If all my makeup disappeared, what are the first products I’d buy?

torek, avgust 16, 2016

I was going through my makeup collection the other day and I started thinking what are the absolute essentials that I would run to get in case something happened to my makeup. Let's just hope it stays safe, though I have some hidden stashes in other places than in my vanity, but was able to very quickly make a selection of products that I can't imagine a "classic, simple made-up Mateja look" to be without. All of these products are from my local drugstores, so nothing is from online (though I'm not sure about one product), everything is available to quickly shove in the basket in the most common drugstores in Slovenia (so basically most of Central Europe as well) like Müller, DM and Tuš Drogerija. Side note, I don't use anything on my eyebrows and I don't use powder that often, so I don't consider these things as my essentials in case you start wondering why there's nothing like that in my selection.  

Notice I didn't pick foundation? Well that's because this concealer looks better on the skin than any foundation I own. It is basically invisible on the skin, but offers about medium coverage (it's not for heavy-duty acne covering) and it has a natural, skin-like finish. The lightest shade is perhaps a bit dark, but I can pull it off and I love the design of the packaging which is a simple tube with a doe foot applicator. It even smells great. As much as I love this concealer, I suspect that if I used it every day as foundation it would last long, so at one point I'd grab my favourite foundation Healthy Mix Serum too.

This is just my absolute favourite everyday colour ever. It just works so well with my colouring and gives my lips some colour plus definition without looking too flashy, too dark or too pale and since I'm a matte girl at heart, it ticks that box too. It also last well on the lips, which is something I value a lot when it comes to lip products. There is no way I'd pick anything else first, though I truly love Golden Rose Velvet Matte lipstick in 12 and theBalm's Meet Matt(e) Hughes in Committed too.

I talk about this a lot on my blog and for a reason. It's cheap, but it pretty much does the work of a high-end mascara. It gives a lot of volume and length, it's truly waterproof, so it holds the curl well and it doesn't smudge. In terms of definition it could be better, but it doesn't clump up the lashes. 

I know most of you don't wear waterproof mascara that often and to be fair, I don't wear it daily either. I actually found a very good regular mascara that I wear a lot and I would repurchase because it's almost as good as a waterproof one, since it manages to lift the lashes half way and of course it does all the usual things, so gives me a nice amount of volume, length and definition. The mascara that managed to impress me: MAX FACTOR Voluptuous False lash Effect Mascara

Eyeliner became an absolute must for me. I can go without foundation, concealer, even mascara, but eyeliner definitely does the most work when it comes to my eye shape. I consider myself as having a pretty bland face, so I like to define my eyes which makes me look more alert, less sad or blank-faced and more awake. These pen eyeliners are by far my favourite because they are so quick and easy to use, but not at a lot in our drugstore have a nicely shaped applicator or a good, black formula. So far, the one that I'd pick in a hurry would be Superstar by L'Oreal because the formula is truly excellent. The applicator is a big, so it's hard to do thin lines, but it's a great shape for doing flicks. Of course, I'd actually prefer the original/regular version of Superliner, but we don't have it here.

Though I could live without eyeshadows, I'd still pick this one simply because the shade is so pretty for my colouring and I just love the formula of these. They are right behind Kiko's when it comes to quality, pigmentation is great, they look smooth on the lids because they don't have shimmer and they last pretty much all day on my normal eyelids. She's Got the Mauve is a quite unique shade in the drugstore ranges, as it's a taupe-violet shade that goes great with cool/neutral skin tones and blue/grey eyes.

This is my Nude-ist for the cheeks. I've loved this shade since the day I got it, I rave about it constantly and I will continue to do so because it's a great quality blush in my "life colour". The shade is difficult to describes because it doesn't fit into classic pink/peach/bronze categories, instead it's a mix of almost everything and it's like a muted rosy pink natural shade that gives the cheeks definition without overpowering the look. Though it says it's illuminating, it has a matte-satin finish and it lasts well on the cheeks. They've changed the pattern on the blushes a long time ago and I still haven't had the chance to compare if the shades are still the same.

ECOTOOLS Blush Brush 
Ok, here's the thing - I'm not completely sure these are still sold here. They used to be in supermarkets and in Tuš Drogerija, but now I have no clue.  Regardless that Catrice blush would need a brush and this is my favourite. It's soft, but dense enough to pick colour, it's a nice tapered shape and is just in general well made. If you can't find it anywhere, they have these on Ličila.si or iHerb.

While I don't consider nail varnish a necessity, this is a shade that makes my nails look polished, besides nude shades hide a lot and are appropriate for any situation. I just love everything about this one - the nude, muted rosy-violet shade that works so well with my skin tone and the fantastic, smooth and long-lasting formula that applies so much easier than nude shades with a classic formula. I already told you it's the "most borrowed (*kmh* stolen)" shade in my stash and it's for reason, as it suits almost everyone.

I'd love to hear what are your core products and what you'd buy in a pinch. Have a great day!

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  1. Čisto s tabo z Nude-ist in I'm Nuts About You, sem vedela da bosta na seznamu, ko sem prebrala naslov :D sem pa pričakovala še Essie Eternal Optimist :P Nisem pa še uspela preizkusit Essence kremnih senčil, ta barva je res lepa...ampak me prej vedno pritegne kaj drugega zraven nenehnih LE in pogostega menjavanja redne linije. Pa super post, tematske objave zelo rada berem :)

    1. Aja, moj najljubši izdelek pa je (kar ne morem verjet) Essence Pure Nude Higlighter...mislim da odkar sem ga kupila, se Mary Lou sploh dotaknila nisem :)

    2. Sem že čisto predvidljiva :D Ja, Eternal Optimist bi tudi hitro kupila, prvi Essie zihr :D, ampak ta lak od Deborah mi je bolj praktičen odtenek :)
      Jaz samo upam, da ne vržejo teh senčil hitro iz prodaje, ker so odlična.
      Pa hvala :)

    3. Aja, pa highlighter sem že dala na wishlisto :)

  2. Sem pričakovala da bo Bourjois Nude-ist v tem izboru. :) Kadarkoli ga vidim omenjenega, se spomnim nate, na meni pa mi ni preveč všeč.
    EcoTools čopiče sem enkrat zasledila v Intersparu, ampak možno, da jih tudi tam nimajo več.

