Catrice Defining Blush 020 Rose Royce - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Catrice Defining Blush 020 Rose Royce

četrtek, februar 06, 2014

A few months ago I bought my first Catrice blush and I was blown away by the quality. So I went back to the drugstore and picked up another shade called 020 Rose Royce. I already wrote a pretty extensive review on the other shade called 040 Think Pink , so I won't repeat myself too much and I suggest you read that review if you want to know more. Basically it's the same awesome formula that is super pigmented, silky and really long lasting (and I mean really long lasting. Once it lasted me over 8 hours, though, granted I did apply a lot to begin with).

020 Rose Royce is a much more natural looking shade than Think Pink. It's a matte nude shade with slight rose tones that are much more apparent on the cheeks. It doesn't look like much in the pan or swatched, but it looks so beautiful on the cheeks. This is the type of colour that goes with everything and it's basically a foolproof blush. 

Yup, another fabulous blush by Catrice. I've pretty much worn only Think Pink or Rose Royce since I got them. I might get some more colours, though I kind of wish they had better remaining choices. Maybe I'll get the peach one next time, who knows. These cost 3.79 €.

Have a great day!

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  1. Zelo lep odtenek. Čisto moj okus:) Zelo lepo izgleda na tebi:)

  2. Obe sta mi ful lepi. Jaz imam Pinkerbell, ki je še bolj pink kot Think Pink, ampak mi je ful lepa in kvaliteta je odlična. Nekako imam občutek, da bo Rose Royce naslednja ...

  3. Oba odtenka sta mi zelo všeč, si ju morem zapisat. Sploh ne vem zakaj sem tak dolgo rabla, da sem kupila kak blush od Catrice, ker so res super :)

  4. Ker lep odtenek, mislim da bo Rose Royce naslednji v moji zbirki :)

  5. Great review! I've been thinking in getting the Think Pink but I wasn't sure about the quality but you've convinced me now! :) xx


  6. Oba krasna, tvoje trepalnice pa <3

  7. Wow! I have one blush of catrice of my own, and I love that one :) And gah, can't get over how pretty you are!
