January Favourites

četrtek, januar 30, 2014

After Rimmel's 107 came the Apocalips Eclipse, another stunning burgundy shade that can't get enough of.  These deep berries have been my signature lip colour since November. Apocalips is a liquid lipstick with a doe foot applicator, which means that even a bumbling idiot like me can apply it nicely. I've been wearing it in many ways, from stain, blotted for a matte effect and at full intensity with a glossy finish.

This month I was like - I smell like a cupcakes and I'm not bothered what others think of it. Fantasy is one of my all time favourite fragrances and for a while it was my signature scent, though I will admit I am not digging the über girly pink bottle hence why it's always hidden in my cupboard. While we're on the topic of Fantasy, did you know there are two new flankers coming out in February - The Naughty Remix and The Nice Remix? It's safe to say, I'm a bit excited.   

I discovered another great balm cleanser. The pot may be tiny and the scent is so not for me, but the texture is fabulous and it leaves my skin more balanced. I must say I'm very happy with the state of my skin right now and this is definitely contributing a lot. 

For the longest time I didn't want to admit it, but this is the reason my skin looks so clear and smooth particularly on my forehead. But it's so damn expensive! There were only two occasions when my forehead was completely smooth, one was when I was using Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair and the other since I've been using this toner. I honestly notice the difference when I don't use it for a few days/a week. My forehead gets bumpy again, my skin isn't as clear any more and it basically reverts into the not-being-cool-any-more state. Now it's on it's last legs and as much as I don't want to admit it, I need it in my skin care routine. I see a repurchase in my future.

This was my old foundation brush before I bought Real Techniques, but it has since stood forgotten in my brush pot. It's a great brush that is incredibly soft, but I switched it because I find it a bit big for my baby face. However, I started using it again this month and it blends the foundation so flawlessly I was floored. It particularly works well with Holika Holika Peach Girl BB cream and gives me an absolutely flawless finish with medium coverage. A winning combination.

I have not idea why I stopped using this brush. It's so soft and perfect for applying eyeshadow in the crease. I've been using the Essence Smokey Eyes brush for this task and I have to say, now I find it too scratchy compared to this one. I have no idea if this brush is still sold, but I love it.

I already spoke highly about this liner in my New In post, when I only just got it. Now that I've had more to test it, I have to say again that this is a fantastic, really black and super precise liner. I've pretty much been using it every day and I can even draw a decent line with it.

There aren't many favourites this months all due to this - I have been diligently using stuff up and managed to get two full bags of them. So prepare yourself for a few empties posts in the future. I already wrote my reviews/impressions, I just have to take and edit the pictures, which is going to be a lot of work.  

I wrote about my birthday in my previous post and yesterday I got a "secret" package in my mail. Still dazed and confused after being woken up by the mail man, I opened the two packages I got. One of them were these ASOS Pasha High Heel Shoes that were supposed to arrive on my birthday and the other mystery package had these thee beauties from Yves Rocher's Vanille CollectOR. I checked who sent it and it was Živa "McAwesome" (yes, this is your name from now on) from the Nothin' Fancy. Really. blog. My jaw dropped so hard it made a hole in the floor. She sent me a birthday gift just out of the blue! What an incredibly kind gesture. So I'll say it again, thank you Živa for being such an awesome person!

And again I want to say thank you for every comment on my previous post. They really made my day, you are all the kindest and most incredible people ever.
I hope you can see in the picture that the lotion and the shower gel have gold glitter/shimmer inside. These all have a vanilla extract scent, you know the one for used for baking, so basically you smell like a giant vanilla cake (which is never a bad thing).

Have a great day!

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  1. Oooo kok lepo od Žive!

    Drugače pa ELF powder brush je res zakon za podlago!
    Sem verjetno edina Bblogerka, ki še nisem poiskusila Rimlovih glossov ane? :))

    1. Right!? Prav neverjetna je :)

      Kaj pa hočemo, če nimamo niti Rimmla pri nas. Sicer pa Manhattan naj bi imel nekaj podobnega, samo ne vem, če je že pri nas :)

  2. Meni je ta Fantasy flaška tako kičasta, da nikoli ne povoham parfuma, ampak ga očitno res moram, I wanna smell like a cupcake too! ♥ In sploh ne vem kaj je hujše - da kupiš drag izdelek in ti ni nič posebnega, ali da ti tako odgovarja da ne moreš več brez. :D Sem pa v iskanju novega linerja - si mogoče preizkusila tistega essence, o katerem vsi govorijo, in mi znaš povedati če je boljši/slabši od tega L'Oreal? :)
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Yup girly overload, samo diši pa božansko :)
      Se strinjam, je skoraj hujše ko ti je nekaj res všeč pa potem ves čas kupuješ. Ampak dobro, saj sem imela eno flaško za res dolgo :).
      Essencevega sem imela enega že res dolgo nazaj, tako da verjetno so ga čisto prenovili, ker tisti je bil prav zanič. Ti na žalost ne morem kaj dosti pomagat.

