Product of the Week #16

sreda, november 06, 2013

I've mentioned before that though I'm not much of an eyeshadow person (UD's Naked Basic sort of changed that), I wear black eyeshadow close to the lash line to create the invisible eyeliner effect. Recently, I dug out from my stash L'Oreal's Super Liner Carbon Gloss eyeliner because I wanted a more intense line (I would use my Essence gel eyeliner but I discovered it had dried up). I do not have the steadiest hands or any proper eyeliner skills really, but even I can do a pretty decent job with this liner. I like the applicator which is a semi-soft felt tip that provides a comfortable application, but it's not super thin which means really fine lines are a bit difficult to do, but not impossible. I had Essence's Black Mania version before and that one felt clumsy and a bit scratchy, so I wasn't a fan of it. But I've had L'Oreal's Super Liner for a really long time and the applicator hasn't lost shape. It has a deep carbon black formula that has excellent pigmentation, glides smoothly and leaves no gaps during application. And it's very long lasting too. Provided I don't rub my eyes during the day, it can last all day without smudging or flaking. One thing that does bother me is the glossy finish it has, so I put some black eyeshadow over it to make it matte. It costs about 10 € in any drugstore and I will repurchase it when it runs out.

Washed out crappy picture, I know. This is before mascara, I have no eyeshadow on, only the eyeliner:

What is your favourite liquid eyeliner?
Have a great day!

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  1. Super ti je uspel, jaz ne vidim nobenih slabih sposobnosti nanašanja:) Jaz trenutno uporabljam nekega od Essence. Nisem našla perfektnega tekočega linerja, ta od Essenca pa mi gre na živce ker zateguje ko se suši-je pa res da ne gre nikamor. Tudi meni ni všeč shine pri linerju, zato raje uporabljam gel verzije:)

    1. Thanks :) Moram it en gel eyeliner kupit. Zdaj vidim, da ga Essence sploh nima več menda :/

  2. Meni je bil ta liner eden od najljubših, mene glossy ne moti. Motila me je cena - sej ne, da je fuuul drag, ampak črtalo je pri meni obvezna oprema in ga dosti porabim. Ker pa sem našla cenejšo verzijo, ki mi prav tako ustreza, sem tega nehala kupovat. Top mi je še vedno Eveline, ampak se ga ne da več dobit pri nas, za tako debelejšo črto pa največ uporabljam Essence I love style, ima podoben aplikator.

    1. Jaz ga bolj redko uporabljam, tako da mi ni neki hudo drag, ker ga ne porabim hitro. Sem šla takoj preverit tale Essence I love style in mi izgleda zanimiv :)

  3. Awesome that you found such an affordable high-quality eyeliner :-) Thanks for sharing!
