April Favourites

petek, april 29, 2016

I really happy with these cream eyeshadows, Essence did such a great job. I bought both versions of the newly released cream stick eyeshadows from Essence and Catrice, and though both are really lovely, I find Essence ones better and these are the ones I've been using every day as a base for powder eyeshadows. The reason they appeal to me more is because they are less shimmery and have a more satin finish on the lids, plus they have a more waxy/firm texture, which helps them stick better to the skin and they look smoother on the lids. She's Got The Mauve is probably my favourite creamy eyeshadow so far because it has that something unique and such shades look really good with my colouring. It's a violet taupe shade, but not too cool and I tend to use it with most of my powder eyeshadows on top. 03 Light me up is a beige skin tone shade that is quite light and has a satin finish, so it should be nice for making very bright colours pop more, but I have yet to test it that way, as so far I've only used it with neutrals. These make my powder eyeshadows a lot more intense and make them last all day with minimal creasing. I'm big fan.

For some reason I get sent a lot of mascaras, pretty much all of them regular formulas which just drop unannounced into my mail box and I'm not a fan of them, but most of the time I spend testing those, which means that when I return to my favourites I'm always astounded at how much better they are. This goes especially for this mascara, which is brilliant compared to a great majority of mascaras in my stash. It's super volumising, lengthening, doesn't smudge, flake, the brush isn't as clumsy, it's cheap and it keeps the eyelashes curled all day. Truly a winner in my books. 

For quite a while I've been sticking to my more muted blushes, but with all of the gorgeous spring weather (not including the past few snowy days.), I had to dig up a peachy-pink blush and I picked this one. It's peachier than for example Nars' Deep Throat and Orgasm, but less coral than Coralista, so a nice in between shade that has quite a brightening, cute effect. The texture of it is unreal, it's the smoothest blush I've tried in my life, it's super pigmented and lasts pretty much all day on the cheeks. TheBalm truly has some of the most impressive powder products.

I've actually worn this shade every day in March, though I didn't include it in my favourites, because I wanted to introduce it first in a New in post, but it was on my cheeks a lot also in April. It's such an easy shade to wear, a lot easier than other similar peachy-apricot toned blushes, which tend to be bright hence limit your lipstick choices, but this doesn't since it's a muted version of the shade. It swatches very light, a lot lighter than the colour in the pan might mislead you, but it shows up well on my cheeks. It also has a subtle illuminating effect, giving that fresh, healthy look.

I've been a fan of these for quite a while, but I've only recently upgraded my modest collection. These two were my favourite shades I picked up. 02 Sweetheart is a cute, girly medium pink, a shade that is new to me, even though I considering it almost like a classic-stereotypical lip colour shade. 06 a Girl's Dream is my favourite out of the two. It's a medium muted red shade and it's very much in the style of shades I've been wearing recently, like Golden Rose Velvet lipstick in 12. These are creamy, but not overly so and apply nicely on the lips. 

I've never included this is my monthly favourites, but I should have a long time ago because this is my perfect nude. Every time I wear it, I just think to myself - yup, this is the one. It's a simple light peachy-pink-beige shade, yet one that is so hard to find and believe me I've tried many nude lipsticks before I switched to more bright, darker shades a few years ago. The formula is wonderful, very smooth and nicely pigmented. It's a bit more creamy looking on the lips that their other matte lipsticks, but at such a light shade that's a good thing. If you're a fan of Mac's Peach Blossom and Patisserie give this one a try as well.

I have my trusted selection of lip colours that I know I can rely on them looking good with everything and just that they are easy to wear. This one is among them. It's a medium peachy-rosy-brown shade that will probably look more rosy on medium skin tones, but it's a nice neutral shade with a twist on me. These matte lip creams are very light and not the most pigmented ones, but comfortable to wear.

