Bioderma vs. L'Oreal Micellar Solution

ponedeljek, julij 22, 2013

I have been buying Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Solution since 2011 and in all these years, I've never been without a bottle of it in my collection. I still believe it is brilliant, but I wanted to check out the (cheaper) competition and I purchased L'Oreal Skin Perfection 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution (called Hydra Active 3 Mizellen-Technologie Reinigungsfluid in German speaking world). I've been using it for about a week now and it feels so similar, basically the same as Bioderma, so I wanted to see if it also performs the same and I did a little test. I set on removing a full face makeup by using Bioderma on one side and L'Oreal on the other. I wore Bourjois Healthy Mix serum foundation set with Givenchy Matissime powder (a combination that lasts all day thanks to the powder), a super pigmented Essence cream blush (from Ready for Boarding TE) and Pupa powder blush on top, plus a complete eye makeup with Essence gel eyeliner, Mac eyeshadows and Essence get big lashes waterproof mascara. 
Both Bioderma and L'Oreal feel the same - like water. There is no residue left, just clean and refreshed skin. None of them break me out or irritate my skin in any way. There was no difference between the two when removing the make up with the first cotton pad. The biggest difference was with the second cotton pad.

Bioderma's second pad was basically clean with only a bit of eye makeup on it. There were no traces of any foundation or blush any more. It removed everything, but there was still some waterproof mascara left (honestly, I don't expect from a non-oil based remover to do that anyway). 

L'Oreal's second pad had loads of foundation on, which proved the first didn't even remotely clean as effectively as Bioderma. I needed three cotton pads to have the face completely clean. Again as with Bioderma it did not completely remove waterproof mascara, however, it removed less of it. The biggest difference was in the morning when I noticed that on the side where I used L'Oreal, I had a panda eye with lots of black smudged under my eye, while the other one was fine. 

Bioderma is available in pharmacies and isn't difficult to get a hold of here. There's a pharmacy on almost every corner in the town that is closest to me, not to mention we have bunch of online Slovenian pharmacies, so availability isn't really an issue. I buy 250ml versions for about 11€, which I don't find too expensive, because I don't use it up fast (you can be frugal with it and have all the makeup removed). The packaging is a simple clear bottle with a flip top. A bottle can be opened for 12 months. It has no particular scent. Ingredients here.

L'Oreal is sold in every drugstore and 200ml costs 4€. The packaging is the stupid new renovated one with a square top that spills product everywhere. A bottle can be opened for 6 months. It has a faint chemical scent. Ingredients here.

As I said, the texture is remarkably similar, essentially a dupe. However, I don't find L'Oreal's nearly as effective as Bioderma. You will use a lot more product and pads to remove everything, but yes, it is cheaper. Having said that, I do think L'Oreal's micellar water is a really nice product and definitely worth the price. It's a great makeup remover if you can't get a hold of Bioderma or you find it too expensive. 

Bioderma is a clear winner for me. I've purchased numerous bottles over the years and I will continue buying it. By the way, Escentual did a blind trial of micellar waters with about a 100 people and Bioderma was a clear winner (I knew it was popular for a reason being a regular user myself for years). You can read the result here

Have a great day!

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  1. Jaz sem imela samo sample Bioderme, ampak se mi ni zdela nič posebnega, vsaj nič boljša od Baleinega odstranjevalca, ki sem ga takrat uporabljala, tako da sem zaključila, da ta denar ne dam zanjo. Bom pa probala L'orealovo miceralno, že zato, ker cena ni pretirana, da vidim, če mi bo pasala.

  2. Zanimiva primerjava:) Imaš prav Bioderma je mogoče dražja ampak če kupiš veliko jo kar dolgo ne porabiš, kot če imaš kakšno poceni in jo zelo hitro porabljaš:)

  3. Jaz nisem še poskusila Bioderme, imam pa to L'Orealovo vodico in sem zelo zadovoljna. :)

  4. Js mam L'Orealovo, pa mi je za to kar jo uporabljam (odstranit ostanke po umivanju z gelom) čist super :) je pa mal zoprno, ker se težko oz grdo zliva iz embalaže :) Sem pa govorila z eno punco, ki je rekla da je Bioderma še najslabša od teh lekarniških micelnih. Si ti že probala tut kašno drugo (Vichy, Avene.. ?! )
    Pa super objava drgač! *

