Forever Repurchased #1

petek, maj 23, 2014

I'm starting a new category of posts that will feature products I've repurchased and/or I keep repurchasing. I  realized I actually have a ton of such products, I guess I'm a creature of habit or just very loyal to products I love. I already have five posts ready that I'll post in a very sporadic fashion and each will feature a handful of products.

What a mouthful! This is product I've been using for three years and it's like a light oil that it's excellent for dry hair (I mean a silicone-oil in a spray, much like Orofluido Sahara, but lighter or got2b Öl-La-La). I use this every time before I use either a curling iron or straightener and spray it all over the hair concentrating on the ends since they are the driest part. It sprays a fine and even mist, so it's very easy to get it evenly on the hair. Because of its oily texture, it instantly smooths the hair, gives tons of shine and makes it look very healthy. In the typical Tigi fashion, the sweet apple-pear candy scent is lovely as well. One bottle actually lasts me very long, so it's not that expensive in the long run. 
By the way, prices really vary for this. I find that Beauty Bay, All Beauty and Online Beauty Buys (on eBay) sell it cheapest.

There is nothing particularly exceptional about this oil, however, it's packaged in the most practical manner and it's very affordable. I use it for moisturising the body, hair, taking off make up and shaving. It's a light oil, though still greasy, but it doesn't take ages to sink in. The only thing I'm getting tired of is the coconut muffin scent, I'd like it more if it smelled like the pure coconut oil, so next time I'll take a different version (there are three more scents).

I must be getting really boring talking about this product again, but I've been repurchasing it for three years and I've gone though countless of bottles. It's the best make up remover that feels like water and removes make up fast and efficient. Garnier's is lovely as well, but slightly less effective.

This body butter was first released as a part of LE, but I think they recently made it permanent which I've over the moon about. It is my favourite body moisturiser ever. It smells like ripe peaches/peach yoghurt - a scent I adore and they recently started selling the body mist as well, which I'm dying to get my hands on. It has a hard consistency, but it still applies nicely and it's definitely one of the most moisturising body products I've tried so far. Love it!

Have a great day!

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  1. Zanimiva serija objav:) Se že veselim naslednjih. Bioderme jaz tudi ne upam zamenjati z nobenim drugim, ker je res super nežna in se mi zdi, da kar dolgo zadostuje - nakup opravičen:) Vedno pozabim, da ima Alverde ta olja. Kakšni so pa ostali vonji?

    1. Meni tudi Bioderma dlje traja, ker jo rabim manj uporabit kot te cenejše varjante :)
      Nisem imela še nobene druge verzije Alverdevega olja, vem pa da je limona/rožmarin, arnika in šipek/rakitovec. Meni ne zveni nobena pretirano privlačno, bom pa verjetno limona/rožmarin sprobala :)

  2. Alverde olje imam tudi jaz, ga zdej tudi uporabljam za britje ali pa kot olje za telo. Limona in rožmarin je pa top, še boljše od tega, ti res priporočam nakup ;)

  3. Zakon ideja za serijo objav! :) Jaz se tudi igram z idejo za novo serijo, počasi jo moram že zagnati, če ne bo šla v pozabo. :) Zelo rada imam tovrstne poste, ker dobiš idejo za nove izdelke, tako da se že veselim novih postov. :) Iz tega posta pa je najin skupen forever repurchased draguljček ravno Bioderma, prisegam nanjo. :)

    1. Hvala :) No, upam, da uresničiš svojo idejo za serijo :) Bioderma je res super :)

  4. I secretly love your blog :D I can always find something usefull, interesting and nice here. I'm looking forward reading other posts in this category. I tried Garnier micellar water and I'm on my second bottle right now. But I don't like to wipe eye make-up with it and I use milky lotion for that, I think to try bioderma when I go for vacation, if it's so effective I won't need to bring two bo. Garnier one is huge for travelling:)

    1. Thank you for your kind comment! I hope you'll enjoy my future posts as well :) Bioderma is really good and takes off all the makeup except waterproof mascara for which I use an oily remover. It's nice that they sell a 100 ml version as well and I actually kept the empty bottle so I can refill it when I go travelling.

  5. Tvoj blog sem odkrila šele pred kratkim in sem totalno navdušena. Večinoma sledim tujim beauty blogom, vendar mi je ta zelo zelo všeč :)). Torej ... glede na to, da se pri nas ne da kupiti Body shop izdelkov in je dobava precej omejena, me zanima kje jih dobiš najugodneje? Ebay?

    1. Hvala, Nejka :D
      Na eBayu je ponavadi najcenejše in najlažje za dobit, ampak dostikrat pride poštnina kar drago. V Gradcu je tudi kar drago, sem pa odkrila duty free trgovino v Metliki (ne sprašuj me za ime, ker ga ne vem) kjer imajo eno poličko stvari od TBS in so cene nižje kot v Avstriji. Najcenejše kjer sem kupovala je bilo pa v Londonu :)

  6. Tudi jaz se veselim nadaljnjih objav but I'm blaming you for every purchase that I make :P

  7. Jaz tudi načrtujem tole serijo objav. Ne vem zakaj, ampak ravno o izdelkih, ki jih uporabljam non-stop, vedno pozabim pisati na blogu... :D

    1. True story, jaz tudi pozabim pisat o vsakdanjih stvareh, ampak imam itak vse na all-favourites strani:)
      Se že veselim tvojih objav :)
