Urban Decay Naked Basic Palette

ponedeljek, november 04, 2013

I already said in my favourites that if I was allowed to own just one eyeshadow palette, this would be it. I'm not much of an eyeshadow person, mostly because my eyes are hooded and I see no point in applying anything else than an eyeliner, but Basic palette has been a part of my every day routine since I got it. For me this is the perfect palette, especially for an natural, polished every day look. There are several different possibilities of combining the colours, but my favourite way of using it is: W.O.S. as a base, Naked 2 on the lid, Faint in the outer corner, Crave as a liner and Venus in the inner corner. 

Excuse the lousy swatches, but the colours are accurate despite the blueish tint of the skin. The ones of the finger tips are better:

The quality of the eyeshadows is very nice. I'm a fan of matte eyeshadows and these are smooth, blend really well and are nicely pigmented. They remind me a lot of Catrice's matte shade I own called 350 Starlight Expresso, but they are less buttery than ArtDeco 551, which is a matte skin tone shade.

Venus is the only non-matte shade in the Basic palette. Both Venus and Vir.gin (Urban Decay Naked) are highlighting shades with an iridescent finish. Vir.gin is pinker than Venus, yet on the eyes the difference is undetectable and both are excellent shades for highlighting the inner corners. In fact they are best I've found so far because they are both quite subtle and nice for every day (though Mac's Vanilla pigmented is super lovely as well).

Foxy and W.O.S. are the two blending shades. I like how they included two such colours in the palette since I used them the most (I have mentioned in my everyday makeup post that I use MUA's 16 every day). Foxy is yellow toned, while W.O.S. is pink toned, however, the difference on the eyes is to my eye minute.
ArtDeco 551 is almost a spot on dupe for W.O.S., while MUA matte eyeshadow in 16 is pinker, but again the difference is not that visible on the eyes, after all, they are blending shades.

Naked 2 is a light taupe shade and my favourite. I've been on a search for such a shade for years, but most were either too warm or too grey.
Naked from the original palette is less grey and warmer, while the only other similar shade I own, MAC's Wedge is more brown and much warmer. All are excellent crease colours, however, I mostly use them as lid colours. 

Faint is a dark cool brown shade which is very pigmented.
Revlon's Rich Sable is darker and cooler, as is a similar shade from Sleek's Storm palette (the one next to black). Buck from the original palette is much warmer.

Crave is a matte black and very pigmented. I use it as a liner.
Nxy's Black is even darker, while the black eyeshadow from a Sleek palette is very similar to Crave. Creep from the original palette is a dark smokey grey with shimmer.

The packaging is great, well made and with a really handy big mirror. The palette is about the size of a smartphone, so a nice size to carry around. The only odd thing I noticed about the eyeshadows is the weird scent. I only notice it when I use the mirror in the palette because they are close to me, but it's not bothersome.

I got mine on Look Fantastic for 19.50 €, but regular price is about 23 €. I don't find it too expensive for such a great collection of quality matte eyeshadows that I used every day. I'm really happy that it's a part of my collection.

Have a great day!

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  1. Js mam tut to paleto in jo uporabljam vsak dan, mislim, da sem zadela pan že na ene treh barvah. :) Imam pa tudi ful hooded oči in se mi zdi, da mi zato bleščičasta senčila sploh ne pašejo (razen mogoče na browbone) in mi je tale paleta popolna, ker naredi res lepo definirane oči. Pa še barvo za obrvi imam v njej. :) Super ocena! x

    Živa | Nothin' Fancy. Really.

    1. Meni je to res popolna paletka, čeprav vem, da na meni mejkap ne bo nikoli izgledal tako lepo kot na eni z drugačno obliko oči :) Hvala :)

  2. Ful so dobro pigmentirane. Sama se žal ne najdem v mat barvah, imam rada bleščičaste. Si morda sprobala MUA paletko, ki naj bi bila ista, ko tale večja bleščičasta paletka? Me zanima mnenje če mogoče si, ker jaz sama nisem opazila pretirane razlike v kvaliteti.

    1. Sama nisem imela še nobene MUA paletke, sem pa za sestrično kupila Heaven and Earth in se mi je zdela okej za ceno, ampak malo manj pigmentirana kot UD-jeve :)

  3. Tole imam na WL in jo bom v kratkem nabavila. Sem pa tudi jaz bolj za mat odtenke, res je prekrasna :)

    1. Zdaj se ti kar splača ker so na Look Fantastic in HqHair popusti preko kod :)

  4. Težko je najti dobro pigmentirana mat senčila, predvsem mislim pri poceni znamkah. Tale paleta pa ni pretirano draga:) Mi je všeč, res take osnovne barve s katerimi lahko veliko narediš in uporabljaš vsak dan:)

    1. Res je, ampak meni so od Catrice všeč in poceni. Čeprav če bi kupila 6 senčil od Catrice (če jih sploh ima toliko mat), bi bila cena verjetno tam nekje kot ta paletka :)

  5. Tale paleta je res top, edino vonj me moti, ker mi res smrdijo. Tud sama uporabljam isto kombinacijo kot ti, vendar večinoma brez eyelinerja, pa še všeč mi je ker lahko Naked2 uporabljam tud za obrvi :)
    Aja pa vse pohvale, za primerjave z ostalimi senčkami :)

    1. Vonj je res čuden, ampak mene kaj dosti ne moti.
      Hvala :)

  6. Super paletka je tole ja... :D Sem vesela, da si zadovoljna z njo! ;)

  7. Kombinacija, ki jo najpogosteje uporabljaš me spomni na mat verzijo WetNWild Walking on Eggshells paletko. Samo da je ta shimmery. Jaz imam tudi IMO povešene veke, ampak me ne moti, se izživljam z raznovrstnimi senčili. :D Teh Naked paletk pa nimam, imam toliko "naravnih" posamičnih senčk, da se mi ne zdi vredno denarja, čeprav je kvaliteta res odlična.

    1. Walking on Eggshells mi izgleda podobna L'Orealovi Made for Me Naturals Blonde (ne prodajajo več), ki je ena izmed mojih najbolj uporabljenih paletk. Izgleda lepo :)

  8. Čudovita paletka <3 Imam polno takšnih 'natural' paletk, pa bi takoj imela še to, barve so super in res uporabne, pa še lahko jo je s sabo nosit. Dober review! :)

  9. Such a great basic palette! Thanks for the in-depth review and the swatches.

  10. Odlična ocena. Paleta je res super za nekoga, ki je ljubitelj naravnega looka. Jaz osebno imam raje bleščičasta senčila in najraje imam temnejše looke, tako da nekako dvomim, da bi to paleto pogosto uporabljala, če bi jo imela.
