Max Factor Creme Puff Blush 20 Lavish Mauve and 05 Lovely Pink - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Max Factor Creme Puff Blush 20 Lavish Mauve and 05 Lovely Pink

sreda, julij 08, 2015

The moment these hit the market, they were dubbed as the Hourglass Ambient blushes dupes. The latter are highly praised by the beauty community, so hearing that a cheaper similar product exist definitely piqued my interest, though I was never sold on the whole dupe thing (if I applied the term dupe so openly as some do, then any baked blush would be a dupe for Hourglass'). I got two shades - I first bought Lavish Mauve that was on my wishlist for a while and then I was surprised by Max Factor when they sent me another shade called Lovely Pink. I must say I love the latter one a lot more. Only four shades are available in Slovenia, while there are plenty more in this range. The other two shades are Seductive Pink, which is similar to Lovely Pink, but darker and more pigmented (swatch by Nadja), while Alluring Rose is a bronze shade that is most shimmery and pigmented out of the four, and it just didn't look like it would work on me (review and swatches by Sara here)

The texture of these is kind of creamy when you swatch them with fingers, but it's still a powder. I don't find these terribly pigmented, though I have the lightest two shades, but this isn't a bad thing. The catch is that because these are sheer, you can apply a lot more and therefore you get more of that glowy effect, but it's not like a bag of glitter was dropped on you because the shimmer in it is fine. 

I like the staying power of these. A lot of blushes don't last terribly long on me, but these definitely manage to cling on for at least seven hours.


Lavish Mauve caught my eye, when I first saw swatches of these and I expected a natural shade, something along the lines of Catrice's Rose Royce or maybe I'm Nut's About You, but I realized at home it is very different. It's a light cool toned pink on my cheeks, which is completely unexpected from what it looks in the packaging. Swatched on the back of my hand, it's a light pink-violet-mauve shade with subtle violet shimmer that gives it that cool toned reflection on my cheeks. Lavish Mauve is the least shimmery out of the four available here and there is a bit of that sheen on the cheeks, but it's definitely nothing special when it comes to the famous "glow" . This one looks more "natural" on the skin, while Lovely Pink is a shade that "pops" more.


Lovely Pink is a light pink that is a lot more shimmery than Lavish Mauve. It's also a warm shade, so I prefer it on my cheeks. Actually Lovely Pink and Lavish Mauve aren't that different: they are both light pinks, just one is more cool toned and less shimmery, while Lovely Pink is warmer, brighter and more shimmery. In terms of glow, it's faring better than Lavish Mauve, but it's not exactly like a highlighter plus blush. Though I think there must be something wrong with my skin because I just cannot get the famous glow on me. I saw how this exact shade looks on Lippie Hippie and I am so jealous because it does not look as awesome on me by at all. So I started pairing it with a creamy highlighter and it's better.

These cost 12.79 € in Müller and are probably similarly priced elsewhere. I find the price very high for a drugstore blush, especially since Catrice's are so good for a third of the price. As far as the famous glow is concerned, Lavish Mauve is a bit of a disappointment to me, even though the shade itself is pretty, but I can get a similar colour for less money. Lovely Pink is already better and I've been wearing it loads this and lasts month, however, I don't get the same glow on my cheeks than apparently everyone else. I can see the shimmer in it when I swatch it, but there is much less of it visible on my cheeks. Still I love pairing it with a creamy highlighter and then it works well. If you're planning on getting these, I'd rather go with Lovely Pink than Lavish Mauve.

Have a great day!

*Shade Lovely Pink was sent to me, while I bought Lavish Mauve.

