BeYu Be Vintage Collection Fall 2016

torek, november 15, 2016

Be Vintage is a collection for autumn 2016 and it's features a very classic selection of shades for the season, so it includes burgundies, purples, rosewood shades and smoky blues. I've just seen the collection on the stands, though it was half full, but most of the products are permanent, so you don't need to hurry to get it.

BEYU Color Swing Eyeshadow
324 Fashionable Trend
I'll admit this looked terribly cheap to me at first sight. It's the packaging that looks very Nivea 2009 (hands up all who remember their makeup brand), but the pigmentation is outstanding. Anything you use to apply it picks up the colour fast and you can get the intense, opaque application easily, even without a primer. The shade is a smoky blue-grey shade with a silvery metallic shine and it blends nicely, but into a strange colour like all blues do (the colour than makes you look tired), so it's better to use a transition colour straight away. Staying power is nice as well and on my normal lids I notice no significant creasing. This is the only product I could't find among the regular products on the stands, but only on the be vintage set-up.
9.90 €

BEYU Dip Eyeliner
03 Certain Charm
A very liquid eyeliner that needs time to set, but the shade is so gorgeous and it's very pigmented. The applicator is wonderful to use, as it's quite precise and it holds quite a lot of product, but for the tips, you might have to dip it into the pot again. It can apply a bit sheer on some parts, which is due to the liquid nature of the formula, so in that case is best you wait for the first coat to dry completely before proceeding with the fixing. You can get a very precise application and once the product sets, it last fantastically on the lids without crumbing or smudging, only the tips may disappear by the end of the day, on me it's because I touch my eyes too much. Even though it's not a black, I love this on my eyes and I feel like it emphasises them a lot. I suggest using a base eyeshadow first if you want to avoid it transferring into the crease and looking down when waiting for the product to set.
7.99 €

BEYU Multi Color Powder Blush
50 Great Demand
I think this is the stand out product in the collection in terms of how it looks. It features a beautiful design and though you technically get three colours, you'd have to use the thin brush that's added to use them individually and it is the type of brush that's more for emergencies. It was very loose from the start, well it still is, but top layer wasn't like the rest of the blush. It's more of the sheer variety, but since I'm so pale, I get enough colour on the cheeks with two coats and one me it looks very much like my favourite type of shades, so Catrice's I'm Nuts About you for example, meaning it's a muted natural mauve pink type of shade - individually you get a lighter mauve, a muted coral and a medium plum shade with gold tiny shimmer. Staying power is nothing special, however, most blushes don't tend to last well on my skin (that's why I love Catrice and theBalm so much) and the packaging is really well made, I'd say ArtDeco quality.
Not sure about the price because I didn't see this on the stand, but regular blushes cost a whooping 18 €

BEYU Scandalous Lips
81 Instant Feeling
I'm generally get a bit nervous when I see something glossy in a burgundy colour, but I have to say this one caught me completely by surprise because I just naturally assumed based on the darkness of the product in the tube that is an opaque gloss type of product, however, it's very sheer, like a glossy stain. On my lips in the picture it's several layers, while one coat gives you more of a hint of colour. The actual shade threw me off as well because it looks brownish burgundy in the tube, while in fact it's violet on the lips, like a currant type of colour. It's quite thick and it reminds me of old school glosses (I'm more used to the cushiony comfortable L'Oréal Extraordinaire), but despite the thickness, it's not sticky. Since it's a gloss and sheer, staying power is nothing to write home about. It's scented with a sweet, but artificial berry aroma (it's so familiar to me) and the packaging with the applicator works well.
7.99 €

BEYU Lipstick 
142 Best Choice & 182 Excellent Flair
These are a thicker type of a classic lipstick of a really nice quality with a satin finish. Both are nicely opaque with one coat, though surprisingly the mauve one is more pigmented and they feel comfortable on the lips despite the thickness. They are able to cling a bit longer than regular creamier formulas, but the darker one of course last a lot longer as is the norm and the light one will get you through 5+ hours. The packaging is a heavier metal one that will surely last forever. 

142 Best Choice

 142 is so far the darkest vampy shade I own. Even though it looks brown in the tube, it's burgundy-purple on the lips.