  3. BS parfumi so mi vsi krasni, tale je pa moj najljubši, sploh se ne naveličam vonja <3

    1. Meni je samo Fantasy res všeč, drugi pa ne delujejo z mojo kemijo, npr. Midnight Fantasy, kar mi je res škoda.

  4. You're making me lust over that Apocalips (and I don't even like glossy, liquid lipsticks lol) but I haven't seen that colou around here /o\ I love Yves Rocher's vanilla but I've yet to try that line.

    1. I'm not a fan of glossy finishes either, but these are so great :). As far as I can tell this Vanille CollectOR is exactly the same as the original Vanilla line, it just has shimmer in it (the body lotion looks great on the skin) :)

  5. Kako lepo od Žive:)) Britney Fantasy Naughty and Nice? Kaj?? Ne morem verjeti:)) Dobro da sem izvedela, so že na wishlisti:)) Vprašanje za Clarins Exfoliating Toner - kakšen je občutek na koži? Kaj peče? Sem slišala namreč, da ti exfoliating toners lahko pečejo ali iritirajo malo. Drugače pa sem jaz zdaj tudi dobila od Maybelline master precise liner in je super:)

    1. Yup, upam da ti dve verziji prideta tudi k nam :)
      Mene ta tonik čisto nič ne peče, niti če imam ranico. Občutek je kot da nanašam losijon in je kar vlažilen. Samo jaz nimam niti malo občutljive kože, tako da ne vem kako bi se to obneslo na tvoji.
      No, sem ti rekla, da bo kul :)

  6. A se tale Clarinsov tonik dobi pr nas, koliko pa stane? Ga ful pogosto videvam po blogih je zelo hvaljen... Jaz imam sicer Mario Badescu Glycolic acid toner, ki nekako na isti način deluje, ampak se ne branim kakšnih novih reči za sprobat... :D

    1. V Müllerju je za 33€. Ima pa na drugem mestu alkohol, ki ga MB nima, ampak meni je vseeno super :).

  7. Eclipse imam že v košarici na FeelUnique z enimi parimi drugimi izdelki ampak morem še najdit en razlog, da naročim :P
    Tale Vanilija set pa res božansko diši mmm, pridna Živa :) Aja pa ena mogoč mal čudna prošnja, a mi lahko javiš kako ti bodo ti čevlji iz Asosa? Rabim ene klasične črne, in mam med drugim tud te nagledane :D

    1. Zihr boš našla enega :)

      Imam par Asos čevljev z visoko peto in ti so meni daleč najboljši od vseh kar jih imam (dobri so mi še od 5th Avenue iz Deichmanna, jih ves čas nosim). Tile Pasha High Heels sem vzela eno cifro manjše, ker meni ponavadi padajo čevlji z noge če so brez paščka, ker imam ozke noge in so mi tile malenkost tesni, jih bo treba uhodit, je pa ta semiš mehek in se čuti kako so kvalitetni. Me je pa malo presenetilo kakšen visok lok imajo, je skoraj kot bi stala na prstih (11 cm peta), kar mene sicer toliko ne moti, se je pa treba navadit. Tako ti bom rekla, če si navajena hodit v res visokih petah in imaš bolj ozka stopala so kul, drugače je pa boljše za vzameš kakšne z 8 cm peto, ali pa ene s platformo, so pa "britanski" čevlji ponavadi kakšen milimeter ožji kot naši.

    2. No, ful ti hvala za tole...Jih bom raje preskočla, ker imam dokaj široka stopala in bi tole bilo pol no-go zame :)

  8. I so wanna try the Clarins toner, but the price tag is the repellent. I hate to admit that sometimes high prices are there for a reason.

  9. Great favorites! My L'Oreal Super Liner dried out this week :-( Either I just ran out of product or I didn't put the cap back on properly, but it's all dried up :-(

    1. Oh, that's sad. I hope mine lasts long, but I do have concerns.

  10. Mislim, da BS parfum (Tale rozani) uporabljam že 3 leta (al več). imam že kar dosti teh praznih 'flašk' doma :) To je vonj, ki ga ne zamenjam z nobenim! :) Sem imela tudi že temno modrega oziroma vijoličnega, pa mi ni tako zelo dišal.
    Je pa res, da včasih BS parfum kombiniram z enim drugim in je bomba! :)

    1. Meni tudi ta modri (Midnight Fantasy) ni bil tako všeč. ampak imam prazno flaško razstavljeno na polici ker mi je res lepa :)

  11. Thank god I am not the only person to use Fantasy, it has been one of my favourite every day smells for years! Since I got it back in the day when celebrity perfumes were all the range!