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  1. Super ocena. Podrobna in iskrena - I like. :)) Sem čakala na tvojo oceno, preden se odločim za morebiten nakup.
    Jaz sem sprva tudi imela Lavish Mauve na WL (ko sem jih prvič swatchala), ampak potem me je tale hladen vijola/mauve pridih malo prestrašil. Mam raje toplejše in rozaste odtenke. Mislim, da bo Lovely Pink pravi zame (ali pa mogoče Seductive Pink); upam le, da bo pri meni tale glow viden, ker me ravno zaradi tega najbolj vleče. :)) Vseeno pa ne bom kar na vrat na nos letela po njega v drogerijo, ker me cena še vedno 'bremza' in sem optimistična, da bo mogoče čez čas tudi kakšen popust (ko se ta začetna priljubljenost malce poleže).

    Se pa mi zdi, da ti Lovely Pink odlično pristaja - prav poživi te! <3

    1. Hvala <3 Odvisno od mejkapa, ampak včasih mi se mi ta hladen odblesk na meni zdi tako čuden, ampak npr z eno bolj nevtralno ali hladno šminko pa že gre.
      Lovely Pink pride bolj do izraza na licih, ker je toplejši in malo bolj živ. Pa čeprav ga moram nanesti malo več, je dosti pigmentiran, da ustreza tudi takim, ki niso tako svetli kot jaz (preverjeno). Jaz bi na tvojem mestu sabo vzela čopič za blush in ga nanesla v trgovini, da vidiš kako je kaj s tem glow efektom na tebi :)

  2. Jaz si jih tudi že kar nekaj časa ogledujem, se pa nisem še odločila za nakup... Sta mi oba tvoja odtenka res lepa, mi je ful ušeč ta lesk, ki ga pustita.
    Mogoče bi bom vzela Lovely Pink :D

    1. Lovely Pink je veliko bolj glowy/šimrast in se mi zato zdi boljši, sploh če želiš tak blush zaradi tega. So pa res dragi :/ Ampak se na swatchih vidi koliko je od MF bolj sijoč v primerjavi s Catrice Illuminating blush, ki naj bi imel isti efekt.

  3. I have 'Gorgeous Berries' and I love it :) It's crazily pigmented and dark, so it's hard to apply it, but it's worth the effort ;) I'm going to get some other shade :)

    1. We don't have Gorgeous Berry here, but I've seen swatches and man is it intense :)

  4. Hvala za link <3
    Meni sta oba odtenka lepa, ampak sem zaenkrat zadovoljna z dvema, ki ju imam. Mislim, da je glow na koži odvisen od deleža svetlejšega dela v rdečilu, ker so vzorci med seboj precej različni in se mogoče zato na tebi ne pozna toliko.

    1. Ni za kaj :D Čisto možno, da je zaradi tega. Sem mislila, da ima mogoče kaj zvezo s tem, da sem jaz tako svetla, ampak saj ti si tudi. Na meni ta sijoč efekt ne pride toliko do izraza kot na drugih, za kar mi je res žal.

  5. Mene je obšel ta hype. Nekako mi niso tako zanimivi. Sploh pa mi je cena absolutno prevelika za en blush. Odtenek, ki mi je še najbolj všeč Nude Mauve. Ki ga seveda pri nas ni. Zadnjič sem ga videla v Bipi in mislim da je tam še dražji kot pri nas. Če mi ga kdo podari, drugače pa res ne:) Ne vem zakaj se mi ves čas dozdeva, da je Milani Luminoso podoben efekt. Če so že popularni zaradi tega sijaja. To je moj najljubši blush, ker ima dokaj majhen šimer in res izgleda glowy:)

    1. Meni se je tudi ustavilo srce, ko sem videla ceno :/. Na splošno se MF-ju, L'Orealu in Maybellinu nenormalno zvišujejo cene z vsakim novim izdelkom. Nude Mauve tudi mene zanima, čeprav ga isto kot ti ne bi kupila za polno ceno.
      Zdaj sem se zapičila, da bi tudi jaz rada malo bolj glowy lička in so me začeli zanimati Milanijevi blushi in pa the Balm highlighter, ki ga tudi ti hvališ :)

