Kardashian Beauty Whip Lash Mascara
torek, november 04, 2014
I didn't expect much from this mascara. For one the packaging looks ridiculously cheap and the wand looks like Great Lash is having a comeback, not to mention it's a regular formula, which right off the bat means my lashes will drop in a microsecond. But I was pleasantly surprised by it. It's not fantastic, but it is very decent.
Packaging and wand: The packaging feels so cheaply made. It's not just the plastic, the label looks wonky as well. The brush is very 90's - a classic wire brush, but with bristles that vary in length. In practice it turns out that the different bristles actually come handy, with the shorter side giving definition and the longer length and volume due to having more formula to deposit on the lashes.
Effect: The whole idea of this mascara is that you can gradually apply it to get the desired effect, so natural or glamorous lashes. You can get natural look if you apply a light layer, but built-up it never quite achieves the Hypnôse level. It gives a bit of length and some volume, basically it's a nice everyday mascara, but for something more you'll have to turn to something else. It defines more than I expected from the brush, but as you can see from the picture, it can get a touch clumpy if you're not careful, especially when it's new. It's definitely more volumising that the last mascara I reviewed, Bourjois Volume 1 Second, but less than Essence Lash Princess. I notice that unlike all regular mascaras, with this my lashes don't drop immediately after application, the curl does hold for a while, but then as always my lashes drop. I think that if you don't have such stubborn lashes as me, but still need something that would hold curl a bit better than most regular mascaras, this might just work for you.
It claims that regular use will make your lashes look longer, thicker and blacker. I've been using it for about two months and I noticed no such changes. For me it's not surprise that it doesn't do what it claims and I'm not disappointed as my lashes are in pretty good condition anyway, but all those who may buy the mascara purely for the claims, I'll just tell you that there is only as much a mascara for 15 € can do.
Staying power: I noticed no smudging, neither on the lids not under the eyes. It doesn't crumble and fall down on the cheeks. For the price that's what I'd expect.
Price and availability: It costs 15 €, which is a lot for a mascara, though as you know I pay more for my waterproof Hypnôse, but that one does everything I need and expect from it.
The packaging is a joke at this mascara, just look at L'Oreal or Bourjois for such a price, however, the product inside is nice, so they are forgiven to a certain degree. It's a nice lengthening and volumising mascara, it needs a bit more caution if you want defined lashes and it holds the curl a bit longer than regular mascaras. In general I can say that I expected a lot less from this mascara and I was quite pleasantly surprised. It's not amazing, but it is good.
Have a great day!
Izdelke Kardashian Beauty lahko najdete na Click2Chic.
*The mascara was gifted to me by Click2Chic.
Aaaaa ubijala bi za tvoje trepalnice, moje so prekratke, še fant ima daljše, vam prav zavidam :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugače mi je pa krtačka zanimiva :D Take še nimam :D Čeprav me Kardashian izdelki niso prepričali =/ Naj bi jim maskare delala ista firma kot Lancomu, ampak glede na to da mi tudi Lancome ne odgovarjajo, mi verjetno tudi te nebi =/
Hvala *blushes* :)
IzbrišiJe zanimiva in čeprav izgleda bolj "gimmicky" me je kar presenetilo kako vsaka stran ima svoj efekt. A res, ista firma kot Lancomu jim dela? Sploh nisem vedela. Po mojih izkušnjah delajo Lancomove veliko boljše rezultate :)
Ajda, nisi edina. Jaz mam tudi enkrat krajše trepalnice, kot moj fant! Sem mu že rekla, da bi mogla zamenjat, hehe. :P
IzbrišiMateja, tvoje trepalnice so res WOOW, nikoli se jih ne morem nagledati. <3 Drugače pa ti Kardashian izdelki mene niti malo niso pritegnili, najprej zaradi cheap embalaže, ko pa sem videla še cene....
I'm interested in trying this do I have to order it from somewhere?
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's available on Feel Unique and Look fantastic online, but it's also sold in some physical shops, I just don't know where for every country :)
IzbrišiOjej kakšna pakunga :O
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz imam tudi problem glede privihanosti, imam težke in ravne trepalnic. Sedaj sem jo pa našla, tisto top shit maskaro. Najraj bi se zjokala, ker je Diorjeva. Vsakič k jo bom kupla, bom plačala s težkim srcem, ampak če jo res lahko uporabljaš pol leta, tako kot je prodajalka trdila, malo opraviči svojo ceno.
Ma pakunga je direktno iz kakšne kitajske trgovine. Niti približno ne izgleda, da je vredna 15 €, ampak vsaj formula je ok.
IzbrišiMene tudi srce boli vsakič ko grem po novo Hypnose, hvalabogu so bile tiste akcije v Müllerju :) Jih imam isto za pol leta oz. dokler je ne zmanjka, medtem ko tale Kardashianova je po dveh mesecih že precej suha.
Potem pa zračunama, v pou leta, uporabina 4 maskare za prbl. 10€, pa pride še dražje skoraj, kot, ena dobra za 6 mesecev :)
IzbrišiMeni se pa zdi celoten dizajn teh Kardashian izdelkov zgrešen. Ne vem zakaj mi vse izgleda tako "cheap", čeprav izdelki pa očitno niso tako slabi. Ampak bi človek pričakoval, da bodo vložili še kaj več v dizajn. Res imaš zelo zelo dolge trepalnice - občudujem:) Mi pa ni preveč všeč, ker se mi zdi, da bi mi ta maskara preveč zlepila trepalnice. Sicer pa imajo cenejše včasih boljši efekt.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYup, glede embalaž se niso kaj pretirano potrudili, razen eyeliner izgleda spodobno. Hvala :)
IzbrišiZdaj ko je že bolj suha, bolje definira, ampak pač je posledično manj volumna. Je pa od Essence Lash Princess veliko bolj volumenska proti tej, se mi pa trepalnice zravnajo v sekundi z njo.
It's sound alright. Thanks for being so critical and giving us an honest review.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh, you know me - I'm all about being honest whether the product was gifted to me or I bought it on my own. To me there is no difference :)
IzbrišiI do love the eyeliner, though :) Great stuff.
Se strinjam, nekatere stvari res zgledajo čisto poceni in zanič. Čeprav sem z lip glossi zelo zadovoljna, sploh meden vonj in mentol učinek sta super :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiS trepalnicami imam pa tudi jaz srečo, da so že naravno privihane - se pa opazi da ti veliko lepše naredi Lancomova :)
Jaz sem dejansko pričakovala nižje cene. Nisem bila nekaj dosti seznanjena z njihovo kozmetiko preden sem dobila te stvari, ampak že po izgledu sem mislila, da je maskara kakšnih pet evrov, je bil kar šok ko sem videla, da je 15.
IzbrišiObožujem vonj po medu, ampak nisem še imela možnosti preizkusit glossov. No saj jih itak ne nosim :)
Srečnica! Ja, v živo se pa sploh vidi razlika med maskarama :)
Thanks for the review I am looking for a new mascara to try and i can't wait to try this one out!