New In: Drugstore Hair (Styling) Edition

torek, november 12, 2013

It's all about drugstore hair products today. Got2b had most of their product either 30% off in my local supermarket or 50% off in DM (via the points system valid for November and December) and I decided to try some of their stuff. I was planning to get some other styling products, but I'm really glad I bought these. I think I'll try their Glued hairspray next and perhaps even some other bits. By the way, I had their Guardian Angel heat protectant a few years back and I hated it. 
It'll be a colourful post - I love colourful posts!

got2b Volumania Volumizing Spray Mousse
Probably my favourite product in the bunch. A mousse in a spray form - genius! It's so easy to apply evenly and I can really control the amount I want. It's not sticky, doesn't weigh my hair down and holds style so well. Both the mousse and styling powder smell like a raspberry drink (Dana's Malinovec), so pretty much delicious. I apply it all over the hair, concentrating on the roots. The spray makes it easy to apply it evenly to the roots and the length of the hair, however, you can spray it in your palm if that is what you prefer. I then do my regular thing: blow-dry with a round brush and put my hair in a high bun. I had tons of volume in the morning, like always, but this time my hair didn't drop in the next hour. I then curled it with a 2,5 cm (1 inch) barrel curler. It holds volume for a day, but the hair needs to be "refluffed" in the morning, which is pretty much standard with any mousse I tried so far. I was even more impressed how well my curls lasted as they still looked great on the third day. Having volume brings the necessary evil, the ever annoying frizz, and yes, also with this mousse, but it looks much, much better than Balea's Power Volume mousse. This is the best styling mousse I've tried to date, but I only had drugstore ones so far. I highly recommend it.
Regular price is about 6 €. It's widely available in drugstores and some supermarkets.

got2b Volumania Volume Refreshing Styling Powder

I'm not completely convinced about this product. I bought another one of got2b's volumising powders called Powder'ful about a year ago and while it definitely gives volume, it makes your hair feel sticky and a bit dirty, but what bothered me most was the fact the volume lasted about 15 minutes. So I wasn't impressed.
I sort of expected Volumania Styling Powder to be a similar product, but improved and in a spray form. It actually feels closer to a dry shampoo, but without the freshness. It almost feels like I'm not using anything at all and at first I wasn't sure if it even works in any other way than making my hair smell deliciously raspberrish. So I tried to "fluff up" my hair with and without the Styling Powder on each side of my head and it actually does make a difference, which is odd since it feels like nothing on the hair, nor does it give any type of hold or texture. It's not a necessary product, I actually think it can easily be replaced by a dry shampoo, but I do like using it to refresh the volume every day.
Regular price is about 6 € (5.80 € in DM). It's widely available in drugstores and some supermarkets.

got2b Öl-La-La Styling Öl-Spray 
also called Oil-licious Triple Oil Dry Oil Mist

Healthy hair and shine in a can. That's how I would describe this product. But mind you, I mean it just cheats the appearance of having healthy hair, it doesn't actually nourish it much. It's an innovative concept - argan oil in a spray can, even though it's the last ingredient on the INCI list and there are two silicones high on the list. Orofluido has something similar called Sahara, but this is much lighter. It gives an amazing amount of shine, just like using any of the silicone-oil hybrids (Orofluido, Morrocanoil,...) and helps fight the frizz, but without the fear of ruining the hairstyle or curls because of touching (my curls always drop if I touch them). I'm impressed got2b! Another very likeable product.
The scent is a bit out of place, especially after trying the Volumania products. It's far from fruity and it's more like a generic soap or lipstick scent. I actually quite like it. I can spray a ton of it on my hair and it doesn't weigh it down one bit, build up or make it oily, however, my hair is dry and thick. It think it would work for fine hair, but maybe used in moderation. But this is the best way for any of such girls to use an oil product.
Regular price is 6.99 €. I found it only in Müller.