    1. Do zdaj se imela le Biodermo. Mi je tako všeč, da sem samo to kupovala in nisem preizkusila drugih. Pa hvala :)

    2. Jaz imam Vichyjevo in mi je super, definitivno vredna denarja :)

  5. Dobra primerjava :) Sicer nisem poskusila še nobene od teh, ampak ravno iščem nov odstranjevalec MU tako da mi tole prav pride :)

  6. Tudi pri meni Bioderma zmaga. Jo ne zamenjam za nič na svetu. Sem si kakšen teden nazaj tole L'Orealovo kupila pa mi nekako ne odgovarja. Tako kot si ti rekla, traja kar nekaj časa, da odstraniš ves make-up, pa mene so pekle oči, ko sem si devala dol make-up iz vek, tako da bom kar pri Biodermi ostala.

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  7. Thanks a lot for the review, I've been waiting for some blogger to actually try both products! ;)
    I guess I'll give the L'Oreal a try, but I already know that Bioderma stole my heart the first time I used it! :D

  8. Tudi jaz sem sprobala obe in mi je Biodermina ljubša, tako za odstranjevanje mu kot tudi po občutku na koži (pri Lorealovi imam občutek da se mi bo zdaj-zdaj začela peniti na obrazu) & po embalaži oziroma tisti odprtinici, kjer se mi iz Lorealove kar ulivati začne na vatko.

  9. Sem imela testerčke Bioderme, pa mi ni bila všeč, pa še alergijsko reakcijo sem dobila, tudi ko sme sprobala eno njihovo kremo, tako da ne hvala :D
    Uporabljam pa že 4 leta Avene pa mi je super, občasno majo akcije 400ml za 16€, 200ml so pa po 11-13€, ampak je vredna vsakega centa :)

  10. Hvala za ta post, Bioderma micelarna je moja stalnica, danes sem mela tole Lorealovo že v rokah, pa sem si premislila. Škoda 5evrov. :)

  11. Super primerjava! Od Bioderme sem imela tester Sebium verzije, potem pa sem kupila tole Sensibio verzijo in prisegam nanjo. Za 500 ml sem dala okoli 17 evrov (v Leposani) in zdrži res milijon let, občutek imam da jo bom kljub vsakodnevi uporabi imela vsaj dve leti. Meni je res super zato, ker mi ne maši por, res imam občutek, kot da uporabljam zelo efektivno vodo, brez raznih filmov na obrazu in tako naprej. Drugih pa nisem niti preikusila, sem zadovoljna s to. Vichyjeva sem imela nekaj časa ogledano, sem pa zanjo prebrala tako dobre kot slabe kritike in na koncu tako dolgo cincala, da sem pristala na Biodermi. :)

  12. Meni je Bioderma super, prav tako Vichy, drugih pa mi niti ni za sprobavati. No, ta od Loreala je všečna zaradi cene, ampak sem prebrala že kar nekaj slabih ocen. Drugače pa meni te micelne niti podrazno ne odstranijo maskare, pa ne nosim vodoodpornih.

  13. hey! I love your blog so much, could you please check out mine? I need some advices! xx

  14. Tudi jaz sem pristašica Bioderme.
    Super blog, sledim. :)

    Moj blog:

    xoxo, Anja

  15. Ja sam ovo koristila i posle dva puta bacila u smeće🤫🙈nimalo nije mi bilo dobro sredstvo za skidanje snimke, naročito za masakru, mada nije waterproof. I ovo i ono iz Bioderme nisu mi prijatni tokom skidanje šminka, ja se osećam kao da su tako tečni da ulaze u očima🙈. A ne znam da li ono drugo što imaju sa malo uljem žute boje da li je možda bolji, ipak meni najbolje je Septona da arganom, ali sad neće više kod nas pa sam probala Bioten bi phase ali ništa nije kao Septona, Ako nađete Septona kupite odmah! 👍Jedino Septona skida brže dugotrajnu snimku i sve one karmine što nikako ne idu😉,plus neguje kožu.🇬🇷

  16. Ja se izvinjavam, ono od Garnier sam bacila, ovo iz Bioderme je ok, ali Septona je još bolje, bar za oči i usne. A ovo za celo lice je ok!🙂

    1. Sad imam Mixa za suvu kožu i mi je odlična. Jo volim više nego Biodermu.
