Top 5 Bourjois Products

torek, december 06, 2016

This has been my favourite since it was launched and I haven't been without a bottle of it since. Up until I found this foundation, I could never wear anything on my forehead because it got so flaky over the day (I latter changed my skin care routine and it helped immensely), but with this foundation my forehead looked perfect. It appears to have been made for dehydrated flaky skin because it just glides over dry patches. The other reason I adore this foundation is because it looks almost invisible on the skin, but it provides a light to medium coverage. It kind of just melts in and blends in with your skin. I wore this yesterday after a while because I'm trying to use up a few of my older foundations and as I was applying it, I was just amazed at how much better it is - this is how a foundation should look like on the skin. It also has lovely fruity scent that I've loved from the first day and the packaging is very travel friendly because it's made from plastic as well as it's slim. The finish it has it dewy and on my combination skin this looks very healthy, however, I can't see it working on oily skin. It's now a whopping 16 €, I was completely shocked at the discovery and I can't believe Bourjois is getting away with such sneaky raising of prices.

I raved extensively about this concealer and even crowned it as my co-all-time favourite along with Maybelline's The Eraser. Initially I was turned off by the unfortunate shade range that excludes Snow White complexions like mine, but the scarily orange-looking lightest shade somehow manages to blend in well and not look so out of place. The reason I love this concealer is because just like the Healthy Mix Serum foundation it looks so natural. I'm prepared to sacrifice full coverage for a product that doesn't look heavy and cakey on my skin, a problem that tends to happen to me a lot for some reason, and this one delivers. It has such a spectacular natural "of course I'm not wearing any makeup" finish, has about a medium coverage and a nice light formula. I even wear it sometimes as a foundation and I think it looks better than most of the proper foundations I currently own. 

Rouge Edition Velvet
I'm a big fan of matte lips and these are some of my favourite formulas. Sadly not all perform the same, for example 08 Grand Cru is awful (I heard something about it now being different, however, I'm not sure), but 07 Nude-ist is perfection. These have a unique formula that resembles more a mousse than a liquid and most shades are sheer with one coat, so the need to be layered, but they look so nice on the lips, I think that more natural than most such products. Unfortunately some of my shades have already changed texture, the previously mentioned Grand Cru got even worse and  even more disappointingly 02 Frambourjois got all liquidy and is now very sheer (it's great when it's new and for the first year(s)), but Nude-ist is still perfect, so if you get one shade get this one. The newest Plum Plum Girl is gorgeous as well. 

Cream Blush
These are without a doubt my favourite cream blushes because they apply so easily and have a lovely velvet-matte finish. They manage to blend it with the skin really well, so they look more natural than most cream blushes, especially compared to those more dewy, sticky ones like Nyx Cream blushes. I mostly use them as a base under powder blushes to make them last longer.

Powders were never something I liked, but this one completely changed that. It's a fabulous powder that actually makes my foundation look better, it adds a bit of natural-looking radiance to the skin and sets the makeup to last. However, I wouldn't recommend this to oily gals. The dark blue version that is currently sold in our drugstores contains very obvious glitter, so it's not the same just to warn you.

I also love their 123 CC Cream and 123 CC Eye Cream, also their lipsticks are great as well. And what are your favourites from the brand? Have a great day!

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  1. Joj, meni je tale korektor top of the top res :)

    Čisto tapravi odtenek zame.

    Velvetki pa itak = ljubav <3

    1. Korektor nima konkurence pri nas, v tujini pa je samo še Maybellinov Eraser tako dober :)

      Nude-ist bo pa vedno moj odtenek <3

  2. Čisto s vsemi 5-imi se strinjam, TOP!

    1. Bourjois je sinonim za kvaliteto med drogerijskimi znamkami :) Bi pa lahko pri nas imeli tudi tele blushe in originalni Java powder.

  3. Moj favorit bi bil HM Foundation varianta. :) Bourjois res dela bolj naravne podlage. Ta je sploh za zimske dni, ker sem drugače po njej hitro mastna. Je pa najboljša varianta za takrat, ko imam še posebej suho kožo. Mat šminke bi tudi dala med favorite, čeprav ne moje osebne. Meni so preveč suhe na ustnicah. Ostalih izdelkov pa še nisem preizkusila. Ves čas najdem kakšno pohvalo na njihove kremne blushe. Mislim, da so že kar dolgo na trgu pa so še vedno favoriti večine vizažistov.

    1. Mislim, da pa meni foundation ni bil tako všeč. Sicer sem ga imela že leta nazaj, ampak se spomnim pokvarjene pumpice in da mi je bil serum veliko ljubši, ker ni bil tako "masten/dewy".

      Blushi so res odlični, lepo se nanašajo in zabrisujejo, so en nivo nad drugimi :) Ampak zakaj jih ne moremo imeti tudi pri nas, mi pa še zdaj ni jasno.

    2. Ravno to se tudi jaz sprašujem: kako to, da je pri nas tako majhna izbira kremnih blusherjev? Mogoče boš pa s to objavo (in z našimi odzivi)malce apelirala na uvoznike? ;)

    3. Ah, kolikokrat smo že Slovenske blogerke pisale o pomanjkanju kremnih rdečil, pa se nič ne premakne. Nekaj jih je celo pisalo uvoznikom. Ne vem zakaj se nas tako izgibajo :/ Izgovori v smislu, da se to ne bi prodajalo pri nas, leta 2016 zagotovo ne držijo.

  4. Dejansko še nisem od te znamke ničesar preizkusila, je pa nekaj stvari že dolgo na moji WL. Najbolj me mika puder, blushi in te čudovite šminke. Čudovite fotografije xx

    1. Ti priporočam da vsaj korektor ali puder sprobaš :) Hvala, te so slikane še s telefonom, ker imam to objavo že od maja pripravljeno :D

  5. Bourjois is a wonderful brand and Nudist is simply a terrific shade. Lovely post!

    Chaste & Beautiful

  6. Definitely have to try Bourjois concealer. Looks fantastic.

    Charming Coco

    1. I love it, though some say it creases on them :)

  7. That foundation is just dreamy!
    I've never tried the powder so I might give it a go

    1. Foundation is still the most perfect one I found for me :) The powder is amazing too, though currently I'm using Physicians Formula Nude Wear, which has the same effect, but it's in compact form :)