Lee Stafford Hold Tight Hairspray
I really like this hairspray. It has a nice flexible hold without being sticky, doesn't feel crispy or stiff at all and I don't even feel it on the hair. I find it similar to Tigi Mastermind (only that it's cheaper and easier to get) and L'Oreal's Elnett extra strong, but without the Elnett scent that so many people dislike (I actually find it very similar to Chanel n.5). In fact, I tried L'Oreal's and Lee Staffords side by side and I notice no difference whatsoever. Hold Tight Hold Firm has a musky and sweet scent, which is apparently a signature scent of the Lee Stafford products and it reminds me a bit of Thierry Mugler Angel if I remember that fragrance correctly.

50 ml can costs 2.45 € in Müller. I don't know the price for the 250 ml can, but it's about 7-9€.

Herbal Essences Bee Strong Conditioner
also called Honey I'm Strong conditioner
I can't find the Hello Hydration hair mask anywhere (why?!), so I grabbed this instead. For the price it is actually quite good. It's thicker than the Hello Hydration mask and moisturises well even my dried up hair. Of course, I use it in a conjunction with a leave-in conditioner (Sexy Healthy Hair Tri-Wheat Leave In), which makes a massive difference by itself. It doesn't smell as amazing as the Hello Hydration line, but it's similarly fruity-floral with a hint of honey. It will be a part of my Top 5 drugstore conditioners post that I have ready.
Price 2.45 € in Müller.

I've used everything in this post on this pic. A rubbish pic of third day hair is in this post here

Have a great day!

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  1. That oil spray sounds really great, my hair is very very thick and quite dry and as soon as I run serum through it with my fingers it ruins any waves I had so I spray would be perfect.

    Might have to check this one out. Your hair looks gorgeous btw!

    Lisa x

    1. It's the same with me. I don't want to sacrifice my curls to just get rid of the frizz, so this is quite an nice product.
      Thanks :)

  2. Vau, kakšen volumen!:) like a bombshell :) Očitno izdelki res delujejo. Nisem še nobenega preizkusila, ampak jaz sem prelena za kakršen koli styling:) mogoče ravno 2x na leto kaj naredim z lasmi:)

    1. Hvala :D Jaz tudi nisem nikoli uporabljala kaj dosti styling produktov, zdaj sem se pa kar odločila, da jih malo sprobam. Včasih sem uporabljala Tigijev Curls Amplifier za definiranje kodrov, potem sem pa nehala :)

  3. Navdušila si me nad peno... mogoče jo pa sprobam. :D Drugače pa čudoviti lasje, moji tanki revčki nimajo nikoli toliko volumna... :D

    1. Je kar nice. Hvala, sem imela kar sreče z geni :)

  4. You have really great hair! Do you dye it?

    1. Thanks :) No, it's my natural colour. I used to dye it for years, but I stopped about four years ago :)

  5. Tale mousse bi pa bil za sprobat :) Drugače pa major hair envy :)

    1. Meni je res všeč, po katastrofi, ki sem jo sprobala nazadnje - Tigi Totally Baked. Hvala, ampak ne zgledajo ves čas tako :)

  6. Hi there, I just started my own blog and I would love for you to check it out

  7. :-O Your hair looks fantastic! I am officially jealous. Damn you... :-) The products look quite good, I love the packaging.

    1. Thank you :) Yeah, I love the packaging as well :)

  8. Waw, ti maš že lase same po sebej krasne.

    Jaz pen ne maram preveč, lak bom pa definitivno vzela. Sem gledala že prejšnji teden te kupončke, jaz jih vedno vzamem, vsake 2 mesca, samo vedno imajo najboljše izdelke ravno za november-december. Ta mesec sem našla veliko uporabnega, DM rulz!

    1. So se kar popravili v zadnjih letih. Hvala :)
      Včasih sem kar dosti uporabljala pene za definiranje kodrov. Nekatere so boljše, druge pač ne :)
      Mene pa ti kupončki ne pritegnejo. Imam raje Müller, kjer takoj tiste 3% dobim. Ni mi všeč, da sem tako omejena z izbiro.