I said in my review that this is the best lip cream I tried. It could just be this shade that performs so well, but it really stands out among lip creams. The formula is creamy, super pigmented, applies evenly with no sheer patches, smells like After Eight and dries to a velvet matte finish after about 10 minutes. It lasts so well on the lips and wears off nicely too. Adoring is a deep burgundy shade, so not the most spring appropriate colour and I have been dying to get a couple more nude-ish shades, which I almost ordered them a few times, but I keep stopping at the checkout because they aren't the cheapest. 

L'OREAL PROFESIONNEL Série Expert Absolut Repair Lipidium
It's been quite a while since I found a decent hair mask/conditioner. I've tried a few last year, but none impressed me so much that I'd consider repurchasing it and now this one did. I have very demanding hair, it's not only dry, but also very thick and coarse, so a lot of hair treatments fail at making a difference and truly nourish my hair. I won't say it's as good as for example Joico Intense Hydrator, but it's good enough and it's not too expensive.

Eau de parfum
I've always love this fragrance, but spring is finally here and I feel like this fragrance was just made for this season, even though it's kind of a classic office scent in a sense that's it's very inoffensive and easy to wear for any occasion. It is quite a fresh scent, a clean, and sophisticated one, though it does have a bit of a tropical-green vibe. Notes are cactus flower, pink freesia, jasmine, rose buds, warm woods and cedar

Eau de parfum
This is one of my favourite fragrances ever, so you know what I did? I saved it like crazy. I saved a fragrance that costs 15 €. It has gone off. Well a bit, but that weird stuffy note is definitely present when I spray it. So I dedicated myself to using it up, while it still at least develops the same as new. It's a fragrance that's more suited for cold months and it's very sweet. It opens with a sweet syrupy combination which is considerably toned down by amber, woods and musk making it a more sensual candy scent that I consider more grown up than the rest of my "candy selection" and it's not a classic vanilla cupcake scent. Notes: Top: clementine blossom, black currant, nectarine. Heart notes: wild orchid, orange blossom. Base notes: soft musk, amber, precious woods.

Have a great day!

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  1. Se strinjam za Essence svinčnik 2v1, tudi sama imam odtenek 06 in je božanski...že sam odtenek mi je lep, ko se mi mudi samo malo tega dodam ali pa kar čez senčilo, za malo poživitve. in glede Lorealove maske za lase, sem imela šampon in te linije in mi je bil božanski. Za uničene in suhe lase je delal skoraj čudeže. Evo sem prekinla pisat in šla brskat po zalogah šamponov, še en cel me čaka (skačem od veselja :D )

    1. Sploh še nikoli nisem imela nič od L'Oreal Professionel, ampak zdaj moram pa res raziskat njihove linije za suhe lase :) Mi je všeč, da tudi niso pretirano dragi :)

  2. I love reading your favorites and haul posts, they simply are awesome. I would surely check out those lip products and Essence eyeshadow sticks, I've been really into eyeshadows lately and Essence will be nice to try. :)

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I'm so glad to hear that :) Essence eyeshadows are really worth checking out :)

  3. Ko pride pomlad se mi zdi, da vsi veliko začnemo nosit barvite odtenke šmink. V mojih favoritih je tudi kar nekaj teh :D. 06 senčilo ti res odlično paše in odtenek je res zanimiv. Pa imaš občutek, da se parfumi res "pokvarijo"? Jaz tudi zdaj poskušam porabiti ene, ki so že res stari, ampak jaz vedno mislim, da to ne more imet roka trajanja :D.

    1. Res je, čeprav letos se pa kar izogibam mojih tipičnih koralnih odtenkov na ustnicah, ker mi zdi, da mi ne pašejo več. Treba bo še eno čistko naredit v zalogi. Blushe sem pa vse koralne izvlekla iz predalov in jih nosim :)

      Ja, meni se je že kar nekaj parfumov pokvarilo. Dobijo tako zatohlo alkoholno noto, precej neprijetno in potem se jih matram čim hitreje pokvarit. Refanovi postanejo taki po dveh letih, drugi pa približno po 5-6. Escade so se mi vse pokvarile lani :/

