Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet 08 Grand Cru - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet 08 Grand Cru

sreda, marec 05, 2014

I was really excited when I heard that Bourjois were launching their version of matte lip creams. I'm a huge fan of a matte finish and I own a few different versions of such lip creams with Essence ones (old formula) being my favourite. Rouge Edition lipsticks are my favourite formula in the drugstore range, so naturally I had high hopes for these. There are 8 colours available, you can see them swatched in this video from Le Simone Blog.

Texture: It's bit different from other matte liquid lipsticks I've tried. While others were light creams, this feels more like a mousse/cream hybrid. Application feels so soft, like the applicator is a fluffy cushion. 

Pigmentation: The pigmentation is where this product disappointed me a bit. I'm used to super pigmented formulas of these lip cream products, however, this swatches much sheerer and on the lips at least two coats are needed for full opacity. I swatched all the shades in the shop and though, the pigmentation of some shades was better, they are still not as pigmented as Essences (at least that's how it looked to me under the artificial lighting, but they all left a strong stain when rubbed off. Here you can find Essence's if you want to compare). This means that the first coat may look uneven and rubbing the lips together to evenly distribute the colour only makes it worse because of the mousse-like texture. It's best if you wait for one layer to set and then apply another over it. The lack of pigmentation also means that it's harder to create a nice, even edge around the lips, unlike with for example the Essence ones. If you apply too much, it does stay a bit sticky throughout the day and the product can start to clump together making it look uneven, however, if you apply the right amount, you can't even feel it on the lips at all. So this is not the easiest product to work with, but the final result can look fabulous.

Colour: This is the most perfect burgundy shade ever. No purple or brown undertones, just a proper deep red that is verging on vampy and exactly what I was looking for a long time. 

Finish: Like most matte lip creams this has a cream finish before it sets. Aside from pigmentation, another thing that does bother me is that it needs a long time to set to a matte finish, at least 15 minutes when two coats are applied, but what a gorgeous finish it is then. This has the most perfect, velvety matte finish out of all lip creams I've tried. It looks so glamorous to me. But such a matte finish has it's price. For one it feels a bit drier on the lips than other lip creams. Also the lips must be perfect before applying it, so no flaky bits or dryness. I exfoliate them before with some lip balm and a cotton bud, otherwise the product sticks to drier parts and those are then darker, therefore more obvious.

Staying power: Once it sets this doesn't budge. It survives eating, drinking and doesn't transfer except if you rub it. It's one of the most long-lasting products I own. I know this close-up after 10 hours looks a bit brutal (which close-up doesn't really and I took a picture under a less forgiving artificial light), but from a "normal-people-looking-distance" it looked fine. At least you can see how much colour survives the day. I didn't touch it up nor use a lip balm over it during the day.

Scent: A strange chemical one, but only noticeable during application.

Packaging: A square tube with a doe foot applicator that is exactly the same size as the Rouge Edition lipsticks.
Price and availability: I got mine in Müller (Zagreb) for 89.90 kn (11.75 €), but I hear they are already available in some Slovene DMs. They will be available in UK next month, while they are already sold in France and Belgium (and I presume some other European countries).

I adore the velvety mat finish of this and the gorgeous shade, but these don't knock my favourite matte lip creams, Essences Stay Matte (old formula), off it's throne. The pigmentation and therefore application leaves much to be desired. If you get them, be prepared to put a bit more effort into application. However, I still think I'll get that 02 Frambourjoise shade that I liked in the shop. They may be pricey for a drugstore product, but the finish is amazing which makes it all worth it for me.

Have a great day!

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  1. I just bought Peach Club and I'm really thinking of trying a few more... I suppose I won't be able to make the day withjout balm which will eventually take half of the colour off at some point, but still these will prove to be a gorgeous find! Thanks for the review :)

    Eli @ www.maquilab.blogspot.com

    1. That's the problem with these matte lip creams - if you have drier lips, putting a lip balm over it will make it rub off a lot faster.
      Peach Club looks gorgeous as well, I like the shade range in general :)

  2. Oh, na tebi je čudovit. Ampak sem preizkusila tester tega odtenka, in me je precej razočaral ravno zaradi te teksture in pigmentiranosti, zato ga bom najbrž preskočila. Je v bistvu edini, ki se je tako nanašal od vseh odtenkov, zato me je res presenetilo in sem ga odpravila kot flop kolekcije (pa čeprav je barva božanska). Včeraj so jih že imeli v DMih, Mullerju na Rudniku in tudi v Leclercu. Najcenejši so v Mullerju, ampak ima zdaj DM tiste bone na dekorativo, tako da se splača nabavit tam, padejo na cirka 9 evrov. :)