  9. Wow kakšni lasje! <3 Fouš ;)
    Sem že gledala tale volumizing spray mousse in Ol-la-la (drugega ker me je embalaža pritegnila, priznam) samo sem se odločila da najprej raje malo ocene pregledam, tako da mi je tale post zelo prav prišel, super je :)

    1. Hvala :)
      Imajo kar kjut embalaže, ampak sem zmeraj mislila, da got2b ni dober zaradi Guardian Angel, ki je zanič. So me prijetno presenetili :)

  10. Hi there! I love your hair care posts so much! I've bought the Orofluido Sahara oil spray on your recommendation and it really works wonders for me! I just ordered the Philip Kingsley Elasticizer and the Kerastase Oleo Relax Masque from feelunique. I can't wait to put my hands on them! :D Have you already tried any of them?


    1. Hi Eszter :) I'm glad you find my hair posts useful, they are my favourite kind of post to write :) I never tried Elasticizer or Oleo Relax Masque, but they are both high on my wishlist as I heard so many good things about them :) I do have the Oleo Relax Shampoo and it's amazing. And their Nutritive line is awesome as well :)

  11. you have such a beautiful hair! They make your gorgeous eyes pop. I wish I was brunette instead of my boring ashy blonde colour:). I will definitively try the schwarzkopf mousse since I don't like the bland effect that the fructis one make to my fine wavy hair.

    1. Thank you :) . I never tried any mousse from Fructis, but I do own their Surf Hair, which I used to use to define curls. It's nice, but it's so hard to get the amount right. This mousse is one of my favourite styling products :)

  12. Do you think it will be good also for fine hair?:)
    Ps-Have you ever tried the guhl products? I bought them when I was in Germany. They're cheap but amazing. You can find them in every dm:)

    1. I think all of these would be ok for fine hair. Maybe the conditioner should be used in a smaller amount, but it's still ok :).
      I never tried anything from Guhl, but I do check it out every now and then. It's available in Műller here. I might try something :)

    2. Do you have Mueller in Slovenia? I envy you:). The line for curly hair is awesome:)

    3. Yes, in every major city :) . I'll check it out, thanks :)

  13. you have amazing hair. Would die to have your hair

    1. Thank you :) Don't say that :D You have no idea how much work and products it needs to make it look like that :D

  14. Zdravo!! En nasvet bi rabila... Šele sedaj sem ugotovila kako fajn je za moje lase ta Volumania Volumizing Spray Mousse. Na žalost sem obenem v DMu ugotovila, da gre vn iz prodaje. En kos mi je še uspelo dobiti za zalogo. Potem ne vem kako naprej. Pa me zanima, ker si že veliko sprobala, če imaš kak dober predlog za kako drugo dobro volumen peno? Ful ful hvala!!!

    1. Mojega eksperimentiranja s penami je že bolj kot ne konec odkar sem našla tole. Čeprav sem pravzaprav nehala uporabljat pene. Vem da mi je bila od Balee ena spodobna - Balea Power Volume Mousse starke 4. Mislim da je zdaj to nova verzija:

      A mora bit prav pena za volumen? Imam Tigi Small Talk za volumen pa je ok. Mislim, ni nekaj tisto, da bi dal gore volumna, ampak taka v redu stvar za uporabljat, pa res ga hvalijo. Za več volumna, pa če ti ni predrago lahko preizkusiš še Tigi Superstar Queen for a Day (nisem še preizkusila, ampak menda je v redu) in Kerastase Forme Fatale.

    2. Ej, ful ful hvala za tole. Sama sem dalj časa uporabljala olja za lase (Maroccan, DM,...itd.), ampak se pred kratkim ugotovila (ker imam sedaj malo krajše lase - do rame), da me preveč zravnajo in navijanje na krtačo ne deluje. Pa se probala tole peno in je bla super! Bom probala od Balee, ko mi jo zmanjka, pa bomo videli. Še enkrat hvala za izčrpen odgovor! xoxo

    3. Ni za kaj :) Olja res naredijo lase bolj gladke in potem ti nočejo ostat tako ko želiš, pene pa dajo tisto teksturo, da se vse bolj obrži. Tud suh šampon bi pomagal zraven ali pa kakšen sprej za teksturo. Ampak najprej preizkusi peno, saj je čisto poceni :)