182 Excellent Flair

 182 is a light muted violet pink shade that reminds me a lot of how Airy Fairy looked one me. It looked promising in the tube, but I'm not sure about it on my lips, so I think it'll look far better on someone with a slightly darker and warmer undertone.
13.99 € each

BEYU Long-Lasting Nail Lacquers 
566 Tingling Sensation
This looks beautiful in the bottle. It's a darker grey blue with a blue-silver reflect, so it's a classic metallic finish. It applies beautifully, one coat is almost enough, but I apply two for better staying power as at all nail polishes. The brush is neither the thinnest, but it's also not wide and it works great will my nails.
5.99 €

Have a great day!

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  1. Vau, se že veselim preizkušanja šmink :D oba odtenka sta čudovita!

    1. 182 ne gre na meni, ampak na tebi bo zihr krasen :) Za tega vampy sem pa dobila komentar "grdo šminko imaš" :D Meni je všeč :)

  2. Šminke izgledajo super, sicer glos vidim da je bolj tako-tako, ampak šmink, blusha in lakov se veselim! :)

    1. Jaz itak na splošno nisem fan glossov, ampak ta mi je pa sploh bolj old school sorte. Drugače pa čisto lušna jesenska kolekcija :)

  3. Eye candy! Prav vsi odtenki so mi všeč. And I need that eyeliner. Love it. xx

    1. Eyeliner je res presenetljivo lep na očeh :) In kvaliteta je na mestu, kar pa sicer pričakujem od tako drage znamke :)

  4. BEYU Scandalous Lips 81 Instant Feeling shade is perfect for Fall. I'm surprise with the color too! It's lighter than I expect it to be. :)

    1. It's a nice shade, but I still prefer such colours in a matte version :)

  5. Amazing lipstick color range and its really looks awesome and the price is also in low.

    1. I don't find it's the most affordable line, but the quality of the lipsticks is good, though they feel a bit old school because of thickness.

  6. Ne vem kdaj naj se lotim tega velikega paketa, da ga stestiram.:):):) se, preizkusila samo tekočo podlago, ki mi je Odličnaaa (če odmislim barvo, ki je čisto zgrešena in vonj mi ne sede preveč), pa tista matirajoča baza mi je všeč, ker naredi tako nežno, svilnato kožo, pa dejasnko ne izpade ravno mat na meni. Sploh mi ni bil všeč lipliner, odtenek je čudvit temno vijola, ampak mi tako izsuši ustnice, da grozno in tako težko se lepo nanaša. Ostalo pa samo še čaka, da preizkusim. Pri tej Vintage sem pa tale glos probala, pa mi ni ravno kj posebnega, blush mi je pa zelo lep. :):):)

    1. Jaz vedno tako hitro delam, ker drugače se mi delo samo nalaga in že zdaj imam toliko stvari za naredit. Na srečo se da šminke kar hitro stestirat, pudri so bolj problem. Podlaga je tudi meni zelo kvalitetna, sem šla pa preverit še najsvetlejši odtenek in tudi ta ni zame :( Meni je pa svinčnik izjemno všeč, ampak jaz sem res hardcore mat fan. Mogoče bom vzela še kakšno barvo. Blush je lušen, mi pa teksture pudrastih izdelkov niso tako dobre kot od nekaterih cenejših znamk.

    2. Jaz vedno tako hitro delam, ker drugače se mi delo samo nalaga in že zdaj imam toliko stvari za naredit. Na srečo se da šminke kar hitro stestirat, pudri so bolj problem. Podlaga je tudi meni zelo kvalitetna, sem šla pa preverit še najsvetlejši odtenek in tudi ta ni zame :( Meni je pa svinčnik izjemno všeč, ampak jaz sem res hardcore mat fan. Mogoče bom vzela še kakšno barvo. Blush je lušen, mi pa teksture pudrastih izdelkov niso tako dobre kot od nekaterih cenejših znamk.

  7. Sem prav vedela, da ti bo rdečilo všeč :D. Čisto tvoji odtenki. Še meni je všeč ta mešanica treh odtenkov. Eyeliner me spominja na Avonove Liquid Chrome, vsaj sodeč po opisu :). Temna šminka ti izredno paše! <3 Čisto on trend odtenek :). Gloss bi pa tudi mene šokiral. Morali bi ga preimenovati v stain.

    1. Lušen blush je, ja :) Sem pričakovala, da bo bolj roza in mi je super da ni.
      Hvala <3 Sem slišala doma, da je grda na meni :D Ampak pač ker je tako temen odtenek.
      Točno to je meni padlo na pamet, ime bi res moralo biti stain :)

  8. Very nice! I love the eyeliner, pretty!

    1. I was surprised at how much I like the eyeliner too :)

  9. Absolutely in love with the liner! I need to try something similar, you look gorgeous! x

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