    2. Uuu prihajaš na našo svetlečo stran? :D The Balm he vreden vsakega denarja. Res da je viden iz vesolja in to mi je najbolj všeč. Pa odtenek je perfekten. :) Milani rdečila vem da so čisto odvisna od odtenka. Nekatera so kar precej bleščičasta. Luminoso ima še zelo majhen šimer proti ostalim. Zato mi je tako všeč:) Kateri odtenki pa so ti všeč? No saj jih je veliko, jaz bi tudi še večala zbirko :D

    3. Yes, I am :D No pravzaprav se vračam, ker včasih sem ves čas nosila kombinacijo Jemma Kidd highlighterja in Coraliste, dokler mi ni en pobič rekel zakaj imam na obrazu bleščice, but now I don't care anymore :D Zelo me mika the Balmov highlighter, ker itak nimam nobenega drugega powder highlighter-ja z izjemo tistega od MR, ki si mi ga ti dala. Shocking, I know.
      Luminoso me malo skrbi, da bi lahko na meni izgledal malo oranžno, čeprav zdaj imam itak samoporjavitveni tonik, ampak sem vedno gledala bolj odtenke Coralina, Dolce Pink in zdaj Berry Amore.

    4. Bi rekla, da je to magic, če te je tako vprašal :D A res samo en powder higlighter? You poor thing. Ampak ko kupiš The Balm tudi ne boš nobenega drugega več rabila :).
      Res je pachy. Bo prej oranžen kot kar koli drugega :). Berry Amore se mi zdi najbolj tvoj odtenek. Meni je ta tudi všeč. Moti me ker se mi zdi, da imajo vsi drugi odtenki veliko večje bleščice kot npr Luminoso :).

    5. Good answer :D Yup, taka revčka sem :D Ti čisto verjamem.

      Sem slišala glede bleščic, ampak na swatchih mi pa sploh ne izgleda da je kakšna razlika. Moram še malo raziskat odtenke :)

  6. Čeprav izgledajo čudovito, mene nekako niso tako zainteresirali :) Predvsem se mi zdijo predragi, ker imata essence in catrice lahko čisto enako dobre blushe za manjšo ceno. Drugače sta pa lepa odtenka ;)

    1. Cena je kar huda :/. Sem se težko ločila od toliko denarja za en blush, ampak ok, meni blushi trajalo forever :). Catrice ima definitivno zelo kvalitetne blushe, čeprav tisti iz linije Illuminating niso ravno sijoči na ličkih, sploh v primerjavi z MF. Essence pa jaz sploh ne štejem med kvalitetne blushe, ampak to je samo moje mnenje.

    2. Meni so od essenca dokaj ok, saj so kar pigmentirani, ampak od Catrica Defining blushi so mi pa resnično zakon :) Ful raje imam na splošno mat blushe in ne sijoče, ker imam že tako mastno kožo, tako da če si slučajno zaželim malo več sijaja uporabim kar osvetljevalec :)

    3. Od Catrice so res odlični :) Jaz se večinoma še vedno držim bolj mat blushev, me pa zadnje čase mamijo šimrasti :)

  7. Woho, I gotta have Lavish Mauve!!! Looks gorgeous!

    1. I wish it had more of a glow, but it's still pretty :)

  8. Super izgleda! bo treba nekaj sprobat :D


    1. Škoda, da imajo pri nas samo štiri odtenke, ampak saj so itak lepi :)

  9. I like both on you! But me, I always lean more towards pink shades :-)

    1. Thank you :) I prefer the shade Lovely Pink out of these two :)

  10. Lovely Pink je moj omiljeni! Odlican post Mateja :)

    Nikoleta, xoxo.

    http://nljuljduraj.blogspot.com/ Ako mozes pogledaj i moj blog.

  11. Mah sej sploh ne vem zakaj se trudim.... Sem mislila, da mi bo uspelo ostat brez Lovely Pink in Alluring Rose, pa ko sem ju videla na tebi in Sari, mislim da bom morala še ta dva kupit :D Čakam na kak popust :D

    1. Res ne vem zakaj se :D Kje so popusti na mejkap ko jih rabiš, a ne? :D