  4. La vie en Rose je res čudovit odtenek mi je pa za pikico bolj všeč I'm nuts about you, katerega mislim da imaš tudi ti. Essence senčila in lip linerje moram pa še poskusiti.
    Pred leti sem tudi jaz imela en parfum od Paris Hilton in mi je bil fantastičen, sploh nisem vedela da je še v prodaji, moram naslednjič preveriti če je enak vonj in za 15€ si ga pa privoščim

    1. Meni je I'm Nuts About you lepši in bi bil lahko v vsakem favourites, ker ga največ nosim :)

      V spletnih trgovinah ga lahko dobiš za zelo poceni (All Beauty, Fragrance Direct, Salma,...). Mislim, da sem zanj dala takrat samo 11 €, ampak je bila še dodatna akcija.

  5. Vup,vup sami krasni izdelki kot vedno. Veš, da sem jaz včasih ful rada Lorealove stvari za lase uporabljala, dolker nisem postala tečna s temi šamponi in dokler me srbečica ni totalno najedla živcev:):), maske so mi ble vedno super, tut šamponi,še njihovo olje mi je blo kul. Najbolj me je izmed vseh zamikal THE BALM Meet Matte Hughes,sedaj imam za probat doma še Milani in Nyx in upam, da bodo super, sem pa vidla na Click to c., da ma tudi Jordana neke tekoče mat šminkice al sem mogoče malo zamešala. Mogoče boš ti imela kakšno objavo o njih ali si že imela, preden da vzamem kakšno, malo zaostajam za objavami;(:):):)

    1. Mene srbi po vseh šamponih, po naravnih še bolj, tako da je nega las na prvem mestu in so mi L'Orealove stvari (Elseve/Elvive) super, od teh Professionel sem pa do zdaj samo to masko preizkusila in že vem, da moram to znamko bolj raziskat :) Olje gre na seznam :)

      Od Jordane so čisto nove, tudi v ZDA :) Nisem še naredila objave, bo pa drug teden na C2C blogu, tukaj pa ne vem kdaj, enkrat ko bom imela čas vse naredit :D Imam dve sliki na Instagramu o njih, odtenek Cherry Cobbler, ki izgleda rdeč, ampak je živo, skoraj neonsko roza na ustnicah. Noro obstojna, res sem morala drgnit stran šminko pozno zvečer kot nora (z micelno sploh ne gre) in ima tudi popoln mat videz v manj kot minuti. Sama bi izbrala drug odtenek, čeprav je ta lep, ampak če želiš nekaj res mat in super obstojnega, pa nimaš suhih ustnic je kul. So mi pa od Milanija boljše :).

    2. Joj sem videla ja lih na instagramu tvojo slikico, res je orng pigmentirana. Bom počakala na objavo na C2C, meni je moj Milani sicer res super,sam vedn je fajn še kj drugega probat:). Mah za te laske je pa ta srbečica ena navadna j...., js sicer res trkam, da je bolše, sam je res hudo ko skos neki srbi pa nč ne pomaga, pol se pa že skor navadiš. Pa tut naravno ne pomaga vsem, eni so še bolj občutljivi na vse žavbe,pa rože:), pa sama velik naravnega uporabljam, pa me kar fejst zmoti dejstvo, da kdo reče, da po naravnem ni šans, da so reakcije in ne vem še vse,pa seveda,da so lahko. Sploh kaka eterična olja kolko ljudem ne pašejo. ti se kar drži svoje nege lask imaš preleeepeee:)

    3. To itak, te matte tekoče šminke bi imela vse možne :D

      Sama imam za najhujše primere srbečice Alpencin Forte. Smrdi kot zeliščen šnopec, ampak res pomaga. Imaš pa čisto prav glede eteričnih olj. Ni vse naravno kul. Lavera Plavica šampon je meni povzročil najhujšo srbečico do zdaj, pa ima ne vem koliko eko in bio nalepk. Pa hvala :)

  6. Frat Boy and Cannes are suuuuuch pretty shades, great picks!

  7. great picks!Here is some life style post lifestylebean.com
