Če že naročam, naročim za večjo vsoto, ker potem se skupaj z nižjimi cenami bolj splača. Ali pa če si koga najdem za delit poštnino :)

  2. Fotografije su ti prekrasne, kao i uvijek, na njima mi jednostavno sve izgleda privlačno! :) L.O.V. je brend koji je nedavno došao u Hrvatsku i drago mi je da si spomenula neke od njihovih proizvoda. Ambalaža lakova za nokte mi se jako sviđa i sigurno ću isprobati pokoju nijansu, ova 210 je prava jesenska. Sviđa mi se kako opisuješ mirise parfema, ja se uvijek mučim sa time. :) Karmen

    1. Hvala <3 L.O.V. je tudi čisto nov pri nas, me pa še mika njihov korektor.
      Če ti kaj pomaga za parfume opisovat, si poglej ocene na Fragrantica (po vaše je :)

  3. Jaz bom kar tvoj blog priporočila moji sestrični, ki ima tudi kodraste lase (bolj kot ti) in sem zadnjič opazila, da ima tudi prhljaj. Očitno je to precej pogosto za suhe kodre.
    Moram Boss preizkusit, ker si že tolikokrat omenila te peaches :). Po pravici, nikoli nisem nobenega Boss parfuma povohala. Moram malo razširiti obzorja.
    Kerastatse Nectar je res super za suhe lase. Jaz ga kar preveč šparam, ker imam še eno celo novo tubo na zalogi in še kar uporabljam prvo :D.

    1. Ja, čim maš kodraste lase, imaš verjetno suhe, plus lahko še suho lasišče. Naj preizkusi to kombinacijo, meni je do zdaj še najboljša. Pa če ima budget lahko še Phytopolleine sproba.

      Meni je večina Bossovih parfumov zelo všeč. So bolj taka boring varijanta (razen Red), ampak meni to paše :)

      Joj, jaz tudi preveč šparam moje dobre stvari. Moram nehat :)

  4. Fajn izbira! :) Kako ti je pa v primerjavi s Sexy Hair všeč Macadamia Weightless Moisture Leave In Conditioning Mist, je vredno poskusit ali ti je premalo? Nameravaš probat tudi tisti Nourishing Moisture Oil Spray, ki si ga najprej hotela?

    1. Ni premalo, mi je všeč, ampak se mi ne zdi, da mi naredi take razlike v smislu, kako lepo se mi lasje posušijo s sušilcem. Moram ga še nekaj časa uporabljat, da vidim kako se obnese na laseh ko bodo zelo suhi. Drugače kar se tiče nahranjenosti je zdaj kul. Je pa flaška dosti manjša (100 ml, SHH je 250 ml) in pol pride precej dražji na ml.

      Healing Oil od Macadamije bom enkrat vzela. Nikjer več ne najdem Orofluido Sahara (res, bravo meni, da tako odlašam z nakupom) in se mi zdi ta najbolj podoben za spodobno ceno. Ta drugi spray mi je še zanimiv, ampak se mi zdi da je povsod dražji. Sicer pa to mislim uporabljat na suhih laseh, takrat ko so čisto izsušeni.

  5. Super objava! Res rada berem mesečne favorite, saj med njimi vedno odkrijem kakšen super nov izdelek. Tokrat sta me še posebej navdušila oba L.O.V. izdelka , všeč pa mi je tudi REVLONOV mat gloss/šminka. :)

    1. Hvala :) LOV laki so mi super, kremno senčilo mi je pa res samo zaradi barve. Ko bi vsaj imeli enak odtenek pri Essence :)