    Sicer me je pigmentiranost ostalih precej navdušila na roki, so se mi zdeli lepo mazljivi in spodobno pigmentirani. Sem se pa zaljubila v 02 odtenek in, presenetljivo, 07, nude odtenek. Res mi je lep. No, 01 rdečka mi je tudi zelo všeč, ampak imam preveč rdečih šmink doma, da bi upravičila nakup. :D

    1. Hvala:)
      Je kar malo presenetljivo, da je tako prosojna pigmentiranost. Nisem pričakovala kaj takega od Bourjoisa, še posebej ne od tako temnega odtenka. Ampak dobro, daš čez dodatno plast pa je. No hvala za te informacije, bo komu še prav prišlo :)
      Lepi odtenki so na splošno v tej kolekciji :)

  3. Čudovito:) Sem ravno kupila v odtenku 01 in se že veselim preizkušanja:) Meni pa je bilo ravno to všeč v trgovini, da ni super pigmentiran, ampak ga bom lahko bolj narahlo namazal kot neke vrste stain:) Finish izgleda res čudovito:)

    1. Imaš prav, je veliko lažje jih nanesti kot stain za tiste ki jih je tak izgled lepši :). Ampak pri tem odtenku stain izgleda neenakomeren na ustnicah, vsaj jaz ga ne znam lepo tako nanest. Finiš je prekrasen :)

    2. Ravno ugotavljam, da je nanos res težek, sploh za samo en nanos. Dva pa sta božanska:)

    3. A tudi pri 01? No, potem ni samo 08 problematičen. No, pač je treba nanesti dva sloja, I can live with that :)

  4. Hvala za oceno. Res krasno izgleda na tebi. In ful mi je všeč končni mat finiš. Verjetno bom preizkusila kak odtenek (ki po moje ne bo rdeč, hehe :D), čeprav še ne zdaj, si bom verjetno raje kakega podarila za rd čez dva meseca.

    1. Hvala :). Lepi odtenki so za izbrat, meni jih je kar nekaj všeč :). Saj so itak v stalni ponudbi, so pa do konca marca s tistim 30% popustom precej cenejši v DM-u.

  5. Sem jih ravno v ponedeljek gledala v DMu pa sem si mislila, da bom raje počakala, da preberem kakšno oceno...bom verjetno zdaj šla s tem popustom po kak odtenek :)

    1. Pametno :). Jaz sem si res želela imet ta odtenek, pa sem ga kar vzela brez da bi počakala na ocene. Ni mi žal da sem ga kupila, samo če bi vedela da bo ta popust, bi tudi jaz počakala :)

  6. Definitely not impressed. The formula looks kind of gloppy and it does wear of patchy.

    1. I personally like them, but they are have difficult formula to work with :).

  7. it looks fantastic and it has a great long lasting power, definitely going to try it. Thanks for the amazing photos ans review hun!♥♥♥

    1. You should give them a go :) The finish is amazing :)

  8. Prekrasen mat finiš pa barva je tudi ful lepa <3 Evo še ena, ki bo izkoristila DM popust :) Si bom pa omislila en poletni odtenek, ker pozimi imam preveč suhe ustnice, da bi nosila mat šminke.

    1. Je tale popust prišel kar ob pravem času :). So kar lepi odtenki na izbiro, so mi praktično vsi všeč :)

  9. tale glos je pa ful obstojen, drugače mene edino motijo d imajo ful močne barve

    1. Ja, te mat tekoče šminke so ponavadi vse bolj žive barve. Manhattan ima par svetlih odtenkov :)

  10. Jaz imam st. 2 in se mi zdi full pigmentiran, pa tudi s teksturo in nanasanjem nimam tezav.

    1. Očitno je čisto odvisno od odtenka. Frabourjoise je drugi na mojem spisku :)

  11. Komaj čakam, da pridem domov in si kakega privoščim :D pomoje bo kar tale odtenek :D

    1. A na Portugalskem jih pa nimajo? Tale je res lep odtenek :)

  12. What a beautiful finish. Such a shame that the swatches seems patchy.

    1. I love the finish, but yes, it does need a very careful application :)

  13. Tebi krasno pristaja in vse, ampak jaz sem včeraj letela v DM s kuponom, mi je dragi reku da mi časti par stvari :D in pridem pa izibram in gledam in nič, sem rekla da sprobam en marelični odtenek...katastrofa mi je bil! Zdržal mi je slabo uro na ustnicah. Mi pa ima krasen finiš...ampak jaz mislim, da bom tole kar preskočila ;) pa še tako ali tako imam preveč šmink in glosov.

    1. Hvala :) Samo eno uro? Verjetno se še ni posušil pa se je zbrisal, ali pa pač ima tisti odtenek slabšo obstojnost :)

  14. Končen rezultat zgleda res super... Hmm, ne vem, mogoče si pa celo kupim kakšen odtenek. :D

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Ja, končni efekt je res zelo lep. Bi imela še kakšen odtenek :)

  15. Res ti paše, kot Sneguljčica si <3