    1. Pričakovano, a ne :P Vem, se spomnim, da tebi ni kaj dosti všeč. Mogoče bi ti bil bolj všeč theBalmov Committed, ker je bolj nevtralna verzija teh 90's nude odtenkov :)

      Ja, Ecotools so bili povsod po supermarketih, zdaj pa sploh ne vem če je še kakšen. Bronzer brush vem, da sem kupila v navadnem Tušu v NM, zdaj jih nimajo več.

  3. The Ecotools Blush Brush is my favorite :).

    1. It's such a great brush - fluffy, great shape and soft. Definitely my favourite for applying blush :)

  4. It's so hard for me to pick something but I know what I miss whenever I pack for more than 3 days and realize what products I can't live without haha. I would say my Bobbi Brown Eyebrow Kit and Rimmel Stay Matte Powder are top on the list. x

    | www.noirettediary.com |

    1. I realized I already have that selection of beauty products that I just stick to no matter what new products I try, so this wasn't that hard :) I could easily do a version for hair products as well.
      I've never tried Rimmel's powder, but my friend uses it and she say's it's nice too :)

  5. To maskaro od Essence tako hvališ, da jo bom morala tudi jaz preizkusit, ker imam enake trepalnice kot ti. Sicer pa uporabljam od Lancôme Doll Eyes, ki bi jo definitivno takoj šla iskat, če bi mi nenadno izginila. Drugi izdelki pa so Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream Ivory, svinčnik in vosek od Catrice za obrvi. Nisem še dobila svoje HG šminke, ampak verjetno bi ponovno izbrala kaj od Hello Waffle, ker imajo prijetno formulo/teksturo in so precej obstojne za ne-mat šminke.

    1. Imam par maskar na katere se lahko zanesem za moje trmaste trepalnice (zraven še Maybelline Sensational wp, Revlon Ultra Volume wp in Lancome Hypnose wp), ampak ta je najcenejša in da veliko volumna :) Prej sem kupovala Hypnose, ki je še vedno moja najljubša, ampak je predraga.

      Bourjois CC kremo imam mogoče celo pikico raje kot Healthy Mix Serum, ampak mi je najsvetlejši odtenek pretemen :) Za Hello Waffle pa prvič slišim, mi pa izgleda podobno kot thebodyneeds :)

  6. Super ideja za objavo, mogoče ti jo ukradem (če bo sedaj dovolj časa, da jo spišem :P). :)
    Drugače pa se strinjam z Ivano, tudi jaz sem bila ziher, da se bosta Bourjois Nude-ist in Catrice I'm Nuts About You znašla na tem seznamu, hehe. :)
    Drugače pa sem jaz čisto navdušena nad tem L'Orealovim eyelinerjem, mam ga že nekaj mesecev, pa še vedno pigmentiran kot na začetku. Pure love. <3 Pa EcoTools čopič za rdečilo je tudi na vrhu mojega seznama čopičev. Se mi pa zdi, da jih v Tušu in v Interšparu ni več za dobiti, ker sem jih iskala in jih več ne najdem.

    1. To bi pa zelo rada videla, da narediš tako objavo, če boš imela čas :D Vem, sem čisto predvidljiva :D Ja, ta L'Orealov liner je še kot nov po mesecih uporabe. Odličen je :)
      Nazadnje sem videla Ecotools v Tuš Drogerijah v Kranju, ampak mi nimamo Tuš drogerije tukaj tako, da nimam pojma če jih še imajo. Pa včasih so bili dobesedno povsod :/

  7. Ecotools čopiči so na sploh odlični. Tega blush imam jaz tudi, ampak ga uporabljam za puder v prahu :). Nudeist ke res tvoj odtenek. Catrice blush je prav tako res lep. Jaz ga obožujem z vijoličnimi odtenki šmink in eye makeupa.
    Ta ideja za objavo mi je ful všeč. Mogoče si jo jaz tudi izposodim. ;)
    Med mojimi senčili bi zagotovo bila Zoeva Cocoa Blend in pa obvezno Catrice Liquid Camouflage korektor.

    1. Res so dobri, jih imam nekaj :) Za puder v prahu imam pa tisti zlat čopič iz eBaya.
      Res bi rada videla še tvojo verzijo :) Zdaj porabljam zadnje izdihljaje Collection korektorja, potem pa preizkusim Liquid Camouflage :) Zoevine paletke me pa itak mikajo zaradi tebe :)

  8. Zelo, zelo mi je všeč tvoj izbor. Jaz bi tudi še 1x kupila Radiance Reveal, Eco T. čopiči so tudi meni dobri imam tudi tega za rdečilo, Vem,da sem ga kupila v Tuš drogeriji, ful mehki so, pa še vedno isti po vseh pranjih. Krasna objava.

    1. Hvala :) Moj Ecotools čopič je že star par let, pa je še vedno mehek :)

  9. To je deinitivno tudi moj najljubši concealer <3

    Ravno pravšnji odtenek in super tekstura!

  10. Jaz pa imam mešane občutke glede te Essence maskare... :/ če je tebi must, potem ji moram dati še kakšno priložnost, da se iskaže. :)
