July Favourites

sreda, julij 30, 2014

Undoubtedly the winner of this month's favourites, Rose Symphony was on my lips almost every day. Even though, as I've said it a million times, I'm not a lip gloss girl, I find this one is so amazing that I have been truly enjoying wearing it. It's super creamy and pigmented, the colour is spectacular and much to my delight it smells like peaches. It's pure love and I'd love to try more colours.

It really isn't summer without a pastel mint green nail polish gracing your nails at least once or almost all the time when it comes to me and though there are many dupes, Mint Candy Apple is still the quintessential such shade. In a typical pastel nail polish manner the formula is not the easiest to work with, however, it is all worth it for the beautiful shade.

Summer is here (well, kind of as far as weather in Slovenia is concerned) with bare legs on display, so for us who can't really be bothered to self tan regularly or have simply forgotten to, Airbrush Legs is the product that offers a quick fix when the need arises. Granted, it's not the easiest product to apply evenly and it needs a bit more work, but it transforms the ghostly pale complexion into a nice, believable tan colour. For me its greatest downside is the lack of actual coverage which it promises, but it's the best such product I've tried so far.  

The products I've been using for my base have been pretty much identical as the last month, but I replaced Rimmel's foundation for Dior's BB due to a more matte finish. There are so many BB creams on the market and for me this one stands out as the best one. It offers light coverage and is pretty much undetectable on the skin, but the texture is very light for a BB cream and it's instantly dry to the touch - a fact I appreciate greatly. It's one of the easiest bases to apply and blend, hence why I love it for times when I'm pressed for time. 

Who doesn't own at least one Labello's (a.k.a. Nivea) lip balm at any given time? As a massive fan of peach scented products, I really couldn't say no to this Fruity Shine edition as it has one of the best peach scents out there. As far as the quality and moisturisation goes, this one is as average as it gets, but my lips are almost never dry and I don't need intensive care.

I honestly did not expect to be blown away by such an affordable brush. I can do almost an entire eye makeup with it, but it excells at blending and applying a gentle wash of colour in the crease. I so wish I had purchased a couple of back-up, since sadly it's not available in my country.

I've been an fan of Alverde oils for a long time now and used up a few bottles already, but this is the first time I've had this version. I believe I have found my favourite scent of these oils as I just love the refreshing, lemon-citrus candy scent. I must again praise the packaging - though it is glass, I find the pump very practical and well made.

Confession time: I rarely buy cosmetics from Slovene brands because I just assume they aren't as good. I know, I'm terrible. Well I was proven very wrong and this micellar water is pretty damn good. It effectively and quickly removes the makeup while leaving the skin refreshed and clean. It's not exactly Bioderma, but believe me it's not that far away, though it could do with a packaging update.

 CALVIN KLEIN Euphoria eau de toilette
Years ago this was my favourite and signature scent. I actually have three versions of Euphoria (eau de parfum, eau de toilette and blossom) that's how deep my love for them was. This is the fragrance that so many people say: "Damn you smell so good. What are you wearing?" Do not get discouraged by the initial sharp note that might remind some of bug spray because it swiftly begins to transform into this sexy, creamy goodness with notes of orchid, mahogany, amber and musk. It's probably the most grown-up scent I own and is anything but the generic candy scents I usually wear.
Have a great day!

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  1. I've heard so many great things about the dior bb cream! I really love that nail polish color too, I probably have something like it in my collection but I'll probably end up buying it anyways (;

    Krissy | hwww.sheetstoshimmer.com

  2. Ta Ebelin čopič bi takoj kupila, ampak spet ga ni pri nas. Katastrofa. Jaz sem enaka s slovenskimi znamkami, jih tudi zanemarjam, ampak to vodico uporabljam vsak dan in res je super. :) Afrodita kreme so mi tudi všeč, včasih res podcenjujemo slovensko. Euphoria je na mojem seznamu želja- dišav:) Joj, kako je ta seznam dolg:) To Euphorio sem enkrat preizkusila tester in me je takoj navdušila.

  3. Očitno bom morala preizkusiti zo miceralno vodico pd green line :) takoj ko porabim garnierovo :)

  4. I'd like try the oil from Alverde, you've made me very curious. By the way, I love your hair. I am a little obsessed with haircare, I confess I did believe that this oil from Alverde is the one for hair that you've mentioned in one of you other posts, haha. Anyways, great post.

    Kind Regards,

  5. Love the look of the Loreal liquid lipstick, the shade looks gorgeous!
    xprincessjas | ♥

  6. Uf, Mint Candy Apple. Kako sem sovražila ta lak, hitro sem ga naprej prodala, nanos mi je bil obupen. Imam pa zdaj spet mint odtenke v različnih variacijah v zbirki, itak. Klasika. Diorjeva BB krema zveni zelo obetavno. Zdaj imam Biodermino, ampak ne vem, če mi malce ne maši por ... nič drastičnega, ampak je pa iz bogate linije izdelkov, tako da mogoče je to razlog. Ker ima SPF 30 se mi nekako zdi vredno preglavic.

  7. Mint candy apple je res lep odtenek :))

  8. uuuh I want to try de bb cream by Dior and the airbrush :D



  9. I love your reviews , girl! Who doesn't love Essie nail polish & fruity lip balm?? Check out my July Favs here :) http://pinkswatchesandgoldwatches.blogspot.ca/2014/07/july-favourites.html

  10. Kot opažam, bom verjetno edina blogerka, ki ne bo imela Green Line izdelkov med favoriti, haha. L'Oreal šminka mi je všeč, ampak zadnje čase sem čisto obsedena z mat ustnicami (hello, Bourjois!). In ja, res škoda, da ni tega Ebelin čopiča pri nas. Sem zadnjič kupila Essencovega in mi je kul, ampak bi tega tudi rada preizkusila.
